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Mark Zaid, JFK and Trump

James DiEugenio

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This was a really bad error on his part.

Give you an example:  When Arnold ran for governor of California the first time he had the same strategy of flying above the pack.  He only showed up for I think one debate.  And he was well prepared.  Therefore he limited his exposure.  

If your name is not even on the ballot, why debate?  Especially when he was doing well outside the boundaries.

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1 hour ago, Douglas Caddy said:

There's a great deal of distance between the notion that Assange would agree to "cover-up" Russian hacking and the notion that Assange had proof that "Russia didn't hack". So the Daily Beast/Reuters piece is revealed as consistent with an entirely different understanding of "hack".

MSNBC insists that any concept other than the Russian hack is a debunked conspiracy theory because a Yahoo News podcast said so. Real outstanding investigative journalism there too.

Wikileaks has no history of lying, or even using weasely language to deceive. The accusers of Wikileaks have such track record. Expect more information as the first extradition hearing begins next week.


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25 minutes ago, Jeff Carter said:


Wikileaks has no history of lying, or even using weasely language to deceive. The accusers of Wikileaks have such track record. 

Interesting accusation from someone who has falsely claimed that Assange denied the Russians hacked the DNC.

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There you go Jeff:

There's a great deal of distance between the notion that Assange would agree to "cover-up" Russian hacking and the notion that Assange had proof that "Russia didn't hack"

Thanks for making it clear.

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3 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

There you go Jeff:

There's a great deal of distance between the notion that Assange would agree to "cover-up" Russian hacking and the notion that Assange had proof that "Russia didn't hack"

Thanks for making it clear.

Given the compartmentalization of intelligence operations Assange wouldn’t “need to know” how the DNC was hacked. He got the e-mails thru a cut-out.

I like how the Trumpenlinks act like it’s no big deal that Trump dangled a pardon “for proof that Russia didn’t hack” and when Assange didn’t play ball Agent Orange slapped him with 17 counts.

When Bernie wins the Dem nomination the Trumpenlinks will finally join The Resistance and all the anti-Trump rhetoric they’ve been saving up like misers will be unleashed at last!

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I agree Kathy.  Lincoln-Douglas?  

Only a speechwriter for Ronald Reagan, which Podhoretz was, could think it was a great debate. 


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Here is the more detailed story. Wow, did The Daily Beast get this screwed up or what?  What do you expect from a publication that uses Max Holland on the JFK case.



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12 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Here is the more detailed story. Wow, did The Daily Beast get this screwed up or what?  What do you expect from a publication that uses Max Holland on the JFK case.



No, The Daily Beast, The Guardian, CNN et al didn’t get it wrong. Assange’s lawyer contends Rohrabacher dangled a pardon with Trump’s knowledge. Rohrabacher denied talking to Trump about it.

Trumpenlinks sure love those Fascist talking points!

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This "Pardon Offer" to Assange has now been officially acknowledged by Rohrbacher himself.

Here we have another "Rudy Guliani" type "official but not official?" mission of a single point man sent to "work a deal" with Assange to apparently protect the interests of Russia/Putin and Trump's defense of them.

And done with the same "mafia type" MO. Never a direct link to Trump.

Keep the Godfather insulated.

Yet Rohrbacher has a "direct line" to speak with Trump's chief of staff ( chief Capo ) John Kelly about this mission? 

Kelly took the call and listened to Rohrbacher's message but didn't respond directly regards any further action or "non-action?"

Look, when someone in Rohrbacher's postion can call and get directly connected to Trump's chief of staff about "anything" that says a lot about Rohrbacher's high standing within the highest levels of Trump's staff.

And Kelly never mentioned Rohrbacher and this call or the Assange/Russia problem to Trump? Please.

If this 3 hour long meet-up mission to the Ecuadorian Embassy in London by Rohrbacher was just to see what Assange knew about the Russian's as a source, John Kelly would probably have been more open to discussing it with Rohrbacher versus this typical ( I can't talk about it on these secure lines ) silence and non-response.

And here we go again with desperate damage control word and semantic games by Rohrbacher.

Assange has made a clear and specific charge. He was offered a pardon to "deny Russian hacking" in the 2016 election. Not that he was asked to help dispel the conspiracy theories surrounding them.

Just from the Guliani Ukraine scheme alone, we all know the Trump way.

His credibility is shot. Most know this now and you just can't trust anything he and his enablers say anymore.

And here just today, we have another Trump crony ( Roger Stone ) being sent to prison for his lying about Assange and these Russia involvement matters.

Wake up people!


Edited by Joe Bauer
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Trump tapping social media ‘clown’ Grenell to lead intelligence agencies even has Trump allies concerned: MSNBC’s Morning Joe


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13 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Most major internet news sites just can't say straight out that Warren won this debate.

And that Bloomberg was beyond a disaster.

Watching Bloomberg was literally cringing.

Probably the worst nationally televised Presidential candidate debate performance I can recall.

If Bloomberg was as poor as half those candidates he wouldn't even be in this race or up on that debate stage. He bought his way onto that stage.

Klobuchar really seemed out of control with her anger toward Mayor Pete and looked and sounded desperate. She couldn't take the heat. Mayor Pete kept his cool.


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Cliff and Joe are entirely misinformed on the topic of Rohrabacher/ Assange. This appears to be the result of relying on biased second hand information. Cliff further believes that Wikileaks is engaged in deceptive wordplay, and although he does not “know” this, he presents opinions based on his assumptions. Wikileaks has never previously lied or used deceptive language. Wikileaks maintains credibility, its accusers do not.

Rohrabacher was not acting as a Trump liaison when he met Assange. There was no existing “deal”. Trump did not personally add “seventeen charges”. This was the work of the DOJ, and they were revealed at a specific time because Assange had come into the custody of the British government. Previous to that the official position was that there were no pending charges and Assange’s political asylum was the result of his personal paranoias. 

The Wikileaks press conference yesterday was an extremely important newsworthy event which has been largely blacked out by the US media - in part by focusing on a “fake news” version of the Rohrabacher meeting.

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Do you have a link to that story?

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