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I Was A Middle-Aged JFK Lone-Nutter (Briefly) By Vince Nitwit (me)

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Yes, you read that right: for one brief, non-shining moment in 2007, I was swayed (groomed?) by Vince Bugliosi, one of my then-idols for his many non-JFK books:


Image may contain: 2 people, including Vince Palamara, people smiling, text 

I am posting this (and the above modified meme) because someone recently "found out" that I had once changed my mind. Well, I still believed there were multiple conspiracies to kill Kennedy...I was swayed into thinking Oswald beat them all to the punch via Bugliosi's book. And, when I received a personal letter from him before I was even finished reading his massive tome, I was sold. 

Life is all the context of the times---I was then recently divorced (since happily remarried), somewhat down on my luck (I never thought I would publish a book, let alone four), and was burned out on the case. My hero from the OJ and Manson murder books--Vincent Bugliosi--asked me for a blurb for the paperback version of his book (he told me it would be out in mid-late 2007). By the time the blurb came out, I came to my senses and denounced what I conveyed to him...but the damage was done. Too late; the blurb appeared in not only Four Days In November (May 2008). To my chagrin, it ALSO appeared in Parkland in 2013! Yikes!41pKa7QqGcL.jpg

I know Pat Speer said he once changed (I think he said as much on this forum). Deb Galentine, a pro-conspiracy researcher I also greatly respect, told me she also briefly changed her mind. I know a couple people who will never admit it, but they were swayed by POSNER's book when they first read it (before the many scathing reviews came out). Heck, even in the movie "JFK", Jim Garrison/ Kevin Costner even says at one point "Maybe Oswald is who everyone says he is and I am just being dumb about it."

My point is this: I am very open-minded (perhaps to a fault) and, since I am in somewhat of a unique situation (my research does not stand or fall based on Oswald acting alone or not), it was easy to be star struck by one of my heroes who was requesting a blurb for his forthcoming paperback book. The stars lined up in the wrong way; the imperfect storm, so to speak.

I rarely get any flack over this now, although I know Walt Brown, Charles Drago and a couple others held it against me and probably still do. Oh, well: I own my mistakes.

I just wanted to vent here for the record so any stragglers out there are not in the dark.

Vince Palamara



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When you briefly changed your mind, how did you explain the gaping wound in the back of the head? (I don't know how or if Bugliosi explained it, since I haven't read his book and never will.)

The one thing that interests me about lone nutters is how they explain this, if they even try.





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13 minutes ago, Ron Ecker said:


When you briefly changed your mind, how did you explain the gaping wound in the back of the head? (I don't know how or if Bugliosi explained it, since I haven't read his book and never will.)

The one thing that interests me about lone nutters is how they explain this, if they even try.





I didn't (!). I chose to ignore my common sense and all the specific evidence to the contrary. Like I said, I came to my senses thanks in large part to two people at the time: Doug Horne and James Douglass.

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1 hour ago, Cory Santos said:

Vince do you read or study about Marilyn?  Thoughts?  

I read a little about her, but my knowledge and interest is nothing special. :) I study the Secret Service and the medical evidence primarily.

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I thought you once gave me credit "for coming to your senses".

I did a lot of work on Bugliosi's inflated pile of junk.

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7 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:


I thought you once gave me credit "for coming to your senses".

I did a lot of work on Bugliosi's inflated pile of junk.

I'll do you one better, Jim: your latest book is my favorite book of all time, while Destiny Betrayed is up there, too:


It was correspondence with Doug Horne (and Dr. Aguilar) and James Douglass that set me straight. That was an embarrassing few months. My heart never left, but my head was all messed up haha :)

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On 12/11/2019 at 7:45 PM, Ron Ecker said:


When you briefly changed your mind, how did you explain the gaping wound in the back of the head? (I don't know how or if Bugliosi explained it, since I haven't read his book and never will.)

The one thing that interests me about lone nutters is how they explain this, if they even try.



Lone nutters explain the gaping wound on the back of the head by saying there was no gaping hole on the back of the head, and that we have the autopsy photos to prove it.

Sadly we have many CTers who make the same argument. For some reason they cannot accept that the photos were altered.


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15 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:



Lone nutters explain the gaping wound on the back of the head by saying there was no gaping hole on the back of the head, and that we have the autopsy photos to prove it.

Sadly we have many CTers who make the same argument. For some reason they cannot accept that the photos were altered.



Yep, that was an autopsy for the ages. It even inspired a Steve Martin movie. The Man with Two Brains.





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41 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Vince, as a student of the medical evidence what have you concluded as to the location of JFK's back wound?

I firmly believe (based on my second book- the compilation of all medical statements/evidence) that the back wound was on the back, NOT the back of the neck, and it did not penetrate the chest (and, of course, it did not come out the front of the neck).

I further believe the neck wound (where the tracheostomy was located) was an entrance wound from the front.

I also believe that the occipital-parietal area of the head was blasted out and that the shot came from the front. I do not rule out another shot to the head from behind.

I also believe there was AT LEAST one missed shot.

Finally, I believe Connally was hit by a separate shot so, obviously, I think the SBT is crap.

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7 hours ago, Vince Palamara said:

I also believe there was AT LEAST one missed shot.


It's always been my contention that the greatest evidence for conspiracy is not the number of shots that hit, but the number of shots that missed.

I was re-reading a couple of noes that I took, and something struck me. James Tague said, "

Mr. TAGUE And I ducked behind the post when I realized somebody was shooting after the third shot. After the third shot, I ducked behind the bridge abutment... And I says, "Well, you know now, I recall something sting me on the face while I was standing down there." And the patrolman said, "Well, I saw something fly off back on the street."

Do you happen to remember off the top of your head, which patrolman Tague was talking to? I'd like to go back and re-read his witness statement.


Steve Thomas

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