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Robert Prudhomme

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9 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

I study it. I know you don't because of the things you've claimed.


You know I don't study it! So it's true, you do have supernatural mental powers. You ought to take advantage of it, man! Stop wasting your time on forums like this and get on TV.

Are you old enough to remember Kreskin, or Karnak the Magnificent, on Johnny Carson? They were mental acts, but you're the real deal.





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3 minutes ago, Ron Ecker said:

You know I don't study it! So it's true, you do have supernatural mental powers. You ought to take advantage of it, man! Stop wasting your time on forums like this and get on TV.

Are you old enough to remember Kreskin, or Karnak the Magnificent, on Johnny Carson? They were mental acts, but you're the real deal.

You aren't studying an issue if all you do is look at one side of it. And that is what your comments reveal you do.

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6 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

You aren't studying an issue if all you do is look at one side of it. And that is what your comments reveal you do.

I look at facts. For your information, I've got no dog in the hunt. Democrats and Republicans can both go to hell. I came to that conclusion within a few years after 11/22/63.(I'll admit that I'm kind of slow, but after a time I usually come to my senses.)


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4 hours ago, Ron Ecker said:

I heard somewhere on the news tonight that there's an online petition to get the electoral college to vote for Clinton.

Imagine it happening. Would that be a Constitutional crisis or what?

Or dare I say civil war?




I've been reading up on the election of 1800. The election went to the Electoral College and the College tied. The decision got bumped up to the House of Representatives where it took them 35 ballots over several days to decide in favor of Thomas Jefferson.

Interesting times.


Steve Thomas

PS: If I understand it correctly, the Electoral College can elect anyone. I personally would like to see them draft Michelle Obama. She seems to be the most respected person in America right now. But that's just my personal opinion.

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Some great posts!

Trump all long just wanted to prove he could become President. Now the fun's really over. After he became the presumptive nominee, He starting to realize he's in way over his head. It finally occurred to him that he would actually have to govern, and that was something he knew nothing about. He. then  toyed with idea of having a kind of Ronald Reagan presidency where he leaves others largely in charge of the details while he attends all the honorary functions and goes out in the stump and becomes a spokesman for a few of his pet political cause, tax and immigration reform etc..

He decided to offer Kasich a unprecedented amount of political policy power to serve as his Vice president, but he refused.
It was so important for him to win at any cost,even by bitterly dividing the nation with his rhetoric then he expects forgiveness and now realizes that everyone has been more gracious to him than he ever could be. When he was with Obama he looked old and burned out. He's been campaigning for a year and a half now and he's 70 years old.

But he's got a few friends, Wall Street has come to realize that this and a unified government could be their heyday, major income tax reform, cut the corporate tax in half and repatriate all those dollars.Trump makes a conciliatory speech, the markets turn around from a 800 point plunge. The next day HC gives a gracious concession speech, the markets skyrocket. Rumors circulate that Trump wants the CEO of JP Morgan Chase to be the Treasury secretary, great for another leg up. Deregulation on many levels, get the cops out of Wall Street, privatize Social security, all music to their ears. Trump wants increased infrastructure spending, up go all construction and material stocks. Unlike Hillary, Trump will initiate a new buildup now in defense spending, defense stocks pop,which can hardly be good. Cliff's right, the national debt has no impact on economic growth in periods of low interest , or the ability to wage war. Did it stop Reagan in a period of high interest? Yes we could still spend ourselves into another oblivion.


David is right. Trump and Putin as the economic/military bulwark against China was the initial plan, but as all the Trump plans, was not thought out in great detail.. Trump has too much financial interest and connections in Russia and is as conflicted as the Clinton's in many matters. But when it really gets down to it, his friends with interests in Asia, may remind him it's not fair that he should favor his own interests in Russia and I tend to think that after some tough talk and a few days of unsettling market anticipation he  gets a quarter of what he wants in renegotiation and claims a massive victory.

Though Trump may not be a mainstream Republican, the effect will historically be the same, the Republicans find the people who feel they've been forgotten so they can forget them all over again as they always have.
I stole this because it was good.--- Only in America does anyone ever talk of the "popular" vote. In every other country, it's just called "the vote".
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On 11/11/2016 at 10:58 PM, Ron Ecker said:

She lied under oath to Congress about her emails, according to the sworn testimony before Congress of  FBI Director James Comey. Forget all her alleged crimes going back 25 or 30 years. This crime is on the congressional record.



Hi Ron

I've heard about this. I've also been studying a similar case involving the GW Bush Administration, in which it seems there are 22 million emails on a private server that are unaccounted for.


Now, is this worse than Hillary's case, about the same as Hillary's case or not as bad as Hillary's case? Is Bush a "crook" too?

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This will be my last post about this topic.  One cannot debate with a person who thinks he knows it all, and then has a self righteous attitude that makes Jim Fetzer look modest.

To anyone actually interested in the issue of how the Clinton Foundation and the email issue intertwine, I just suggest looking up the name of Canadian billionaire Frank Giustra, the Russian company Uranium One, and Paul Thompson's fascinating time line on the whole Clinton Foundation, private server issue.


Edited by James DiEugenio
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25 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

This will be my last post about this topic.  One cannot debate with a person who thinks he knows it all, and then has a self righteous attitude that makes Jim Fetzer look modest.

To anyone actually interested in the issue of how the Clinton Foundation and the email issue intertwine, I just suggest looking up the name of Canadian billionaire Frank Giustra, the Russian company Uranium One, and Paul Thompson's fascinating time line on the whole Clinton Foundation, private server issue.


Nine Federal agencies signed off on that uranium deal.


All because of contributions to the Clinton Foundation?

Good show, Jim.

If you can't beat the Fascists -- join 'em.

You won't debate me because I rhetorically kick your ass every time we tangle.

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41 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

This will be my last post about this topic.  One cannot debate with a person who thinks he knows it all, and then has a self righteous attitude that makes Jim Fetzer look modest.

Project much, Jim?

41 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

To anyone actually interested in the issue of how the Clinton Foundation and the email issue intertwine, I just suggest looking up the name of Canadian billionaire Frank Giustra, the Russian company Uranium One, and Paul Thompson's fascinating time line on the whole Clinton Foundation, private server issue.


Here's the money shot in Thompson's time-line:

January 21, 2009—February 1, 2013: While Clinton is secretary of state, at least 181 companies, individuals, and foreign governments that donate to the Clinton Foundation also lobby Clinton’s State Department.

Bill Clinton also collects $26 million in speaking fees from Clinton Foundation donors. These numbers will be calculated by Vox in 2015. Vox will comment that no one “has produced anything close to evidence of a quid pro quo in which Hillary Clinton took official action in exchange for contributions to the Clinton Foundation.”

However, “public records alone reveal a nearly limitless supply of cozy relationships between the Clintons and companies with interests before the government. […] That’s not illegal, but it is scandalous.” Vox adds, “Ultimately, it is impossible to tell where one end of the two-headed Clinton political and philanthropic operation ends and where the other begins.” (Vox, 4/28/2015)


The Clintons made a fortune peddling access.

But no one can name one instance of quid pro quo.

Not even close.

So if we are going to criminalize the selling of access then we have to put all politicians in jail along with all the journalists who trade lies-for-access.



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22 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

I'm quoting you Pamela for a second reason. You recall Bonnie Franklin and her KPFA show Guns and Butter. Two weeks ago she had a guest on - Michele Chussodovsky, a man with controversial ideas that are sometimes interesting - and he said that the most dangerous candidate was Hilary Clinton, because she was the most likely to use nuclear weapons. And of course the statement went unchallenged. I flipped and called the station. They have now lost my support.

i agree completely about the Nazis. Not sure about the Israelis.

That is an interesting insight on Ms Chussodovsky's part.  Typically it has been Trump who has been presented as trigger-happy.

My focus on Israel comes as a result of its being relatively new during JFK's administration and always appearing to have a great need to feel that they are protected ("Never Again".)  Having a President whose father was a Hitler appeaser (and who lost his job at the Court of St. James as a result) could only imo create serious waves of concern in Israel.  I hope to add definition to the interactions of JFK and Israel during his adminstration.  Ironically, JJA was in charge of the "Israel desk" at CIA during that time, though who knows just what that means?

(But as I can already hear the clicking of the keyboards of a few posters here who may try to align my position with that of MPC in Final Judgment, I do not believe the Mossad was behind the assassination.  I have a different working hypothesis.)

Edited by Pamela Brown
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President Obama will likely pardon Hillary and her close aides that were involved in the email controversy, probably around Thanksgiving or Christmas when the public is absorbed in the holidays and not paying too much attention. The pardon for Hillary will cover both the email and Clinton Foundation controversies.

It looks increasingly likely that Gov. Christi will be indicted on Bridgegate before Trump becomes president. Christi's two close aides who were recently convicted in that scandal will eagerly testify against him at the trial. However, Trump may pardon Christi before the trial begins but the public perception that he gets off free while his close aides take the fall for him will engender intense criticism of both Christi and Trump.






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That is a really interesting point you bring up about HRC.  I was actually thinking the same thing.  On the last day, Obama just might do that.

I was also thinking the same thing about Chris Christie.

PS To Varnell, the biggest member of his own fan club: do you mean like your Harriman killed Kennedy and Bundy, not Dulles, was responsible for the Zapata disaster?

Please Cliff.  To those not in his fan club, please google those three subjects and read them yourselves outside of the Varnellian heavy duty Maytag spin dryer.  


Edited by James DiEugenio
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8 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

President Obama will likely pardon Hillary and her close aides that were involved in the email controversy, probably around Thanksgiving or Christmas when the public is absorbed in the holidays and not paying too much attention. The pardon for Hillary will cover both the email and Clinton Foundation controversies.

A pardon for what?

There was no rule against having a private server.

It's not against the law to sit down with people who donate money to a campaign or a charity.

If there is a quid pro quo in exchange for money -- then you have a case.

But peddling access is what all politicians do. 

One even came up with a cute bit -- "Take their money in the afternoon; eat their steak dinners in the evening; bed their women at night; vote against them in the morning."



It looks increasingly likely that Gov. Christi will be indicted on Bridgegate before Trump becomes president. Christi's two close aides who were recently convicted in that scandal will eagerly testify against him at the trial. However, Trump may pardon Christi before the trial begins but the public perception that he gets off free while his close aides take the fall for him will engender intense criticism of both Christi and Trump.





In order to be pardoned you have to commit a crime.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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1 minute ago, James DiEugenio said:



That is a really interesting point you bring up.  I was actually thinking the same thing.  On the last day, Obama just might do that.


Simply because with a not so friendly Justice Department hmm

The American people just went thru 18 months of being hammered on this e-mail thing by fascists and now we have others piling on.

Good show.

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