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Who was Jack Ruby?

Paul Brancato

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Jack was observed or heard over the telephone doing business with Dave Miller.  By RFK's task force in late 1962-early- 1963.  He was involved with the gambling aspect of the mafia in the mid - latter parts of 1963.  The mob didn't do JFK, but Ruby did Oswald.

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Might Jack Ruby have inspired Keith Richards to write Jumping Jack Flash, subliminally?  Given Keith's story of it coming to him in his sleep from, his autobiography.  After living with the vision of Jack doing Ozzie for four years?


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2 hours ago, Jeff Royle said:



Jack Ruby had mob ties in that Carlos Marcello was the REAL owner of the Carousel Club.  Ruby was just the front man.  When corporate conventions would come to Dallas, the hotels would fill-up and of course the places of entertainment like the Carousel Club would see an big up-tick in profits.  I don't know the specific month but during one of these times, Ruby skimmed some of the profits and this tipped Marcello off that something was up.  After all, all of Marcello's other clubs reflected the higher profits except the Carousel Club.  What was up was Ruby was having IRS problems and owed a lot of money.  Carlos summoned Ruby to confront him and Ruby pleaded for his life.  Marcello spared him knowing that when the time came, Ruby would have to do Marcello a big favor.  That favor was to kill Oswald.  Ruby had to do it or else he was a dead man.  As far as Dallas police is concerned, the police would meet with Ruby every Sunday night and would get their pay-off money.

What’s your source? 

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2 hours ago, Jeff Royle said:



Jack Ruby had mob ties in that Carlos Marcello was the REAL owner of the Carousel Club.  Ruby was just the front man.  When corporate conventions would come to Dallas, the hotels would fill-up and of course the places of entertainment like the Carousel Club would see an big up-tick in profits.  I don't know the specific month but during one of these times, Ruby skimmed some of the profits and this tipped Marcello off that something was up.  After all, all of Marcello's other clubs reflected the higher profits except the Carousel Club.  What was up was Ruby was having IRS problems and owed a lot of money.  Carlos summoned Ruby to confront him and Ruby pleaded for his life.  Marcello spared him knowing that when the time came, Ruby would have to do Marcello a big favor.  That favor was to kill Oswald.  Ruby had to do it or else he was a dead man.  As far as Dallas police is concerned, the police would meet with Ruby every Sunday night and would get their pay-off money.

Was it just another coincidence ( among hundreds of others ) that one of Ruby's longest and most club frequenting Dallas PD officer friends was the one who he stood inches behind and jumped around to nail Oswald in the DPD basement...

Big W.J. "Blackie" Harrison?

You must read Seth Kantor's article below.

Ruby." By Seth Kantor the police. Jack Ruby was an informer on every ... Dallas reserve officers held day-to- day jobs in ... Diner, where Officer Harrison received.
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3 hours ago, Jeff Royle said:



Jack Ruby had mob ties in that Carlos Marcello was the REAL owner of the Carousel Club.  Ruby was just the front man.  When corporate conventions would come to Dallas, the hotels would fill-up and of course the places of entertainment like the Carousel Club would see an big up-tick in profits.  I don't know the specific month but during one of these times, Ruby skimmed some of the profits and this tipped Marcello off that something was up.  After all, all of Marcello's other clubs reflected the higher profits except the Carousel Club.  What was up was Ruby was having IRS problems and owed a lot of money.  Carlos summoned Ruby to confront him and Ruby pleaded for his life.  Marcello spared him knowing that when the time came, Ruby would have to do Marcello a big favor.  That favor was to kill Oswald.  Ruby had to do it or else he was a dead man.  As far as Dallas police is concerned, the police would meet with Ruby every Sunday night and would get their pay-off money.

I have read about Ruby paying off in particular vice squad officers, not particularly on Saturday nights that I remember.  But as for the rest of what you say as Paul asked about sources.  Where did you read this, who wrote it, who were their sources.

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10 hours ago, Jeff Royle said:

Whomever wants my source for Jack Ruby should read the book https://bookwire.com/book/USA/The-Day-America-Died-9780692991862-Pope-62271723?fbclid=IwAR2300waOEHoik3ZTTK0-6Rejl5qiI38e93XxYru_u1FdOEpelTA3cRtUI0

I've read a lot of books on JFK and a ton of material online but this book is crisp, clear and concise.  

I can't figure out how to order this book from the prep school using your link.  What is the author's first name?  It's not available from amazon that I can find.

Can you look in the page notes or end notes and tell us the author's source for the claim Marcello owned the Carousel?  I've never read this before.  It should be documented for the sake of history.

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This sounds a lot like our old friend Mr. Pope.

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On 9/13/2020 at 1:39 AM, James DiEugenio said:

This sounds a lot like our old friend Mr. Pope.

I said much the same, and cannot find where I posted it. 

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2 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

I said much the same, and cannot find where I posted it. 


Have you noticed that the Forum Thread, "Traitor" has disappeared?

You won't find it in the threads, nor will you find it in a Search under the Topics.

I suggested to Jim DiEugenio that the poster, Jeff Royle was more than likely an alias for Pope. I suspect you won't see him again either.

Steve Thomas


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3 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:


Have you noticed that the Forum Thread, "Traitor" has disappeared?

You won't find it in the threads, nor will you find it in a Search under the Topics.

I suggested to Jim DiEugenio that the poster, Jeff Royle was more than likely an alias for Pope. I suspect you won't see him again either.

Steve Thomas


That thread must have been where I surmised that Pope was behind this, though I didn’t go so far as Royle being an alias. I did think it though. 

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As long as I have been checking in on the forum it seems like there is always a resident politically incorrect poster who likes to present not just a contrary debate with prolific thread responses but to keep things riled up often to the degree of personal antagonism.

They stay on the forum for many months, and then just leave...and right away a new one always appears.

Articulate persons usually.  I still remember the poster from Arizona. He preceded R. Wheeler. Is there a pattern here?

Or is it my general suspicion imagination? Could be.

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Speaking of Lance Payette.  If you recall, I challenged him on all the chain of custody problems inherent in the JFK case with particular pieces of evidence, like CE 399 etc.  

He made no real response to that.  And then he left.

Now, take a look at this story:


If you read it, it appears that this is one of Lance's specialties, advising prosecutors on how to correctly collect and preserve evidence so it can be entered in court, surviving a defense challenge.

So he knew all of these issues since he deals with them in his practice.  And he was calling us nuts!?

God, the hypocrisy.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a passing thought in light of the current Supreme Court Justice news. 

Jack got a personal apperance before the Chief Justice.  Warren came to him.  Yes, as head of the Warren Commission, but he was still head of the Supreme Court in that capacity.  Snuck out of Washington with only Commissioner future president Gerald Ford with him down to Dallas.  How unusual is that?

Ruby begged, take me  to Washington to tell the Truth.

Warren ignored him.

Couldn't happen today that way with the media scrutiny.

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17 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Just a passing thought in light of the current Supreme Court Justice news. 

Jack got a personal apperance before the Chief Justice.  Warren came to him.  Yes, as head of the Warren Commission, but he was still head of the Supreme Court in that capacity.  Snuck out of Washington with only Commissioner future president Gerald Ford with him down to Dallas.  How unusual is that?

Ruby begged, take me  to Washington to tell the Truth.

Warren ignored him.

Couldn't happen today that way with the media scrutiny.

Why did Warren come in the first place?  I can't remember, did Ruby request an interview with the head of the WC, did Warren volunteer to go (not likely?), or was he possibly persuaded to.

The case was cut and dried for the WC.  He did Oswald to keep Jackie and the kids from having to come back to a trial in Dallas.  No need for further questions.  

Why did the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court waste two day's flying to Dallas and back to Washington for nothing? 

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Strip joint owning Jack Ruby getting within inches of a wide open Lee Harvey Oswald and blasting out his guts right inside the Dallas Police Department building with 70 armed police and other agency people all around him live on national TV with millions of Americans watching was "by far" the single most conspiracy suspicion arousing event in the entire JFK affair in the national psyche.

 And which is still felt today.

Those millions of viewers of Ruby whacking Oswald didn't need conspiracy books and articles to give them these conspiracy feelings and suspicions.

They "saw" a conspiracy happen right before their almost disbelieving eyes!

Like me, most average Americans knew Oswald was one of the most threatened criminal suspects in American crime history if not "the" most threatened.

Knowing this, to then see Oswald so open when he was brought around the corner into the basement and right up to the press crowd and then see this kind of frumpy, dark, stocky, hat wearing figure explode from the closest press line and get within inches of Oswald to blast away...was beyond negligence and coincidence in everyone's mind and just shouted conspiracy.

Salt of the Earth JFK Dealey Plaza shooting eyewitness railroad man Richard C. Dodd ( interviewed in Mark Lane's documentary "Rush To Judgement" ) summed up the general American sentiment of Ruby shooting Oswald ...

"Well, when a man can walk up and shoot a man handcuffed to two policemens, why, there's a sumthin' else goin on besides what should be."   

Right on Mr. Dodd!

Jack Ruby destroyed the best chance America had to learn the JFK assassination truth.

He saved Jackie Kennedy anymore anguish and proved Jews had guts but he screwed the rest of us...royally.

Thank you Jack Ruby.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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