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2 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

First he said that an agreement between the Federal Reserve and Postal Service stipulated that PMOs didn't require bank stamps.

Poor Sandy.  He has a rather faulty memory and lives in a world where reality seldom intrudes.  The agreement between the Postal Service and the Federal Reserve stipulated that the Federal Reserve would act as the collection agent for postal money orders issued by the Postal Service.  Despite many hours of looking, I have been unable to locate that agreement.  I have never seen it, and neither has Sandy.  But the Treasury Department publication describing the new File Locator Number discussed the mechanics of collection.  Bank endorsements on a postal money order that is already in the Federal Reserve System, as this one was from the moment it was deposited by Klein's at the First National Bank of Chicago, simply make no sense.  Sandy simply does not understand what a bank endorsement is or what a collection agent is.  A postal money order is similar in some ways to a check but quite unlike a check in other ways.  The First National Bank of Chicago, a Federal Reserve member bank, transmitted the money order to the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, which transmitted it to the Federal Reserve for reimbursement to the First National Bank of Chicago (by deduction from the Postal Service's account with the Treasury Department) and then placed it in storage at the federal records center for a specified period of time until it would have been destroyed in accordance with the record-retention procedures if the assassination had not caused it to be recovered for examination.

Sandy believes he is a more qualified interpreter of federal statutes, regulations and bank circulars than a lawyer who has not only practiced law for 35 years but has sued and defended banks and is reasonably familiar with the law of negotiable instruments.  This is not surprising in Conspiracy Land.  Sandy has simply declared victory, which is likewise not surprising in Conspiracy Land.  Sandy believes, in contravention of the medical experts who actually did the work, that the exhumed body of Lee Harvey Oswald is not in fact Oswald because, Sandy believes, his expert examination of photographs reveals missing molars.  Sandy, in defense of Prayer Man, believes it would not be inconsistent with Oswald's role as the patsy for him to be standing on the front steps of the TSBD at the time of the assassination.  I could go on - believe me, I could go on - but you get the point.

Draw your own conclusions.  If you choose to pursue the "money order mystery," let us know how that works out for you.

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Thanks once again DVP and Lance for your replies,

I look at the L.H.Oswald and O.J. Simpson possible trial/actual trial situation as very important when it comes to the argument of considering putting 100% guilt on Lee Harvey Oswald in the JFK assassination.

From 1991 until 2017 i believed 100% that there had been a conspiracy in the assassination of the president and a 100% conspiracy on the covering up of the crime.

Today i believe that the assassination act may have been a conspiracy 80%/20% chance no conspiracy in the shooting but i still believe that the crime cover up is a 100% conspiracy. 

When it comes to O.J.Simpson from 1994 to 2013  i believed 100% he committed the crimes...but today i think there is a 0.5% to 1% chance he took the wrap for his eldest son Jason believing that he could beat the charge because he was OJ and people loved OJ. Was he at the scene of the crime when or during or shortly after it took place YES 100%.

So i have bared my soul somewhat to all here.....its been a long search for me in the JFK assassination and 1000's of hours of relaxing reading and doco watching.......


And now a question for David and Lance once again.......and this one may be tough for both of you as it was very tough for me..........

We all realize  your position on the assassination and you have both read and watched 100's and 100's of hours of info on the assassination like many of us.......So my question is

Can you Choose one fact/item/occurrence/person/piece of evidence that had created some doubt in your thinking that perhaps there was a conspiracy and Lee Harvey Oswald didn't commit this crime all alone???

I will also give you my one selection for why i believe a conspiracy took place should you both decide to answer.

Many Thanks for your time,


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1 hour ago, Lance Payette said:

Ah, yes, the Golden Age that never was, where conspiracy sages in flowing robes said wise conspiracy things as conspiracy believers hugged themselves and each other and strew rose petals in their path, unfettered by any hint of dissension or disbelief except the occasional court jester.  Where diametrically opposed conspiracy theories were greeted with nothing more than a fond chuckle and a respectful, “Well, I will concede you may have a point, my good fellow.”  Where the near-constant warnings about Membership Behavior were simply ironic little jokes and understood as such by the denizens of Conspiracy Land, who were delighted that their moderators would inject this bit of levity into their bucolic proceedings.


But now, alas, the very foundations of Conspiracy Land are being examined.  Conspiracy sages and their followers are no longer able to peacefully discuss what happened at frame 225 of the obviously altered Zapruder film and whether this is more consistent with conspiracy theory 9 or conspiracy theory 17.  Dark forces are raising questions such “Why do people think this way?” and “Do conspiracy theories 9 and 17 make any sense at all?”  Sometimes these dark forces dare to cast grave doubt on the very factoids on which conspiracy theories 9 and 17 rest.  One might almost say that Conspiracy Land has been - yes! - weaponized.®™


The denizens of Conspiracy Land understandably don’t like it.  “Return us to the Golden Age!” they cry.  “Ban the dark forces, boycott them, call them names!  They are unworthy, they are disinformation agents, they are spoiling our fun!”


“Psychological research shows that feelings of nostalgia are often triggered by negative moods, anxiety, or insecurity.  Nostalgia allows for a retreat into a state of order in which life is more predictable and thus serves as a internal stabilizing-mechanism.”  The Power of the Past, https://eupinions.eu/de/text/the-power-of-the-past/. 


“Collective nostalgia, through its association with outgroup-directed anger, predicted higher involvement in collective action that benefits the ingroup.”  Collective Nostalgia Is Associated With Stronger Outgroup-Directed Anger and Participation in Ingroup-Favoring Collective Action, Journal of Social and Political Psychology, Vol. 5, No. 2 (2017), https://jspp.psychopen.eu/article/view/697/html. 


“Things ain’t as good as they used to be, and probably never was.” – Will Rogers.


Relax, a little self-examination is a good thing.  It strengthens beliefs that are well-founded and exposes those that are not.  This is why, across the entire spectrum of belief, intractable fundamentalists so strenuously resist it.


I don't believe that's true.  But it is reflective of the prevailing attitude here:  The Lone Nut position threatens our very existence!  We can cheerfully tolerate people who think JFK was killed by the Vatican-Jesuits-Knights of Malta because they are at least fellow believers, but those who hold the Lone Nut position are atheists.  If they start making inroads, our church - our religion - will collapse like a house of cards.  Only if it is a house of cards, my dears, only if it is a house of cards.



A t**d for Christmas!  I got as much from the cat this morning, and with as much thought behind it.

Edited by David Andrews
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16 minutes ago, Adam Johnson said:

And now a question for David and Lance once again.......and this one may be tough for both of you as it was very tough for me..........

We all realize  your position on the assassination and you have both read and watched 100's and 100's of hours of info on the assassination like many of us.......So my question is

Can you Choose one fact/item/occurrence/person/piece of evidence that had created some doubt in your thinking that perhaps there was a conspiracy and Lee Harvey Oswald didn't commit this crime all alone???

I will also give you my one selection for why i believe a conspiracy took place should you both decide to answer.

Many Thanks for your time,


Very reasonable, Adam, and I salute you.  Well, sure, at various times I've been gobsmacked by the unlikelihood of all the things on which conspiracy theorists typically rely - the inconsistency in the medical observations, the magic bullet, the holes in the clothing, the timing of the shots, the apparent lack of motive on the part of Oswald, the dissenting witnesses in Dealey Plaza.  I still accept these as areas of doubt - sometimes "very reasonable" doubt.

As I've said, for many years I was neck-deep in nothing but conspiracy literature, to the extent that things like Best Evidence actually sounded plausible to me.  The scales fell from my eyes not so much when I finally dived into the Lone Nut literature but when I did that and really dived into Oswald the youth and man.  I also realized that the conspiracy community had grossly overplayed its hand - just too many diverse (and convoluted and elaborate) theories, too many conspirators, too many fakes, forgeries and alterations, too much dark speculation and too little common sense and logic.  I was also blessed (or cursed) with my really extensive experience (five solid decades) in other weirdness communities (religious, paranormal, etc.) where fringe thinking is common.  I realized that the JFK conspiracy community is entirely analogous.

There clearly was skullduggery on the part of the FBI, CIA and Warren Commission, but I believe it is understandable and explainable skullduggery and not inconsistent with Oswald as the lone assassin.  I have to say honestly that in my own mind there are no gaping holes in the assassination scenario as I envision it.  I've said repeatedly that I can think of several areas where ONE PIECE of unimpeachable evidence would instantly shift my views 120 degrees or more, but those are the very areas where conspiracy theorists connect the dots with raw and sinister speculation and implausible inferences.  I'm still somewhat troubled that Oswald would throw his life away with two tiny daughters whom he clearly loved - but the Walker note shows a willingness to do this and I believe that "being Oswald" on November 22nd was a very strange psychological state that none of us can fully grasp.

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2 hours ago, Lance Payette said:

Very reasonable, Adam, and I salute you.  Well, sure, at various times I've been gobsmacked by the unlikelihood of all the things on which conspiracy theorists typically rely - the inconsistency in the medical observations, the magic bullet, the holes in the clothing, the timing of the shots, the apparent lack of motive on the part of Oswald, the dissenting witnesses in Dealey Plaza.  I still accept these as areas of doubt - sometimes "very reasonable" doubt.

As I've said, for many years I was neck-deep in nothing but conspiracy literature, to the extent that things like Best Evidence actually sounded plausible to me.  The scales fell from my eyes not so much when I finally dived into the Lone Nut literature but when I did that and really dived into Oswald the youth and man.  I also realized that the conspiracy community had grossly overplayed its hand - just too many diverse (and convoluted and elaborate) theories, too many conspirators, too many fakes, forgeries and alterations, too much dark speculation and too little common sense and logic.  I was also blessed (or cursed) with my really extensive experience (five solid decades) in other weirdness communities (religious, paranormal, etc.) where fringe thinking is common.  I realized that the JFK conspiracy community is entirely analogous.

There clearly was skullduggery on the part of the FBI, CIA and Warren Commission, but I believe it is understandable and explainable skullduggery and not inconsistent with Oswald as the lone assassin.  I have to say honestly that in my own mind there are no gaping holes in the assassination scenario as I envision it.  I've said repeatedly that I can think of several areas where ONE PIECE of unimpeachable evidence would instantly shift my views 120 degrees or more, but those are the very areas where conspiracy theorists connect the dots with raw and sinister speculation and implausible inferences.  I'm still somewhat troubled that Oswald would throw his life away with two tiny daughters whom he clearly loved - but the Walker note shows a willingness to do this and I believe that "being Oswald" on November 22nd was a very strange psychological state that none of us can fully grasp.

To spin your attitude slightly Lance, at what point do you draw the line ? I.e .... at what point do you say ... “ right, ok ... the DPD shouldn’t have done that, and actually the WC deliberately ignored all of that etc... “ . Because beyond any doubt what we can say is that a perfect police investigation , an exemplary and complete Warren Commision was not executed and the FBI’s behaviour is at times strange . So , to put the ball in your court.... where does the LN, Bugliosi, W.C approach veer from the virginal prostine and into the imperfect ? 

You must have a LITTLE  CTer in you otherwise you would believe that the investigation into Tippit was full, complete and respectful and that bullet 399 On the stretcher was the shot that went through the two men ? 

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Sometimes the most reasonable and most logical conclusion is intentionally placed. 

Didn't Lansdale have fake battles in Asia to convince villages that a war was raging in full swing? 

Did the CIA convince Guatemala City that an army was at their doorstep?

Did the station chief in the Congo get poison to put in toothpaste to kill Lumumba?

Were there not some crazy plots to assassinate/humiliate Castro?

...and on and on and on


when it comes to the assassination, everything is cut and dry. No misleading, no manipulation, none of it. When one looks at that point in history, how often was that the case? Can we agree McCarthyism wasn’t completely black and white? Was Vietnam the noble effort it was sold as? Was the government pairing up with organized crime figures to kill a world leader? 

But wow, Nelly! If people don’t swallow the Warren Commission whole, and if they question the story they’ve been told’s veracity, they become crazy conspiracy theorists. If anything, that makes me more skeptical. 

What sold it to me, and made me a crazy conspiracy junkie was the look on Oswald’s face at the midnight presser, when the reporter tells him he has been charged. That’s the look of “oh f” not of “well, I’m caught”

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4 hours ago, Lance Payette said:

The agreement between the Postal Service and the Federal Reserve stipulated that the Federal Reserve would act as the collection agent for postal money orders issued by the Postal Service.  Despite many hours of looking, I have been unable to locate that agreement.  I have never seen it, and neither has Sandy.

Lance is so presumptuous as to think he knows what I've seen. But of course he is wrong.

I said in my prior post that I had found the agreement. He apparently thinks I'm lying. Well Lance, here it is:


Appendix B lays out the agreement between the Federal Reserve and the Postmaster General regarding postal money orders.

Appendix C lays out a similar agreement between the Federal Reserve and Secretary of Agriculture regarding food stamp coupons.

These appendices were first published in the 1967 FRB Operating Circular No. 4.


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5 hours ago, Lance Payette said:

Poor Sandy.  He has a rather faulty memory and lives in a world where reality seldom intrudes.  The agreement between the Postal Service and the Federal Reserve stipulated that the Federal Reserve would act as the collection agent for postal money orders issued by the Postal Service.  Despite many hours of looking, I have been unable to locate that agreement.  I have never seen it, and neither has Sandy.  But the Treasury Department publication describing the new File Locator Number discussed the mechanics of collection.  Bank endorsements on a postal money order that is already in the Federal Reserve System, as this one was from the moment it was deposited by Klein's at the First National Bank of Chicago, simply make no sense.  Sandy simply does not understand what a bank endorsement is or what a collection agent is.  A postal money order is similar in some ways to a check but quite unlike a check in other ways.  The First National Bank of Chicago, a Federal Reserve member bank, transmitted the money order to the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, which transmitted it to the Federal Reserve for reimbursement to the First National Bank of Chicago (by deduction from the Postal Service's account with the Treasury Department) and then placed it in storage at the federal records center for a specified period of time until it would have been destroyed in accordance with the record-retention procedures if the assassination had not caused it to be recovered for examination.

Sandy believes he is a more qualified interpreter of federal statutes, regulations and bank circulars than a lawyer who has not only practiced law for 35 years but has sued and defended banks and is reasonably familiar with the law of negotiable instruments.  This is not surprising in Conspiracy Land.  Sandy has simply declared victory, which is likewise not surprising in Conspiracy Land.  Sandy believes, in contravention of the medical experts who actually did the work, that the exhumed body of Lee Harvey Oswald is not in fact Oswald because, Sandy believes, his expert examination of photographs reveals missing molars.  Sandy, in defense of Prayer Man, believes it would not be inconsistent with Oswald's role as the patsy for him to be standing on the front steps of the TSBD at the time of the assassination.  I could go on - believe me, I could go on - but you get the point.

Draw your own conclusions.  If you choose to pursue the "money order mystery," let us know how that works out for you.


You talk a lot because you have nothing to back your claim that Federal Reserve member banks (such as Kleins' bank) weren't required to stamp postal money orders.

In contrast I have shown the regulation specifically requiring that banks stamp PMOs prior to submitting them to a Federal Reserve Bank. Nowhere in the circular does it state or imply that different rules apply to member banks of the Federal Reserve. You just made that up out of thin air. If you actually interpreted it from some FRB Circular, Regulation J, or some other regulation, simply show us the regulation(s).

Show us the proof!


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1 hour ago, Jeffrey Reilley said:

Sometimes the most reasonable and most logical conclusion is intentionally placed. 

Didn't Lansdale have fake battles in Asia to convince villages that a war was raging in full swing? 

Did the CIA convince Guatemala City that an army was at their doorstep?

Did the station chief in the Congo get poison to put in toothpaste to kill Lumumba?

Were there not some crazy plots to assassinate/humiliate Castro?

...and on and on and on


when it comes to the assassination, everything is cut and dry. No misleading, no manipulation, none of it. When one looks at that point in history, how often was that the case? Can we agree McCarthyism wasn’t completely black and white? Was Vietnam the noble effort it was sold as? Was the government pairing up with organized crime figures to kill a world leader? 

But wow, Nelly! If people don’t swallow the Warren Commission whole, and if they question the story they’ve been told’s veracity, they become crazy conspiracy theorists. If anything, that makes me more skeptical. 

What sold it to me, and made me a crazy conspiracy junkie was the look on Oswald’s face at the midnight presser, when the reporter tells him he has been charged. That’s the look of “oh f” not of “well, I’m caught”

Ye, the wind just falls Out of his body. 

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1 hour ago, Jeffrey Reilley said:

Sometimes the most reasonable and most logical conclusion is intentionally placed. 

Didn't Lansdale have fake battles in Asia to convince villages that a war was raging in full swing? 

Did the CIA convince Guatemala City that an army was at their doorstep?

Did the station chief in the Congo get poison to put in toothpaste to kill Lumumba?

Were there not some crazy plots to assassinate/humiliate Castro?

...and on and on and on


when it comes to the assassination, everything is cut and dry. No misleading, no manipulation, none of it. When one looks at that point in history, how often was that the case? Can we agree McCarthyism wasn’t completely black and white? Was Vietnam the noble effort it was sold as? Was the government pairing up with organized crime figures to kill a world leader? 

But wow, Nelly! If people don’t swallow the Warren Commission whole, and if they question the story they’ve been told’s veracity, they become crazy conspiracy theorists. If anything, that makes me more skeptical. 

What sold it to me, and made me a crazy conspiracy junkie was the look on Oswald’s face at the midnight presser, when the reporter tells him he has been charged. That’s the look of “oh f” not of “well, I’m caught”

That’s sort of what I was trying to say to Lance .... let’s reverse your logic . At what point do you think the WC/Bugliosi/ MSM story is imperfect in some minor way ? 

 Balls in your court . 

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21 hours ago, Jake Hammond said:

You must have a LITTLE  CTer in you otherwise you would believe that the investigation into Tippit was full, complete and respectful and that bullet 399 On the stretcher was the shot that went through the two men ? 

That is what I believe, while recognizing at least in the case of the bullet that there can be good faith beliefs to the contrary.  In the case of the Tippit murder I do not believe there is a scintilla of doubt that Oswald killed him.  As David Belin recognized, the Tippit murder is the Rosetta Stone to the assassination (or at least one of them) - and it is as solid as the real Rosetta Stone.  Again I refer you to Dale K. Myers, who pretty much lives and breathes the Tippit murder.

19 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

Lance is so presumptuous as to think he knows what I've seen. But of course he is wrong.

I said in my prior post that I had found the agreement. He apparently thinks I'm lying. Well Lance, here it is:


Appendix B lays out the agreement between the Federal Reserve and the Postmaster General regarding postal money orders.

Appendix C lays out a similar agreement between the Federal Reserve and Secretary of Agriculture regarding food stamp coupons.

These appendices were first published in the 1967 FRB Operating Circular No. 4.


Sandy, I truly derive no pleasure from embarrassing you.  Your documents were ones that I discovered early in the PMO discussion.  They do not say what you insist they say, THEY DO NOT INCLUDE THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE POSTAL SERVICE AND THE FEDERAL RESERVE, and this will be my final word on the silly PMO non-issue.

Footnote 2 to Operating Circular No. 4, which deals in general terms with the collection of cash items:

(b) Government checks, postal money orders, and food stamp coupons.2
2. Provisions governing the collection of the foregoing cash items are contained in Appendix A, Appendix B, and Appendix C, respectively, of this operating circular. 

Appendix B:

1. Postal money orders (United States postal money orders; United States international postal money orders; domestic-international postal money orders) will be handled by us as cash items in accordance with an agreement made by the Postmaster General, in behalf of the United States, and by the Federal Reserve Banks as depositaries and fiscal agents of the United States pursuant to authorization of the Secretary of the Treasury. With respect to matters not covered by that agreement, the terms and conditions of Regulation J applicable to cash items, of this operating circular, and of our time schedules shall be applicable to all such postal money orders.

The AGREEMENT THAT WE DON'T HAVE is the governing document.  Regulation J and the Operating Circular, including Appendix B, govern WITH RESPECT TO MATTERS NOT COVERED BY THAT AGREEMENT.

Please, stop playing lawyer and go back to playing dentist.



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21 hours ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

Bill Simpich and I were able to get a hung jury at the 2017 Mock Trial after only being allowed to put on two hours of Oswald defense....and based on the jury deliberation recording, the jury was headed in the direction of acquittal

In a two-day mock trial (the real trial would have lasted many months) sponsored by the thoroughly conspiracy-oriented CAPA; with three defense counsel who have lived and breathed conspiracy theory for decades; a roster of "experts" who live, breathe and publish conspiracy theory; a prosecutor who is a general practitioner in private practice (and insofar as I can tell, no particular interest in the JFK assassination); and a jury pool contaminated by 50+ years of conspiracy-oriented rabble-rousing, the jury vote was 6 guilty and 5 non-guilty.

Draw your own conclusions.


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43 minutes ago, Lance Payette said:

In a two-day mock trial (the real trial would have lasted many months) sponsored by the thoroughly conspiracy-oriented CAPA; with three defense counsel who have lived and breathed conspiracy theory for decades; a roster of "experts" who live, breathe and publish conspiracy theory; a prosecutor who is a general practitioner in private practice (and insofar as I can tell, no particular interest in the JFK assassination); and a jury pool contaminated by 50+ years of conspiracy-oriented rabble-rousing, the jury vote was 6 guilty and 5 non-guilty.

Draw your own conclusions.



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1 hour ago, Lance Payette said:

That is what I believe, while recognizing at least in the case of the bullet that there can be good faith beliefs to the contrary.  In the case of the Tippit murder I do not believe there is a scintilla of doubt that Oswald killed him.  As David Belin recognized, the Tippit murder is the Rosetta Stone to the assassination (or at least one of them) - and it is as solid as the real Rosetta Stone.  Again I refer you to Dale K. Myers, who pretty much lives and breathes the Tippit murder.

Sandy, I truly derive no pleasure from embarrassing you.  Your documents were ones that I discovered early in the PMO discussion.  They do not say what you insist they say, THEY DO NOT INCLUDE THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE POSTAL SERVICE AND THE FEDERAL RESERVE, and this will be my final word on the silly PMO non-issue.

Footnote 2 to Operating Circular No. 4, which deals in general terms with the collection of cash items:

(b) Government checks, postal money orders, and food stamp coupons.2
2. Provisions governing the collection of the foregoing cash items are contained in Appendix A, Appendix B, and Appendix C, respectively, of this operating circular. 

Appendix B:

1. Postal money orders (United States postal money orders; United States international postal money orders; domestic-international postal money orders) will be handled by us as cash items in accordance with an agreement made by the Postmaster General, in behalf of the United States, and by the Federal Reserve Banks as depositaries and fiscal agents of the United States pursuant to authorization of the Secretary of the Treasury. With respect to matters not covered by that agreement, the terms and conditions of Regulation J applicable to cash items, of this operating circular, and of our time schedules shall be applicable to all such postal money orders.

The AGREEMENT THAT WE DON'T HAVE is the governing document.  Regulation J and the Operating Circular, including Appendix B, govern WITH RESPECT TO MATTERS NOT COVERED BY THAT AGREEMENT.

Please, stop playing lawyer and go back to playing dentist.



You dodged that one lance . 

You know what I’m saying. I’m asking you what , in hindsight, with 20/20 vision, could potentially be a more beautiful and immaculate investigation ? 

I’m turning the tables again and putting the ball in your court and again you are dodging . 

I raised the issue of 399 because it is the single most obvious situation of the DPD or FBI planting evidence. 

I raised Tippit because there was no investigation. 

Also.... are you comfortable with your view being EXACTLY the same as that if the MSM ? 

Edited by Jake Hammond
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