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Mark Zaid, JFK and Trump

James DiEugenio

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Alright, then if there are video and audio tapes, I agree that is the best evidence in this case.

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46 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Assange has already said that he did not get the emails through Moscow. 

Which doesn't preclude the GRU hacking the DNC and then using cut-outs to move the e-mail thru Wiki.

Assange never said the Russians didn't hack the DNC, which is what Rohrabacher wanted him to say.

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25 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Alright, then if there are video and audio tapes, I agree that is the best evidence in this case.

We'll never see em. Trump will never let them out.


BTW It's Jennifer Robinson not Williams.

Edited by Bob Ness
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I don't know why Trump floating a pardon to people in a position to damage or help him is met with such dismay. Seems pretty obvious to me. He's publicly stated it more or less and I'm absolutely sure his attorneys have been making extra-legal agreements with other attorneys to do just that. It's standard mob procedure and happens in business also.

Dana Rohrbacher may not be a party to it but I know one party who's  almost certainly involved.

Edited by Bob Ness
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This Grenell guy looks pretty bad.

I would have thought he would have picked Haley, she has at least some degree of bipartisan support.

I guess by picking this hack Trump is still doing his victory lap.  Man, Pelosi's strategy and tactics look worse by the week.

The Democrats had better win the election.  If not, then I would move to retire the entire top leadership.

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18 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Bob, that was really bad, I mean really.  This is a JFK forum for people who do research, which as far as I can tell, you and Joe B really do not do a lot of.  If you have, please show me there the essays are housed or if  you wrote a book that I missed. 

Jim Di you are right.

I am not of this high level research group, not even close.

When it comes to serious lifetime researchers on this forum we all know of "your" efforts and achievements which encompass a huge body of work including many important historical areas besides and beyond the JFK assassination.

I read many more of your essays than you know. When you provide links, I check them out and usually finish them which often takes a decent amount of time.

I won't even try to debate this point you make regards Bob and I not doing a lot of research and therefore not having forum worthy credibility and insight.

Years ago ( I have stated this before ) I checked into the forum almost daily as a viewing visitor for a long time without joining and posting myself. Precisely because of the high research level of the contents. It was fascinating stuff. Often intimidating.

Yet, I eventually jumped in regardless. 

Have I diminished the forum high research integrity by doing so? Perhaps. 

However, I really do pull back now and then because I am aware my postings aren't always research worthy.

I honestly "try" to give thought to only posting on threads that I am really passionate about and also when I feel even my limited research comments and questions won't dilute the discussion, debate and info sharing too much and taint the reputation of this esteemed forum. Hope you don't think this is B.S.

However, this particular thread has driven me beyond that rational mind set.

I'll admit it. I am totally biased regards anything to do with Donald Trump.

I post things on this thread that are often pure emotion. I can't contain this part of me regards Trump.

I am truly, seriously concerned ( more than anytime in my 12 presidents lifetime ) about what is happening to our country under Trump's presidency.

And I have come to the conclusion that I don't believe anything anyone connected to Trump says.

I have stated my surprise that this Trump thread has been kept on the main forum.

When this specific thread ends, I am quite sure I will go back to my less emotional approach to more JFK focused postings, poorly researched as my input may be.


Jeff has done research in the past and has a lot of work to show for it.  I have written or co-edited three books and literally scores of essays.  The point is, we know the difference between a primary source and a secondary source.  We also can detect  bias and spin.  Now, I am really surprised that no one here has tried to go to the primary source, which Is the congressman.  I am the only one who has given any background on him.  Or described his many years in trying to better relations between Moscow and Washington.  Which I think is relevant.   Why do you and Joe leave  that out?  

Second, the congressman has posted on twitter about this.  Why do you leave that out?  It does not get any more primary sourced than that. Here it is:



Edited by Joe Bauer
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5 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

That link was provided by Jim Di Ron. Not me.

Ok.  Thanks Jim.  This thread is long diverse, deep and at times distracted.  I missed your link.

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Joe, I like you personally.  Because you are not pretentious.

And I was actually going to add something in there about people letting their animus toward Trump get the best of them. 

I understand that also.  I just ask that we at times try to rein it in and not go overboard.  

The way I look at it, Trump won as much because of the Dems mistakes as through his own efforts.  And if he wins again, it will be because of Pelosi/Schiff's misconceived, poorly timed and badly planned impeachment effort. I never lose sight of that. That is why I say, if he does win, I hope this leads to Pelosi and Schumer resigning or being forced out.

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5 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

The way I look at it, Trump won as much because of the Dems mistakes as through his own efforts.  And if he wins again, it will be because of Pelosi/Schiff's misconceived, poorly timed and badly planned impeachment effort. I never lose sight of that. That is why I say, if he does win, I hope this leads to Pelosi and Schumer resigning or being forced out.

Trump's push for Fascist autocracy pre-dates all impeachment procedures.  Where has DiEugenoio been the last 5 years?

Trump didn't run to be President -- he ran to be King.

The notion this is any fault of Pelosi and the Dems is purest equine offal.

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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

This Grenell guy looks pretty bad.

I would have thought he would have picked Haley, she has at least some degree of bipartisan support.

I guess by picking this hack Trump is still doing his victory lap.  Man, Pelosi's strategy and tactics look worse by the week.

The Democrats had better win the election.  If not, then I would move to retire the entire top leadership.

Looks to be stooge more than anything. He'll spike a bunch to stuff - ala Barr - in his limited time, maybe dig around, but the career people in the IC will know how to deal with it.

We really should be talking about Trump's losses in court but as you said they gave the ball back early. There very well be more to play out though. Let's see. The Dems won't lose the house and probably win the Presidency. Come election time we'll see a very sharp focus on the differences between the candidates and I have confidence in the electorate.

Robert you better catch a bus to Florida and start knocking on doors. It's looking like it'll go blue this year which as I said before makes it next to impossible for the Republicans to win the college.

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2 hours ago, Bob Ness said:


I don't know why Trump floating a pardon to people in a position to damage or help him is met with such dismay. Seems pretty obvious to me. He's publicly stated it more or less and I'm absolutely sure his attorneys have been making extra-legal agreements with other attorneys to do just that. It's standard mob procedure and happens in business also.

Dana Rohrbacher may not be a party to it but I know one party who's  almost certainly involved.

What???  I'm lost in the details of this thread but "Stone: Hope you don't xxxx up my efforts to get Assange a pardon"???  Now we're talking about a former Senator proposing a pardon of Assange on/not on the prez behalf.  And the prez pardoning Stone?  I'm sometimes (easily) confused says my wife.  But this is all a bit hard for me to figure out, having not read all of it.    

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Like I said I'm lost in all this but was the statement "I hope you don't xxxx Up my efforts to get Assange a pardon" addressed in Stone's trial or being addressed in current events in any way? 

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