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The Warren Commission Didn't Believe Seth Kantor Ran Into Jack Ruby At Parkland on 11, 22,1963?

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One of the most blatantly outrageous credibility questioning omissions in the Warren Report is their final assessment of journalist Seth Kantor's testimony detailing his meeting Jack Ruby in Parkland Hospital the afternoon of 11,22,1963.

The commission chose to believe mentally and emotionally unbalanced Jack Ruby over mentally and emotionally healthy, calm and stable Seth Kantor regards their contrasting Parkland hospital stories.

I ask anyone to read Kantor's many personal one-on-one interactions with Jack Ruby accounts ( copied lower down this page ) and tell me Seth Kantor didn't know Jack Ruby immediately on sight without hesitation.  He did and anyone with a half-way functioning brain could see this truth.

Kantor was an educated, intelligent and mentally healthy and emotionally under control individual. Versus the opposite with Jack Ruby.

This final Warren Commission report assessment regards the 11,22,1963 Parkland Seth Kantor/Jack Ruby encounter ( Kantor was mistaken-Ruby was not ) is one of the most credibility damaging acts of that supposedly esteemed panel.

▼ Primary Sources ▼

Seth Kantor

Seth Kantor

Seth Kantor was born on 9th January, 1926. During the Second World War Kantor served in the United States Marines. After the war he became a journalist and worked for several newspapers including the Fort Worth Press, Denver Rocky Mountain News, Lamar Daily News, the Pueblo Chieftain, and Dallas Times Herald.

While working in Dallas he became friendly with Jack Ruby who supplied him with the material for several stories that appeared in his newspaper.

Kantor was in the presidential motorcade when John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dealey Plaza. He arrived at Parkland Hospital while Kennedy was receiving medical care. Kantor testified before the Warren Commission that while in the hospital he entered into a conversation with Jack Ruby. It has been suggested that Ruby might have been involved in tampering with the evidence. Ruby denied he had been at the hospital and the Warren Commission decided to believe him rather than Kantor.

After the Kennedy assassination, Kantor worked for the Scripps-Howard newspaper group in Washington. Later he worked as a reporter for the Atlanta Constitution and the Detroit News. In 1974 Kantor won the prestigious Sigma Delta Chi Professional Journalism Society Medallion.

In his book Who Was Jack Ruby? (1978), Kantor examines the reasons why the Warren Commission seemed to be unwilling to carry out "an in-depth probe of Ruby's past". Kantor also provides information that suggests that Ruby was "allowed" into the Dallas Police Station so that he could kill Lee Harvey Oswald. This was reissued as The Ruby Cover-Up (1992).

Seth Kantor died of a heart attack in Washington on 17th August, 1993.


By John Simkin (john@spartacus-educational.com) © September 1997 (updated August 2014).

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Primary Sources

(1) Seth Kantor was interviewed by Burt W. Griffin, on behalf of the Warren Commission (2nd June, 1964)

Burt W. Griffin: During those months, did you have occasion to meet Jack Ruby?

Seth Kantor: Yes.

Burt W. Griffin: Had you met him before September 1960?

Seth Kantor: No; I had not.

Burt W. Griffin: When did you first meet Mr. Ruby?

Seth Kantor: Well, it was within a very few months after I joined the Times Herald. I was a feature writer for the paper. I think by nature of the stories that I wrote, I sort of attracted Jack Ruby. He came up to my desk one day and introduced himself and said that he owned a club or clubs in town, and that he thought he might have some stories for me from time to time, and he did. Over the next several months, he provided me with maybe as many as half-a-dozen feature stories, on characters in town.

Burt W. Griffin: Can you tell us what those stories are?

Seth Kantor: One was with an entertainer in his club, a lady who managed to charm snakes while she was stripping. She was also a housewife in the suburbs by day.

Burt W. Griffin: Was that story published?

Seth Kantor: Oh, yes.

Burt W. Griffin: Why don't you just go through these 6 stories, if you would, and tell us what they were, and if they were or were not published.

Seth Kantor: Well, each was published. 

Edited by Joe Bauer
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Joe, one of the first three or four  books I read on the assassination after the movie JFK in 1991 was my  1992, third edition (first published in 1978) copy of "The Ruby Cover Up" by Kantor.

Ruby lied.  Kantor told the truth.  The Warren omission chose to believe Ruby's lie.  That says a lot about them.

Well worth a buck fifty.


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The following is all the questioning of Jack Ruby by the Warren Commission regards Ruby's reported visit to Parkland just after JFK was taken and treated there?

This and Jack Ruby's vague, brief, inarticulate and purposeful diverting denial of such was enough for them to take mentally disturbed Ruby's word over Seth Kantor's testimony regards this encounter?


So blatantly avoiding this whole Ruby Parkland visit story it's outrageous.

Representative FORD. It has been alleged that you went out to Parkland Hospital. 

Mr. RUBY. No; I didn't go there. They tried to ask me. My sisters asked me. Some people told my sister that you were there. I am of sound mind. I never went there. Everything that transpired during the tragedy, I was at the Morning News Building. 

Congressman FORD. You didn't go out there subsequent to the assassination? 

Mr. RUBY. No; in other words, like somebody is trying to make me something of a martyr in that case. No; I never did. Does this conflict with my story and yours in great length? 
Mr. MOORE. Substantially the same, Jack, as well as I remember. 



So Ruby stayed in the Dallas Morning News building until past 1: PM on 11, 22, 1963?




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On 6/8/2019 at 9:46 PM, Stephanie Goldberg said:

I always figured that they believed Ruby over Seth Kantor because Kantor's testimony presented uncomfortable issues for them to resolve.   Wilma Tice backed up Kantor's testimony, I think?  

Just read Wilma Tice's Warren Commission testimony.

Amazing how the Commission ignored her sworn oath testimony regards seeing Jack Ruby at Parkland hospital between 1 and 3 PM the afternoon of 11, 22, 1963.

Wilma Tice personally knew both of Ruby's sisters for years and well enough to have them visit her. 

Tice told the Commission she was just ... 3 FEET AWAY ... from the man she recognized as Jack Ruby.  She even heard Ruby and the man that she says tapped Ruby on the shoulder talking, reciting the other man's greeting word for word!

Tice saw Ruby on TV after Ruby shot Oswald. She heard his voice for sure on some of these broadcasts. Tice never wavered in her identification of Ruby as the man she saw and heard at Parkland from a distance of 3 feet.

And Tice was under enormous pressure to drop her saying what she saw at Parkland by a husband who seemed like a tyrant that she actually feared.

And didn't Tice state that Ruby's sister Eileen mentioned her brother Jack going out to the hospital that day?

If the WC acknowledged and accepted as true Seth Kantor and Wilma Tice's testimony regards their personally seeing Jack Ruby at Parkland hospital between 1 and 3 pm the afternoon of 11, 22, 1963, it would have shown that Ruby was lying his head off to them about his true activities and timelines for them that day.




Edited by Joe Bauer
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In her WC testimony, Wilma Tice said she did not know Jack Ruby prior to November 22.   This comes hard on the heels of asking how old her children are.  I'm not sure that the ages of her children are relevant to the WC's purposes, but I have never fully understood many of their lines of inquiry.

I think my favorite line in her testimony - 

"Mr. Griffin:  Do you think you could have been mistaken about the man you saw?
Mrs. Tice:  It could have been somebody else that looked just like Jack, named Jack; yes."

Wilma Tice was clearly afraid of her husband, but given the fact that he didn't like her to leave the house might help explain that.  To me that gives her testimony more credibility.  She was risking a lot to say what she had seen.

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Was Wilma Tice known as a person who made up stories or exaggerated them?

An attention seeker?  

If so, the Jack Ruby Parkland sighting one would have been her all time whopper and one that brought her stressful heat from her intimidating husband and an invitation to testify from the highest government investigation authorities which meant serious public exposure.

Did she ever change her Ruby sighting story or admit she was flat out wrong about it?

Tice for sure saw many news videos and pictures of Jack Ruby between her reported sighting and her WC testimony. A period of just months.

It would be logical that she could tell if she was mistaken by so many views of Ruby in the news versus the man she observed just 3 feet from her on 11,22,1963 and whom a shoulder tapping acquaintance greeted as "Jack."

Wilma Tice's background in social services work indicates a person of some integrity, intelligence and character imo. I wonder what her children made of her Ruby sighting story.

I repeat...the WC simply could not allow Jack Ruby to have been at Parkland the afternoon of 11,22,1963.

Just reading Ruby's nonsensical rambling answer to Gerald Ford's minimal questions about a Parkland visit by Ruby on 11,22,1963 is enough to make one easily and logically disbelieve Ruby over Kantor and Tice.

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Ruby probably didn't try to make any phone calls while he was at Parkland hospital the afternoon of 11,22,1963.

Every available phone that members of the public would be allowed to use there were tied up the entire time. 

Ruby's answers to Gerald Ford and others regards him being at Parkland while Seth Kantor was there seemed scattered, even non-sensical. And purposely diverting to ridiculous other points. My sisters thought I was there...??? 

I feel that the WC knew that if they took Seth Kantor's Ruby sighting at Parkland testimony over Ruby's, this could have been a HUGE problem in many ways.

The Kantor claim would have placed Ruby where he said he wasn't and at a time and place that would have opened up dangerously suspicious questions in that regards.

Taking Kantor's testimony over Ruby could have even placed Ruby in the vicinity of the "Magic Bullet" found on an ER area hallway stretcher.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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Just read Wilma Tice's Warren Commission testimony.


Too long to copy and paste here.

But anyone interested in this topic should read it.

She was absolutely traumatized regards her abusive husband's intimidating treatment of her.

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1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

Just read Wilma Tice's Warren Commission testimony.


Too long to copy and paste here.

But anyone interested in this topic should read it.

She was absolutely traumatized regards her abusive husband's intimidating treatment of her.

Verily, that is a sad window into Wilma Tice's life. 

Put the Jack Ruby sighting at Parkland into the large "inexplicable" file. 

Seth Kantor's testimony and video'ed appearances are entirely credible. 

Who knows at this late date about Wilma Tice? She said she had never seen Ruby before 11/22/63. 

Ruby was well-known in Dallas circles. No one else saw him there? That is notable.  

The man Tice says she saw talking to Ruby...I guess he never came forward. 

But the WC didn't want to know much about Ruby, that is for sure. 

They did not even look much at Ruby's phone records, per an order of Lee Rankin. 




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On 3/28/2023 at 10:45 PM, Benjamin Cole said:

Verily, that is a sad window into Wilma Tice's life. 

Put the Jack Ruby sighting at Parkland into the large "inexplicable" file. 

Seth Kantor's testimony and video'ed appearances are entirely credible. 

Who knows at this late date about Wilma Tice? She said she had never seen Ruby before 11/22/63. 

Ruby was well-known in Dallas circles. No one else saw him there? That is notable.  

The man Tice says she saw talking to Ruby...I guess he never came forward. 

But the WC didn't want to know much about Ruby, that is for sure. 

They did not even look much at Ruby's phone records, per an order of Lee Rankin. 




You seldom hear public hearing witnesses openly express as much fear of their husband as Wilma Tice did in her WC testimony.

Yes, sad.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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