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Mark Zaid, JFK and Trump

James DiEugenio

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With all due respect, I'm beginning to think that Jeff Carter's forum nickname should be, "The Russian Pretzel."

The evidence seems to indicate that Il Douche was offering Assange a pardon-- via Rohrbacher, the U.S. House Representative for the Moscow district-- as a quid pro quo for suborning perjury.  It's outrageous.

Meanwhile, getting back to the original subject of the thread, Mark Zaid, cheggidout, folks.

Il Douche has incited yet another death threat against an American citizen.

'All traitors must die': Feds charge man for threatening whistleblower attorney


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yes, see the wsws.org link in my reply to Doug Caddy’s MSNBC post (previous page). We should expect something from Consortium News as well. And Craig Murray, on his eponymous blog, has numerous powerful explications on Assange, and he will be writing on next week’s hearing as well.

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26 minutes ago, Jeff Carter said:

Cliff and Joe are entirely misinformed on the topic of Rohrabacher/ Assange. This appears to be the result of relying on biased second hand information. Cliff further believes that Wikileaks is engaged in deceptive wordplay, and although he does not “know” this, he presents opinions based on his assumptions.

From you Jeff that’s rich.


Wikileaks has never previously lied or used deceptive language. Wikileaks maintains credibility, its accusers do not.

Assange said he didn’t receive the Dem e-mails from Russian state actors. That you call this “deceptive” is your interpretation. I believe it’s called “plausible deniability.”


Rohrabacher was not acting as a Trump liaison when he met Assange. There was no existing “deal”.

Jeff knows this because Rohrabacher said so!


Trump did not personally add “seventeen charges”. This was the work of the DOJ,

Some folks haven’t caught up with the fact Donald Trump calls the shots at the DOJ.


and they were revealed at a specific time because Assange had come into the custody of the British government.

Pure bullshed.

Glenn Greenwald:

<quote on>

The Obama DOJ – despite launching notoriously aggressive attacks on press freedoms – recognized this critical principle when it came to WikiLeaks. It spent years exploring whether it could criminally charge Assange and WikiLeaks for publishing classified information. It ultimately decided it would not do so, and could not do so, consistent with the press freedom guarantee of the First Amendment. After all, the Obama DOJ concluded, such a prosecution would pose a severe threat to press freedom because there would be no way to prosecute Assange for publishing classified documents without also prosecuting the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Guardian and others for doing exactly the same thing.<\q>

The difference between the Trump DOJ and the Obama DOJ couldn’t be clearer.


Previous to that the official position was that there were no pending charges and Assange’s political asylum was the result of his personal paranoias. 

The Obama DOJ had him on one count.



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1 hour ago, Douglas Caddy said:

The New York Times: Russia Backs Trump’s Re-election, and He Fears Democrats Will Exploit Its Support



I'm looking forward to watching Robert and the Russian Pretzel spin this one...  🧐

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21 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Most major internet news sites just can't say straight out that Warren won this debate.

And that Bloomberg was beyond a disaster.

Watching Bloomberg was literally cringing.

Probably the worst nationally televised Presidential candidate debate performance I can recall.

If Bloomberg was as poor as half those candidates he wouldn't even be in this race or up on that debate stage. He bought his way onto that stage.

Klobuchar really seemed out of control with her anger toward Mayor Pete and looked and sounded desperate. She couldn't take the heat. Mayor Pete kept his cool.


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21 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Most major internet news sites just can't say straight out that Warren won this debate.

And that Bloomberg was beyond a disaster.

Watching Bloomberg was literally cringing.

Probably the worst nationally televised Presidential candidate debate performance I can recall.

If Bloomberg was as poor as half those candidates he wouldn't even be in this race or up on that debate stage. He bought his way onto that stage.

Klobuchar really seemed out of control with her anger toward Mayor Pete and looked and sounded desperate. She couldn't take the heat. Mayor Pete kept his cool.

Wow.  AOC on msm.


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21 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Most major internet news sites just can't say straight out that Warren won this debate.

And that Bloomberg was beyond a disaster.

Watching Bloomberg was literally cringing.

Probably the worst nationally televised Presidential candidate debate performance I can recall.

If Bloomberg was as poor as half those candidates he wouldn't even be in this race or up on that debate stage. He bought his way onto that stage.

Klobuchar really seemed out of control with her anger toward Mayor Pete and looked and sounded desperate. She couldn't take the heat. Mayor Pete kept his cool.


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34 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Here is the actual Story referenced by Niederhut. 

‪New York Times Tries to Jump Start Another Russia Interference Hoax https://www.redstate.com/streiff/2020/02/20/787011/‬

The Deep State and their MSM apparatchiks are going to push every nonsensical narrative from now until Election Day. 

       Actually, Robert, I was referring to the news today about Joseph Maguire getting sh*tcanned by the Fuhrer for accidentally briefing both Democrats and Republicans in Congress about intelligence confirming Russian meddling in our 2020 election. *

    What was Maguire thinking?  Does he think that Congress is supposed to be informed about intelligence relating to foreign threats to the United States or something?  Geez...

    But I'm confident that you and Jeff Carter will have an entirely reassuring explanation for this latest "fake news."  Proceed.  🤪

* Trump Sidelined Acting Spy Chief After Russian Meddling Briefing


President Donald Trump sidelined Joseph Maguire, the outgoing acting director of national intelligence, after learning a member of Maguire’s team had briefed House lawmakers that Russia was attempting to interfere in the 2020 elections to get Trump re-elected, according to multiple reports.

The briefing angered the president so much that he berated Maguire, leaving him “despondent,” a source told The Washington Post. Shelby Pierson, the intelligence official in charge of election security, briefed the full House Intelligence Committee last Thursday, although it’s unclear what information she shared.


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Joe B:

Dana R has been an advocate of better relations with Moscow for many years, long before Trump was inaugurated. In fact, so much so that people in his own party joked about him being paid by Putin.  Further, he had been in congress for nearly three decades. ( He would be there now if Bloomberg had not given 4 million to his opponent.) 

Anyone who has that much seniority and is in the president's party is going to get his phone calls answered at the WH. To compare him to Giuliani is a cheap smear that is really below you.  

Dana R admitted he was doing this on his own, and his record clearly backs that up.  And what he was doing does not in any way back up any unproven theory of Russia Gate.  It actually does the opposite.  Anyone who does say 30 minutes of research on this will understand that.  Anyone who does not understand it after that half l hour is either an ax grinder or has problems analyzing data.


Edited by James DiEugenio
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12 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

No, The Daily Beast, The Guardian, CNN et al didn’t get it wrong. Assange’s lawyer contends Rohrabacher dangled a pardon with Trump’s knowledge. Rohrabacher denied talking to Trump about it.

That’s not exactly what was reported and what you brought to this thread. They/you claimed the meeting was based on “covering up” a Russian hacking plot. That is a deliberate misrepresentation of what was said by Assange's lawyer, which doesn’t prevent a number of you from internalizing the fake news as settled fact. Reading comprehension: fail.


10 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Pure bullshed.

Glenn Greenwald:

<quote on>

Glenn Greenwald, as anyone else, was analyzing the Wikileaks / Assange case utilizing fairly limited information in October 2013, when the quote you cite was written. If you knew anything of this story, you would understand  the information has been greatly expanded in the six plus years since, and the role of all US institutions involved in this ongoing persecution have been revealed as operating with vindictive mendacity, bad faith, and abuse of process, and have done so in entirely bipartisan spirit.

Edited by Jeff Carter
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"Covering up a Russian Hacking plot?"


Edited by James DiEugenio
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I agree this is thin at for now but we'll know more Wednesday. The biggest thing IMO now is that Trump is going all Lev Parnas on Rohrbacher which is immediately suspicious haha.

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