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Possible photo of E. H. Hunt in Dealey Plaza

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I'm pretty sure I've seen the "big" picture before but never this blown up or clear.  Regarding David J's picture posted by Jamey.  It is a buttoned up overcoat with his hands in the pockets.  It was 67 degrees, sunny with a light breeze.  No one else around was that bundled up.  The (light) rain had stopped over an hour before.  I'd think he might be getting warm dressed that way, especially with the hat on.  It is very similar to the one E. H. H. is wearing in the insets.  Same style, similar if not identical brim, same with the color (or shade in black and white), and the hat band looks pretty much the same.  Can't tell much about facial features because of the shadows.  Headed toward the GK but doesn't appear to be in a big hurry like some in the bigger picture.  Maybe Angleton wasn't just blowing smoke in his "Hunt" memo.

Regarding the bigger picture, a few personal observations, as I'm no photography expert.  To the left behind "Hunt" still up on the grass are two guys in white pants, one immediately behind the other just standing there.  They look a little odd, maybe out of place.  The front guy with his hands in his pockets, looking straight across the street or slightly to his right (the TSBD?), but not towards the GK where just about everyone is heading, some running towards.  They guy behind him seems to be holding something white horizontally in his left hand behind the front guy's back, also not making any effort to follow others toward the GK.  To the right of these two a woman seems to be showing a man in a suit something in her hand, neither of them paying attention to other people, the GK or TSBD.  A few feet to the right of them (their left) is a man in a suit who seems to almost be standing at attention, just observing.  Then on the far right you have the two guys in suits and hats strolling together with, towards the GK, it appears, a black man in a jacket and cap.  The man in the middle and the black man seem to be conversing.  Then another guy in a suit a step back and a couple over to their right (our left in the picture) also strolling toward the GK but looking hard to his right.  Probably nothing suspicious in this group.  But "Hunt" and the two guys in white pants look a little fishy. 

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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

To the right of these two a woman seems to be showing a man in a suit something in her hand, neither of them paying attention to other people, the GK or TSBD. 

Is he confiscating her camera?

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1 hour ago, David Andrews said:

White trousers = Miami?

Looks Hispanic, not preppy to me. The whole shot has quite a cast. The two guys in fedoras also in this shot - pointed out already - were seen in that eerie photo at Houston and Main - one grabbing his had edge almost in a final greeting.

Looks like an observer team, looking for problems that might linger with the scenario that just played.

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4 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

a woman seems to be showing a man in a suit something in her hand, neither of them paying attention to other people, the GK or TSBD. 

That's Mary Moorman and the newsman (I think his name was Featherstone) who approached her about the picture she took.



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2 hours ago, Ron Ecker said:

That's Mary Moorman and the newsman (I think his name was Featherstone) who approached her about the picture she took.



Thank you sir.  I figured the photo had been analyzed in detail by many more knowledgeable than me in the past but don't remember reading comments on it.  

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8 hours ago, Michael Cross said:

Unger has a pretty comprehensive collection.

Here! Here!  That's an understatement.  Maybe a new visitor to this site has never got lost in it and come out re-educated.  


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4 hours ago, David Andrews said:

White trousers = Miami?

I'd already thought the front one looked Hispanic before Geoff mentioned it.  Just about all Cubans are rightfully, Proudly, Hispanic.  Cuban's came from Miami to watch the President's parade?

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10 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

I'd already thought the front one looked Hispanic before Geoff mentioned it.  Just about all Cubans are rightfully, Proudly, Hispanic.  Cuban's came from Miami to watch the President's parade?

See this thread, though I misidentified white trousers guy in it:

White trousers guy is also in the Altgens photo taken on Main Street near the Houston corner, and apparently walked across the grass to make it into the Cancellare photo.

If you do a search on Cancellare you will find a lot of past discussion on the figures in this photo.

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