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List Of Nefarious Characters Possibly Present In Dallas on 11,22,1963

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Here are some of the nefarious characters that many have suggested were in Dallas that dark day.

I would like to see some feedback bolstering or negating their presence ( most likely to have been there and least likely? ) and with some valid points proposing both scenarios.

This aspect of the assassination is such an important and intriguing one indicating a possible conspiracy and who may or may not have been involved besides Lee Harvey Oswald.

It seems illogical to dismiss "every story" and report suggesting these JFK antagonist's presence there that day as false.

Several of the most well known ones ( E. Howard Hunt, David Phillips, Ed Landsdale, David Morales, Frank Sturgis, etc ) have been reported to have been there by other individuals close to them.

Phillips brother claims that on his death bed, David Phillips admitted to him that he was indeed in Dallas that day.

Please add to the list other intriguing characters I am missing.

E.Howard Hunt

David Phillips

Edward Lansdale

Rip Robertson

Frank Sturgis ( born Frank Angelo Fiorini )

David Morales

James McCord

William Harvey

Johnny Roselli

Gerry Patrick Hemming

Joseph Milteer







Edited by Joe Bauer
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Bush was in Dallas that morning.  He left Dallas to attend a speech.  I have yet to see any evidence he was in Dealey at the time of assassination.  Lets stick to provable facts.

Edited by Cory Santos
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3 minutes ago, Cory Santos said:

Bush was in Dallas that morning.  He left Dallas to attend a speech.  I have yet to see any evidence he was in Dealey at the time of assassination.  Lets stick to provable facts.

The topic title is;

List Of Nefarious Characters Possibly Present In Dallas on 11,22,1963

Nothing in the first topic post mentions Dealey Plaza or the time of the assassination, so Bush fits the criteria

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None of them are truly provable.  I thought for years Bush was the guy in the picture.  Been through the Red Bird airport plane waiting he was a pilot bit.  But if he was dawdling around Dealy Plaza afterwards he didn't have time to get to Tyler even by plane where he has been proven to be when JFK's death was announced.  Prouty was pretty convincing about Lansdale with what General backing him up?

So I'll add Ruby to the list.  "Come on, lets go watch the fireworks."  Seen running from the grassy knoll towards the front entrance of the TSBD by Jean Hill?  Acting like a reporter in front of the entrance to it with a pen and notebook?  Gave Oswald a pistol there.  "Stuff" I've read.  His story about being in the Dallas Morning News offices didn't seem well backed to me.  Given his personality, if he did have foreknowledge he'd of at least wanted to have been there and seen for himself.

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1 hour ago, Tony Krome said:

The topic title is;

List Of Nefarious Characters Possibly Present In Dallas on 11,22,1963

Nothing in the first topic post mentions Dealey Plaza or the time of the assassination, so Bush fits the criteria

Bush was not nefarious.  So if the standard is a nefarious simply in Dallas, ok, go research .. you start with a list of all prisoners in Dallas.  Its not really relevant but....

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1 hour ago, Cory Santos said:

Bush was not nefarious.  So if the standard is a nefarious simply in Dallas, ok, go research .. you start with a list of all prisoners in Dallas.  Its not really relevant but....

You may not think Bush was nefarious, but Robert Wheeler who posted his name thinks so. I see Richard Nixon is on the list too ...


adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun]

If you describe an activity as nefarious, you mean that it is wicked and immoral.

In a sentence;

No wonder British journalists resort to nefarious means to get information that in other countries is freely available.Times, Sunday Times (2006)


Edited by Tony Krome
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2 hours ago, Stephanie Goldberg said:

Richard Nixon

Stephanie, I know Nixon was there for the Pepsi convention the night before but he left from Love Field during the morning before the assassination happened.  Reputedly received the new in a NY city taxi from a passer by.  An interesting crossing of path's with GHWB in the background though.  I've wondered before if it as planned to illustrate the sources of power to those some of it was granted to in turn.

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9 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Stephanie, I know Nixon was there for the Pepsi convention the night before but he left from Love Field during the morning before the assassination happened.  Reputedly received the new in a NY city taxi from a passer by.  An interesting crossing of path's with GHWB in the background though.  I've wondered before if it as planned to illustrate the sources of power to those some of it was granted to in turn.

You're right, of course.  He left Dallas before the assassination.  But Nixon was in Dallas that day, and many people consider him to be a nefarious character.  

And, yes, it is wild how many presidents (including future ones, of course) were in Dallas that day.

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15 minutes ago, Stephanie Goldberg said:

You're right, of course.  He left Dallas before the assassination.  But Nixon was in Dallas that day, and many people consider him to be a nefarious character.  

And, yes, it is wild how many presidents (including future ones, of course) were in Dallas that day.

And a future President (Gerald Ford) was appointed to the Warren Commission by LBJ, who, on the 11/22/63, was also a future President and President in Dallas that day

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Was the "Oliver Hardy" look-alike present in the Parkland hospital operating room , where Lee Harvey Oswald was being treated after being shot on 11/24/2019, William Harvey?

Do members here believe the story of David Phillip's death bed confession to his brother that he (David ) was indeed in Dallas the day JFK was murdered there?

If that famous photo of the tall, thin, lanky, erect bearing man (  identified as Ed Lansdale by Prouty and General Victor Krulak who both knew him well ) walking past the front of the Texas School Book Depository building and within feet of the train car found drunks being escorted to the sheriff's office right after the assassination is really Lansdale, to me that would be the biggest and most important suggestion of highest level conspirators involved.

Might as well add Tosh Plumlee to this list.

And possibly Sergio Arcacha-Smith?

Seems Dallas was crawling with venomous JFK haters on 11,22,1963.

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      George W. Bush (?)

      Was he in Dallas on 11/22/63-- on break from Phillips Andover Academy?




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While I'm personally convinced there were a number of folks listening to the radio and looking at their watches I remain unconvinced that people like Morales would be foolish enough to risk being seen there. One CIA bud who was nearby when Allende "committed suicide" told me others much higher ranking folks were aware of what was about to happen but were several hundred if not thousands of miles away.

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