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Attorney's file on Roger Stone, LaRouche and Russia influencing the 2016 presidential election

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Trump now  feels free to complete his treasonous sellout of America so that the  Great Three --  he, Russia's Putin and China's Xi --  can rule the world through interlocking dictatorships.


From the article: President Trump has shown far less appetite to confront Russia. He has in fact repeatedly questioned whether Russia is an enemy at all. By accounts from within his own administration, Trump’s reluctance to confront the Russia threat is driven in part by his perception that acknowledging the 2016 interference would diminish his victory. Special Counsel Robert Mueller may have absolved Trump of an explicit conspiracy with Russia. But Trump’s continued reluctance to identify and address the Russia threat may be just as damaging to the U.S. and just as helpful to Russia—and the possibility that political intrigue will leave America paralyzed suits the architects of Russia’s shadow war just fine.




Edited by Douglas Caddy
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7 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Anyone who did not capture the name of the journalist (the one doing most of the talking) it is David Corn of Mother Jones.

I am not saying David Corn is "hack", however;

....Corn later told the media that he gave parts of the junk dossier to James Baker after the election — this contradicts Baker’s testimony.

Baker’s lawyer cut off Jim Jordan when he asked Baker if he talked to David Corn about anything the FBI was working on, specifically the Steele dossier.

“I’m sorry, I’m going to cut — not let him answer these questions right now. You may or may not know, he’s been the subject of a leak investigation which is still — a criminal leak investigation that’s still active at the Justice Department...” Baker’s lawyer told Jim Jordan.

Baker told Rep. Jordan that his very good friend Dave Corn was “anxious” to get the fake dossier over to the FBI — when Jordan asked Baker if Corn told him where he got the dossier from he said he ‘couldn’t recall’ but that there was a 302 taken of his interview with the FBI about it... 


Classic - Cut to Corn at 2:10 mark in the video posted

"...he had the intelligence pedigree that I had been told he had..."

So the FBI is willing to lie to the FISA Court, but MSNBC doesn't suspect the FBI might also lie to a half-wit reporter at Mother Jones. 

I do not know the date of the video Cliff posted. It may be older than some of the latest news and so does not reflect newer revelations.


You're missing the larger point, Robert ol' buddy, my hardcore punk rock listenin' pro football watchin' friend.

The Russia-DNC-hack story made the cable news cycle twice -- June 14/15 and July 24/25. 

On October 7 the BIG Russia-DNC-hack story -- the report of the Obama Administration -- was buried by the pussy grabbin' tape and Podesta Wikileaks.  It never made it into the news cycle.

On Oct. 31 David Corn's story about the Steele Dossier was buried under coverage of Hillary's e-mails -- it never made the news cycle.

But according to Wheeler/Carter/DiEugenio the FBI framed Trump in order to prevent him from taking the White House.

As always, my fine Trumpster friends can't cognitively acknowledge the fact that the FBI weighed in decisively against Clinton.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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From my statement when I started this thread:

I am posting my legal file on this subject in the JFK Assassination Topic of the Forum because the events described within it initially came about when Roger Stone contacted me in 2012. He requested any information that I might have on LBJ, which I was pleased to provide. In 2013 Stone published his book, The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ, which became a best-seller. In his book Stone credits me as a primary source for information, as is disclosed in the file. Thus, in a roundabout way JFK five decades after his murder is providing from the grave a nexus of how the 2016 presidential election was rigged. Don’t you think he is pleased at doing this?


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As long as we're not on topic, Craig Unger's recent book, House of Trump, House of Putin: The Untold Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia (2018), looks interesting.  Supposedly covers the Gambino Family-connected Atlantic City casino dealings as well.

Edited by David Andrews
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1 hour ago, David Andrews said:

As long as we're not on topic, Craig Unger's recent book, House of Trump, House of Putin: The Untold Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia (2018), looks interesting.  Supposedly covers the Gambino Family-connected Atlantic City casino dealings as well.

I looked in the non-fiction section at the bookstore but couldn't find it.

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3 hours ago, Ty Carpenter said:

I looked in the non-fiction section at the bookstore but couldn't find it.


His previous book, House of Bush, House of Saud was good.  He's pushing the Trump book hard on Twitter - pimpin' it, as the kids say.

Edited by David Andrews
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1 hour ago, Ty Carpenter said:

I looked in the non-fiction section at the bookstore but couldn't find it.

Ty: I have a copy of House of Trump House of Putin that I have finished reading which you can have free. If you want it just send me a private message me through the forum with your address and I shall mail it to you at no cost to you. It is worth reading for sure.


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21 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

The idea that this thread has any relevance to JFK is preposterous, yet the travesty continues. 



But I find it interesting nonetheless. It's sort of like water cooler talk for the conspiracy minded.


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Roger Stone Needs Your Help to Maintain His Standard of Living

His wife is "embarrassed to write" a letter asking for cash to pay living expenses. But she does anyhow.



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Guest Dale Thorn

Somehow I think I'd trust a long-entrenched "mafia" collaborating with Russians in nebulous "deals" with the Trump syndicate than trust the Chinese or others from outside of our familiar circles. The devil you know is generally reliable, and you know how much it takes to feed him.

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