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Why Officer Tippit Stopped his Killer

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5 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Whaley reported Oswald's destination as the 500 block of N. Beckley.  His rooming house address is 1026 N. Beckley.  That's Five blocks.  At a block a minute that adds 5 minutes to the time line.

But we know he didn't go all the way to 500 Beckley. He only went to the 700 block. Watch the Whaley videos.

And anyway, the Warren Commission actually added SIX full minutes to the timeline to account for Oswald's backtracking from Neely Street to his roominghouse (from 12:54 PM to 1:00 PM; see CE1119-A below). So there's certainly no underhanded deception by the WC here when it comes to Oswald's timeline....


Edited by David Von Pein
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If I remember correctly, The DPD substation which Hill speeds off to after seeing the ambulance is located at 500 Beckley...

In Whaley’s handwritten notes it says 500 block a number of times as the place dropped off

”when we get in the 500 block N Beckley he says this will do and I stopped and he got out....”

How many First statement corrections do want us to accept, when each change only serves to try and incriminate Ozzie?

It also says he proceeds SOUTH on Beckley.  

Where does he say 700 in his sworn signed affidavit?





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Whaley did not say anything about the 700 block in his original statements.

They got him to change his story.  See WR, pp. 160-61. 

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So, in my opinion, if we go by the original evidence, the question becomes: 

Why would Oswald want to be dropped off five blocks from his rooming house?

If its to disguise where he lives at, then it seems a half mile away is overdoing it since it leaves him such a long walk back.


Edited by James DiEugenio
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22 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

I thought it was four blocks from the rooming house?

Also, did not someone write an essay on the whole Neely street mystery?


You might be thinking of this essay:


I'm sorry. I don't know who the author is.

I have about 12 pages of Neely St. notes and discrepancies I'v e found over the years if you're interested. For example:


Marina stated that they moved (From Elsbeth to Neely) by pushing their belongings around the corner in a baby stroller but Mr. George B. Gray stated they were moved in by a woman driving a white station wagon. If this was Ruth Paine, then why would Marina have to send her directions in a letter?
From Joachim Joesten's book p. 47:


Steve Thomas

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16 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Here is an interesting short essay about Neely.


Don't you love tthe husband's act after his wife let the cat out of the bag?

Jim, I'd like to read this, but it seems to be the wrong link - unless there's a metaphor that I'm missing.

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500 block is further south... which is why most maps cut off at Jefferson...

where Hill, Croy, Scoggins, and others were ...leading to Tippit. Is a fascinating study...

and, as mentioned above, also the location of El Chico restaurant.

...I believe Vag had a red Falcon... just can’t find the doc


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2 hours ago, David Josephs said:


...I believe Vag had a red Falcon... just can’t find the doc

Yes, it was a red falcon. I think it’s in this article. It’s a good read of a poor copy.

Vaganov, Crafafd, and Ligget all beat-feet out of town between Friday evening and Saturday morning. Vaganov and Ligget returned in a day or two.


http://digitalcollections.baylor.edu/utils/getdownloaditem/collection/po-arm/id/28787/type/compoundobject/show/1/cpdtype/document-pdf/filename/28779.pdfpage/width/0/height/0/mapsto/pdf/filesize/0/title/Page 1

Edited by Michael Clark
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David, sorry about that.

here is the link to the Neely street essay


Interesting what Marguerite told Joesten about it.  No wonder Specter threatened here and Aynesworth got that novelist to trash her.

Vaganov and the single playing card?  Shades of Hammarskjold.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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11 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Whaley did not say anything about the 700 block in his original statements.

They got him to change his story.  See WR, pp. 160-61. 

Why did you only cite pages 160 and 161? You should have cited WCR Pages 161-163. (Or didn't you read past page 161?) On Page 162 and Page 163 of the Warren Report, we find this information:

--- WCR Quote On: ---

"Whaley was somewhat imprecise as to where he unloaded his passenger. He marked what he thought was the intersection of Neches and Beckley on a map of Dallas with a large X. He said, "Yes, sir; that is right, because that is the 500 block of North Beckley." However, Neches and Beckley do not intersect. Neches is within one-half block of the rooming house at 1026 North Beckley where Oswald was living. The 500 block of North Beckley is five blocks south of the rooming house.

After a review of these inconsistencies in his testimony before the Commission, Whaley was interviewed again in Dallas. The route of the taxicab was retraced under the direction of Whaley. He directed the driver of the car to a point 20 feet north of the northwest corner of the intersection of Beckley and Neely, the point at which he said his passenger alighted. This was the 700 block of North Beckley. The elapsed time of the reconstructed run from the Greyhound Bus Station to Neely and Beckley was 5 minutes and 30 seconds by stopwatch. The walk from Beckley and Neely to 1026 North Beckley was timed by Commission counsel at 5 minutes and 45 seconds."

--- End WC Quotes ---

Nothing but more WC lies, right Jim?

It never ends, does it?


A Whaley Addendum....

Based on William Whaley's 11/23/63 FBI interview, I think it's pretty clear that Whaley originally did think he had taken Oswald all the way to the 500 block of North Beckley Avenue in Oak Cliff on 11/22/63. Whaley told the FBI on November 23rd that he "took the young man to the 500 block of Beckley Street".

But I think the key to knowing that Whaley was mistaken about the "500 block" is the fact that he always maintained—even in his first FBI interview the day after Oswald rode in his taxicab—that the fare for Oswald's cab ride was exactly "95 cents".

And Whaley's 11/22/63 manifest (or trip sheet) also confirms the fare for the Greyhound-to-Beckley trip as being 95 cents.

And we can see from the reconstructed cab rides that a trip in Whaley's cab that starts at the Greyhound bus station and ends at the intersection of Neely & Beckley would, in fact, be 95 cents.


So if Whaley had actually driven Oswald an additional two full blocks on Beckley, the fare would surely have clicked over to $1.00 (or higher) by the time the cab reached the 500 block. But we know it didn't—based on Whaley's November 23rd FBI interview and his trip sheet.


Edited by David Von Pein
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5 hours ago, David Josephs said:

500 block is further south... which is why most maps cut off at Jefferson...

where Hill, Croy, Scoggins, and others were ...leading to Tippit. Is a fascinating study...

and, as mentioned above, also the location of El Chico restaurant.

...I believe Vag had a red Falcon... just can’t find the doc


This guy Vaganov is one intriguing character.

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14 hours ago, David Josephs said:


If I remember correctly, The DPD substation which Hill speeds off to after seeing the ambulance is located at 500 Beckley...

In Whaley’s handwritten notes it says 500 block a number of times as the place dropped off

”when we get in the 500 block N Beckley he says this will do and I stopped and he got out....”

How many First statement corrections do want us to accept, when each change only serves to try and incriminate Ozzie?

It also says he proceeds SOUTH on Beckley.  

Where does he say 700 in his sworn signed affidavit?





DVP, looky here what DJ provided us with.  Whaley in his own hand writing and the signed affidavit, 500 block, the day after the assassination.  While it was fresh in his mind.  Not month's later after he may have been "coached" like many others were.

Further, he says "The boy got out of the cab walked in front of the cab at an angle South on Beckley St."   Whhhhaaattt?  Wait a minute.  So if he's at 500 or 700 North Beckley and he's heading to his rooming house at 1026 North Beckley wouldn't he need to go further North to get there???  Whale was an experienced cab driver.  He knew where he was at.  He also knew that if he'd been taking Oswald South on N Beckley, past 1026 to the 500 block that when he stopped and Oswald got out and walked away in front of the cab that Oswald was still heading South.  Further away from 1026 North Beckley.  To throw off Whaley or anyone following or watching?  In any case it adds even more time to necessarily turn North at some point and walk to the rooming house, change shirts, grab his pistol, loiter by the bus stop long enough for Earlene Roberts to notice him, run to where Tippitt was killed, kill him, then run to the Texas Theater.  But nobody saw him running.  He was already buying popcorn in the theater by the time Tippitt was shot.   

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From Whaley's 1964 Warren Commission testimony....

WILLIAM WHALEY -- "When I got to Beckley almost to the intersection of Beckley and Neely, he said, "This will do right here," and I pulled up to the curb."

DAVID BELIN -- "Was that the 500 block of North Beckley?"

MR. WHALEY -- "No, sir; that was the 700 block."

MR. BELIN -- "You let him out not at the 500 block but the 700 block of North Beckley?"

MR. WHALEY -- "Yes, sir."


MR. BELIN -- "Did you ever tell anyone it was the 700 block of North Beckley?"

MR. WHALEY -- "No, sir. I left it said just like I had it on my trip sheet. Nobody else asked me about it."


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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

Whaley in his own handwriting and the signed affidavit, 500 block, the day after the assassination.  While it was fresh in his mind.  Not months later after he may have been "coached" like many others were.

But, as I mentioned earlier, a trip in Whaley's taxicab to the 500 block of Beckley is almost certainly going to register more than 95 cents on the meter.

Or do you want to pretend that Whaley rigged the meter of his cab during the two 1964 re-enactments so that it would show "95 cents" exactly when the trip ended at the 700 block of Beckley?

Edited by David Von Pein
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