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Need single bullet theory diagram

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"NON" conspiracy book? 

You planning on writing that the Silly BS Theory was real?

Will this be in the Kid's Fairy-tale section or Romantic Fiction thrillers?





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Fred Litwin said:

I am looking for a diagram of the single-bullet theory that I can legally use in my new non-conspiracy book. Can anybody help?

Hi Fred,

IMO, the best diagram to demonstrate the viability and workability of the SBT is the "live action" diagram (photo) that became Warren Commission Exhibit No. 903.

CE903 shows the path of the SBT bullet and also forever destroys the idea that the Warren Commission wanted (or needed!) to raise JFK's upper-back wound into his neck (which is a notion that conspiracy theorists still have in their heads today, even with CE903 staring them in the face to prove them 100% wrong on that point).

More SBT common sense....



Edited by David Von Pein
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With the TSBD to the rear and right of JFK.. and Connolly in this image to the front and right of JFK....

how again does a bullet traveling north to south change direction to move south to north?

A shot moving from JFK's right to left (from behind) exits the throat and can still hit JC's right armpit?

In which if these frames can a bullet moving RIGHT TO LEFT at over 20 degrees exit his throat and still hit JC in the right armpit? or did the WCR get this recreation incorrect as well?


(Reversed)  and seems to require JFK not be on the rail but closer to Jackie... - not so much




Edited by David Josephs
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Right to left shot leaving JFK's throat traveling 20 degree off center ... even if possible, a shot would hit JC on the left side of his body... not the right armpit...

But hey, nice try at confusing the issue...


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10 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

Right to left shot leaving JFK's throat traveling 20 degree off center ... even if possible, a shot would hit JC on the left side of his body... not the right armpit...

But hey, nice try at confusing the issue...

Nice try, DJ, at pretending to know with 100% certainty the EXACT, TO-THE-MILLIMETER body position of Governor Connally when he was shot (which is something NOBODY knows with 100% certainty).

And, of course, the WC didn't need a curving or "magical" metal rod to get the bullet to proceed straight from JFK's throat wound to the bullet hole in Governor Connally's jacket. So, obviously, that bullet path was a DOABLE one without any need for any zigging or zagging at all.

But just do what almost all other CTers do, DJ --- ignore CE903.



Edited by David Von Pein
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9 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

Nice try, DJ, at pretending to know with 100% certainty the EXACT, TO-THE-MILLIMETER body position of Governor Connally when he was shot (which is something NOBODY knows with 100% certainty).

And, of course, the WC didn't need a curving or "magical" metal rod to get the bullet to proceed straight from JFK's throat wound to the bullet hole in Governor Connally's jacket. So, obviously, that bullet path was a DOABLE one without any need for any zigging or zagging at all.

But just do what almost all other CTers do, DJ --- ignore CE903.



DVP, this view from the rear showing the entry point of the pointer as significantly above the hole in JFK's suit coat. 


How can that explain the entry up higher near the neck needed for the SBT to work?  It also shows the pointer at a much flatter angle than the 6th floor TSBD window.


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David Von Pein in 2003:  the defects in JFK's shirt and jacket were both elevated 2 inches, so the bullet holes aligned with T1.

David Von Pein in 2014:  the defects in JFK's shirt and jacket weren't elevated much at all, so the bullet holes aligned with T1.

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1 hour ago, Cliff Varnell said:

David Von Pein in 2003:  the defects in JFK's shirt and jacket were both elevated 2 inches, so the bullet holes aligned with T1.

~sigh~ Despite what Cliff says above, I have never once said anything---ever!---about Kennedy's clothes being "elevated 2 inches".

I've never talked about specific measurements (like "2 inches") with regard to JFK's jacket and shirt, because it's impossible for anybody (including Cliff "Everything In This Case Revolves Around The Clothing" Varnell) to know exactly how far the clothing was "bunched up" on JFK's back when the shooting occurred in Dealey Plaza.

Edited by David Von Pein
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15 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

~sigh~ Despite what Cliff says above, I have never once said anything---ever!---about Kennedy's clothes being "elevated 2 inches".

Sure you did.  You cited a photo taken on AF1 which showed JFK's shirt elevated to the top of his shirt collar -- that's 2 inches.


I've never talked about specific measurements (like "2 inches") with regard to JFK's jacket and shirt, because it's impossible for anybody (including Cliff "Everything In This Case Revolves Around The Clothing" Varnell) to know exactly how far the clothing was "bunched up" on JFK's back when the shooting occurred in Dealey Plaza.

Factually incorrect.

Itr's an infallible iron-clad physical LAW of clothing design that casual body movements cause a fraction of an inch of shirt fabric to "ease."

This is readily verified -- it's the most readily verifiable physical phenomenon.

How much of the day do you spend wearing a shirt, David?  It's literally under your nose - and you can feel it as well as see it.

When you move around casually a fraction of an inch of fabric eases -- not the multiple inches required by your SBT.

You've admitted previously that JFK's clothing wasn't elevated in the Croft 3 photo.

The SBT stands debunked -- first officially debunked in 1966 Fonzi v. Specter.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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2 hours ago, Fred Litwin said:

Thanks David, CE903 is a very good picture to use. I'd like to find something that illustrates the tumbling bullet as well.



Thanks for the suggestion.  I've not heard this one in ages.  Though this one doesn't rock as hard as the studio version it is still classic.

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17 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

It's an infallible iron-clad physical LAW of clothing design that casual body movements cause a fraction of an inch of shirt fabric to "ease."

This is readily verified -- it's the most readily verifiable physical phenomenon on planet earth.

How much of the day do you spend wearing a shirt, David?  It's literally under your nose - and you can feel it as well as see it.

When you move around casually a fraction of an inch of fabric eases -- not the multiple inches required by your SBT.

You've admitted previously that JFK's clothing wasn't elevated in the Croft 3 photo.

The SBT stands debunked -- first officially debunked in 1966 Fonzi v. Specter.

bump, slightly edited

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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