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JFK was killed due to a UFO conspiracy?

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New to Netflix is a documentary from Dr. Greer regarding UFO's titled "Unacknowledged".

I had heard about it so I watched it last night.

Interestingly, it wove into the theme the theory that the JFK Assassination and the unfortunate events regarding Marilyn Monroe were connected to UFO's.

I will not expand on the theory because I do not want to spoil it for you.

Of course, I do not give an opinion on the overall conspiracy presented, but, will say as a documentary, it was much better than the usual UFO documentary one finds on youtube or netflix as Dr. Greer presents somewhat more credible witnesses and documentary evidence.


Watch it and feel free to give me your thoughts as I am interested to see if this documentary hit the mark for all of you or was a miss, especially as it relates to JFK.



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Douglas Caddy would, I believe, recount his last exchange with E Howard Hunt, while leaving a restaurant in 19 seventy-sumthin. 


Douglas: " So, Howard, why was JFK killed?"

Hunt: " Because he was about to reveal an important secret to the USSR."

Douglas: "What secret was that?

Hunt: "The alien presence."

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4 hours ago, Cory Santos said:

New to Netflix is a documentary from Dr. Greer regarding UFO's titled "Unacknowledged".

I had heard about it so I watched it last night.

Interestingly, it wove into the theme the theory that the JFK Assassination and the unfortunate events regarding Marilyn Monroe were connected to UFO's.

I will not expand on the theory because I do not want to spoil it for you.

Of course, I do not give an opinion on the overall conspiracy presented, but, will say as a documentary, it was much better than the usual UFO documentary one finds on youtube or netflix as Dr. Greer presents somewhat more credible witnesses and documentary evidence.


Watch it and feel free to give me your thoughts as I am interested to see if this documentary hit the mark for all of you or was a miss, especially as it relates to JFK.



No thanks, Ron.

Edited by Ron Bulman
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You are right Ron, as your instincts are usually correct.

This link will take you to one of the best essays Kennedys and King ever posted.  Seamus Coogan usually gets credit for his critique of John Hankey.  But IMO, this one was even better.


Also, that MM UFO doc, if its the one I saw, it was discredited a very long time ago as a forgery by John Newman.

If Hunt really said that, then he was tossing out disinformation at an early date.  Considering his specialty of black propaganda, it  makes perfect sense.

But please read the above essay, it is excellent.


Edited by James DiEugenio
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The subject of UFOs is one that has been purposely marginalized in almost every realm of our media for 60+ years as part of a grand, well financed and organized agenda by the powers to be.

Talk about a huge and long term disinformation campaign.

Keep showing little ET Greys walking side by side with G.W. Bush into the White House on the covers of the tabloids which are then displayed right in the faces of millions while they go through the check out lines in 200.000 grocery and convenience stores across America.

Keep pressuring TV station reporters to chuckle dismissively while telling their viewers of some widely reported UFO sighting incident in their area with an implied threat of job loss if they don't comply.

The Governor of Arizona's ET costume Phoenix Lights press conference in 1997 was the most outrageous example of this purposeful media derisiveness. Fife Symington years later recanted his immediate words and actions after the Phoenix lights story and said the incident was a truly unexplained one. He said he performed that ridiculous joke news conference only to calm the public.

There have been a few reports of people who had some interaction with JFK ( maybe even just a chance meeting ) who believed that JFK was aware of this phenomena and was not a skeptic in regards to its reality.

However, this is a subject most serious JFK event researchers just don't want to even go near for concerns of damage to their credibility and what they claim is too much of a distraction from the real world search for the truth.

But let me share a couple of stories of personal interactions with a few people close to me of their UFO sighting experiences and these were 
"before" 1963.  

I do so only to contemplate whether there could be even a remote possibly that there might have been a  "JFK/UFO/ET " security problem story here with some credibility.

Because I trust these people and their honesty and veracity completely ( then and now )  I cannot then rule out the possibility that the phenomena was and is real and that JFK was well aware of this when he was president. And, if it was real, it would be of the highest possible security level with even a President denied access to all the information known about this subject. And if JFK wasn't trusted by the gate keepers and they even worried about his sharing what he knew with of all the people and nations on Earth ( the Russians? ) then this story of E. Howard Hunt telling Doug Caddy why JFK was killed, deserves to at least be contemplated.

My much older brother was an A.P in the Air Force and stationed at an air base in Morocco around 1961 thru 1962. He was later stationed at Vandenberg Air Base just south of Santa Maria, CA.

One day pulling night guard duty at the Morocco Air Base he and his fellow A.P.s witnessed red circular objects hovering over the base for several minutes. It was so unusual it rattled my brother.  He and his fellow airmen radioed to their superiors about these round ( disk? )  shaped red objects and their hovering above them.  After a long silence ...they were told this quote:

"We have nothing on radar, therefore you see nothing  And don't write home about it."

There are other stories I could relate by trusted family members but that's all I want to share here now on this subject as I don't want to veer too far away from our main forum message.  I just wanted to make the point that if anyone here believes the ET/UFO story to any degree, then they might consider not totally dismissing the JFK/ET original post question out of hand.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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Well Joe, having just spent 15 years researching and writing a book on UFOs as a national intelligence problem (published only two months ago)  - and obviously not dismissing them out of hand - I feel compelled to jump in and (no offense to Mr. Caddy) say that yes, I can indeed dismiss the JFK/UFO scenario it out of hand.  It in itself is just another sensational diversion from something that does deserve serious study. 

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Larry, since after researching this subject for that long of time and you don't dismiss it as untrue , I am very curious what your personal thoughts are regards whether JFK knew about it, how much he knew about it and whether he believed it to any degree?

And do you believe there was indeed a group of high level military, academic and political men who were assigned the task of knowing and managing the whole UFO/ET truth and if so,  were they completely divorced from any political bias toward the presidents who were in office during the time they had this duty and knowledge?

I just feel that those in a group like this would be more inclined toward a secret agency and military loyalty stronger than  a presidential one, especially one who had serious animosity and mistrust causing differences with his military command and who had declared war on our most powerful secret agency.

I keep an open mind regards anything Doug Caddy has to say considering his important career one-on-one interactions with men who many on this forum believe were directly involved with the JFK assassination. That reality places Caddy in a very unique and special category versus all the other researchers here IMO.




Edited by Joe Bauer
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Without "contaminating" the forum too much I'll try to give you simple answers here Joe, for support for these responses  I just have to refer you to the book...which does study the second question in great detail.

First, given the very real and evolving threats JFK had to deal with as Commander in Chief, I see not evidence that this was something that really ever got his attention other than in a couple of very peripheral ways in regard to the space program and the rather improbable possibility of some level of cooperation with the Russians. Certainly this puts me at odds with a considerable amount of what has been written about the subject.  In comparison, in 1952 Truman was interested in the subject and took it quite seriously - from an air defense and possible preemptive Soviet attack perspective.

Second, there a number of groups that took the subject very seriously, as they should have, and at one point it almost got kicked up to the national security council, why it did not is a story in and of itself since the CIA Office of Scientific Intelligence made that recommendation. I will also tell you that a number of very serious and qualified professionals have searched for special groups outside the ones I mentioned above and address in the book - and have not found them. Of course this puts me at odds with the entire MJ-12 community, a position I am happy to take.

The other point that I would make in regard to the information Douglas Caddy relates is that your level of acceptance needs to be evaluated against Howard Hunt as a trusted source since he was originated what Doug is relaying.  If you have read my books and blog posts you have seen my evaluation of Hunt so I'll leave it at that.







Edited by Larry Hancock
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I do need to read your books. And so many others by these forum members.

But doesn't it seem almost impossible that a group like MJ-12 "wouldn't" have been created to study and manage this area of national security?

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Did you read Coogan's article?  He makes a very good case that the MJ 12 docs are not genuine.

And I am sure Larry can add that there was more than one group inside the Pentagon that did study the phenomenon, one being Project Bluebook. Which I think was the longest lasting study, and they employed Professor Allen Hynek as their chief outside scientific advisor.  

So let us ask Larry, did Hynek ever address the Majestic Papers?

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Two answers, first the MJ-12 papers documents were first made available to a couple of private individuals in 1984.  Dr Hynek passed away in 1986 and never really become really involved with the subject as it took awhile for it to peculate - with additional documents emerging through the 90's and still coming out today!   The FBI did become involved early on because as you can imagine if these were truly highly classified documents it would have been an intense security matter and people would have been locked up on Federal charges. Their investigation determined that the documents were false and not a security matter...and as I noted, hundreds of pages more continued to come out during a period of many years. It is pretty clear that the initial documents were part of a disinformation campaign which contained other, nastier elements and was intended to divert UFO researchers and groups (one long targeted by counter intelligence) from new technical developments not only of certain Star Wars tech but of stealth aircraft development.  For the story on that read the book Project Beta by Greg Bishop and Mirage Men by Mark Pilkerington.

Joe, for your second question, as Jim said, the intelligence community already had special groups and personnel for exactly that kind of work - with the appropriate classifications and compartmentalization...and resources.  Over a period of time some of those groups and some very top notch scientific personnel did become involved, that is all in Unidentified.  However due to the nature of things there was no ongoing, strategic analysis done by the one group that might have gotten their hands around the whole story - the indications/Warnings analysis group within the CIA.

Many of the assumptions about MJ-12 were based in a Roswell craft recovery, however that story has largely collapsed over time as well.  I would refer you to Kevin Randle, the long time guru on Roswell, and his most recent book Roswell in the 21th Century.  Although Randle himself was involved in almost all the original story, he has now done his own homework and essentially deconstructed virtually all the elements of the original - exposing a number of hoaxers in the process.



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The Earth is but a single grain of sand in the vast cosmos of space.  Last I heard it was something like 500,000 billion light years in size. If anyone can wrap their head around that number, let me know because I sure cannot.

Every speck of light you see in a Hubble photograph is a sun like ours with most probably planets orbiting it. As a matter of fact, one of Hubble's most famous photos was a vast array of galaxies, each containing millions of suns and their planets.

So why does it always seem - when trying to make sense of the vast cosmos of space - like we're so very "blessed" and fortunate to have had these little green visitors come and visit us? Or another way of putting it is - why is it that when anyone claims they were abducted by a UFO or little green men were walking around next to their spaceship - why is it that the entire world never EVER sees these things? It only happens to a few humans with only their word to go by. And if human intelligence is any example from what we see on this forum, there are going to be plenty of people out there who who make outrageous claims like this either because they're in it for the money, attention, or they're just plain nuts.  

And there's always going to be suckers falling for this xxxx, just like they fall for every single film or photo of the Kennedy murder has been spliced or doctored in some way, or there was a clone of Oswalds running around 10 whole years before 1963, or think the moon landings were faked.

So those are my thoughts on the so-called UFO stuff and all the other stuff like Kennedy was going to reveal it and that's why he died is just all head-slapping silliness. When a city-sized spaceship comes down and hovers over us in the sky, I'll then eat these words.

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Michael, it is very difficult for me on a life experience level to dismiss people like Gordon Cooper. Edgar Mitchell, Walter Haut, Colonel Jessie Marcell Sr. , Jimmy Carter, Paul Hellyer and even Ronald Reagan and so many others in very high positions of authority and responsibility , as nuts or insecure attention seekers in their shared public statements expressing belief in the UFO  story.

And when members of your own family whom you know and trust implicitly ( for 50 years + ) share similar stories ( in private and not publicly ) it makes it even harder to dismiss this subject as totally untrue.

I'll share again a quote that I was told  years ago ( 5th thru 8th hand I admit ) that was supposedly uttered by someone employed in a high security position and who after having one too many beers and being harangued one too many times about what he did for a living by others said something like ... look, I'll tell you this...and never ask me about this again ...  " if the average person knew HALF of what is really going on in the world, they'd go into their backyard and kill themselves. "

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1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

" if the average person knew HALF of what is really going on in the world, they'd go into their backyard and kill themselves. "

You don't have to take those words from someone you know - all you have to do is look around on the internet and you'll find some truly despicable things that humans do to each other. For all of its wonderful traits, the internet has revealed how horrible the human race is as well.

Ronald Reagan? Jimmy Carter?  So I guess because of these humans, who were elected to high office by the people, that they have some special authority that proves that UFOs exist just because they say they saw something odd in the sky?  Please.

Like the JFK assassination, there's usually an innocent explanation to things. We've had satellites and the Hubble up there now for a number of years. The Hubble has revealed the vastness of space.  But I'm still waiting for something strange for it to capture to prove life exists elsewhere in space. 

However, it's your right to believe whatever you wish, just like it's my right to wait to believe once I see it with my own eyes. There's a difference between believing and wanting to believe.  And, after all, isn't that what Barnum really meant when he said "A sucker is born every minute?"

That's why religion still exists even today, even after technology and science have proven many of the ridiculous myths that came about hundreds of years ago, and the powers-that-be back then used religion as a combination of fear and "you better believe or you're going into the fires of damnation" to keep people who didn't know any better under control.

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