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Presidential Debates

Ron Bulman

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    Bernie said the unspeakable tonight-- that "Netanyahu is a racist," and that the U.S. needs to do a better job in trying to mediate a just resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.  

    My question.   Will Bernie get Itzak Rabinned?

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OMG, does that guy have chutzpah or what?

Cannot wait to hear Dershowitz' reply.

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Many people, I talk to, are worried, as am I.  Can the United States be destroyed, as we know it, in another Trump term.  We seem to be losing our allies as well as overly pressuring Nations that clearly hate the U.S.  The fact that no one is at the helm seems that the ship would finally crash into the rocks!  The question is, will our country come apart, albeit from within, in that short amount of time? Anyone care to comment on this?

Edited by Terry Adams
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3 hours ago, Terry Adams said:

Many people, I talk to, are worried, as am I.  Can the United States be destroyed, as we know it, in another Trump term.  We seem to be losing our allies as well as overly pressuring Nations that clearly hate the U.S.  The fact that no one is at the helm seems that the ship would finally crash into the rocks!  The question is, will our country come apart, albeit from within, in that short amount of time? Anyone care to comment on this?

Yes, Trump can destroy the republic in a second term, and one say only say, if he's reelected, that this country asked for it. The question is why. Even his supporters know what he is, it's been on display every day of his presidency. That apparently at least half of America supports him doesn't say very much for America. It doesn't make any rational sense.

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5 minutes ago, Ron Ecker said:

Yes, Trump can destroy the republic in a second term, and one say only say, if he's reelected, that this country asked for it. The question is why. Even his supporters know what he is, it's been on display every day of his presidency. That apparently at least half of America supports him doesn't say very much for America. It doesn't make any rational sense.

Trump's support doesn't seem to have much to do with issues or policies.  It's predicated on tribalism and emotion.

The most depressing thing, for me, about last night's critical debate wasn't just the fragmentation and confusion in the Democratic ranks, it was the obvious disconnect from reality being fostered by the CBS moderators and some of the candidates, especially Buttigieg.

Two cases in point.  The moderators threw Buttigieg a CIA softball pitch about the "brutal, repressive Assad regime" bombing hospitals and schools in Syria-- the same old false Timber Sycamore narrative disguising our proxy war against the Syrian government.

Secondly, Bernie made a truly historic claim (for a U.S. Presidential candidate) about Netanyahu being a "racist." 

Yet, incredibly, there are no headlines or stories about Sanders' statement in the M$M today.

Here's Professor Juan Cole's typically accurate headline story today.

Sanders calls out “reactionary racist Netanyahu” while Bloomberg charges Mideast with “age-old hatreds”


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That was about the worst moderated debate ever.

Hundreds of people are on twitter going after CBS.  They turned it into a free for all.

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W' said. Trump's support doesn't seem to have much to do with issues or policies.  It's predicated on tribalism and emotion.

That's a very true statement, but I would disagree with Ron that Trump has at least half of the voters, and I think getting to half will be very difficult.

As far as the debate, with next Tuesday coming, it's obvious that there wasn't going to be much substance on the issues. For Bernie supporters, it's a positive because 1) they couldn't touch him. 2)the likelihood of the party heads usurping Bernie is a bit  less as none of the alternatives present could successfully take him on.

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I think Biden has been bidin' his time. He'll win the race for the nomination in the home stretch. Bernie will burn out. The bloom is already off Bloomberg. It's Boot Hill for Buttigieg's chances, and Warren might warrant VP at best.


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3 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Bernie is up against the establishment. It’s coming from all sides. I’m beginning to sympathize with the Bernie or bust folks. 

Just saw this story about last night's debate...  🤨


'Audience Full of Rich People'? $1,750+ Ticket Prices for Democratic Debate in Charleston Spark Disgust

"I think it speaks to the fundamental, endemic corruption of the Democratic Party establishment that you had to pay... multiple thousands of dollars to get into that room.

February 26, 2020

Unusually loud booing and jeering directed disproportionately at Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren during Tuesday night's Democratic presidential debate—particularly when the senators criticized billionaire businessman Michael Bloomberg—sparked probing questions about the class composition of the audience packed inside the Gaillard Center in Charleston, South Carolina.

Journalists and other observers pointed to local reporting from Feb. 6 on the Charleston County Democratic Party's offer of a $1,750 to $3,200 sponsorship package that included tickets to the Charleston debate and other events.

"Most working people that I know don't spend $1,700 to get a ticket to a debate."
—Sen. Bernie Sanders

"This is something that the average person doesn't usually get to go to," Colleen Condon, chair of the Charleston County Democratic Party, told local television news station WCSC-TV.

Citing party officials, the outlet reported that "tickets are handed out to organizers like the Democratic National Committee, CBS, Twitter, and the Black Caucus Institute. Then, they are first given to paid sponsors and handed to campaigns to pass out extras."

Critics argued that the prohibitively high price of admission may help explain why the crowd appeared more favorable toward Bloomberg—who will not even be on the ballot in South Carolina's primary Saturday—and loudly antagonistic toward Sanders and Warren, who were both booed and heckled on several occasions.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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1 hour ago, Ron Ecker said:

I think Biden has been bidin' his time. He'll win the race for the nomination in the home stretch. Bernie will burn out. The bloom is already off Bloomberg. It's Boot Hill for Buttigieg's chances, and Warren might warrant VP at best.


My crystal ball hasn’t worked all year. I’m due.

Bernie wins it all in a relative walk...hope I don’t jinx the guy!

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1 hour ago, Cliff Varnell said:

My crystal ball hasn’t worked all year. I’m due.

Bernie wins it all in a relative walk...hope I don’t jinx the guy!

I would like to say that Bernie will beat Trump with one hand tied behind his back. In any case I wish someone would tie it.

Hey, Bernie, it's not polite to point!



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