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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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Are the words of 35th president, John F. Kennedy any less relevant or valuable today? He was more right than perhaps people even knew at the time ...

American's, I would think about your situation and how you can remedy it, the solutions are here. 


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5 hours ago, Matt Allison said:


Trump knows it will be happening soon; that's why you saw more incitement of violence with his Texas speech. He essentially hopes his cult followers will burn down cities in an attempt to prevent him from going to prison. He's behaving like a cornered rabid animal now.


I've been thinking.

It's one thing to get a lot of people worked up to go down to the Capitol and "fight like hell", if they think that their votes got stolen. But how successful will he be in convincing people to fight for him because he got caught cheating on his taxes?

What I think will happen is a wave of smaller incidents like the  bomb threats we saw against the black universities this last weekend, or against the courthouse in Atlanta the DA was warning about, or the occupation of the state capitol in Lansing, MI in June, 2020.

[ex-wife of Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes] Tasha Adams warned that when his far-right militia supporters listen to Trump, they hear a call for civil war, “They hear civil war. This is the civil war they’ve been waiting for. A lot of these guys live for this. They have been waiting for this. They spend their lives preparing for it. They look forward to it. There’s an air of disappointment when it doesn’t turn violent with these guys, I think, a lot of them.”


How many people will go along with this?

Steve Thomas

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3 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:


I've been thinking.

It's one thing to get a lot of people worked up to go down to the Capitol and "fight like hell", if they think that their votes got stolen. But how successful will he be in convincing people to fight for him because he got caught cheating on his taxes?

What I think will happen is a wave of smaller incidents like the  bomb threats we saw against the black universities this last weekend, or against the courthouse in Atlanta the DA was warning about, or the occupation of the state capitol in Lansing, MI in June, 2020.

[ex-wife of Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes] Tasha Adams warned that when his far-right militia supporters listen to Trump, they hear a call for civil war, “They hear civil war. This is the civil war they’ve been waiting for. A lot of these guys live for this. They have been waiting for this. They spend their lives preparing for it. They look forward to it. There’s an air of disappointment when it doesn’t turn violent with these guys, I think, a lot of them.”


How many people will go along with this?

Steve Thomas

"How many people will go along with this?--Steve T. 

Maybe dozens. Maybe less. 

The old joke was the only members of the old Communist Party that paid their dues were federal agents, and that kept Gus Hall out of the poorhouse for a few decades (barely).

We do not know yet the amount of federal infiltration in the Oathkeepers. Congressional members ask, and are told the answer is not available. 

From NPR:

"Several of the Oath Keeper defendants stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6."

Yes, and they were unarmed. Several!

The bulk of the Oathkeepers invasionary force (11 guys, but maybe fewer) was looking for a boat, which they did not have, to cross the Potomac from a Ballston Inn in Virginia.

Something about using the boat landing ramps at the Pentagon, except they were not sure the Pentagon has ramps into the Potomac, and they did not have a boat. 

It looks like eight total Oathkeepers entered the Capitol, all unarmed. Being inventive, they must have found a land route into the Capitol, but they left their weapons behind.  

A laugh: 

"They (Oathkeepers) use these encrypted messaging applications and codenames ... and tried to have good OPSEC [operational security], but then some of them just posted pictures of themselves on the steps of the Capitol on Facebook," ----Jon Lewis, a researcher for the George Washington University Program on Extremism and an expert on the Oath Keepers.



Something tells me a civil war is not in the cards, at least from these guys. 






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W: I'm re-posting this data for Ben-the-Vaccine-Agnostic.

He, obviously, didn't read it or understand it the first time around... 🤥

Oh, but W. You have to understand. Ben's having second thoughts about having gotten the shots. He hasn't caught anything, Besides he's disappointed, the shots have done nothing at all to lower his blood pressure or curb his drinking.
There's a lot of anxiety about getting another shot. How would it look to his peer group? You can hope they don't ask, but... I suppose you could bs them.
But it's really a lose lose situation!
heh heh heh          a djoke!
Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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As far as the threat that was posed on 1/6 . I'm probably someone in between the dire predictions I'm sort of hearing. and Ben's "whistling by the graveyard" attitude he's always portrayed. I think a lot of the media conjecture about "how close we came to losing our democracy" is not accurate.

But I think the assertion that it was never anything to worry about because the Military was on the side of certification of the election and orderly transfer of power does miss the point. It would have been chaos for a couple of days. And that is destabilizing in an already destabilized situation. If Pence was missing, and Pelosi had to certify the election, the optics of that would be very destabilizing, to a very optics oriented group  of Trump fanatics throughout the country, but also some beltway fence sitters as well.

This sort of scoffing that goes on about the threat is really rather superficial, and short term in thinking.  I'm sure in the  history of the world there's no shortage of poorly planned coups, but it's important to note this was planned rather comprehensively, but ultimately flawed plans by flawed individuals, but one who nonetheless held the power of the Presidency,and criminals have to be prosecuted.

Good article, Doug.

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Glenn Kessler's Fact Checker column this morning...

How the falsehood of athletes dying from coronavirus vaccines spread


February 1, 2022


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Nothing to see here folks. What a tragedy .... 

We’re seeing the same thing this side of the Atlantic too. Morgues full of stillborns according to morticians and funeral directors, numbers are way up. The Scottish government has an ongoing enquiry. 


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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Glenn Kessler's Fact Checker column this morning...

How the falsehood of athletes dying from coronavirus vaccines spread


February 1, 2022


Love how desperate pro-V MSM are getting. The other week they claimed heart attacks were rising because of cold weather in the UK, coz we’ve never had that before, right? It wasn’t even particularly cold.

 They use VAERS to claim low adverse reactions, then when it doesn’t suit them they claim VAERS is meaningless. We know 90%-99% of adverse reactions are not being captured by VAERS, as per the studies in 2010, and 2016, the latter by Harvard University. Those of us who are sports fans can see athletes collapsing at a level unseen before. Fit, healthy young people. It shows the level of deceit that MSM is willing to goto to cover it up. 

I thought this may happen; anyone who has built their reputation on supporting the narrative will carry on regardless, digging a bigger hole, even if it’s harming others.
How the mighty fall. 


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1 hour ago, Chris Barnard said:


Nothing to see here folks. What a tragedy .... 

We’re seeing the same thing this side of the Atlantic too. Morgues full of stillborns according to morticians and funeral directors, numbers are way up. The Scottish government has an ongoing enquiry. 


This is one of those things that pop up, demanding careful debate which never occurs. You’ll say it’s true and verified, others will say it doesn’t fact check. This should not in a functional world be the case. It’s either true or it ain’t. 

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1 hour ago, Chris Barnard said:


Nothing to see here folks. What a tragedy .... 

We’re seeing the same thing this side of the Atlantic too. Morgues full of stillborns according to morticians and funeral directors, numbers are way up. The Scottish government has an ongoing enquiry. 


There is so far no indication of what if anything specific is causing the rise in stillbirths. Good that they are looking at it. Vaccines? Lack of vaccines? 

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11 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

There is so far no indication of what if anything specific is causing the rise in stillbirths. Good that they are looking at it. Vaccines? Lack of vaccines? 

Hi Paul, as I’ve pointed out before here, it is so multi-varied, which applies to the arguments of those for and against. But, if you have one striking variable that is changed in a huge sample group, it would be prudent to start by studying that one, as opposed to denying its happening or playing it down. In Scotland this change coincides perfectly with the V rollout.

We should be studying this heavily with independent’s designing the studies, conducting the studies and publishing the results of the studies. Nobody profiting or connected to those who are, should be involved. 


Edited by Chris Barnard
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16 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

This is one of those things that pop up, demanding careful debate which never occurs. You’ll say it’s true and verified, others will say it doesn’t fact check. This should not in a functional world be the case. It’s either true or it ain’t. 

Every fact checking organisation I have researched has revenue flowing into it either directly or indirectly from those profiting from the pandemic or V’s, usually The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. This “Trusted Media Alliance” is censoring everything. 

Most of our minds interpret things as black and white, when it comes to facts. Science is our best guess so far and it’s very often not an exact thing. I’d rather hear scientists telling is there is a 33% or 76% chance of something, than telling is the answer like: true or false. The media is simplifying things for simple minds. 

I totally get why people don’t want to accept it, that’s easily explained in psychology when it comes to people who are afraid or neurotic. 

It’s a disgrace the way these US outlets are lacing the wording of articles to implicate people protesting against V mandates or V passports as “far-right.” They are mostly libertarians. If anyone understands how linguistics are weaponised, then MSM is easily understood. 
JFK would be sat freezing his ass off in Ottawa right now if he were alive today. 

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1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

This is one of those things that pop up, demanding careful debate which never occurs. You’ll say it’s true and verified, others will say it doesn’t fact check. This should not in a functional world be the case. It’s either true or it ain’t. 


      The Children's Health Defense Organization is one of the main sources of anti-vaccine disinformation in the world.

       You know you're on shaky ground when a screwball like Senator Ron Johnson is your spokesperson.

Children's Health Defense - Wikipedia

       In terms of scientific data analysis, adverse events need to be interpreted in the context of the normal population prevalence of such adverse events.  Sh*t happens, with or without vaccines.

       For example, the anti-vaxxers have repeatedly emphasized the risk of myocarditis in young people receiving COVID vaccines.  (Glenn Kessler's Fact Check article in today's WaPo reviews some of that disinformation.)

      But what does the properly analyzed scientific data about vaccines and myocarditis indicate?

      A recent analysis of 3,500,000 younger adults in Denmark who received the Pfizer vaccine showed that only 1 in 75,000 vaccinated adults experienced clinically verified myocarditis.  1 in 75,000!

SARS-CoV-2 vaccination and myocarditis or myopericarditis: population based cohort study


      Meanwhile, COVID-19 infections cause a significant risk of myocarditis, in addition to irreversible damage to lung, kidney, and neuronal tissue.


Edited by W. Niederhut
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