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Mark Zaid, JFK and Trump

James DiEugenio

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by Volker Ullrich

‘Hitler will remain a cautionary example for all time,’ he writes. ‘If his life and career teach us anything, it is how quickly democracy can be prised from its hinges when political institutions fail and civilising forces in society are too weak to combat the lure of authoritarianism.

‘How thin the mantle separating civilisation and barbarism actually is; and what human beings are capable of when the rule of law and ethical norms are suspended and some people are granted unlimited power over the lives of others.’


Perhaps somebody should send this to Moscow Mitch and his invertebrate colleagues. 

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480,000 deaths?

Is this guy looking for a job?

No country is anywhere close to that. Why would it explode like that here?

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3 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

The only emergency that would require the use of Dollar Store toilet paper is gas station Sushi for lunch.

I don't have that high an opinion of my hindquarters - six for $0.99 works as well as six for $6.99.

It's like I told somebody who was on a fixed income but demanded Bounty paper towels because they pick up better: "You can buy three rolls of dollar store for one roll Bounty.  Use twice as much and you're still ahead."

Edited by David Andrews
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Important story:


She and Warren could have countered the Buttigieg, Klochubar spin.  

I consider this a real failure of nerve and ethics on their part. My opinion of both has been lowered.



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My take on President Trump’s Press Conference today at which he announced a national emergency to combat the coronavirus:


The President rather proudly said he had not taken a test to see if he was positive for having the virus. However, earlier this week he was in close contact with two persons who have tested positive, GOP Rep. Gaetz and an official visiting from Brazil. He may have also had contact with other persons who are positive.


Because he is a narcissistic idiot, he never gave a thought about whether he has infected the titans of business who surrounded him at his press conference, two of whom he insisted on shaking hands with, or with the members of his response team at the conference, including Dr. Fasci.


Furthermore, all these individuals used the same microphone that the President had used to give his lengthy presentation of the national emergency. That microphone was a Petri dish that easily could have transmitted the virus to those who used it.


In short, the world will now have to wait to see if one or more participants in the President Trump’s press conference tests positive for the virus.





Edited by Douglas Caddy
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2 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

480,000 deaths?

Is this guy looking for a job?

No country is anywhere close to that. Why would it explode like that here?

Like  he said, we are just at the beginning of the spread of  the virus. The doctor for Congress who addressed members of Congress this week said that from 70 million to 150 million people could be infected. So the ultimate number of deaths may well be extremely high.

Edited by Douglas Caddy
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19 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Important story:


She and Warren could have countered the Buttigieg, Klochubar spin.  

I consider this a real failure of nerve and ethics on their part. My opinion of both has been lowered.


   I remain puzzled by Warren's refusal to salvage the cause of the Progressive movement by endorsing Bernie-- before or after the Super Tuesday DNC maneuvers to advance Biden

   She, obviously, doesn't WANT to endorse Bernie.

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28 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

My take on President Trump’s Press Conference today at which he announced a national emergency to combat the coronavirus:


The President rather proudly said he had not taken a test to see if he was positive for having the virus. However, earlier this week he was in close contact with two persons who have tested positive, GOP Rep. Gaetz and an official visiting from Brazil. He may have also had contact with other persons who are positive.


Because he is a narcissistic idiot, he never gave a thought about whether he has infected the titans of business who surrounded him at his press conference, two of whom he insisted on shaking hands with, or with the members of his response team at the conference, including Dr. Fasci.


Furthermore, all these individuals used the same microphone that the President had used to give his lengthy presentation of the national emergency. That microphone was a Petri dish that easily could have transmitted the virus to those who used it.


In short, the world will now have to wait to see if one or more participants in the President Trump’s press conference tests positive for the virus.





He thought it was amusing when one of the CEOs gave him an elbow bump instead. Like "that guy's taking this crap seriously."


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But William, even so, sometimes you do things you don't really wish to do because its the right thing to do.

Because if you do not--in the Albert Camus sense--it will allow something worse to happen.

You would have thought one would have called the other and said: Whatever differences we have with Bernie, Biden will be the DNC all over again.

Now, that looks like the case.  Repeat:  I have lost some respect for both of them.


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