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Where is the exit?

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2 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


If so, kindly reply to the other posts.

 I did.



Only in the one case, where the doctors might have been mistaken. (BTW, at least one of the doctors at Parkland said that he or they weren't sure it was an entrance wound. I'll post his statement if you want.)

No, you say Glenn Bennett got the back shot wrong, Finck and Kellerman got it wrong on the back wound probe, Nellie Connally and Linda got it wrong when they testified JFK reacted to a throat shot.   That's just off the top of my head...


Not so.


Your Magic Disappearing Skull Fragment theory is over the top lunacy.  Pure fiction.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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33 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Only in the one case, where the doctors might have been mistaken. (BTW, at least one of the doctors at Parkland said that he or they weren't sure it was an entrance wound. I'll post his statement if you want.)

No, you say Glenn Bennett got the back shot wrong, Finck and Kellerman got it wrong on the back wound probe, Nellie Connally and Linda got it wrong when they testified JFK reacted to a throat shot.   That's just off the top of my head...


And you say that Dr. Carrico, Dr. Kemp Clark, and Roy Kellerman got the throat wound location wrong. Not to mention the autopsy photos. All of which indicate a below-the-shirtline location. I could challenge you on some in your list of witnesses who you say I got wrong. But I won't because I am done with you.

Why do you have to make such a big deal about the theories I explore, so much so that you post your grievances in irrelevant threads, in reply to irrelevant posts, and months if not years after I last explored them?

Never mind...  I don't care.


Edited by Sandy Larsen
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3 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


And you say that Dr. Carrico, Dr. Kemp Clark, and Roy Kellerman got the throat wound location wrong.

You're spinning their testimony to fit your ridiculous theory.

3 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


Not to mention the autopsy photos.

The autopsy photos were not prepared according to proper autopsy protocol; there is no chain of possession for the autopsy photos.

Therefore we ignore them.

3 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


All of which indicate a below-the-shirtline location.

No they don't.  The bruised larynx with the burst blood vessels on the right were above the shirt-line.

3 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


I could challenge you on some in your list of witnesses who you say I got wrong. But I won't because I am done with you.

Why do you have to make such a big deal about the theories I explore, so much so that you post your grievances in irrelevant threads, in reply to irrelevant posts, and months if not years after I last explored them?

No, you posted your Magic Disappearing Skull Fragment theory recently.

This is one of those issues that should have been settled decades ago, but Lone Nutters and "CT" Pet Theorists have to keep the lone nut talking points in a zombie state...


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Hey Michael Clark,

Cliff Varnell is talking about Sandy Larsen's ideas are lunacy.  Isn't that saying that he's a lunatic?  Warn him!

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5 minutes ago, John Butler said:

Hey Michael Clark,

Cliff Varnell is talking about Sandy Larsen's ideas are lunacy.  Isn't that saying that he's a lunatic?  Warn him!

Speaking of lunatic ideas...JFK was shot on Main St.!

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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Yep.  This is the 3rd shot.  I believe he received one head wound and at least 3 shots to the back.  You have to slow the AMIPA film down to see this.  I think I put maybe 3 seconds between frames.  As far as head wounds go this one is on the forehead at the right temple just before the hairline.  You can see it in some of these frames.  Read Jackie Kennedy's statements carefully.  She's mostly ignored.  She said she heard shots just before she saw a blue-grey building coming up on Main Street.  This building area is today the Kennedy Monument.  She talked about his head wound as just being bone visible and no blood.  This doesn't sound like the big blowout wound on Elm Street. 



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57 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

No, you posted your Magic Disappearing Skull Fragment theory recently.

Seriously folks, I have no idea what he is talking about. I haven't posted much at all in months because I've been sick and finally in the hospital. I am just now recovering.


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59 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

Seriously folks, I have no idea what he is talking about. I haven't posted much at all in months because I've been sick and finally in the hospital. I am just now recovering.


Sandy Larsen on 8/9/2018:

<quote on, emphasis in the original>

My hypothesis is that, when the limo was behind the Stemmons sign in the Z film, a gunman shot a rifle from one of the 6th floor windows located near the south-west corner. Maybe Kennedy looked down for a moment. Either of these two things would cause the bullet to hit near the EOP at an obtuse angle. Obtuse hits are more likely than straight-on hits to deflect. In any case, the bullet did not penetrate the skull but rather tunneled under the skin and skidded along the back of the skull.

At some point the bullet breaks up and the fragments travel down through the neck. (One of the technicians stated that he saw fragments in the neck. And now that x-ray is missing.) The largest fragment has more momentum than the others (as dictated by a law of physics) and travels further down the neck, and toward the front of the neck.

That bullet fragment continues down and hits one of the cervical vertebrae. A couple shards of bone break away at high velocity, the larger of which is sent out the the front of the neck. Along the way it goes through and damages the trachea. The smaller shard  shoots up and stops to the right side of the larynx, causing contusion and hematoma there.

Meanwhile the bullet fragment continues down and fractures the transverse process of T1. The fragment then penetrates the pleural lining and apex of the right lung, thus bruising the apex and collapsing the lung (pneumothorax). It then travels down past the soft tissue of the lung, which is why it can’t be seen on the chest x-ray.

<quote off>

"At some point the bullet breaks up and the fragments travel down through the neck."  What a joke!

You insist on making stuff up.  The metallic densities at C3/C4 were determined to be cassette debris, the lung did not collapse, the pleural lining was never penetrated.

Pet Theorists are incorrigible...

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Yeah Cliff,

It's quite bizarre.  All of the shooting sequences are.  Maybe you can come up with some metric solution about angles and sunshine that points out how wrong I am in  seeing what the film shows.  Maybe that is a bee sting on President Kennedy's cheek that caused it to swell like air is forcefully being expelled by a strong blow to the body.  Maybe President Kennedy swallowed a bug and is coughing that bug up by forcefully expelling air from his lungs.  And, that accounts for his smiling.

It is a shame I didn't interpret all those scenes with squinted eyes, grimaces, and looks of pain as simply as smiles.  Did you fail to notice that no one at this point is noticing any shooting or the effects of shooting.  Everyone seems to be smiling and waving at the crowds except Roy Kellerman.  Sorry, Roy Kellerman is not in this sequence.  He is watching the president in the rear view mirror. 

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21 hours ago, John Butler said:

The argument hasn't changed much in almost 55 years.  It's still Parkland vs. Autopsy.  Who do you believe?

Does anyone have information on President Kennedy's clothes concerning the trail of custody for those clothes.  In particular, information on who took custody of his coat, shirt, tie, trousers, and back brace.  Was that material just bagged up and given to the FBI or Secret Service?

The reason for this question is that there is quite a bit of argument on the back wound hole in the shirt fitting the hole in the President's back exactly.  There was that odd discussion about creepy (crepey) skin.  Or, otherwise there were arguments of jackets riding up or shirts riding up because things didn't quite work for the backwound unless special pleading was done.



If there was a big hole in the back of JFK's head, there should be massive blood stains on the backrest of the back seat of JFK's limo.  Very little if any.  Hole in the back of JFK's head is fake news.

The blood marks show a pattern consistent with a shot from his right with him slumping to his left and blood pouring out the top of his head.  That is why Jackie was covered in brain matter and blood.



Edited by Keyvan Shahrdar
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2 hours ago, Keyvan Shahrdar said:

If there was a big hole in the back of JFK's head, there should be massive blood stains on the backrest of the back seat of JFK's limo.  Very little if any.  Hole in the back of JFK's head is fake news.

The blood marks show a pattern consistent with a shot from his right with him slumping to his left and blood pouring out the top of his head.  That is why Jackie was covered in brain matter and blood.



His head wouldn't have touched the back rest. he fell to his left, therefore the blood would pour out of the back of his head on to the back seat and Jackie. How do you work out there was no hole in the back of his head?



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18 minutes ago, Ray Mitcham said:

His head wouldn't have touched the back rest. he fell to his left, therefore the blood would pour out of the back of his head on to the back seat and Jackie. How do you work out there was no hole in the back of his head?





There is no brain matter or a large amount of blood in the backrest of the back seat.  The brain matter landed on Jackie.  The above photograph shows this.

There is no hole in the back of JFK's head shown in the Zapruder film,  Mary Moreman photo, the autopsy photo's of JFK's head, the X-rays of JFK's head.

The film and photographic evidence do not show any signs of an exit wound in the back of JFK's head.  Because 20-doctors say there is a hole in the back of his head does not make it so, especially when they recollect their memories 5, 10, 30, even 50 years later. 

Edited by Keyvan Shahrdar
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47 minutes ago, Keyvan Shahrdar said:


There is no brain matter or a large amount of blood in the backrest of the back seat.  The brain matter landed on Jackie.  The above photograph shows this.

There is no hole in the back of JFK's head shown in the Zapruder film,  Mary Moreman photo, the autopsy photo's of JFK's head, the X-rays of JFK's head.

The film and photographic evidence do not show any signs of an exit wound in the back of JFK's head.  Because 20-doctors say there is a hole in the back of his head does not make it so, especially when they recollect their memories 5, 10, 30, even 50 years later. 

Because there was no hole shown in the Zapruder film doesn't mean there wasn't one there,(alteration of the film- what is the pitch black insert over where the hole would be in the President's head.) Tom Wilson found a hole in the back of JFK's head as shown here.


As far as the autopsy photos and the X-rays are concerned, there are extreme doubts about whether they are kosher.

Considering we are talking about the possibilities of fakery in the Zap film and the autopsy and x ray photos, I would rather go with the original testimony of the doctors at Parkland, who had no reason to lie.

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14 hours ago, John Butler said:


Yep.  This is the 3rd shot.  I believe he received one head wound and at least 3 shots to the back.  You have to slow the AMIPA film down to see this.  I think I put maybe 3 seconds between frames.  As far as head wounds go this one is on the forehead at the right temple just before the hairline.  You can see it in some of these frames.  Read Jackie Kennedy's statements carefully.  She's mostly ignored.  She said she heard shots just before she saw a blue-grey building coming up on Main Street.  This building area is today the Kennedy Monument.  She talked about his head wound as just being bone visible and no blood.  This doesn't sound like the big blowout wound on Elm Street. 




To me, it looks like passenger aircraft are in the reflection on the limo - if so, this clip is while they are still at Love Field.  I could seriously be mistaken as well.  Do you have confirmation of the location of this clip?


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