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That's right Dave. Trump crisis handling of the corona virus pandemic----Biggest U.S. disaster since George Bush's Iraq War,  before that LBJ's Viet Nam War.

If not for the fact that nobody blames Trump for all the lives lost- It would be the greatest presidential failure in U.S. history.

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50 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

That's right Dave. Trump crisis handling of the corona virus pandemic----Biggest U.S. disaster since George Bush's Iraq War,  before that LBJ's Viet Nam War.

If not for the fact that nobody blames Trump for all the lives lost- It would be the greatest presidential failure in U.S. history.

Trump’s got a ways to go to match Woodrow Wilson.


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On 7/31/2020 at 12:53 AM, Kirk Gallaway said:

That's right Dave. Trump crisis handling of the corona virus pandemic----Biggest U.S. disaster since George Bush's Iraq War,  before that LBJ's Viet Nam War.

If not for the fact that nobody blames Trump for all the lives lost- It would be the greatest presidential failure in U.S. history.

Nobody blames Trump for all the lives lost?

You're joking right?

Maybe not all, but constantly publicly pushing and promoting the lifting of state lock downs beyond measured limits (which we all now know triggered massive spikes in the virus spread and death counts )  to improve his political re-election standing regards the economy, is clearly deserving of some blame wouldn't you think?

And constantly pushing unproven and even ridiculous cures, unreal false hope time lines for virus control and downplaying the power reality of the virus ( it's a hoax and our press is feeding it - we don't need to mandate mask usage ) for so long at the same time his own science experts are saying the opposite is also blame worthy for the huge spike in cases and deaths we are now seeing imo.

And what's morbidly ironic and pathetically embarrassing is when we see people who were championing Trump's downplaying and mask dismissal get the virus themselves and suffer and even die.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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Joe McBride sure as heck blames him.  Just take a look at his posts on FB.

And this latest disclosure of how Kushner called in his former college roomie to put together a CV testing system? 

Trump somehow thinks that Jared Kushner is go to guy for any and all matters. Kushner is proving to be the contrary to that.

He can fail at just about anything.

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Regards Trump's months of dismissal and downplaying of the case number and actual severity of the virus and even the precautionary warnings experts were vigorously espousing at the same time, how can anyone not see these actions as contributing to the current record numbers of cases and deaths?

The man has a twitter audience of what 60,000,000 to 70,000,000? Most of the rest of the country hears him say the same things in national mass media press briefings.

What he says and tweets has more individual impact on the perceptions and mindsets of more Americans than any other single individual.

His words are the loudest and broadest broadcast in the nation. Daily so.


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Stimulus Question:

I now this is off topic to a point, but now that our family will be living on unemployment for a good while I thought I would throw a couple of specific stimulus questions out there. 

I do so only after spending over half an hour seeking the answers on line, without finding any.

We may or may not be getting any "extra" monies beyond my wife's unemployment.

Up until today's ending dateline, for four months,  a $600 a week amount was added to the regular unemployment compensation amount for millions of those on this program.

Not expecting this to continue and not mad if it doesn't.

And I haven't worked full time in years nor paid into the unemployment insurance fund so this has nothing to do with me. Just my wife.

However, I am curious after reading how some are saying this extra $600 weekly stimulus money was too much and those receiving it were taking home more than what they would have made from actually working.

I defended this extra financial assistance program. Normal unemployment alone is peanuts.

I am wondering however, if in a household of two working adults who were both laid off, did they "both" get this extra $2,400 monthly assistance check? If so, equaling $4,800...a month?

I thought this package was limited to one adult per household.

Anyone here know the real story?

I know of and expect there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of couples who are the biological or step parents of their children and living together despite not being legally married in the American legal system sense.

Both of whom can claim parental guardianship of their children. 

Have these type households been receiving $4,800 a month from this program?

We of course will only be applying for one adult unemployment claim. I wasn't laid off from any job.

I haven't worked on a regular job in 10 years.  My only employment was for occasional cash paid pet sitting gigs two or three times a week ( maybe $25 to $30 a pop? ) out of Doris Day's Cypress Inn hotel here in Carmel, Ca.

That extra side income gig has completely stopped as well however. 

Can I get "some/any" government assistance for losing my dog sitting, dog walking, dog poop cleaning lost wages of $150 to $200 a month?       HA!

Edited by Joe Bauer
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Joe, I think it varies by state, but I can vouch for the system in Georgia.  I, like you am retired and haven't tried to get a "real" job since I retired at 62, so I haven't applied for unemployment. My wife's job went away in December and she has been unemployed since then.  She worked in a small company on a production type of job and doesn't have any of the retail/computer skills in her background.  She got on unemployment temporarily until either she could reach minimum retirement age or find something similar to what she had done before.  Then the "pandemic" hit, so she is pretty much resigned to waiting on the early retirement (October).  Once she was on unemployment, she received a little over $300/week after taxes which is almost the top UI rate in Georgia.  That made up for about 50% of her normal pay.  Then the Federal UI started at $500/week after taxes and she was making around what she had made when working, minus of course her thrift savings which her employer matched.  In Georgia, had I been unemployed, I also could have drawn the same even though we're married since each UI claim is based on the individual and nothing else.  I too, thought this was possibly excessive, but then I live a simple life and have always been frugal and not aimed too high for all the extras many people think they must have.  It (the Federal UI benefit) has been a great benefit to our family and I think many others.  In many cases this extra money (and the eviction moratorium) is the only thing between them and living on the street.  There have been abuses (I'm sure), but overall I think it has been a great life rope for the majority as they try to cope with the new reality.  Manual workers can't work from home and do their job online.  I sincerely hope the Senate gets on the ball and gets the Federal UI restarted quickly for your wife and many others.  Lastly, in Georgia you can draw unemployment for loss of part time jobs which were lost to the pandemic.  It is severely limited and based on the income lost, but at least it is something.  Sometimes a few dollars means the world when you're already on the edge.

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I know they have cabin fever, are tired of being cooped up, restricted.  But after what NY and NJ went through earlier this year are these youngsters that stupid?  I guess so.  I remember Fischera, he was from NJ.  How could they possibly still believe the hoax bs?  Or just not care?  Just young dumb and full of xxx?  


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5 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

When the average age of a person who dies from Covid (78) is equal to the average age of a person who dies (78) then that means it is a hoax.

When schools are not reopening because the total deaths from Covid of people under the age of 15 is 10x less than the death rate from accidents in the home, then it is a hoax.

When Fauci can say church attendees and students should where masks to reduce the potential for spread, but turns into a stuttering tongue tied old man when asked, "what about the protestors?", it is a hoax.

The only stupid people are the ones that can't do simple math and see for themselves that they would have no idea their was a "pandemic" if the anchor person on the TV wasn't telling them their is a pandemic.

Cuomo and Murphy are out as possible Biden replacements.

Their nursing home debacle's are under investigation.

They should have used the Hospital ship that arrived 4 weeks early.

It's almost like they were set up.





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33 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

When the average age of a person who dies from Covid (78) is equal to the average age of a person who dies (78) then that means it is a hoax.

Hoax this bey-otch:

Lifelong Lung Damage: The Serious COVID-19 Complication That Can Hit People in Their 20s


33 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

When schools are not reopening because the total deaths from Covid of people under the age of 15 is 10x less than the death rate from accidents in the home, then it is a hoax.

Accidents at home aren’t as likely to kill granny.

33 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

When Fauci can say church attendees and students should where masks to reduce the potential for spread, but turns into a stuttering tongue tied old man when asked, "what about the protestors?", it is a hoax.

The protestors wore masks outside.  Looks like Wheeler doesn’t watch the news.

33 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

The only stupid people are the ones that can't do simple math and see for themselves that they would have no idea their was a "pandemic" if the anchor person on the TV wasn't telling them their is a pandemic.

Only hyper-aggressively stupid people claim covid is a hoax.

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I don't believe there was a conspiracy by the Chinese to release this virus on us. I'm open to the idea that it could have gotten out of a lab. But look what they've stumbled upon.

Now they know they could intentionally release another virus on the U.S. and drop it to it's knees. Just a lot of ignorant  people , and once they get that idea reinforced by social media. It's become immovable.

I heard on a radio show yesterday, where a guest said, that if America had this element as part of their makeup in WW2, we'd be speaking German.Ok, I won't comment on that.

In another  website I go for expats, i checked a chat board I don't usually check out.. A very sincere man is accounting 2 friends of his that are dying of covid, and implores other posters that they have nothing to lose, except a little inconvenience if they would please wear masks, out in public.. Over half the respondents, some with multiple posts went off in a million little paranoid tangents, lots of conspiracy talk. It's like it's so compulsive, only one mentioned he was sorry to hear about  his friend.  They couldn't have just left  the thread  alone. One person started it, and it sort of caught fire. 

I came back to the post a half hour later, because I had time to post.. i think the moderator is the woman who started the website as many have complained after heated political discussions in the past, that their attempted posts were pulled. I see this entire thread is now pulled. Which I think is a shame, Because it really shows what those who want to end the scourge of this pandemic  are up against. None of these people propose any solutions, (maybe a miracle cure now and then) because there's really no problem. It's a hoax.

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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The Democrats want to keep the federal UE supplement until the end of the year.

The GOP wants it drastically cut.  I really do not understand this, but me and Charles Koch agree on very few things.

If the economy is cratering, then you need more consumer demand.  One way to do that is through UE supplementary benefits.

But I will say this: Trump, Kushner and Kudlow have screwed up the CV 19 pandemic so badly that I don't even think Keynes could figure out a way to cure  it in a short time.

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This particular virus is a true monster. 

It goes after the entire body, including brain cells!

I wouldn't be surprised to eventually hear that it even damages reproductive systems.

Perhaps leaving male victims impotent?

How do you find a cure for something this total body attacking?

And so easily spread?

And now I have read that giant monster hornets from Asia ( the size of Brazil nuts!) are being found in our Northwest. 8 to 10 can wipe out an entire hive of honey bees ( thousands ) in just a few hours.

Multiple stings can kill humans.

I know, I know, I am the most fear obsessed member on this forum. 

Still, we must admit, the times they are a-changin' ... and way beyond what Bob Dylan had in mind.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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