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Ruth Paine

Paul Trejo

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Ruth Paine was in a lesbian relationship with Marina Oswald, IMHO. If you read the "love" letters it's fairly easy to see that if you read between the lines. In addition, she never remarried and as we know, the Dallas police carted off her lesbian film collection and a projector that she argued about them taking.

The third "love" letter that she never sent to Marina, she tried very hard and succeeded to get back from the Warren Commission as I recall.

Now, spies do sexual things all the time and Marina, was certainly highly sexualized from what I understand. The lesbian relationship could have been a relationship of convenience for one or both. It could have been real or part of one of their or both person's job. Nevertheless, there is so much more to Ruth Paine than has been disclosed. "Forgetting" the higher paying baggage handling job offer for Oswald and tossing away the info has always been suspicious just on its own IMHO.


I think you're probably right.

Never heard about the lesbian film collection, though.

Can you please post some frames from it?


--Tommy :sun

No, that's incorrect, actually.

The so-called "Love Letters" are really only about Christian love. Ruth Paine was and remains a Quaker Charity Lady.

HOWEVER -- the famous William Manchester, in his re-write of the Warren Commission that he created for the Kennedy family in his famous book, Death of a President (1967) did insinuate that Ruth Paine's interest in Marina Oswald was lesbian.

Manchester didn't openly accuse Ruth of being a lesbian -- he only insinuated it. These insinuations were based on closing statements in two of Ruth Paine's letters to Marina, i.e. she closed with "an embrace" and with "a kiss."

Anybody who knows the New Testament (admittedly a rare knowledge today) knows that the Apostle Paul would sometimes end his letters with "an embrace" and a "holy kiss".

Also, in one of Marina's letters to Ruth, she did use the phrase, "I love you," however, this was in the context of Marina Oswald very worried that Lee Harvey Oswald was threatening to send her back to the USSR with her children -- and without him. Marina didn't want to go back to the USSR. She would rather stay in the USA as a single-parent, and she was very worried during this period from March 1963 through August 1963.

There was nothing erotic in any of this.

Ruth Paine tried to think of ways to defend Marina Oswald -- for example, she researched the large Russian Community in New York City, in which Russians could find good jobs there without knowing any English at all. Ruth wanted to pursue this for Marina, even though Marina would live in New York while Ruth Paine would live in Texas.

There was nothing erotic in the letters. There was only a Christian concern regarding a human rights need. There was also a cultural mismatch between the Russian Marina Oswald and the American Ruth Paine, and their attempt to find common ground.

Christianity was the only common ground they could find.

The language about "love" was Christian, not eroticism.

The dirty minds of William Manchester and his readers are the only so-called "evidence" that anybody has regarding claims of a lesbian relationship between Marina Oswald and Ruth Paine. In the insinuations of William Manchester, Lee Harvey Oswald was driven insanely jealous by this alleged lesbian relationship between Ruth Paine and his wife -- and that's why he killed JFK.

I don't think I've ever read a more fictional account of the JFK murder than that, and I've read plenty.


--Paul Trejo


I love you even though you're wrong about Ruth Paine and, and, ... well, you bore me to tears, darling.

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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I love you even though you're wrong about Ruth Paine and, and, ... well, you bore me to tears, darling.

--Tommy :sun

Read your Bible, Tommy.


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I love you even though you're wrong about Ruth Paine and, and, ... well, you bore me to tears, darling.

--Tommy :sun

Read your Bible, Tommy.


But darling, your long, never-ending, ten-in-a-row, pedantic posts ARE my Bible, darling.

Now go ahead and turn the other cheek, darling! Yes! Yes!

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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I repeat -- all kidding aside -- if anybody has any real, solid evidence that Ruth Paine had a lesbian relationship with Marina Oswald, I invite you to share it in this thread, where I will give it careful consideration.


--Paul Trejo

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I repeat again -- this isn't a joke to me -- if anybody has any real, solid evidence that Ruth Paine had a lesbian relationship with Marina Oswald, I invite you to share it in this thread, where I will give it careful consideration.

My project is to catalog all the accusations about Ruth Paine in JFK research -- I find this one only in insinuations by William Manchester and noplace else. Is there any more?


--Paul Trejo

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There was the rumor she was going to run off with "big Vlad" and "little Vlad" but being a good christian lady and married to boot she resisted that temptation.


Coming from you that is a joke. You're the one with the crystal ball that's been telling us what everyone else was "thinking" fifty years ago. I hope you don't make me go through your posts one by one catologing each instance that you told us what so-and-so "thought". What should we call that project? The Magnificent Paul "Carnac" Trejo Project:

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Chris, if you can't defend your arguments with logic, then please just admit you have nothing.

Making jokes just shows your insecurity.

I repeat my challenge -- if anybody has any SOLID EVIDENCE to share about Ruth Paine -- please share it here.



--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Chris, if you can't defend your arguments with logic, then please just admit you have nothing.

I can't help it if you've run out of material for your long winded diatribe and the crowd around your soapbox is slowly dwindling. You asked for Ruth Paine rumors and I gave you one. There is documentation.

Making jokes just shows your insecurity.

Just trying to point out absurdity when I see it.

Ruth immediately thought …

and Ruth thought that…
Ruth changed her mind about Lee -- she really thought
Michael thought to himself
Ruth Paine just thought
Ruth always thought
people have thought
they thought LHO
Ruth Paine was very disturbed by this news, and promptly thought
Ruth thought that she could
Ruth thought
she thought LHO *couldn't* have shot JFK
Ruth Paine herself thought that LHO
Liebeler thought this was kind of dumb
thought Ruth Paine
Michael thought the letter
LHO had nothing to be worried about -- or so he thought.
They were returning the "Walker Note" since they thought it was from her
Walker thought that
It was not her first thought
She never thought
at these times she thought
this interviewer thought
Ruth thought Marina was
or what Marina thought she understood
they thought it prudent to cut off ties with Ruth Paine
Ruth Paine thought this was abuse
Really? In this thread alone, you told us what Lee Harvey Oswald was thinking, what the Paines and Marina were thinking. You've told us what the Warren Commission and the Secret Service were thinking and what the Nicaraguans and General Walker were thinking. Did I leave anyone out?
You have a lot of inside knowledge.
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Really? In this thread alone, you told us what Lee Harvey Oswald was thinking, what the Paines and Marina were thinking. You've told us what the Warren Commission and the Secret Service were thinking and what the Nicaraguans and General Walker were thinking. Did I leave anyone out?

You have a lot of inside knowledge.

Chris, as for my claiming what Ruth Paine (or anybody) thought -- that comes directly from the Warren Commission Testimony. So, I'm confident in that.

(Yes, I know that in 2015, very few people actually read the Warren Commission testimony -- well, it shows.)

As for everything else, I consistently use the phrase, IMHO. I never claim to have final proof. So what's the source of your irritation? If it's like most of my critics here, it's because I flatly disagree with the CIA-did-it theory of the JFK murder.

The CIA-did-it theory has FAILED. That's my position. But most of the books of the past 50 years have claimed that the CIA did it. We even get this theory from Oliver Stone's movie, JFK (1992) which started millions of Americans reading JFK literature.

So -- I have a minority position. Big deal.

But what really irritates people is that my arguments are solid -- and most others here only rely on guesswork and sentences that begin with, "Everybody Knows."

Well, any JFK theory that fails to give due regard to the central place of General Walker in the Dealey Plaza scenario is back-assward. That includes the CIA-did-it, the Mafia-did-it, or the LBJ-did-it nonsense theories. That's my point.

I'm willing to offer solid evidence -- and it really shows the weakness of the other side when y'all only produce JOKES.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Except for Jon Tidd, there have been few substantial comments on the work I posted over the past weekend (assorted posts from #292 to #322), in which I deconstructed the weak arguments of James DiEugenio as given in pages 193-208 within the second edition of his book, Destiny Betrayed (2012), in the section, The Baron, the Paines, and Dulles.

Perhaps the sheer quantity of material was too much for some readers. So, I’ll summarize all of those posts into one post with 18 of the key points, for brevity:

1. Jim Garrison suspected, and DiEugenio insists, that George DeMohrenschildt was a CIA Agent who “handed over” the Oswalds to the CIA Agent couple, the Paines, during a February 22nd 1963 party at Everett Glover’s apartment. DiEugenio is certain that the Paines had known the DeMohrenschildt’s for a long time, despite Ruth’s 1964 claim that she met them for the first and last time in her life, at that party. (James accused Ruth's 1964 testimony of perjury, based on the fact that she met them again in 1966!)

2. Carol Hewett suspected, and James DiEugenio insists, that Michael Paine had “hidden associations” in the CIA, namely, the elder members of his own family – a grand uncle and a cousin involved in United Fruit, and another cousin who leased land to David Atlee Phillips for Radio Swan. This is his “evidence” that Michael was a CIA Agent. Oh – and Michael’s mother had a childhood friend who later became the mistress of Allen Dulles. This figures huge in James’ theory.

3. Carol Hewett and James DiEugenio also seek the “hidden associations” of Ruth Paine, inside her own family. Her father, an insurance actuary, also founded an organization called AID (Agency for International Development) to stimulate business in Latin America. As the CIA would often hitch a ride with all international corporations, to seek out international crime, James chose to conclude that AID=CIA. Ruth’s brother in law also worked there. Ruth denied knowing they were in the CIA. Ruth’s elder sister was a psychologist – who secretly worked for the CIA, and Ruth denied knowing that, too. James just accuses Ruth of lying, like any CIA Agent.

4. Dallas Sheriff’s Deputy Buddy Walthers claimed that he saw in Ruth Paine’s garage “six or seven metal filing cabinets with names of Castro sympathizers.” The fact that no other witnesses ever saw these, and they were never documented, and never photographed, doesn’t slow down James DiEugenio at all. He’s certain they prove Ruth Paine was a CIA Agent.

5. James DiEugenio next accuses Ruth Paine of CIA murder in Nicaragua, because she was part of an Interfaith movement of Catholics, Quakers, Methodists and other churches in 1991 to provide Relief to women and children in the Civil War torn region. When further deaths of Relief Workers became a great strain, the leaders of the movement asked Ruth Paine to please return to the USA because her history with Lee Harvey Oswald and the JFK assassination made too many people suspicious and afraid. Ruth understood and complied as soon as she was requested. But James, without any further information than this, is comfortable accusing Ruth Paine of the worst.

6. A personal friend of Ruth Paine confided to journalist Steven Jones elements of conversations with Ruth Paine about her strained relationship with her daughter, who was into Wicca at that time. One of the statements Ruth’s daughter said was that her mother could never be free until she confronted the “evil” within her. Nothing more was said than that, but James DiEugenio is comfortable presuming that this referred to Ruth’s conspiracy to assassinate JFK.

7. Marina Oswald told the FBI in early December 1963 that LHO confessed to her on the night of 10 April 1963 that he had tried to kill General Walker at his Dallas home. According to James DiEugenio, LHO never shot at Walker, but Ruth Paine and the CIA forged evidence to make it appear so, and somehow made Marina Oswald perjure herself in that way.

8. The “Walker Note,” which was verified by handwriting experts to be written by LHO, and sworn by Marina Oswald to have been left in her possession by LHO on 10 April 1963, is a set of instructions, in Russian language, telling Marina what to do in case he got arrested. According to James DiEugenio, this was part of the forged materials that Ruth Paine used to frame LHO for the Walker shooting.

9. James DiEugenio recognizes the mismatch between the Walker shooting and the JFK shooting – Walker was missed; JFK was hit – Walker was a fascist, JFK was a liberal. Despite the fuzzy connection, James is comfortable blaming Ruth Paine for framing LHO for the Walker shooting so that she could also frame LHO for the JFK assassination.

10. To further implicate Ruth Paine in the alleged CIA framing of LHO for the Walker shooting, James DiEugenio will insinuate that of the four cameras that the authorities found in Ruth Paine’s house, namely, the Cuera, the Stereo Realist, the Imperial Reflex and the miniature Minox spy camera, that the latter two really belonged to Ruth Paine, because she was the spy and the Walker photos were taken with the Imperial Reflex. His opinion is based solely on his conviction that Ruth Paine framed LHO for the Walker shooting.

11. James DiEugenio denies that LHO ever went to Mexico City, but CIA Agent Ruth Paine framed LHO as having been there by using Mexican souvenirs which were all CIA props. James’ proof is that LHO denied it, and at first Marina just denied everything. (James prefers to believe Marina’s blanket denials to the FBI and Secret Service when she was first put under house-arrest, and wasn’t under oath – over the times when she was comfortably in her own home and was under oath.) James also omits the Lopez Report (a formerly classified CIA report that became a FOIA release in 2003) which confirms that LHO was indeed in Mexico City.

12. James DiEugenio next accuses Ruth Paine or the CIA of inventing the Undelivered, Undeliverable package that was officially reported in the Irving Post Office nine days after the JFK assassination, addressed to Lee Oswald at a bogus address, which contained nothing but a paper bag. In James’ imagination, the CIA hoped that LHO would put his fingerprints on the paper bag, so they could link this paper bag with the one later found at the TSBD 6th floor. James has no explanation for the fizzling failure of this alleged plot. James won’t consider any other possible explanation.

13. To further press a CIA plot about the Undelivered, Undeliverable package, James DiEugenio strains to link that package (which has no date or postage on it) onto a Postage Due notice of November 20th 1963, which the Post Office claims was fulfilled with a ‘magazine delivery.’ No, insists James, it couldn’t have been fulfilled, because it must have been for the Undelivered, Undeliverable package. And then, after the JFK assassination, the CIA or FBI put a bogus sticker over by Ruth Paine’s address with a bogus address to conceal the failed CIA plot. Sheesh.

14. James DiEugenio poses a CIA mystery that there was a double “Postal Form” with the name and address of George Bouhe, leader of the White Russian Community, and the name of Lee Harvey Oswald, found in Ruth Paine’s house. That must have been a CIA plot – somehow. Actually, since LHO was also receiving mail at Ruth Paine's house, and George Bouhe was well-known to both Marina and Lee Oswald, there is no real mystery.

15. James DiEugenio harps on Ruth’s marking in her calendar on the day after the JFK assassination that LHO bought a rifle back in March. Ruth explained it as a result of the pressure of this news hitting everybody from all sides. James finds her explanation, “bewildering.”

16. James DiEugenio then claims that Ruth Paine couldn’t have wanted to improve her Russian conversational skills by having Marina Oswald live with her, because Ruth was already fluent enough in James James DiEugenio’s own opinion. She could teach small boys – so what more could she possibly want?

17. James DiEugenio is surprised that Ruth Paine could be offended by the way LHO treated her from jail – just phoning her, acting all cool and collected, and bossing her to call attorney Abt for him – and keep calling until she got him. But I think most people would be offended. I know I would have.

18. James DiEugenio expresses outrage at a report that Michael Paine told the Houston Post on November 23 that Oswald may have been involved in the Walker shooting. But the only source James cites for this is PROBE magazine – his pal’s journal. (Somebody told the Houston Post, but nobody knows who. Robert Allen Surrey is a better guess, IMHO; or Walker himself as he told the Deutsche Nationalzeitung less than 18 hours after JFK was killed.)

Anyway, there it is. Based on this “careful research” James DiEugenio claims that “the Paines should be on the short list to be sworn before a grand jury.” (DB2, p. 208) It’s “open season” on the Paines, announced James DiEugenio. The 18 points above are examples of his marksmanship.

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Please do not construe this as a personal attack, Paul Trejo, as you are entitled to pursue whatever angle of research that satisfies your curiosity, and to the hilt. But in another thread you state, "The reason that LHO was selected as the Patsy, was precisely because LHO tried to kill Walker back in April 1963." And I think that you would agree that that sentence concisely encapsulates your point-of-view.

So you deem it irrelevant to November 22nd, that an FBI informant named Lee broke up the November 2nd assassination plot in Chicago?

That a mangled steel-jacketed 30.06 recovered from the Walker home by the DPD became instead a copper-jacketed 6.5 after the assassination, i.e. allegedly fired from a Mannlicher-Carcano? Walker himself denied this bullet was authentic in 1978.

That just after the shot Kirk Coleman runs to his backyard fence and sees 2 guys run to 2 cars under the floodlights at the church parking lot next door? http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh26/html/WH_Vol26_0237a.htm

And Ruth Paine wrote her mother on October 14th that "I started giving [Lee] driving lessons last Sunday (yesterday)." WCH XVII p. 151

and testified (II p. 514) "I offered to give him- give Lee lessons on Sunday afternoons and we managed to do it a few Sunday afternoons, I think three altogether and there were a couple of weekends we didn't get the lesson in, something intervened... I think the last lesson was November 10, being the last Sunday."

Am I missing something? The Walker shooter apparently had the ability to drive, at night. LHO didn't have any practice at that ability, not according to Ruth Paine.

All I see is a frame job on LHO, painting him as a potential political killer. Eerily similar, in terms of trumped-up evidence, to the Tippit-murder frame job, which painted him as a cop-killer. Therefore, since a + b = c, a president-killer, in the skewed logic of the Warren omission. Have you never studied how Kierkegaard demolished Hegel's skewed dialectics?

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Carol Hewett and James DiEugenio also seek the “hidden associations” of Ruth Paine, inside her own family. Her father, an insurance actuary, also started an organization called AID (Agency for International Development) to stimulate business in Latin America. As the CIA would often hitch a ride with all international corporations, to seek out international crime, James chose to conclude that AID=CIA. Ruth’s brother in law also worked there. Ruth denied knowing they were in the CIA. Ruth’s elder sister was a psychologist – who secretly worked for the CIA, and Ruth denied knowing that, too. James just accuses Ruth of lying, like any CIA Agent.

I'm pretty sure Jim didn't accuse Ruth Paine's father of "starting" the Agency for International Development.

From Wikipedia:

President John F. Kennedy created USAID from its predecessor agencies in 1961 by executive order. USAID's programs are authorized by the Congress in the Foreign Assistance Act,[4] which the Congress supplements through directions in annual funding appropriation acts and other legislation. Although technically an independent federal agency, USAID operates subject to the foreign policy guidance of the President, Secretary of State, and the National Security Council.[3]
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4. Dallas Sheriff’s Deputy Buddy Walthers claimed that he saw in Ruth Paine’s garage “six or seven metal filing cabinets with names of Castro sympathizers.” The fact that no other witnesses ever saw these, and they were never documented, and never photographed, doesn’t slow down James DiEugenio at all. He’s certain they prove Ruth Paine was a CIA Agent.

Instead of paraphrasing and leaving out the source of this attribution, let's take a closer look. It's actually pretty remarkable and, if true, would make the case against the Paines a slam-dunk.

From Destiny Betrayed:

"...something I was unaware of until the work of John Armstrong and is also in this book, Walthers was at the house of Ruth and Michael Paine when the Dallas Police searched it on Friday afternoon. Walthers told Tagg that they "found six or seven metal filing cabinets full of letters, maps, records and index cards with names of pro-Castro sympathizers." (Hancock places this statement in his footnotes on p. 552.)"

So, apparently, Jim got this by way of John Armstrong and Larry Hancock. I found it here on Spartacus in Buddy Walthers bio, care of John Simpkin.

I'm going to try and hunt down the exact original citation which I'll post here, if I can find it.

Edited by Chris Newton
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I think using phrases like "To make his weak theory work..." and personal comments like "... tortured quasi-logic" are outside the lines of Forum protocol. We're no longer in a collegial discussion of the assassination. These posts are more a critique of "Destiny Betrayed" which belong in a separate thread) as opposed to staying on the point of this thread.

Any/all critique of the Paines seems too close to the “flame” that burns for your theories on the Walker shooting. You would basically have us believe that: the Paines were saints who never met George DeMohrenschildt; that Lee was simply a rude house-guest; that both Lee and Marina lied a lot (but never Ruth or Michael; and that the CIA never used AID for cover. Your posts have the psychological effect of the grade school exercise where the admonished student stays after school and writes 100 times on the board "Ruth is not a CIA agent".


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Please do not construe this as a personal attack, Paul Trejo, as you are entitled to pursue whatever angle of research that satisfies your curiosity, and to the hilt. But in another thread you state, "The reason that LHO was selected as the Patsy, was precisely because LHO tried to kill Walker back in April 1963." And I think that you would agree that that sentence concisely encapsulates your point-of-view.

So you deem it irrelevant to November 22nd, that an FBI informant named Lee broke up the November 2nd assassination plot in Chicago?

That a mangled steel-jacketed 30.06 recovered from the Walker home by the DPD became instead a copper-jacketed 6.5 after the assassination, i.e. allegedly fired from a Mannlicher-Carcano? Walker himself denied this bullet was authentic in 1978.

That just after the shot Kirk Coleman runs to his backyard fence and sees 2 guys run to 2 cars under the floodlights at the church parking lot next door? http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh26/html/WH_Vol26_0237a.htm

And Ruth Paine wrote her mother on October 14th that "I started giving [Lee] driving lessons last Sunday (yesterday)." WCH XVII p. 151

and testified (II p. 514) "I offered to give him- give Lee lessons on Sunday afternoons and we managed to do it a few Sunday afternoons, I think three altogether and there were a couple of weekends we didn't get the lesson in, something intervened... I think the last lesson was November 10, being the last Sunday."

Am I missing something? The Walker shooter apparently had the ability to drive, at night. LHO didn't have any practice at that ability, not according to Ruth Paine.

All I see is a frame job on LHO, painting him as a potential political killer. Eerily similar, in terms of trumped-up evidence, to the Tippit-murder frame job, which painted him as a cop-killer. Therefore, since a + b = c, a president-killer, in the skewed logic of the Warren omission. Have you never studied how Kierkegaard demolished Hegel's skewed dialectics?

Thank you, Richard, for these capable and interesting responses and questions.

You are quite correct that my current theory regards LHO as the selected Patsy precisely because he tried to kill General Walker. This makes the most sense in any theory that accuses General Walker of being the mastermind of the JFK assassination. So, here are your objections and my responses in the order presented:

(1) Until and unless somebody can demonstrate cogently that LHO was the FBI Informant "Lee" who broke up the November 2nd assassination plot in Chicago, then, yes, I would deem the fact irrelevant to LHO's case.

(1.1) However, if solid evidence is provided that LHO was that FBI informant, that would modify my theory very little. In my theory, LHO played on at least two sides of the Cold War -- trying to benefit from all sides. There is evidence that LHO was an FBI Informant. There is also evidence that LHO was working for Guy Banister out of 544 Camp Street.

(1.2) Some people imagine that LHO was spying on the Radical Right for the FBI -- just as James Hosty was doing in Dallas.

(1.3) Yet LHO was surely the shooter at General Walker, so how is this to be explained? I explain it by proposing LHO's personal immaturity. In the shooting at Walker, LHO was trying to please George DeMohrenschildt, who called Walker, "General Fokker". LHO was also trying to please Volkmar Schmidt, who insisted that Walker was like Adolf Hitler. LHO may have also been trying to please other Dallas yuppie engineers like Michael Paine.

(1.4) But trying to kill General Walker lost LHO lots of points, contrary to his immature expectations. All the Dallas yuppies who encouraged LHO to do this deed, ran away like scared rabbits and disowned LHO immediately.

(1.5) At this point, LHO had no choice but to move to New Orleans, and sell his soul to Guy Banister, David Ferrie, Clay Shaw and their whole team near Lake Pontchartrain, where he also re-encountered Gerry Patrick Hemming and Roscoe White, and met Loran Hall and Larry Howard.

(1.6) So, even if LHO was taking petty money from the FBI for information about the Radical Right, he was still, as he told Ron Lewis, beholden to Guy Banister because of the Walker shooting.

(1.7) If we are looking for a simple LHO, an Either/Or LHO, we are looking in the wrong place. LHO was complex.

(2.0) As for the Walker bullet, the fact is that the Warren Commission gave up trying to identify it. It was neither a 30.06 nor a 6.5, because it was far too mangled for identification.

(2.1) The evidence that LHO shot at Walker was not the bullet -- but his confession to Marina Oswald, and his "Walker Note." Unlike many, I happen to believe Marina's testimony, and that the "Walker Note" was written by LHO.

(3.0) As for the eye-witnesses in the Walker shooting, I agree that they are genuine and valid. But that does not alter my theory at all, since I have consistently said that LHO never acted alone in anything.

(3.1) LHO lied to Marina that: (i) he acted alone; (ii) he traveled by foot and bus; and (iii) he buried his rifle. None of those events occurred, but Marina honestly relayed to the WC what LHO told her. Marina wasn't an eye-witness.

(3.2) LHO had at least one field accomplice for the Walker shooting. They traveled by automobile. LHO possibly used a different rifle than his own.

(3.3) Kirk Coleman and Robert Allen Surrey were fairly accurate in their reporting of the incident (although Surrey lied when he said he was at his own home during this event, because Surrey's own sons say that their whole family was with Walker at the moment of the shooting).

(4.0) Regarding Ruth Paine's testimony about giving LHO driving lessons, I find nothing incorrect or suspicious about any of it. LHO did not drive a car in April -- nor did he drive a car into Mexico City. The evidence shows that LHO was a passenger in a car on both those occasions.

(5.0) If you see only a "frame job on LHO" to portray him as a homicidal maniac, then you are missing several clues, IMHO.

(5.1) LHO did not shoot at JFK. LHO was framed for that crime.

(5.2) LHO did shoot at General Walker when pressured to do so (in his own opinion) by George De Mohrenschildt and Volkmar Schmidt and perhaps other Dallas yuppie engineers. It was an act of youthful folly, and it ruined his whole life.

(5.3) General Walker learned that LHO was his shooter by the very next weekend. This is suggested by Dick Russell (TMWKTM, 1992) in his narrative about Mrs. and Mrs. Igor Voshinin and their conversation with George De Mohrenschildt on Easter Sunday 1963.

(5.4) This is also suggested by General Walker himself in his letter to Senator Frank Church of 1975, in which he contradicts his own WC testimony: http://www.pet880.com/images/19750623_EAW_to_Frank_Church.pdf

(6.0) As for the Tippit killing, I accept the evidence of Mike Robinson who says that Roscoe White killed JD Tippit. And I further believe that J.D. Tippit, like Roscoe White, was one of the grassy knoll shooters, and that both of them were working for General Walker. Both were prepared to make LHO into the Patsy.

(6.1) As for Ruth Paine, she had no clue in the world that all this was going on under her nose.

(7.0) As for Kierkegaard, Jean-Paul Sartre says he wasn't even a philosopher, and in fact, Kierkegaard never claimed to be one.


--Paul Trejo

<edit typos>

Edited by Paul Trejo
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