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Mark Zaid, JFK and Trump

James DiEugenio

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19 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

I think I have said that 3 or 4 times on this thread.

Pete is damaged goods.

Gov. Phil Murphy or Gov. Andrew Cuomo are the top recruits.

Biden has to stick it out until the convention to box Sanders out. Then in comes the sane non-demented replacement for Biden. (Murph and Cuomo only because I'm familiar with them and they already Govern big states.) Maybe someone else is out there.

Hillary will be floated out there because, who ever is chosen, even if it's Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the Nation will be able to say, "at least it's not Hillary."


Mayor Pete is the obvious CIA-sourced choice.  But don't be surprised if Cory Booker is drafted as V-P.  It'll be like worse than running Pete Davidson, but when Biden collapses in office, Booker can be led by the nose the Chief of Staff until a suitable V-P is drafted as regent.  Either that scenario, or a Booker run will destroy Biden's bid, on purpose.

"If voting made a difference, they wouldn't let us do it. "  -- Attributed to Mark Twain

Pete ran Drugs for the Taliban when he wan't shipping weapons from Libya to Syria with Peter Strozk for Hillary.

I think only the members of this Forum know, or would care.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz is unelectable - too much past political baggage.

Edited by David Andrews
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48 minutes ago, Andrew Prutsok said:

Why don't we talk more about the 25th Amendment with three demented old men vying to lead the nation? It is never talked about in the media. It should be.

That would be nice, but if the 25th Amendment wasn't invoked with Trump on grounds of one's mental state, it never will be (unless caused by a debilitating stroke or something). We will never see his like again (if there really is a God).


Edited by Ron Ecker
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Remarkable that some here are postulating with all seriousness, the possibility of both Biden and Sanders getting hit with the coronavirus before the November election and perhaps even dying!

And Trump himself!

Coupled with the reality of Texas Senator Rafael Cruz and another elected representative imposing a self-quarantine upon themselves because of a possible contact with an afflicted person.

Congress is seriously considering taking an intentional break with even House Speaker Nancy Pelosi not ruling this out.

The point being that even our highest government officials are as scared as the rest of the country regards to the virus threatening their lives.

If this drastic action on the part of our supposedly most well informed government officials doesn't totally counter Trump's downplaying of the coronavirus situation...what does?

The NY Port Authority chief now has the virus!

The more top government, business, military and eventually celebrity figures come down with the virus, the more our country will probably react negatively and even angrily to Trump's constant minimizing the situation and question his motives for doing so.

Trump's credibility is on the line here. And up to today and every new virus infection spread, it's just about shot.

The guy can't help himself. His obsession with self-image protection and promotion as a first priority ( he obviously feels the growing virus fear is hurting this ) over the honest dealing and protection of the entire country at this unprecedented anxiety causing time is ...well frankly, a travesty of neglected national interest failed leadership.

Physical stamina, overall medical and mental cognitive condition health is seriously already an issue with our rest home age candidates even without the corona virus threat.

Who they choose as their VP running mates will for sure be a major consideration in the younger age and health area.

Klobuchar is my guess for Biden's running mate. Sanders? Not sure.

Too bad Sanders and Warren do not like each other. A Sanders/Warren ticket would be my preferred choice.

Trump will probably go with Nikky Haley.

And don't rule out another Trump legal scandal coming out before the Nov. election. If the Supreme Court doesn't make up some out-there legal argument blocking the release of Trump's taxes, who knows what could be in these.

Lastly, if Bernie Sanders somehow ends up being the Democratic Party candidate. Bloomberg's pledge to help the chosen Dem candidate will disappear.

Just reread Bloomberg's words to Goldman Sachs at Yankee Stadium.

Warren and Sanders were his true enemies of political and especially economic threat. Not Trump.






Investors brace for the economic fallout from the spreading coronavirus, while a shocking all-out oil price war added to the anxiety.

Investors brace for the economic fallout from the spreading coronavirus, while a shocking all-out oil price war added to the anxiety.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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5 minutes ago, Kathy Beckett said:

I think Biden will go with Kamala Harris. I have no idea how trump is gonna replace Pence.

If the pandemic gets bad enough, Trump can blame Pence, who's the guy in charge. But not because the pandemic is really bad, of course. Trump could say, "Every time I've said something about this virus being no big deal, Pence has contradicted me." Trump could tweet, "Pence has all the attributes of a dog except loyalty."



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7 minutes ago, Kathy Beckett said:

I think Biden will go with Kamala Harris. I have no idea how trump is gonna replace Pence.  Haley will have to increase her lackey factor  by a few points to be considered.

What Biden needs is a female running mate who can help him with the women's vote across all racial and ideology value lines as much as possible.

Harris could be the right choice in this regards, but I think that there would be a backlash against her being from super liberal California.

Klobuchar comes across as less liberal. 

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Trump campaign chief’s firm has been making ‘payments out of public view’ to Donald Trump Jr’s girlfriend: report


From the article: “Their presence makes for an odd dynamic between a campaign manager and a candidate’s family,” the Times reports. “During a campaign appearance last summer in Orlando, Ms. Guilfoyle confronted Mr. Parscale: Why were her checks always late? Two people who witnessed the encounter said a contrite Mr. Parscale promised that the problem would be sorted out promptly by his wife, Candice Parscale, who handles the books on many of his ventures.”




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That's a good one Doug.  And the GOP will just go ahead and brush this one off also.

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32 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

That's a good one Doug.  And the GOP will just go ahead and brush this one off also.

Donald,  Jr. has publicly challenged Hunter Biden to a debate about Hunter's actions in the Ukraine that netted him $50,000 a month.

Hunter in response has many things to attack Jr. about, this being one that even a Trumpnut would understand.

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The coronavirus event is getting closer to a true "Defining Moment."

By defining moment I mean national and world events so affecting of societies that people who live through them often refer to them as major life changing. 

As they are.

To us forum members ( and so many others in our society at the time ) the JFK assassination was the most tragically charged national event we had experienced and changed us in so many dynamic ways that have stayed with us the rest of our lives.

Often I look back and realize that the JFK assassination and Oswald's murder in the Dallas Police Department building was probably the most profound entire society shared benchmark event in my life.

The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was a defining moment for our entire country.

9-11 was another.

Although it isn't yet, this coronavirus crisis is as close to another defining moment event as anything I recall since 9-11.

It is changing the daily lives of millions of Americans in so many major ways.

If it gets worse to compounded degrees and these changes stay with us, this will probably be a defining moment for us all.

I think most Americans are already conditioning themselves consciously and sub-consciously for something very ominous, very life changing.

I just hope if this situation gets a lot worse, that enough mature and courageous individuals ( not the ones in charge now )  come forth to guide us through it with selfless wisdom, honesty and faith.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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Dave, the mutual fund issue is a real worry for people like me who live off of public pensions.

I have tried not to think about it.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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We have a relatively small amount that we are seeking to cash out ourselves.

Just today, we called the adviser who manages this to start the process.

A 2,000 point drop in "one day" seems a stronger signal tipping point for us relative to smaller back and fourth swings of a less concerning "correction" movement.

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17 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Dave, the mutual fund issue is a real worry for people like me who live off of public pensions.

I have tried not to think about it.

You should have seen how I worried in September 2008.  I started the day with $40K, but ended the next day with $20K.  It affected every event of my life over the following 12 years.

Edited by David Andrews
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1 hour ago, David Andrews said:

Did we all survive the market drop?  Or will the value of anyone's mutual funds be halved, as mine were in 2008?

I sold off the last of my stocks three weeks ago-- a few days before Black Monday (February 24th.)  I've got everything in bonds, cash, and gold.  But gold prices have been surprisingly sluggish thus far.  For example, the DOW plunged over 7% today, but the price of gold was unchanged.

I got burned badly in 2000 and 2008, and I've had a bad feeling about the "booming" Trump economy for a while now.  Stock prices and market capitalization had increased far beyond earnings and GDP for the past two years.

What never ceases to amaze me is the stampeding "herd" mentality of these markets-- in both directions-- perpetually reinforced by the screwball reporting in the mainstream (financial) media.  Most financial journalists seem to be part of the herd.

I read Peter Lynch's One Up On Wall Street years ago, and I always remember the line where Lynch said that he knew it was time to sell when dentists approached him at cocktail parties with advice about buying stocks.

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3 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

I read Peter Lynch's One Up On Wall Street years ago, and I always remember the line where Lynch said that he knew it was time to sell when dentists approached him at cocktail parties with advice about buying stocks.

Bernard Baruch said that in 1929 he knew it was time to get out when the bootblacks were asking him for stock tips.  I suspect he had better informants, however.

Edited by David Andrews
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