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The Real Ruth and Michael Paine

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Unless, of course, Marina was an English-speaking spy with a prostitute background, assigned to "hook up with" Marguerite Oswald's son, Lee.

sexed-up a bit and bumped

Well, some of you guys are looking for SPY FICTION. That seems to be your real purpose -- not really Solving the JFK Murder.

Using the principle of Occam's Razor, you don't need Marina Oswald in 1959 for a theory that the KGB assassinated JFK in 1963.

But hey, you guys want to sell books, right? And if this fiction sells, then why not, right?

IMHO, though, it's just STUPID. There's no solid evidence there, and you're massaging unreliable verbal accounts in bits and pieces, from "witnesses" never screened, to whip up commercial interest in pulp fiction. It's useless. No wonder the CT community has such a low reputation in this century.


--Paul Trejo

Dear Paul,

Maybe the CIA or FBI "turned" Marina after she arrived in the good ol' U. S. of A.?

Because they knew she was KGB?

--Tommy :sun

I'm convinced, Tommy, that you never post anything serious anymore. You're always going for the laugh.

May I suggest a hobby in stand-up comedy? I'm sure there are workshops in your area.


--Paul Trejo

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I have no further knowledge of Mr. Porter beyond the fact that he worked at Collins. For me, its just another one of those many "coincidences" that crop up all around the Oswalds and Paines.

On one hand, Mrs. Porter has remained in the Dallas area and is apparently still married to Mr. Porter after all these years. Quite an accomplishment in this day and age. On the other hand, there has been much written about Collins Radio and its government connections, including the Carl Mather (Tippit neighbor) incident, the mission(s) of the Rex ship, and Oswald's visit with retired Admiral Chester Brouton, a Collins executive, to name a few.

So it seems odd that two years after the assassination, Marina marries a man from Collins. She was so young at the time (24) and it was a volatile period for the post-Warren cover-up. Ruby was still alive and in jail (trying to talk). Witnesses were being eliminated (Dorothy Kilgallen was killed in November 1965) but Garrison wouldn't start his investigation for another year. Some biographies state that she "perfected her English" in those ensuing years. Had a son with Porter, became a naturalized citizen, and generally stayed out of the limelight. Pure speculation on my part, but it would seem that a protective layer would be formed around her.


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I have no further knowledge of Mr. Porter beyond the fact that he worked at Collins. For me, its just another one of those many "coincidences" that crop up all around the Oswalds and Paines.

On one hand, Mrs. Porter has remained in the Dallas area and is apparently still married to Mr. Porter after all these years. Quite an accomplishment in this day and age. On the other hand, there has been much written about Collins Radio and its government connections, including the Carl Mather (Tippit neighbor) incident, the mission(s) of the Rex ship, and Oswald's visit with retired Admiral Chester Brouton, a Collins executive, to name a few.

So it seems odd that two years after the assassination, Marina marries a man from Collins. She was so young at the time (24) and it was a volatile period for the post-Warren cover-up. Ruby was still alive and in jail (trying to talk). Witnesses were being eliminated (Dorothy Kilgallen was killed in November 1965) but Garrison wouldn't start his investigation for another year. Some biographies state that she "perfected her English" in those ensuing years. Had a son with Porter, became a naturalized citizen, and generally stayed out of the limelight. Pure speculation on my part, but it would seem that a protective layer would be formed around her.



I don't see any issue with Kenneth Porter, husband of the former Marina Oswald, having a job at Collins Radio Corporation. Like any large Corporation, we can expect it to have some US Government contracts -- but one must stretch and twist like mad to tie that to the JFK murder.

What is the connection with Ruth and Michael Paine, please?

Is it really amazing that one of J.D. Tippit's neighbors would also work at Collins Radio? Is it really amazing that George DeMohrenschildt would take Oswald to visit one of his many rich friends, Admiral Chester Bruton, who was also a Collins executive? (Nor is it amazing that Bruton would look down on this Marxist ne'er-do-well and never want to see him again.)

How in the world can anybody try to link Marina's marriage to Kenneth Porter, who worked at Collins, with the FBI's Lone Nut theory of LHO? What in the world would that have to do with those DPD rogues who kept a lid on Jack Ruby, or eliminated Dallas street snitches?

Also you state as a "fact" that famous journalist Dorothy Kilgallen, who was covering the Jack Ruby trial, was killed. Actually at 52, Dorothy was known to take barbiturates while drinking alcohol, and her husband and her son were in the next room when she died in 1965. There were no signs of foul play cited in her death certificate -- only large amounts of barbiturates and alcohol.

Hey, I'm a CTer too, but don't we have to show some evidence for our positions, and not just take stories for granted?

I see no reason to presume that Marina Oswald's marriage to Kenneth Porter, who had a job at Collins Radio was part of any "protective layer" for Marina, unless one presumes -- on mere speculation -- that the CIA killed JFK and struggled to keep Marina quiet for a half-century.

It seems a little paranoid to me.

Hey, like millions of Americans I first got involved with the CT literature after viewing Oliver Stone's 1991 movie, JFK. I was attracted to the fact that most CTers objected to the Lynch-Mob mentality of convicting LHO of the JFK murder without a single eye-witness, and without showing us the medical reports and X-rays.

This was refreshing, I thought ,a quarter-century ago. I was ashamed of America, including Walter Cronkite, for promoting this Lynch Mob mentality. The CT community seemed to me to be more fair-minded -- at the time.

But over the decades I've been observing a growing Lynch-Mob mentality inside the CT community itself. It's sad to see people like Michael and Ruth Paine, vilified on sheer speculation, or just for the fact that they're rich -- blithely accused to plotting to kill JFK and blame LHO.

Where's the damn material evidence?

Hey, I also maintain that there was a Conspiracy to kill JFK -- but I don't seek CIA spooks in my neighborhood.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Paul - I don't think you seriously examined Kilgallen's death. At the very least you and everyone should be very suspicious of the timing of her death and the apparent disappearance of whatever evidence she was planning to present when she claimed she was going to break the conspiracy wide open. Do you really imagine that there need be 'evidence' of foul play? Maybe now, with the thorough forensics we can use, but not then. In any case, that's how it's done by professionals. After all, it was Ruby who she interviewed, and presumably her new evidence had something to do with that interview.

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Unless, of course, Marina was an English-speaking spy with a prostitute background, assigned to "hook up with" Marguerite Oswald's son, Lee.

sexed-up a bit and bumped

Well, some of you guys are looking for SPY FICTION. That seems to be your real purpose -- not really Solving the JFK Murder.

Using the principle of Occam's Razor, you don't need Marina Oswald in 1959 for a theory that the KGB assassinated JFK in 1963.

But hey, you guys want to sell books, right? And if this fiction sells, then why not, right?

IMHO, though, it's just STUPID. There's no solid evidence there, and you're massaging unreliable verbal accounts in bits and pieces, from "witnesses" never screened, to whip up commercial interest in pulp fiction. It's useless. No wonder the CT community has such a low reputation in this century.


--Paul Trejo

Dear Paul,

Maybe the CIA or FBI "turned" Marina after she arrived in the U.S.?

Because they knew she was KGB?

--Tommy :sun

I'm convinced, Tommy, that you never post anything serious anymore. You're always going for the laugh.

May I suggest a hobby in stand-up comedy? I'm sure there are workshops in your area.


--Paul Trejo

Uhhh... I was serious, actually, Paul.

Can't deal with it?

--Tommy :sun

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Dear Paul,

Maybe the CIA or FBI "turned" Marina after she arrived in the U.S.?

Because they knew she was KGB?

--Tommy :sun

I'm convinced, Tommy, that you never post anything serious anymore. You're always going for the laugh.

May I suggest a hobby in stand-up comedy? I'm sure there are workshops in your area.


--Paul Trejo

Uhhh... I was serious, actually, Paul.

Can't deal with it?

--Tommy :sun

Oh, I can deal with it, Tommy. It's pulp fiction. You're posting that Marina Oswald really spoke English perfectly, and was a brilliant 19 year old KGB spy, who married LHO in order to come to the USA to murder the President.

But when she got to the USA, the FBI and the CIA convinced her that she should be on the USA side, so they turned her, so that -- um, uh, um, uh, well the President was killed anyway.

It's a useless detour, Tommy. It's based on useless fiction. The suspicion that Marina Oswald spoke perfect English requires that everybody in the Oswald family, and all the White Russians, and all the people who came into contact with Marina Oswald in the USA who agreed that her English skills were pitiful -- were ALL INVOLVED IN A CONSPIRACY TO HIDE THE TRUTH.

It just makes no sense at all. That's because it's pulp fiction.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Paul - I don't think you seriously examined Kilgallen's death. At the very least you and everyone should be very suspicious of the timing of her death and the apparent disappearance of whatever evidence she was planning to present when she claimed she was going to break the conspiracy wide open. Do you really imagine that there need be 'evidence' of foul play? Maybe now, with the thorough forensics we can use, but not then. In any case, that's how it's done by professionals. After all, it was Ruby who she interviewed, and presumably her new evidence had something to do with that interview.

Well, Paul B., IMHO what we have here is another fish story, like that of Deputy Sheriff Buddy Walthers' alleged sighting of "six or seven metal filing cabinets full of the names of Cuban sympathizers" in Ruth Paine's garage.

The fact that these filing cabinets were never seen by anybody else -- never reported in any listing of property -- never seen by any other DPD officer, FBI Agent or Secret Service person of any kind whatsoever -- only makes some CT people exclaim, "That's PROOF that the CIA is hiding them!"

Actually, they should be wondering what Buddy Walthers was drinking that day. The property listing turned up a few of Ruth Paine's small metal boxes with her college papers in them (some of which were in Russian) as well as a box with LHO's FPCC fliers. That was most likely EXAGGERATED by Buddy Walthers into an urban myth that still lives today.

The same applies to the journalist Dorothy Kilgallan. She was working the Jack Ruby trial, and she got an exclusive interview with Jack Ruby. She was so excited that she told some of her closest colleagues that she had a scoop that was going to break the JFK case wide open. And then she died.

The urban myth arose that she had this "secret manuscript" with proof that <insert-your-favorite-CT-here> and so the CIA secretly killed her with her own barbiturates and alcohol (with her husband and son in the next room) without any signs of violence.

The CIA can evidently do anything.

And then the "secret manuscript" suddenly went missing! OK, I admit I really want to know what Dorothy Kilgallan heard from Jack Ruby, and I'm bummed that we'll never get to hear it, because she had a heart attack so soon afterwards. Yet without actual material evidence, I can't claim that the CIA killed her.

Also, the absence of a "secret manuscript" isn't really proof that it ever existed. Just like "six or seven metal filing cabinets."

Can we say, "urban myth?" Unless we can provide more material evidence, then that's what we're looking at.


--Paul Trejo

<edit typos>

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Dorothy Kilgallen was found dead, clothed. It appeared she died reading a book she had already read. The bed on which she was found was not her regular bed. Dorothy had been prescribed certain sedative medicine. Additional sedative drugs were found in her.

Paul Trejo, I like very much your style and approach here. I like your advocacy. You are a good advocate, IMO. You stick to facts.

But I observe you are a conspirator-lite. You accept some conspiracy theory but reject other conspiracy theory. Which is selective.

My view, FWIW, is that the perps stopped at nothing and the cover-up masters stopped at nothing to pin the deed on LHO.

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Dear Paul,

Maybe the CIA or FBI "turned" Marina after she arrived in the U.S.?

Because they knew she was KGB?

--Tommy :sun

I'm convinced, Tommy, that you never post anything serious anymore. You're always going for the laugh.

May I suggest a hobby in stand-up comedy? I'm sure there are workshops in your area.


--Paul Trejo

Uhhh... I was serious, actually, Paul.

Can't deal with it?

--Tommy :sun

Oh, I can deal with it, Tommy. It's pulp fiction. You're posting that Marina Oswald really spoke English perfectly, and was a brilliant 19 year old KGB spy, who married LHO in order to come to the USA to murder the President.

But when she got to the USA, the FBI and the CIA convinced her that she should be on the USA side, so they turned her, so that -- um, uh, um, uh, well the President was killed anyway.

It's a useless detour, Tommy. It's based on useless fiction. The suspicion that Marina Oswald spoke perfect English requires that everybody in the Oswald family, and all the White Russians, and all the people who came into contact with Marina Oswald in the USA who agreed that her English skills were pitiful -- were ALL INVOLVED IN A CONSPIRACY TO HIDE THE TRUTH.

It just makes no sense at all. That's because it's pulp fiction.


--Paul Trejo

No, I'm not saying that, dum dum.

It's possible that sexy Marina entrapped and married Oswald in the U.S.S.R. in order to come to America, not to murder the yet-to-be-elected JFK, but to be a KGB "sleeper" agent, perhaps literally and figuratively. ( LOL! )

And who got "turned" in the U.S. by the bad guys, because they knew she was KGB.


--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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Dorothy Kilgallen was found dead, clothed. It appeared she died reading a book she had already read. The bed on which she was found was not her regular bed. Dorothy had been prescribed certain sedative medicine. Additional sedative drugs were found in her.

Paul Trejo, I like very much your style and approach here. I like your advocacy. You are a good advocate, IMO. You stick to facts.

But I observe you are a conspirator-lite. You accept some conspiracy theory but reject other conspiracy theory. Which is selective.

My view, FWIW, is that the perps stopped at nothing and the cover-up masters stopped at nothing to pin the deed on LHO.

Yes, indeed, Jon, I confess to being a "Conspirator-Lite". I surely do pick and choose which Conspiracies I accept and which I reject.

What other evidence can you provide to convince me that Dorothy Kilgallen was murdered, instead of having died from an overdose of barbiturates combined with alcohol?

When a person is drunk, they may very well lay down in different bed than usual, or pick up a book they've already read. Those behaviors don't sound suspicious to me.

When a person over fifty mixes barbiturates with alcohol, a heart attack is not a major surprise.

You say that she was prescribed certain sedatives by her doctor, and she took those, but she also had "other" sedatives in her system. Well, one could try to force that into a CIA Conspiracy, but as an older guy -- I know that folks who mix drugs with alcohol really stop giving a damn what drugs they take. Also, a person with a drug problem will take street drugs without batting an eye.

Here is Dorothy Kilgallen, who is famous, really, not just because she was an outstanding journalist, but because she appeared on television for years. Now here was the biggest break of her career -- she had EXCLUSIVE interviews with Jack Ruby. Now, Jack was a dynamic and theatrical sort of person, and I have little doubt that he could give her CT's that made her spine tingle.

So, as it seems to me, Dorothy Kilgallen was looking at a FORTUNE in literary rights for her new book on Jack Ruby. She was probably giddy from all that fame, and the perspective of perhaps a million new dollars into her bank account. She was celebrating, IMHO. Already high on the sedatives and alcohol that she normally took, she freely decided (according to the the autopsy report of no violence) to add some street drugs to her celebration. But she was over fifty.

Are we really surprised that she had a heart attack? I realize that a CTer can try to run with this, but without more material evidence, we have a heart attack based on mixing drugs and alcohol in an older person. That fact that she was interviewing Jack Ruby at the time seems immaterial in this scenario.

I do regret, however, that we didn't get to hear her report on Jack Ruby. If (and only if) Ruby told her exactly what he told Chief Justice Earl Warren, then Jack Ruby told Dorothy Kilgallen that General Walker and the JBS conspired to kill JFK.

Now, I do believe that General Walker had confederates inside the DPD -- rogues who were Rightist fanatics, and would stop at nothing for their politics. I believe it was these guys that Jack Ruby was terrified of, there in his Dallas jail. Yet even if Jack told Dorothy about Walker and the JBS (which included some DPD cops) and the DPD found out about it, then I would expect them to kill Dorothy with a car bomb -- like they tried to kill Dallas Deputy Sheriff Roger Craig.

On the other hand, if they knew Dorothy's penchant for barbiturates, maybe they bribed some waitress to sell Dorothy some bad downers. That's not impossible. But in that case, Dorothy's demise was still (at least partly) self-inflicted. That's as far out in a CT that I can go with Dorothy. She died quietly at home with her husband and son in the next room, by an overdose of pills that she was known to be taking, and drinking alcohol. It wasn't murder or suicide, it was an accidental death by all reasonable accounts.

EVEN IF THE DPD SLIPPED HER SOME BAD DOPE, Dorothy had no business taking street drugs -- it was her own fault. But that's pulp fiction, anyway.

It seems to me that if Jack Ruby told Dorothy Kilgallen some secret facts about General Walker and the Dallas JBS and their Minuteman goons among the DPD, then the DPD was just plain lucky that Dorothy was a drug and alcohol abuser.


--Paul Trejo

<edit typos>

Edited by Paul Trejo
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You seem intent on labeling me, which I find offensive. I don't see spooks in my neighborhood, nor am I paranoid. I'm not a "CT'er". I am simply interested in what happened to John Kennedy, and intrigued by all of the stories and loose ends (for want of a better word) associated with it.

I am not interested in debating you, nor am I obligated to provide you anything, such as the evidence or facts that you demand ad nauseum. I am here to learn, and trade ideas and opinions with knowledgeable members of the Forum. I observe many coincidences associated with the subject of this thread (the Paines). It is my opinion that there is more to the Paines than meets the eye. I believe the same is true of Marina Prusakova. Given the nature of the intelligence operations and professionals involved in the assassination, coincidence usually equates with "enemy action" and is all the more suspect.



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Dorothy Kilgallen was found dead, clothed. It appeared she died reading a book she had already read. The bed on which she was found was not her regular bed. Dorothy had been prescribed certain sedative medicine. Additional sedative drugs were found in her.

Paul Trejo, I like very much your style and approach here. I like your advocacy. You are a good advocate, IMO. You stick to facts.

But I observe you are a conspirator-lite. You accept some conspiracy theory but reject other conspiracy theory. Which is selective.

My view, FWIW, is that the perps stopped at nothing and the cover-up masters stopped at nothing to pin the deed on LHO.

Yes, indeed, Jon, I confess to being a "Conspirator-Lite". I surely do pick and choose which Conspiracies I accept and which I reject.

What other evidence can you provide to convince me that Dorothy Kilgallen was murdered, instead of having died from an overdose of barbiturates combined with alcohol?

When a person is drunk, they may very well lay down in different bed than usual, or pick up a book they've already read. Those behaviors don't sound suspicious to me.

When a person over fifty mixes barbiturates with alcohol, a heart attack is not a major surprise.

You say that she was prescribed certain sedatives by her doctor, and she took those, but she also had "other" sedatives in her system. Well, one could try to force that into a CIA Conspiracy, but as an older guy -- I know that folks who mix drugs with alcohol really stop giving a damn what drugs they take. Also, a person with a drug problem will take street drugs without batting an eye.

Here is Dorothy Kilgallen, who is famous, really, not just because she was an outstanding journalist, but because she appeared on television for years. Now here was the biggest break of her career -- she had EXCLUSIVE interviews with Jack Ruby. Now, Jack was a dynamic and theatrical sort of person, and I have little doubt that he could give her CT's that made her spine tingle.

So, as it seems to me, Dorothy Kilgallen was looking at a FORTUNE in literary rights for her new book on Jack Ruby. She was probably giddy from all that fame, and the perspective of perhaps a million new dollars into her bank account. She was celebrating, IMHO. Already high on the sedatives and alcohol that she normally took, she freely decided (according to the the autopsy report of no violence) to add some street drugs to her celebration. But she was over fifty.

Are we really surprised that she had a heart attack? I realize that a CTer can try to run with this, but without more material evidence, we have a heart attack based on mixing drugs and alcohol in an older person. That fact that she was interviewing Jack Ruby at the time seems immaterial in this scenario.

I do regret, however, that we didn't get to hear her report on Jack Ruby. If (and only if) Ruby told her exactly what he told Chief Justice Earl Warren, then Jack Ruby told Dorothy Kilgallen that General Walker and the JBS conspired to kill JFK.

Now, I do believe that General Walker had confederates inside the DPD -- rogues who were Rightist fanatics, and would stop at nothing for their politics. I believe it was these guys that Jack Ruby was terrified of, there in his Dallas jail. Yet even if Jack told Dorothy about Walker and the JBS (which included some DPD cops) and the DPD found out about it, then I would expect them to kill Dorothy with a car bomb -- like they tried to kill Dallas Deputy Sheriff Roger Craig.

On the other hand, if they knew Dorothy's penchant for barbiturates, maybe they bribed some waitress to sell Dorothy some bad downers. That's not impossible. But in that case, Dorothy's demise was still (at least partly) self-inflicted. That's as far out in a CT that I can go with Dorothy. She died quietly at home with her husband and son in the next room, by an overdose of pills that she was known to be taking, and drinking alcohol. It wasn't murder or suicide, it was an accidental death by all reasonable accounts.

EVEN IF THE DPD SLIPPED HER SOME BAD DOPE, Dorothy had no business taking street drugs -- it was her own fault. But's that's pulp fiction, anyway.

It seems to me that if Jack Ruby told Dorothy Kilgallen some secret facts about General Walker and the Dallas JBS and their Minuteman goons among the DPD, then the DPD was just plain lucky that Dorothy was a drug and alcohol abuser.


--Paul Trejo

<edit typos>

Lordy Paul... you seem to speculate far more wildly than do those you accuse of speculating. And the funny part is, the intent of your speculating isn't to find support for your theory, but rather to find opposition to your competitors' theories.

(In my opinion, of course.)

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This is how PT disposes of the Carl Mather mystery:

Is it really amazing that one of J.D. Tippit's neighbors would also work at Collins Radio?

That is what the WC would do.

In his book on the TIppit case, McBride spent seven pages on this.

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Lordy Paul... you seem to speculate far more wildly than do those you accuse of speculating. And the funny part is, the intent of your speculating isn't to find support for your theory, but rather to find opposition to your competitors' theories.

(In my opinion, of course.)

Thank you, Sandy. I know how to speculate, like any CTer, and I also know when speculation exceeds the available evidence.

The solution of the JFK murder will come when we can connect the dots of the available evidence -- without stretching or speculating.

The trouble has always been that we don't have all the available evidence, because the US Government is still withholding the main elements.

Chief among these is the Bethesda autopsy result. I can only speculate today, but it seems reasonable to me that we will find after October 2017 (the deadline for the JFK Records Act) that JFK's brain autopsy showed MULTIPLE BULLETS, both frangible and SMJ.

The fact that LHO never acted alone in ANYTHING was exactly what the Warren Commission was terrified would leak out.

It's our job to find the Accomplices of LHO in the JFK murder -- and the US Government is still hiding vital evidence.

But picking on Michael and Ruth Paine because they were nice to Marina Oswald -- that requires a load of pulp fiction.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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This is how PT disposes of the Carl Mather mystery:

Is it really amazing that one of J.D. Tippit's neighbors would also work at Collins Radio?

That is what the WC would do.

In his book on the TIppit case, McBride spent seven pages on this.

Well, James, it's complicated, because actually, I have the highest praise for Joseph McBride's recent book, Into the Nightmare: My Search For the Killers of President John F. Kennedy and Officer J.D. Tippit (2013).

I agree with almost everything Joseph McBride says in his account -- because McBride puts the Dallas Police and their Radical Right politics at the very center of the JFK murder. He notes the high incidence of KKK membership among the Dallas Police.

The linkage between General Walker and the Radical Right in Dallas is clear as a sky of purest azure. To hold that General Walker is the mastermind of the JFK murder is the same as saying that the DPD were the shooters.

Officer Roscoe White's family openly admitted he was a JFK shooter. Willie Somersett said that J.D. Tippit was a JFK shooter. Joseph McBride says that Tippit could have been Badgeman, and could shoot a hawk out of the sky with his .22 rifle at a moments notice.

Jeff Caufield made a direct connection between J.D. Tippit and General Walker, because for years J.D. Tippit moonlighted weekends at Austin's Barbeque in Dallas, and that site was also the location of the Dallas John Birch Society weekend meetings led by General Walker -- for years.

I find Joseph McBride to be very talented, and an innovator among CTers, because he brilliantly sets the CIA aside in the JFK murder. This is the wave of the future.

I note here that without the old, tired, CIA-did-it nonsense, there is no motive anymore to pick on Michael and Ruth Paine. Let's keep looking at the DPD. That will solve the JFK murder.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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