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Mark Zaid, JFK and Trump

James DiEugenio

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I have to say the more I look at Mayor Peter, the worse he gets.  And it also looks like there was something going on in Iowa.  They did not wants Sanders to get a head of steam by winning two in a row at the start.

Speaking of long looks, Amy K is beginning to resemble the second coming of HRC.

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58 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

I have to say the more I look at Mayor Peter, the worse he gets.  And it also looks like there was something going on in Iowa.  They did not wants Sanders to get a head of steam by winning two in a row at the start.

Speaking of long looks, Amy K is beginning to resemble the second coming of HRC.

Trump declared himself a King this week but you wouldn’t know it from our resident Trumpenlinks who continue to attack Democrats while giving overt fascism a pass.

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Buttigieg is a heroin dealer?

I think the main key to the 2020 election, if the electoral results aren't manipulated in key states like Michigan in 2016 again ( 10's of thousands of votes went missing in Wayne County - Detroit ) will be the women voting base.

Women outnumber men now in our elections.

If there is any room to pull any Republican and especially so-called "undecided" votes away from Trump it would be their women voters. 

I still think it's possible that at least a small number of Republican household and undecided women voters in this country will be open minded enough to not be totally, blindly locked into the Trump voting cult.

I believe that there is still room for turning some percentage of these women voters against Trump because the man has so much sordid baggage in the area of using, disrespecting and even sexually accosting women in his lifetime history of behavior and words that shout this. 

The Billy Bush tape should be a cornerstone of a Trump misogynist information campaign ( and replayed again and again as much as possible like Howard Dean's Iowa victory scream ) as well as the new book "All The President's Women - Donald Trump the Making Of A Predator" detailing 43 personal accounts ( 43!) of Trump's aggressive unwanted sexual behavior.   

Don't let the Trump/Jeffrey Epstein video go unused.

Same with Trump's never ending public pronouncements that "all" the women who have ever made incriminating sexual behavior charges against him are "all" fabricating these claims and are "all" XXXXX.

And on and on.

Make this issue Trump's Willie Horton and or Swiftboat yoke. As it should be.

If there was this much sordid, amoral sexual behavior dirt on Obama, he would never have been elected. The Repubs know how to make and keep such issues in the everyday news media zeitgeist. Way better than The Democrats.

So, the key is how much of this sordid Trump history reality one can get into the main stream media and other widely read or heard information venues during the next 7 months to adequately keep this issue in the mental forefront of millions of women voters. 

Women voters have been turning elections more and more and almost always on the Democratic side with several in traditional Republican strongholds.

Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Louisiana, Alabama.

In the case of the shocking Alabama Democratic win for their senatorial race, Doug Jones would never have defeated Roy Moore if Moore's sexual predatory background hadn't been exposed and publicized as much as it was. Even so, Moore only lost that election by what 12,000 votes?

But you know that tens of thousands of Alabama's women voters ( even some Republicans) could not allow themselves to vote for a sexual predator like Moore.

With Trump, this life long sexual amoral aspect of his personal life has to be kept an issue in this campaign and not downplayed or underplayed. 

Trump has to be super aggressively portrayed as the worst possible candidate to promote and respect women and their interests ( which he is in spades anyway ) in this election.

You can't keep playing softball with hardball Republicans.

This real Trump sexual behavior problem issue will be a difficult one for Trump women voters to defend and ignore if it is constantly kept in the media spotlight.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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4 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Thank you for that retrospective.

Usually I have to go to the dentist and read a 3 year old copy of Newsweek for such insight.

Wheeler puts Richard Bissell as CEO of the JFKA...And he has the gall to diss anyone’s insight?

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1 hour ago, Robert Wheeler said:

That was just off the top of my head Bob.

Buttigieg is a heroin dealer. He comes from a long line of Heroin dealers.

The Term “Deep State” was literally coined to describe the Buttigiegs, Marrano advisors to the Ottomon court. 


What? Are you serious? When was he convicted of that? Do you just slander randomly or are you selective?

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12 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Thank you for that retrospective.

Usually I have to go to the dentist and read a 3 year old copy of Newsweek for such insight.

My insight may seem trite to you RW , but it's still true and you know it.

Trump's biggest Achilles' heel with women voters will be his sexual predator history.

As it should be.

The guy's long time demeaning and using sexual behavior with and toward women is in the Harvey Weinstein realm as far as numbers and boldness and should be constantly recounted as such.

We have a sexual predator in the White House.

If the Dems don't hammer that truth this election, what else have they got?

And by the way, there probably still are at least a few half-way informative articles in 3 year old copies of Newsweek.

I'll read them if I can't find and browse older issue New Yorker cartoons.


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1 hour ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Seriously Bob, do you have anything constructive to advance your narrative? 

Buttigieg is a Deep State hack.

Google all day and you won’t find the slightest of his Military accomplishments.

Try some other search engines and you can read what Google doesn’t want you to read.

What’s Buttigiegs appeal Bob?


No you did it for me. He's a Rhodes Scholar who speaks 7 languages and served in Afghanistan in the Armed Forces. How can I add to that? You on the other hand spit out BS, no doubt from sketchy or unattributable sources to slander a person whom you do not know or any circumstances they may have encountered. And yet all easily observable, unquestionably proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt behavior antithetical to political discourse, decency or legal standards and statutes are dismissed by you come hell or rising tide, as long as the culprit aligns with your boy. Your reliance on 23 and me webs of inuendo based on nothing to catapult your arguments into assertions of fact are insulting, hollow and laughable.

How's that?

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A prominent historian this past week predicted that Trump may postpone the November election. Most likely it will be an emergency event dreamed up by Putin's think tank in Moscow and passed along to Trump to implement. So how would this be carried out? Read on.

The Alarming Scope of the President's Emergency Powers

From seizing control of the internet to declaring martial law, President Trump may legally do all kinds of extraordinary things.




Edited by Douglas Caddy
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Look, its pretty clear I think that something was up with that new voter app in Iowa.  The guy running the caucuses resigned since he did not want to answer any more questions.  The DNC, with its hack leader Perez, was secretly involved with the application, something that did not come out until later.

Also, the people behind the app are directly related to Mayor Peter.  And that app clearly favored Petey.

That jumbled results in Iowa gave Petey a big boost for New Hampshire.  And that allowed him to finish a close second.

One last point to show how this is designed to blunt Sanders:  after HRC lost, Sanders--who should have been the titular leader of the party--wanted Ellison as DNC chair in order to clean up the mess left by DWS.  Ellison was the clear favorite and would have won election.  On the verge of this happening, what did Obama do?  He gets Perez to run and backs him to the hilt.  

I think we know why now.  If you ever needed to know more about Obama, this should inform you of who he really was and is.

All of this info is out there.  Ignore it at your peril.

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8 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Look, its pretty clear I think that something was up with that new voter app in Iowa.  The guy running the caucuses resigned since he did not want to answer any more questions.  The DNC, with its hack leader Perez, was secretly involved with the application, something that did not come out until later.

Also, the people behind the app are directly related to Mayor Peter.  And that app clearly favored Petey.

That jumbled results in Iowa gave Petey a big boost for New Hampshire.  And that allowed him to finish a close second.

One last point to show how this is designed to blunt Sanders:  after HRC lost, Sanders--who should have been the titular leader of the party--wanted Ellison as DNC chair in order to clean up the mess left by DWS.  Ellison was the clear favorite and would have won election.  On the verge of this happening, what did Obama do?  He gets Perez to run and backs him to the hilt.  

I think we know why now.  If you ever needed to know more about Obama, this should inform you of who he really was and is.

All of this info is out there.  Ignore it at your peril.

More Democrat bashing after Douglas posted a report on our new Trump dictatorship.

If you ever needed to know more about Trumpenlinks, this should inform you about whose “side” they’re on.

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