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A Lie Too Big To Fail by Lisa Pease

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2 hours ago, Mark Knight said:

"...why would a conspirator get Kennedy to autograph his poster before playing a part in killing him? "

Mark David Chapman might have the answer to this kind of question.

And this brings us to half an autograph.  As seen in the video earlier in this thread Michael Wayne approaches RFK, on his way in through the pantry to speak, for an autograph.  In that video he already seems devoid of his deviously obtained press passes.  He is asked to leave the pantry by someone with the hotel (Ucker?), he says, "I have to stay to get RFK to finish his autograph on my poster, he only half autographed it."  R almost F but no K?  Robert F...I'll be back later to sign the Kennedy part?  As Lisa mentions in so many words this is not a credible line of thought.

Wayne did leave the pantry then, into the kitchen (?) or hallway between it and the Colonial room he would run through after the assassination.  But first, he returned to the pantry.

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On 2/11/2019 at 3:16 PM, Gene Kelly said:

Manuel Pena has connections to both the JFK and RFK murders. It was Pena who traced Oswald's telescopic sight to a California gun shop.  After the assassination, Senator Dodd helped a Senate Internal Security Subcommittee publish a story that Oswald bad been trained at a KGB assassination school in Minsk. Two mail-order houses were the center points from which Oswald ordered his Smith and Wesson .38 revolver (Seaport Traders of Los Angeles) and his Mannlicher-Carcano rifle (Klein's of Chicago). Oswald ordered his pistol two days before Senator Christopher Dodd's subcommittee began hearings in January 1963. The subcommittee’s statistics later showed a purchase in Texas made from Seaport Traders. One of the groups being investigated for firearm purchases was one that Oswald had in his address book ... the American Nazi Party.  An investigator looking into interstate firearms sales at this time was Manuel Pena, the LAPD lieutenant who was later one of the officers investigating Robert Kennedy's assassination.

Pena had an interesting background; he served in the Navy during WWII and in the Army during the Korean War, and was a Counterintelligence officer in France.  He spoke French and Spanish, and had connections with various intelligence agencies in several countries. In 1967, Pena "retired" from the LAPD, leaving to join AID, a cover for political operations in foreign countries.  Roger LeJeunesse, an FBI agent who had been involved in the RFK investigation, told author William Turner that Pena had performed special assignments for the CIA for more than ten years.  After his retirement from the LAPD (and a public farewell dinner) in November of 1967, Pena inexplicably returned to the LAPD in April 1968 ...  just in time to head the LAPD group called Special Unit Senator that controlled the RFK investigation two months later. Pena was the trusted courier of key evidence being supplied to the FBI ... and he was affiliated with the same mercenaries and cut-outs used by JMWave operatives in various operations -- Saigon, El Salvador, Uruguay, Phoenix -- who were employed by cover with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

Thanks Gene for a succinct gathering of the info on Pena. Hernandez always gave me the creeps and, I think I mentioned once before, that the recording of him pestering - torturing - Sandy Serrano to change her testimony bugged me so much I couldn't finish listening to it. That the CIA  had tentacles into the Dallas and Los Angeles Police is disturbing  on its face; that they were used to cover both killings is yet another reason to , as JFK said, "break the CIA into a thousand pieces." 

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2 hours ago, Robert Harper said:

Thanks Gene for a succinct gathering of the info on Pena. Hernandez always gave me the creeps and, I think I mentioned once before, that the recording of him pestering - torturing - Sandy Serrano to change her testimony bugged me so much I couldn't finish listening to it. That the CIA  had tentacles into the Dallas and Los Angeles Police is disturbing  on its face; that they were used to cover both killings is yet another reason to , as JFK said, "break the CIA into a thousand pieces." 

For those who haven't heard it yet, here is a video of the interrogation.


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In reference to the interrogation, I managed to contact a well respected polygraph operator...who trains in the subject...and after some time he agreed to listed to the interrogation and critique it.  The net result is that he stated the basic protocol was violated in many ways including the set up of the reference questions.  Unfortunately, once he realized what it was about he refused to be quoted by name....unfortunately not unusual..  I should also point out, as I do in my essays, that the letters and statements about Serrano's relating the story to an LA Assistant District Attorney outside the hotel before she ever presented herself to police totally deconstruct the Hernandez scenario and prove that his report on her was a lie...and he and his boss knew it because the ADA had written them multiple letters about his contact with Serrano.

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13 hours ago, Ray Mitcham said:

For those who haven't heard it yet, here is a video of the interrogation.


Wow.  Thanks for posting this Ray.  Lisa quotes virtually all of this in the book and mentions how actually hearing Hernandez harass and intimidate Serrano is stunning.  She's right again.  How anyone can listen to this and not conclude he, the LAPD and DA's office were not trying to shut down any investigation beyond Sirhan, much less actually investigate RFK's assassination is beyond me.

The judges and parole board should be required to listen to this and respond in detail regarding it's relevance to Sirhan's continued imprisonment.  Including Kamala Harris.


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On ‎2‎/‎13‎/‎2019 at 8:12 AM, Larry Hancock said:

In reference to the interrogation, I managed to contact a well respected polygraph operator...who trains in the subject...and after some time he agreed to listed to the interrogation and critique it.  The net result is that he stated the basic protocol was violated in many ways including the set up of the reference questions.  Unfortunately, once he realized what it was about he refused to be quoted by name....unfortunately not unusual..  I should also point out, as I do in my essays, that the letters and statements about Serrano's relating the story to an LA Assistant District Attorney outside the hotel before she ever presented herself to police totally deconstruct the Hernandez scenario and prove that his report on her was a lie...and he and his boss knew it because the ADA had written them multiple letters about his contact with Serrano.

Larry, this is confirmation of the fact that Hernandez polygraph of Serrano was more of an interrogation, the badgering is incredible.  And, her telling her story to the assistant DA that night at the Ambassador, before going to the LAPD is incriminating.  They not only ignored the first hand evidence presented by one of their own, they refuted it and badgered the witness until she changed her story,

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Absolutely....and if you trace the timing  you find out at first they took her story seriously and spent a good bit of time and a lot of energy trying to locate the polka dot dress girl.  It was only after they failed and it was turning into a PR nightmare that they turn on Serrano and begin to undermine her story (totally ignoring multiple contacts by the ADA).  If you look closely at the investigative reports there are little dozens on witnesses including multiple witness sightings of the PDG inside the hotel with other individuals and for that matter with someone resembling Sirhan.  After Hernandez certifies her recanting under oath you find out all those documents have annotations across the top closing them out because of her new statement.   Possibly the worst part of it is that at that point Hernandez is certifying her recantation as truth...when it is actually false based on her harassment.   That fact alone would make a good deal of the police work, including everything he and his supervisor touched easily challenged in court.

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John Newman found the same thing, as well as a couple of other instances of the crypt being used.  I chatted with him about it and he felt it was used for different external contacts over quite a period of time and in different locations.  The crypt was certainly not associated with a single individual but seemed to generally have been used for contacts with potential criminal assets.    I think Hank had mentioned it in his second book and Newman mentioned it in the second book in his current series as well.

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But in the document Lisa references it's an office, a part of an operation (?).  Not just a useful criminal or 2 or 3  or 4.  I don't pretend to begin to understand.  Deep and confusing, on purpose?

Edited by Ron Bulman
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I think John knows about that LA office also.

The first time I ever heard the audio to this interrogation, I was just appalled.

The way Pena and Hernandez set this up was scripted.  Serrano had no attorney, Hank took her out to dinner with a friend of hers and then had the friend leave.

And if you don't understand he had intel training by the techniques he uses, you sure do when he makes the reference to the South American president.


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What is more appalling (insult to injury) is that the "authorities" let this travesty go unchallenged ... and even today, there's little interest in following through with it.   I'm guessing that no DA in their right mind would want to resurface any of this - then or now - as there's too much to overcome, and too much to lose.  Too much power controlling the legal system, investigatory bodies, and media. No wonder that Sandra Serrano doesn't want to give interviews anymore. 

In 1990, Serrano-Sewell was charged with embezzling $9,800 from a councilwoman’s campaign funds.  An AP story stated that Sandra Serrano Sewell, 42, of Pasadena, was charged with one felony charge of grand theft by embezzlement. Sewell allegedly took the money while bookkeeping for the Committee to Re- Elect Gloria Molina in 1985. The alleged embezzlement was discovered during a routine audit by the state Fair Political Practices Commission two years later. Serrano-Sewell pleaded no contest to grand theft for embezzling thousands of dollars from Los Angeles City Councilwoman Gloria Molina. Sandra was working as Molina's bookkeeper when she cashed nine unauthorized checks in the last four months of Molina's 1985 state Assembly campaign, prosecutors said; the embezzlement was not discovered until 1987, however, when a routine audit by the state Fair Political Practices Commission turned up bookkeeping irregularities. Sewell has steadfastly maintained her innocence. The AP story unfortunately repeated the myth being perpetuated:

Sandra claimed that she was badgered and had never recanted the polka dot story. But her story was often resurrected by conspiracy buffs who suggested the woman in the polka-dot dress was part of an assassination plot. Sirhan B. Sirhan was convicted of Kennedy’s killing and is serving a life sentence. Sewell declared in 1988 that police had harassed her into recanting. ″There was a lot of badgering that was going on. I was just 20 years old, and I became unglued ... I said what they wanted me to say, ″ she said. Police dismissed the woman’s badgering allegations. ″She did not tell the truth, ″ said Cmdr. William Booth, spokesman for the Police Department.

A more recent 2014 article in the UCLA center for the Study of Women describes Sandra as a Latino activist, who met her future husband (Mario Sewell) at a Peace and Freedom meeting through Young Democrats, which gave her a glimpse into the ‘Hippie’ California culture of the time. She attended her very first NOW (National Organization for Women) meeting, and the Comision Femenil Mexicana Nacional and discovered her passions at the intersection of women’s leadership and Chicano politics, as the national president of the organization. In advocating for equal treatment of women regardless of their education or career choices . Sandra is currently the Executive Director at Centro de Ninos, Inc. in Pasadena.


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2 hours ago, Gene Kelly said:

What is more appalling (insult to injury) is that the "authorities" let this travesty go unchallenged ... and even today, there's little interest in following through with it.   I'm guessing that no DA in their right mind would want to resurface any of this - then or now - as there's too much to overcome, and too much to lose.  Too much power controlling the legal system, investigatory bodies, and media. No wonder that Sandra Serrano doesn't want to give interviews anymore. 

In 1990, Serrano-Sewell was charged with embezzling $9,800 from a councilwoman’s campaign funds.  An AP story stated that Sandra Serrano Sewell, 42, of Pasadena, was charged with one felony charge of grand theft by embezzlement. Sewell allegedly took the money while bookkeeping for the Committee to Re- Elect Gloria Molina in 1985. The alleged embezzlement was discovered during a routine audit by the state Fair Political Practices Commission two years later. Serrano-Sewell pleaded no contest to grand theft for embezzling thousands of dollars from Los Angeles City Councilwoman Gloria Molina. Sandra was working as Molina's bookkeeper when she cashed nine unauthorized checks in the last four months of Molina's 1985 state Assembly campaign, prosecutors said; the embezzlement was not discovered until 1987, however, when a routine audit by the state Fair Political Practices Commission turned up bookkeeping irregularities. Sewell has steadfastly maintained her innocence. The AP story unfortunately repeated the myth being perpetuated:


Sandra claimed that she was badgered and had never recanted the polka dot story. But her story was often resurrected by conspiracy buffs who suggested the woman in the polka-dot dress was part of an assassination plot. Sirhan B. Sirhan was convicted of Kennedy’s killing and is serving a life sentence. Sewell declared in 1988 that police had harassed her into recanting. ″There was a lot of badgering that was going on. I was just 20 years old, and I became unglued ... I said what they wanted me to say, ″ she said. Police dismissed the woman’s badgering allegations. ″She did not tell the truth, ″ said Cmdr. William Booth, spokesman for the Police Department.


A more recent 2014 article in the UCLA center for the Study of Women describes Sandra as a Latino activist, who met her future husband (Mario Sewell) at a Peace and Freedom meeting through Young Democrats, which gave her a glimpse into the ‘Hippie’ California culture of the time. She attended her very first NOW (National Organization for Women) meeting, and the Comision Femenil Mexicana Nacional and discovered her passions at the intersection of women’s leadership and Chicano politics, as the national president of the organization. In advocating for equal treatment of women regardless of their education or career choices . Sandra is currently the Executive Director at Centro de Ninos, Inc. in Pasadena.



Maybe Gloria Molina is just a terrible person who deserved it. Wouldn't she know her better than most people? Just searching her name, she is apparently pro-police, pro-ICE, anti-immigration, and also criminalized taco trucks which also intentionally targets poor people. She may even be racist against herself.

Edited by Micah Mileto
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I don't know much about Ms. Molina, but she is a respected Los Angeles politician, who was forced out in 2014 by term limits.  She was the first Latina elected to the legislature in 1982, and a legend amongst the Hispanic community. She was described as "taking on the old boys network" and was later elected to the Los Angeles City Council.  A Mexican-American who was a hero and role model for a generation of Latino political activists, Molina was also a feminist champion embraced by NOW (and Gloria Steinem).  I'm not sure what happened with the bookkeeping irregularities charged against Serrano ... there is likely a back story there, and the timing - as RFK records were being released (20 year anniversary) and Sandra was going public in 1990 with her badgering by LAPD - suggests retribution/discrediting.  Other accounts of Ms. Molina characterize her as brusque and harsh on her subordinates and colleagues.  




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I don't know what happened in 1985 or 1990.  But I respect Sandy Serrano for resisting the efforts of Hank Hernandez of the LAPD/CIA to change her truthful story in 1968 into a Lie.  I respect her even more for overcoming this, as well as more, to become a leading member of her community, entrusted with both Financial and other responsibilities in her capacity as the Executive Director of Centro de Ninos, a federally funded ScienceTechnologyEngeneeringandMath (STEM) endeavor. 



Edited by Ron Bulman
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