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Lumpkin, Gannaway, and the DPD-Army Intelligence network

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That is a good find.  I don't think we will ever find that listing - but I would like to see someone talk to Johnny Brewer one more time - do you know this story?

do think that Brewer was primed by someone - to get all caught up in trying to catch the Oswald character.  (I don't think Brewer was witting.  Ian Griggs gave him a long once-over - see the interview farther down)   I think a phony Oswald put on a good act and lured Brewer to chase him into the theater.  
It was IBM men who hung out in Johnny Brewer's shoe store.  Brewer's Warren Commission testimony says they came to hang out, not buy shoes, "they'd just come in and kill time and lounge around"... and were there listening to the radio with him in the minutes after JFK's killing.
Robert Doran, who was stationed at Carswell AFB in the early 60s, writes that the IBM men at the nearby base - just minutes from Fort Worth - were critical security people - they were the ones who ran the computers that drove the missile program and everything else.  
For how IBM was integral to computers in that era -  see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_and_the_Holocaust
During an interview with author Ian Griggs in 1996, Johnny Calvin Brewer claimed that on the day of the assassination (when he allegedly observed Oswald duck into the lobby of his shoe store) there were two men from IBM in the store with him:


Brewer also indicated to the Warren Commission that there were others with him in the store:

Mr. BELIN - I want to take you back to November 22, 1963. This was the day that President Kennedy was assassinated. How did you find out about the assassination, Mr. Brewer? 

Mr. BREWER - We were listening to a transistor radio there in the store, just listening to a regular radio program, and they broke in with the bulletin that the President had been shot. And from then, that is all there was. We listened to all of the events.

As far as I am aware, neither one of these men ever came forward to identify themselves. It has long been my suspicion that their purpose in the store was to somehow get Brewer to call the DPD down to the Theater to ensure Oswald was arrested and framed for Tippit’s murder. So who were these men?  
I do believe they even locked up the store when Johnny ran out towards the Texas Theatre.
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Steve - I took a look at the Brewer thread - and I see you agree with me on the possibility that Brewer was influenced by the IBM men.

I do believe that the JFK has been largely solved by the research community many years ago - it seems pretty obvious that anti-Castro/Mafia/intel & military figures were involved, and that much of the evidence has been fabricated - many would say for national security purposes.

It's good to nail down as much as we can before the last witnesses pass on.

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36 minutes ago, Bill Simpich said:

Steve - I took a look at the Brewer thread - and I see you agree with me on the possibility that Brewer was influenced by the IBM men.



Just going on memory, didn't the DPD say that they received a number of anonymous phone calls that Oswald was at the Theater?

My suspicion is that a certain amount of those calls came from those IBM men. They disappeared from Brewer's store, never came forward, and were never seen again.

That "IBM list of calls" would settle once and for all if Tippit got a call from Dispatch to "remain at large" for any emergency that might come in.

Steve Thomas

Edited by Steve Thomas
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I'm going from memory too - I remember hearing about those anonymous calls about Oswald at the theater to the DPD - I would like to try to substantiate them.

Larry Haapanen has solved the Boyd/Boyt question - he has done research on all three men - here it is:

"I've run across these three guys (Det. Elmer L. Boyd, Col. John E. Boyt, and Lt. Col. Edgar Earl Boyd) before. They have very distinct backgrounds that allow us to differentiate between them.
Det. Elmer L,. Boyd was born in Navarro County, TX, on 9-21-27. He served in the US Navy 1946-48, joined the Dallas Police Dept. in 1952, and was assigned to the homicide detail in 1957. He was still living in 2017.
Col. John E. Boyt was from Wilmington, DE, born about 1916. He joined the US Army by 1940, served in Europe in WW2. served in Korea in 1947, and received the Legion of Merit award for services in Japan 1951-54. From Japan, he went to Pennsylvania to serve as professor of military science at Lafayette College. As we know from the docs. he thereafter served under the Asst. Chief of Staff for Intelligence. His wife's name was Josephine Stewart Boyt. He died 11-18-81 at Sarasota, FL.
Lt. Col. Edgar Earl Boyd, of the 112th Military Intelligence Group, was born in Terrell, TX,. on 12-2-20. He served in the US Army in WW2, and in 1946 married Jeanne Huddleston [she talked to the ARRB in 1996]. He died in San Antonio, TX, on 8-13-86."
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55 minutes ago, Bill Simpich said:


I'm going from memory too - I remember hearing about those anonymous calls about Oswald at the theater to the DPD - I would like to try to substantiate them.

Larry Haapanen has solved the Boyd/Boyt question - he has done research on all three men



Cool. That's nice to know.


Steve Thomas

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Edwin Black, who wrote that terrific article on the Chicago plot against JFK,

wrote a disturbing, thoroughly researched book about IBM's role in

faciliating the Nazi Holocaust, IBM AND THE HOLOCAUST: THE STRATEGIC



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IBM provided the tracking of Jews for the Nazi regime. There was an interlocking directorate between the German and American corporate entities 

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Prominent scientist Richard Garwin joined IBM in the 50’s, stayed there till his retirement from the company in the 90’s, and took part in the 1982 Committee on Ballistic Acoustics report that was formed by the National Academy of Sciences to discredit the HSCA’s claim of there being a ‘high probability’ of a second gunman.

Garwin also served on - and, from memory, at one point led - the Defense Science Board, and remained on the DSB for decades. In the early 80’s, Congressman Jack Brooks led an attack against the DSB in multiple hearings, and quoted claims of them being an ‘old boys network’ of defense contractors and high ranking military officials, using their position to make profits for the weapons industry. Next time you look at that photo of LBJ taking the oath of office on Air Force One, take note of Brooks on the right side of the photo. Years later, he was the only politician keeping a serious eye on what the DSB was doing.

In late 1988, the DSB released a Summer Study warning the Pentagon that declining military expenditures would imminently threaten the entire US technology base, with a flow on effect for the country’s ability to maintain a global lead in weapons technology. Sec Def Frank Carlucci expressed alarm, and the issue became a key point of discussion among the Principals Committee of the National Security Council - the wing of the NSC that operated without Presidential oversight. Future Lockheed President Norm Augustine helped assemble the DSB report, and his Martin Marietta employee John Deutch, later head of the CIA, also assisted. Augustine spoke at a series of Army briefings to congress in 1990 and again stressed the importance of the US maintaining a lead with its technology base.


. EVIDENCE OF DECISION author Graham Allison - Dean of the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, and on the NSC Principals Committee - served as an advisor to Carlucci and Dick Cheney through this period. After the DSB report was issued, Allison began running a series of American Assembly conferences for the Council of Foreign Relations, gathering together military, intelligence, political and media figures to discuss the future directions of the US following the Cold War. In 1991, the American Assembly conference was titled RETHINKING AMERICA’S SECURITY: BEYOND COLD WAR TO NEW WORLD ORDER, and a higher than usual number of neoconservatives attended. Samuel Huntington attended and would write his CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS book soon afterwards, and Paul Wolfowitz spoke about ‘The New Defense Strategy’, a precursor to the infamous Defense Planning Guidance report he released several months later in early 1992. L Paul Bremer, then at Kissinger Associates, also attended. Bremer was formerly Reagan’s ‘ambassador at large’ for counter-terrorism, and later became an executive for Marsh & McLennan, though from memory he didn’t bother to note how many of his employees had died when he was interviewed about the attacks on 9/11.

Back to Richard Garwin, if you scroll through the JASON reports for 1997 you can see one particular report from October of that year, with a group of JASON scientists performing a study for the Pentagon. Garwin was one of the lead scientists of the study group. The report discusses using nano-technology to pursue new methods of high-explosives, with the Pentagon seeking ‘advances in the field’.  The JASON report gave advice as to how the military could best achieve those advances in nanothermite explosives. Two weeks after the report was delivered, MITRE head Victor DeMarines, a recipient, was working alongside Phillip Zelikow on his Harvard Catastrophic Terrorism Study Group - co-run by John Deutch - and Garwin commenced several months work alongside Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld on the latter’s Missile Commission. Several DSB members appear in Zelikow’s group, and more are recipients of the JASON report, so it was quite a month for them. The report has been online for years, and has been overlooked by pretty much everyone.


That same fortnight at Harvard, btw, DeMarines spoke at a conference, and in response to a question, whimsically voiced aloud how injecting fake simulated aircraft into a radar would be a useful method of warfare during an attack on another country. If I get time this weekend, I’ll post a screenshot of the transcript..

You can trace all that back to the DSB Summer Study from 1988. And Brooks was possibly the only politician to notice that something bad was going on with the DSB.

Edited by Anthony Thorne
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On 5/2/2020 at 4:29 PM, Steve Thomas said:


I wonder if the Edgar S. Boyd, former Commander of the 112th was related to Elmer L. Boyd of the Dallas PD.

This is from the first document in the pdf's you provided:


Commanders of Region II, Dallas:


Steve Thomas

On Tuesday, May 4th, Bill Simpich wrote:

On 11/22/63 Lt. Col. Earl Boyd of the 112th spoke to DPD deputy chief Dolly Fisher and told him his men had heard that two men were doing target practice on Continental Avenue on Wed. night 11/20.  Fisher knew nothing about it.


From the Weisberg Archives:

http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/White Materials/JFK Assassination Photos Book/Pages 007-050.pdf

Page 18




This is also outlined in CD 206 pp. 19-20


I'm thinking that whoever compiled that list of the Commanders of Region II of the 112th got Boyd's name wrong. It wasn't Edgar S, it was Earl E.

Steve Thomas

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19 hours ago, David Andrews said:

Anthony -- Very useful reading.  Resonates with the Norm Augustine article on profiting from a plane crash.

Thanks David.

Jack Crichton was part of the Office of Emergency Planning (OEP). The OEP later changed its name to the Office of Emergency Preparedness, and had Robert Kupperman as its Assistant Director from 1967 to 1973. In the Nixon admin, Kupperman oversaw emergency planning and undertook crisis simulations to run through contingencies. After leaving government, he ended up at CSIS in the later 70's, and stayed there for years, eventually kickstarting the CSIS trait of overseeing crisis drills, which they did again and again, for reasons which you can really only speculate about. In the early 80's CSIS ran a 'crisis simulation' of an attack on NYC which was broadcast nationally in the US on network television. James Woolsey, Michael Ledeen and John Lehman - the future Secretary of the Navy and a future 9/11 Commissioner - all took part in that one. Mother Jones did an article about it the month that it happened. The scenario for the NYC attack was quite colorful. Palestinian terrorists scuttle an oil tanker off the coast of Manhattan, then detonate a nuke, flooding NYC with a tidal wave of burning fire. Top marks to the guy who thought of that one. TV cameras filmed Woolsey, Lehman and the rest of those nuts for three days straight, then cut the footage down to an hour or so for the broadcast.

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OK, I'm going to dial back the clock to the days before Pearl Harbor, when there was a major leak about FDR's plans to figure out a provocation that would vault the US into World War II - which most Americans understandably were not excited about joining.  The plan was Rainbow Five - and, in my mind, the exposure of Rainbow Five illustrates the path to Dealey Plaza and beyond.  This is from Charles Higham's American Swastika  (1985) - he writes about the forties the way that we write about sixties and seventies today - everyone should get a copy to better understand the roots of the JFK assassination.

"Intelligence sources disclosed Hitler's immediate plans to destroy his alliance with the Soviet Union by an illegal onslaught on its territories.  The danger to the United States was clear, since the collapse of Russia would take Hitler all the way to the Pacific, where he and Japan would present a two-pronged threat to the Hawaiian Islands.  Army planners began drawing up extensive expenditure programs under the 1940 Munitions Program, and Congress was constantly badgered for budget increases...throughout the spring of 1941, the Office of Production and Management called for full-scale army economic mobilization based on a strategic general plan...

On September 11, 1941, the Army summarized its estimate along with naval requirements in a secret joint report...Known as Rainbow Five, this remarkable document, running to some seventeen pages originally but greatly expanded thereafter, called for an outright defeat of Nazi Germany in 1943...this was quite the most important single document in the possession of the chiefs of staff and of the White House.

The architect of Rainbow Five was Brigadier General Leonard T. Gorow, chief of the War Plans Division...Gorow selected as his instrument of execution of the Victory Program Colonel Albert C. Wedemeyer, who in the 1980s was to be resurrected from the military mortuary to serve as special military adviser to President Ronald Reagan.

Colonel Wedemeyer had an interesting history.  His father's parents were born in Germany, and he himself had been educated in part at the German War College, in Berlin.  He rented his apartment in the German capital from a member of the Nazi Party, Gerhard Rossbach, and during his soujourn became a great friend of General Ludwig Beck, chief of the German General Staff.  His introductions to Beck were arranged by Lieutenant General Friedrich von Boetticher, Germany military attache in Washington.  He corresponded regularly with his German contacts until the advent of World War II in Europe.

He was friendly with Charles Lindbergh and acted as his interpreter in German uniform when the Lone Eagle visited various Nazi factories and army posts, and he was a keen supporter of General Robert Wood, the head of America First.  Rightly or wrongly, he was regarded by the German embassy in Washington as part of the pro-German military clique in the War Department.  There is no question that he was a convinced isolationist who sincerely believed that the US was not obliged to commit itself to war on behalf of Great Britain...

"...On December 3, 1941, an officer attached to the War Plans Division decided on his own account to consult some of the documents at home...(he brought it to FDR's rival in the primaries, Burton Wheeler...it was leaked to the press on December 4..."FDR'S WAR PLANS !  GOAL IS TEN MILLION ARMED MEN....SMASH NAZIS"...

On the morning of the story's publication, the War Department was in an uproar...

Assistant Secretary of War John J. McCloy (and Warren Commission member)...summoned Wedemeyer to his office and instead of sitting down, shouted at him, "There's blood on the hands of the man who did this!"  (To be continued)


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Continued from above:  Part 2

However, (Assistant Secretary of War John J.) McCloy did not quite bring himself to charge Wedemeyer directly with an act of treason.  He simply announced that when the guilty person was discovered he would be court-martialed.

Back in his office, Wedemeyer faced a very unpleasant situation.  Hoover had dispatched his number one man, Edward Tamm, to his office, and Tamm was standing by an open filing cabinet while Wedemeyer's secretary was sobbing into her hands...

...(Senator Burton K. Wheeler, FDR's opponent in the 1940 presidential primary) was also analyzed on the day following. However, he enjoyed so charmed a life that he was never once subjected to questions, perhaps lending some credence to widespread beliefs (shared by Wedemeyer and certain of his colleagues...) that Roosevelt deliberately leaked plans to Wheeler himself...

...By now, the weekend was upon Washington, and even those most hard-pressed obeyed tradition and went home.  On Sunday, they were rudely awakened from their pleasant somnolence by news of the Japanese air attack on Pearl Harbor.  The theft of Rainbow Five suddenly seemed insignificant, and even when Hitler made its release the main plank in his platform for declaring war on the United States four days later, not a person noticed it.

However, Pearl Harbor or no Pearl Harbor, J. Edgar Hoover was having a field day and would not be shaken off...he kept presing against Wedemeyer while failing to grill Wheeler or (other suspects).   Edward Tamm was put in special charge of the case.  He asked again and again, on the Monday after Pearl Harbor, what security methods Wedemeyer had used to protect (Rainbow Five)...

...Wedemeyer was subsequently cleared.  (Secretary of War Henry) Stimson repeatedly confirmed Wedemeyer's undivided loyalty and dedication to his country.  There is no need to differ with that opinion today.  The inquiry cast light on the lack of security in the Munitions Building...the security arrangements in the Munitions Building were comparable to those "in a herd of billy goats"...


From Gary Hill's new book, The Other Oswald, pp. 99-101:  Professor Harold Isaacs, a former Communist spy, later became a paid agent of the Japanese.  An ex-editor of Newsweek, who worked in the United States at MIT in 1953, he also maintained a network in Japan and possibly throughout the world specializing in youth movements.  Since 1950, he had also been involved in classified projects for the CIA.  Originally a Trotskyite, he was a journalist in Shanghai in the 1930s and had a direct link to Charles Willoughby, the intelligence chief under General Douglas MacArthur.  Isaacs wrote articles for The Militant, the organ of the Socialist Workers Party, which certainly made him known to a subscriber named Lee H. Oswald.  Effectively a triple agent, men like Isaacs were never what they appeared to be.  It was never quite clear who he might be working for.

The CIA funded a group out of MIT through the "Isaacs apparatus" to bring over a group from Japan to embark on a study of the Japanese 'Science of Thought'...Dr. Isaacs, it seems, had close ties with a linguistics-oriented group of Japanese in Tokyo led by Chikao Fujisawa.  The goal of this CIA project was the same as that of Isaacs and Fujisawa...the indoctrination of student radicals around the world...On one hand, it was known that Fujisawa was purged war criminal hired by the US Army to indoctrinate Americans.  On the other hand, that the same man worked for Soviet intelligence.  The contradiction was unsettling...

...Isaacs, a radical leftist, became a "think-tank" anti-communist.  It would seem that teaching was a cover for (the arrival in Japan during 19958 by Oswald's cousin Marilyn) Murret, enabling her to spy for Isaacs or the CIA.  (My Note:  In 1978, why did HSCA had to ask the CIA's permission to take Murret's deposition?)   

Isaacs was associated with the Center for International Studies (CIA-funded).  It is interesting that Priscilla Johnson MacMillan was also associated with this organization...she befriended Marina Oswald and with her help wrote the book Marina and Lee...


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Continued from above:  Part 3

More security problems

Harold Isaacs continued on his path of seeking information.  In 1954, the FBI reported that it had no objection to INS using Isaacs.   In early 1955, When Sax Rohmer's media company representative (Rohmer was the creator of the fictional character Fu Manchu) wrote Hoover asking why Isaacs was pressing for an interview with Rohmer on his thinking about China or access to his company's documents , Hoover assured them not to worry.

In April 1955, Isaacs wrote General Wedemeyer asking for an interview for his views on "American thinking" about China and India.  Wedemeyer wrote Hoover, saying he knew Isaacs and was not going to meet with him, as he feared Isaacs was a Communist based on previous dealings with him.  Hoover thanked Wedemeyer and asked his permission to pass his anti-Isaacs info on to another agency.  Wedemeyer gives his OK to Hoover, and adds that he is working with a "prominent movie actor who is willing to serve as an undercover agent in the industry" - specifically to spy on "the Commies and their dupes" I wonder if this is a direct reference to the well-known informant Ronald Reagan? 

#3 FBI man Alan Belmont follows up with a reminder to a fellow supervisor that the relationship between CIA and Isaacs' CIS group is marked "secret", and agreeing that making the actor a security informant is a good idea.  Two months later, Belmont is told that the House Un-American Activities Committee wants to subpoena Isaacs.  CIA security chief Sheffield Edwards is mulling over what this might mean - Edwards claims CIA has never used Isaacs in any capacity -  saying that the tip apparently went to HUAC from Jay Lovestone (note:  a long-standing informant of Jim Angleton's!)  A month later, a trusted Vietnamese source agrees that Isaacs is a Socialist or Trotskyite.

Meanwhile, the fat had hit the fire!

(from Charles Higham's American Swastika, pp. 267-270)

Arthur Trudeau, head of US Army Intelligence, had found about the CIA's relationship with Reinhard Gehlen - "the Nazi at the Pentagon"".  He wasn't happy.  He felt their might be problems with moles.

August 1955: Angleton claimed to FBI that General Trudeau had violated a G-2/CIA agreement on foreign espionage and CI activities - CIA complained to the White House. FBI called this a CIA-G-2 feud.  Trudeau said if CIA got its way, "military intelligence services might as well go out of business".
Gehlen had great influence over Allen Dulles, which had led to  and Dulles’ battle with Army Intelligence chief Arthur Trudeau - Trudeau was convinced Gehlen had moles - the Gehlen Org was about to take over West Germany intelligence, and had enjoyed independence from US oversight since the end of World War II.
Trudeau also leveled charges against the Fabian socialists inside US intel - these “Fabians” included CIA officers Richard Drain, Gerard Droller and Arnold Silver!  And, of course, poor Harold Isaacs - being brought down by General Wedemeyer as another Fabian socialist!
September 1955:  Army Intelligence chief General Arthur Trudeau was fired by Eisenhower at Dulles' request.  
Dulles convinced Ike to banish Trudeau to Asia.  (Higham, p. 268)
Jan. 1956:  Trudeau provided the names of Fabian socialists to the FBI.
3/8/57 Here is former Army intelligence chief Arthur Trudeau working with disinfo specialist Philip Corso of the "Office Coordinating Board" (what is that?) on the "Fabian socialists" within the Office Coordinating Board, CIA, State Dept. and university research units.  Corso, a lieutenat colonel, was led by Col. Earle Lerette - the CIA went after Lerette, saying G-2 did not handle the charges of Fabian socialism in a safe and prudent manner - injuring the CIA's name in the process.
This is basically "hunting for liberals"!   Or perceived liberals - I never thought of Drain, Droller or Silver as liberals.
Even Bill Sullivan said to Al Belmont "there was no more to do at this time".  Hoover said stay out of this G-2/CIA feud.
6/3/58 Col. James Riley of G-2 complained to the FBI's legql attache in Tokyo that CIA was incompetent and penetrating other US agencies.
Sometime prior to the Bay of PIgs:  CIA got involved in a "weird plan" to assassinate Fidel Castro with Maheu and Giancana; the whole operation fell apart when FBI learned Maheu was wiretapping in Nevada.
1957-1968:  When too many moles emerged in his organization Gehlen passed the torch of leadership to the West German government and General Adolf Ernst Heusinger, who was at the highest level of German General Staff during WW II and in unofficial charge of the Gehlen Org.  Gehlen continued as spymaster of intelligence until 1968.
Although (Heusinger) was frequently listed as one of those who planned the abortive assassination of Hitler in 1944, he was in fact one of the few who stood by the Fuhrer in his hour of need...it is estimated that Heusinger "liquidated eight hundred thousand Jews on the Eastern Front under Hitler's personal instruction."  (Higham, p. 269)
By April 1961 Heusinger became chairman of the Permanent Military Committee of NATO - the first head of NATO - at a big ceremony in DC - JFK, General Lyman Lemnitzer and Earl Mountbatten opened the meeting - announcing NATO would receive nuclear arms and become “the fourth nuclear power”.  (Higham, p. 270)
May 1961:  From Dr. Jeffrey Caufield, General Walker and the Assassination of President Kennedy, p. 194:  Trudeau, working as chief of army research and development, tried to revive his allegations of Fabian socialists working in the government through Corso.  Corso went before Sen. James Eastland's committee SISS - led by veteran red-hunter Julian Sourwine - and said the Fabian socialists in the White House included Walt Rostow, McGeorge Bundy, Arthur Schlesinger, and J. B. Weisner.  
The FBI determined that the Corso/Trudeau allegation was what got him in trouble in the 50s with the Dulles family.  The FBI concluded "Trudeau has a fetish about security and intelligence work and cannot keep his fingers out of that area".   This information likely emanated from Frank Capell, who named Rostow and company in his book Treason is the Reason.
TO BE CONTINUED IN A COUPLE DAYS - Does the Military Intelligence/CIA Feud Continue?   How is Security Conducted in the US?   Dallas and beyond with Colonel Philip Corso and friends - why they do what they do, after the killing of a Fabian socialist president
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