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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Indeed.  Where is the "invisible hand" of laissez faire capitalism when the people of the United States really need effective public health interventions?

The abysmal "public health" failures of the U.S. during this COVID-19 pandemic should raise a lot of serious questions about the for-profit healthcare "system" in our country.  Sadly, that probably won't happen.  Instead, we'll have more misleading health industry advertising and platitudes from Republicans and the Democratic establishment.

How can a nation as wealthy as the U.S., which spends more per capita than other G-7 nations on "healthcare," be #1 in COVID morbidity and mortality rates?

It's "misanthropic libertarianism" at its worst.

And, at this point, the only prominent American politicians willing to address the problem-- Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren-- have been marginalized.

Michael Bloomberg spent nearly 500 million dollars over a two to three month period as a late entering but so-called serious candidate. He said he jumped in because none of the Dem candidates looked strong enough to defeat Trump.

But his real mission was to make sure Sanders and Warren did not get the nomination.

When he started his aggressive massive money commitment campaign, Biden was looking defeated and Sanders was looking like the man. And Warren was about equal to Biden in votes.

Bloomberg declared victory ( and immediately closed up shop ) when Warren and Sanders were finally and successfully marginalized.

Bloomberg drew enough votes away from both Sanders and Warren, enabling Biden to win not with a majority vote, but a plurality. Thank you M. Bloomberg for successfully sabotaging Sanders and Warren this last primary. You got your 500 million dollars money's worth.

Bloomberg fears Sanders and Warren way more than he ever feared Trump.

Obviously, Biden is no threat to MB.

Lots to ponder in that regard.

And Bloomberg will probably tell Biden, that if Biden picks Elizabeth Warren as his VP, he will not commit any funds to help him this election imo.

Biden would have a hard time turning down another half a billion of that kind of election funding.

Biden will not allow Warren to be his VP.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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Journal wise.  I've read a lot of sad stories in the last few weeks.  Lonely deaths.  Un consoled by family or friend.  This story still got to me, you work 26 years protecting the city then get turned away in your dying hours.  I know he signed the ADA.  But still to not re admit if he's falling down in your ER door?   This version of the story was up on m s n for a short while a few hours ago in this form.  Now you have to look for it very specifically.


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On 4/22/2020 at 10:17 PM, Ron Bulman said:

Journal wise.  I've read a lot of sad stories in the last few weeks.  Lonely deaths.  Un consoled by family or friend.  This story still got to me, you work 26 years protecting the city then get turned away in your dying hours.  I know he signed the ADA.  But still to not re admit if he's falling down in your ER door?   This version of the story was up on m s n for a short while a few hours ago in this form.  Now you have to look for it very specifically.


     Doubtful that this cop was mentally competent to be discharged against medical advice.  When I used to do psychiatric consults in general hospitals, a high percentage of "psych" problems on the medical and surgical wards were related to delirium-- confusion and/or hallucinations resulting from infections or other medical disorders.

     If the man thought the ER nurses were goblins, he was, obviously, incompetent to make rational, informed decisions about his medical care.  Sad.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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14 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

     Doubtful that this cop was mentally competent to be discharged against medical advice.  When I used to psychiatric consults in general hospitals, a high percentage of "psych" problems on the medical and surgical wards were related to delirium-- confusion and/or hallucinations resulting from infections or other medical disorders.

     If the man thought the ER nurses were goblins, he was, obviously, incompetent to make rational, informed decisions about his medical care.  Sad.

Note the traffic island at 3:06.  One like where he was found by health care workers coming in to work.  Look, a drunk or junkie passed out on the traffic island.  With a gloved hand, he has no pulse.  Later, he was one of our patients?


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"Walter Shaub, the former director of the Office of Government Ethics [...]: 'It is incomprehensible to me that a moron like this holds the highest office in the land and that there exist people stupid enough to think this is OK. I can’t believe that in 2020 I have to caution anyone listening to the president that injecting disinfectant could kill you.' "


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A guy walks into a bar wearing a Trump "Make America Great Again" cap and orders a "Trump Gin and Tonic."

The bartender looks at the man quizzically.

The ordering guy condescendingly explains the drink to the bartender:

"Two shots of Tanqeuray, two slices of lime and three shots of bleach ... in soda water."

Upon receiving his drink the guy knocks it down in one big swig.

20 seconds later the guy's eyes roll back in his head, his tongue juts out, he starts convulsing and then drops dead on the floor.

News of the man's horrific death spreads and a White House News Correspondent asks Trump what he makes of the man's disinfectant ingesting death.

Trump motions his arms and hands outward and says boastfully " See...one less death from the Coronavirus!" 

"It works...right?"


Edited by Joe Bauer
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1 hour ago, David Andrews said:

"Walter Shaub, the former director of the Office of Government Ethics [...]: 'It is incomprehensible to me that a moron like this holds the highest office in the land and that there exist people stupid enough to think this is OK. I can’t believe that in 2020 I have to caution anyone listening to the president that injecting disinfectant could kill you.' "


Nothing Trump says really shocks me anymore-- even his subversion of stay-at-home directives last week.

He's a man with the "wisdom" and fund of knowledge of an unruly third grader, who has spent his entire life watching television, without ever reading a book.

Among other disasters, Trump has been inciting violence against minorities for the past four years, including the stochastic terrorism of the El Paso Walmart Massacre, and he is now encouraging his COVID infomercial fans to ingest different flavors of toxic Kool-Aid-- chloroquine, zinc, bleach, Tide pods, etc.

Does he even realize that his reality television antics are directly responsible for harming and killing innocent people?

And the collusion of the mainstream media in this national Trumpian debacle is inexcusable.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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Trump's ignorance reminds me of a story in the New York Post that the literary crowd I hung out with at NYU used to laugh about.  It's funny, but, of course...not.

A self-made businessman who lived with his mother turned around and killed her one day.  The Post story quoted an earlier interview with him where he said, (paraphrase) "I never saw the point of going to school.  What did I care about 'The Rise and Fall of the House of Usher?' "

Poe's story, "The Fall of the House of Usher," is about an incestuous obsession that destroys a family.

Back to school, Donald.

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Robert M. name-checked me in a post, used a handle of mine which I haven't used here. Being so new here and all, I was shocked and pondered what to make of it. I can't think of a legit way anyone could have associated that pen name of mine with my real one here.

"He" deleted that particular post very shortly after I first saw it. The poster's black and white photo avatar of a ruggedly handsome and vaguely recognizable face was replaced with a generic symbol. 

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