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The Mysterious Life and Death of James McCord

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14 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:


No, I have never been afraid at what I know but maybe I should have been in past times. Right now I am being harassed frequently, including two entries into my residence when I have been away, by thugs stemming from my giving information to Special Counsel Mueller in 2017 about Roger Stone that Mueller undoubtedly explored during his investigation and which may or may not be in the redacted version of the Mueller Report released by AG Barr. The information may also be used by the prosecution when Stone faces his criminal trial in November. Also those who hired the thugs are upset about what I know about the history leading up to the two FISC (court) FISA warrants issued in 2017 that Barr is claiming are part of the "spying" on the Trump campaign. I plan to write about this in the EF in the near future.

Mueller Report Likely to Renew Scrutiny of Steele Dossier


Thanks for the link!  I look forward to reading more of your writing.

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Doug, E. Howard Hunt and his wife Dorothy were your "closest friends in Washington?"

Doug that is a very thought provoking claim in the following way.

What do you make of your former closest friend's close to death tape recorded confessional via his son St. John Hunt where he outlines his involvement ( and that of his fellow team members ) in the JFK "Big Event" and who he believed was behind it's planning and implementation on the highest level ... including Cord Meyer and LBJ?

Generally I think we know our closest friends better than most others in our lives.

So, I ask you, in your opinion, was your friend creating a false story in this end of life taped confessional effort and if so, what would be his motivation to do so?

Or, do you believe E. Howard Hunt's taped confessional story was true?  And if so, why?

You knew Hunt well enough it seems you would at least have some inclination as to the integrity and validity of his confessional either way.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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Joe: I think Hunt's confession about the Kennedy assassination was genuine but that it was way too limited in what he could have told.

As for Watergate, which came nine years later, here is a short segment of a longer video that reveals much of what we still don't know about that scandal of which Hunt was again a central figure.

Both the Kennedy assassination and Watergate remain incomplete historical mysteries. Hunt could have contributed many of the missing pieces but his legacy is that he chose not to do so.



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Just speculating...

But, if McCord had something to do with the U-2 program,

and Oswald had anything to do with Francis Gary Powers getting shot down,

is it possible McCord was aware of Oswald beyond what he might have read in the newspapers?


Steve Thomas

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On 4/19/2019 at 1:51 PM, Steve Thomas said:




Document Type: 



General CIA Records

Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): 



Publication Date: 

February 5, 1958

Content Type: 






119.43 KB


1. Objectives:
a. Primary objective of the proposed operations is to obtain coverage
of 23 extremely high priority targets in the USSR. For operational planning
purposes these targets have been grouped into some 13 areas each having
homogeneous weather. Three areas have been determined to have higher
priority than the other ten.

Document Type: 



General CIA Records

Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): 


Publication Date: 

January 26, 1956





79.84 KB


ApproO F It @VY63/01/24: CIA-RDP62B00844ROO4200260063-6
26 January 1956
MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence
1. Project AQUA TONE in its procurement phase consists of
the production and delivery of planes and equipment designed particularly
for intelligence purposes. Since, therefore, it is of joint interest to the
Air Force and the Central Intelligence Agency, the procurement has been
joint, with the Central Intelligence Agency entering into all major contracts



Declassified Legacy of the Secret Heroes of the CIA and Air Force U-2 ...



Only the declassified activities of the CIA participation in U-2 Project Aquatone and Air Force Project Idealist are posted herein. 6 131,815 35 149. This page was ...


Steve Thomas




Thanks for these offerings. They really make the whole McCord picture more complete and interesting. AQUATONE kept pupping-up in my reading lately; but I had not looked at it in isolation.


Edited by Michael Clark
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3 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

Just speculating...

But, if McCord had something to do with the U-2 program,

and Oswald had anything to do with Francis Gary Powers getting shot down,

is it possible McCord was aware of Oswald beyond what he might have read in the newspapers?


Steve Thomas


Mccord’s relation to Oswald is really the critical mass to this whole story of ours, and it has been kept cooled and under control by various machinery and systems. You have added some more potential mass to the pile with your speculation but keep in mind that we already have Newman and Morley telling us that McCord was handling and running Oswald with regard to Cuban groups.

If this explains (and I suspect it does) why McCord showed-up at Watergate, then it re-imforces suspicions about guys like Hunt, Sturgis and Barker and implicates Liddy, and the others, and possibly Nixon. Recently It was suggested that Lucien Conein was invited to Watergate, and the curiouser curiouser it gets.

This is what has resolved for me as the portrait of what the BOPI, JFKA and Watergate were really all bout. Your speculation certainly explains the thee level of radiation that is given off by the pile as we inspect it with our instruments from a distance and behind a wall.

It is rather like Plato’s analogy of the cave, we have to interpret reality by observing the shadows of the players who are not, themselves, within view.


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On 4/20/2019 at 10:53 AM, Douglas Caddy said:

Prior to Watergate, almost any conversation that I had with Howard Hunt included his talking about the Bay of Pigs military debacle, which he is on record for blaming on JFK. Howard was consumed with bitterness at what had occurred as were his Cuban-American friends in Miami.

MPD Carl Shoffler knew that Howard and Dorothy were my closest friends in Washington and he feared at some point in time they would have told me too much. As I have recounted elsewhere, in April 1972 Howard introduced me to Lawrence Houston, the CIA General Counsel, at a meeting during which they tried to recruit me as a CIA agent. I demurred in giving them an answer. Watergate broke two months later and that changed everything.






I just read Jim Hougan's article regarding Watergate in the magazine Garrison which you recommended (the magazine).  Do you know anything about the call girl ring based out of the Columbia Plaza apartments a block from the Watergate?  When Shoffler made the arrest the plumbers had photographic equipment set up at the desk of Maxie Wells, reputedly a facilitator of meetings between the call girls and party guests in town.  In the process of the arrest he took a key to her desk from Eugenio Martinez.  Were they there to take pictures of compromising pictures,  or lists of names of clientele?  Was this the underlying reason for the break in, other than them getting caught? 

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13 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

I just read Jim Hougan's article regarding Watergate in the magazine Garrison which you recommended (the magazine).  Do you know anything about the call girl ring based out of the Columbia Plaza apartments a block from the Watergate?  When Shoffler made the arrest the plumbers had photographic equipment set up at the desk of Maxie Wells, reputedly a facilitator of meetings between the call girls and party guests in town.  In the process of the arrest he took a key to her desk from Eugenio Martinez.  Were they there to take pictures of compromising pictures,  or lists of names of clientele?  Was this the underlying reason for the break in, other than them getting caught? 



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I once met a woman in DC who was working in the Democratic National Committee headquarters

the Watergate at the time of the burglaries. I asked her why she

thought they really happened. She looked alarmed and was struck speechless. I wonder if she knew about the call-girl ring.

Edited by Joseph McBride
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17 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

I just read Jim Hougan's article regarding Watergate in the magazine Garrison which you recommended (the magazine).  Do you know anything about the call girl ring based out of the Columbia Plaza apartments a block from the Watergate?  When Shoffler made the arrest the plumbers had photographic equipment set up at the desk of Maxie Wells, reputedly a facilitator of meetings between the call girls and party guests in town.  In the process of the arrest he took a key to her desk from Eugenio Martinez.  Were they there to take pictures of compromising pictures,  or lists of names of clientele?  Was this the underlying reason for the break in, other than them getting caught? 

Your question raises basic issues about what was behind the arrests at Watergate. At the request of S. T. Patrick I am writing a piece about this for an upcoming issue of "garrison." I shall answer your question in my article and believe it will be an eye-opener. It is way too complicated to answer here now.

Edited by Douglas Caddy
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Mr. Caddy, as a point of reference, maybe Mr. Mc Bride can relate to this as a film person.  I remember going to the drive in in high school with friends to watch The Happy Hooker and being disappointed (we weren't interested in the story but the title, and potential scenery).   

Just tonight watched The Happy Hooker Goes To Washington for the first time in 30 year or so.  It didn't sink in back then.  Classic.  Funny.  Not porn.  Tons of sarcasm.  Really prescient to the current discussion.


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5 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Mr. Caddy, as a point of reference, maybe Mr. Mc Bride can relate to this as a film person.  I remember going to the drive in in high school with friends to watch The Happy Hooker and being disappointed (we weren't interested in the story but the title, and potential scenery).   

Just tonight watched The Happy Hooker Goes To Washington for the first time in 30 year or so.  It didn't sink in back then.  Classic.  Funny.  Not porn.  Tons of sarcasm.  Really prescient to the current discussion.


This is in relation to the aside on Xaivera Hollander in the Garrison/Hougan article.

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On 4/19/2019 at 12:51 PM, Steve Thomas said:


Only the declassified activities of the CIA participation in U-2 Project Aquatone and Air Force Project Idealist are posted herein. 6 131,815 35 149. This page was ...

Steve Thomas

Project Idealist:





I didn't know that U-2's could land aboard ships, and I didn't know that there were U-3's.


Steve Thomas

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1 minute ago, Steve Thomas said:

Project Idealist:


"14 OCT 1963
SUBJECT: Project IDEALIST - Status
1. Project IDEALIST is the employment of the U-2 over
denied areas to obtain high resolution photographic data of
technical intelligence quality. Of increasing importance in
recent years has been its secondary capability of SIGINT
2. The Project has in its inventory nine U-2 aircraft,
seven of which are J-75 configured with the two additional...


Steve Thomas

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4 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

Project Idealist:


"14 OCT 1963
SUBJECT: Project IDEALIST - Status
1. Project IDEALIST is the employment of the U-2 over
denied areas to obtain high resolution photographic data of
technical intelligence quality. Of increasing importance in
recent years has been its secondary capability of SIGINT
2. The Project has in its inventory nine U-2 aircraft,
seven of which are J-75 configured with the two additional...


Steve Thomas


Thanks, and interestingly, that memo is dated to 2 days prior to McCord taking his oath of secrecy.


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