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Expect 'major violence': Joe Walsh issues MAGA warning if Trump is indicted

Chauncey Devega, Salon July 18, 2022


In this conversation, Joe Walsh warns that the Democrats are being routed by the Republican-fascists and the larger right-wing movement because they refuse to accept that the United States and the world are in a populist moment of rage and anger at "the elites." Walsh also warns that today's Democrats have no momentum or energy to effectively counter this anger, because unlike the MAGA movement and TrumpWorld they lack a sense of group identity, cohesion and sense of mission and destiny.

Towards the end of this conversation, Walsh sounds the alarm that Donald Trump's followers cannot be deradicalized, warning that they may become even more violent on a massive scale if their Great Leader is prosecuted for his high crimes on Jan. 6 and the larger coup attempt.”

As the country becomes more racially diverse, younger, forward thinking and pluralistic, the American right wing is attempting to force the country back to the 19th century and the Gilded Age. Such moves are generally unpopular with the American people en masse. The Republican Party and the larger right wing movement dismiss such protests because they reject the basic principle of a true "We the People" democracy and are earnestly working to create a herrenvolk, apartheid, plutocratic, Christian fascist new America that will be ruled by a small number of white men and their allies. “

This is a very good read, I think.

What's it going to take to wake liberals up to the fact that they are in a battle for their very lives?

A first Battle of Bull Run, I think.

Steve Thomas


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6 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:


This is what I mean by spam.

!)Fist bump story now posted by Ben, for the fifth time now, Ben?

2)Completely unoriginal, Trite, Completely stolen from ABC, CBS, NBC,FOX,CNN. actually emptily emulating  MSM! It's already everywhere.

Daily Beast: Obligatory mention of the "Deep State" and yet again emulating it by using it as a source!


Today's anti-SPAM meme for Ben...  🤥



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1 hour ago, Steve Thomas said:

Expect 'major violence': Joe Walsh issues MAGA warning if Trump is indicted

Chauncey Devega, Salon July 18, 2022


In this conversation, Joe Walsh warns that the Democrats are being routed by the Republican-fascists and the larger right-wing movement because they refuse to accept that the United States and the world are in a populist moment of rage and anger at "the elites." Walsh also warns that today's Democrats have no momentum or energy to effectively counter this anger, because unlike the MAGA movement and TrumpWorld they lack a sense of group identity, cohesion and sense of mission and destiny.

Towards the end of this conversation, Walsh sounds the alarm that Donald Trump's followers cannot be deradicalized, warning that they may become even more violent on a massive scale if their Great Leader is prosecuted for his high crimes on Jan. 6 and the larger coup attempt.”

As the country becomes more racially diverse, younger, forward thinking and pluralistic, the American right wing is attempting to force the country back to the 19th century and the Gilded Age. Such moves are generally unpopular with the American people en masse. The Republican Party and the larger right wing movement dismiss such protests because they reject the basic principle of a true "We the People" democracy and are earnestly working to create a herrenvolk, apartheid, plutocratic, Christian fascist new America that will be ruled by a small number of white men and their allies. “

This is a very good read, I think.

What's it going to take to wake liberals up to the fact that they are in a battle for their very lives?

A first Battle of Bull Run, I think.

Steve Thomas


Wow! interesting Steve!, Walsh, himself is a right winger, but is morally outraged by Trump. But he is unequivocally right that the Democrats are just laying down and not calling out Fascism. It looks like with these upcoming elections, they're just playing it between the 40 yard lines and trying to pick up conservative votes. WTF?!

Walsh may be more in touch with the power of the right wing groups than me. Ultimately I say bring them on. They are nowhere near a majority. I think they're basically cowards. I don't think their  numbers and resolve amount to a lot. But that doesn't mean they couldn't cause a lot of terrorist activity that could result in a lot of mopping up in the next couple of years.The most positive spin I could put on it is that this might be the last dying gasp of our generation! heh heh

Robert: Impuzamugambi? Kill thy neighbor? Whoa! Of course you guys in the purple swing states might be more aware of that than me.

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13 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

If you guys can wrest yourselves from the lock Trump has on your brains, you should really look at the 5 minute video the former USN sailor put on Youtube that describes what happened to TWA 800 on July 17, 1996.

When I posted the video here and elsewhere, it only had 290 something views after 6 years.

It now has 3,200+ views.

TWA 800 was a pretty big cover-up that probably shouldn't be ignored just because Bill Clinton obviously had to be in on it, as well as the CIA, which covered for the Navy with animated videos and such.


Sounds pretty tech knowledge credible.

If others on board his and the other ship would now come out and corroborate this  story...you may have something.

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Re Greenwald;

Do we really have to call it a "conspiracy" if a number of Democrat political pundits think Biden is getting too old? Particularly considering that a good amount of them are 30 years younger than Biden and never preferred him in the first place? Can't they individually just come to that conclusion on their own? I will say that I agree Biden was saved by the pandemic. If he was campaigning those 6 months, I think he would have been limping to the finish line.

Obviously it's better for a nominee to have more energy than less, but Trump is such a burnout, he could drop dead at a stump speech tomorrow, and no one would be surprised.

But age is just one part of it. Right now, Biden is just not a popular President. He wanted to do a lot, but he just didn't have an ideological majority in Congress. In the last 6 years, we've had 2 balances of power where first the Republicans had the President and both houses in Congress and they approved a massive tax cut for the rich, appointed right wing Scotus judges and came within one vote of destroying Obamacare. A decision which now a strong majority oppose.

Biden had the house, the slimmest majority, 50-50 in the Senate, and is totally derailed by Manchin. I guess he can brag of an infrastructure bill and one Scotus judge. Of course, his greatest accomplishment is getting out of an 18 year war, but no one will give him credit for that and everyone seems to have forgotten. It's not impossible for Biden to end his term positively, but it seems a number of things have to fall in his lap. Like Putin dying, and a Russian reassessment of the Ukraine War. But it's  quite possible inflation will no longer be an issue by 2024, but it is killing him now. And the midterm window is starting to close as far as showing the public that we're starting to "turn the corner" on inflation.

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It seems that most Trump supporters have embraced the idea that confronting non-Trump fellow Americans violently is okay.

That maybe an actual civil war with battle skirmishes is called for on some level.

The January 6th, 2021 attack on our revered Capital building, it's police force and our Congress members and Vice President inside was just such a violent skirmish.

Thousands of armed Trump inspired soldiers battling away while shouting Trump slogan battle cries.

Yet, this war like battle against Trump identified enemies was fine by Trump's base.

Our nation and society is so divided violent attacks by thousands against their perceived political enemies is accepted.

We are in trouble.

Thank you Donald Trump, Fox News, daily left wing demonizing right wing radio propagandists and extreme one Christian view evangelical types for feeding this hatred, rage and violence is okay mentality which is tearing us apart.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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3 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

Ronny Jackson, who used to be a physician, and took an oath to do no harm, hates his foot.

“I will NEVER give up my firearms. I will NEVER surrender my AR-15. If Democrats want to push an insane gun-grab, they can COME AND TAKE IT!”



Steve Thomas

I knew this guy was a major fraudster when he first raved about Donald Trump's marvelous health.

The truth is that Trump is physically unfit, overweight, and most likely suffering from metabolic syndrome.

I also suspect that Trump suffered a left frontal stroke while in office.

He exhibited some aphasia and was dragging his right foot in public appearances.

Here's a 2019 video montage of Trump struggling to articulate words.


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7 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Re Greenwald;

Do we really have to call it a "conspiracy" if a number of Democrat political pundits think Biden is getting too old? Particularly considering that a good amount of them are 30 years younger than Biden and never preferred him in the first place? Can't they individually just come to that conclusion on their own? I will say that I agree Biden was saved by the pandemic. If he was campaigning those 6 months, I think he would have been limping to the finish line.

Obviously it's better for a nominee to have more energy than less, but Trump is such a burnout, he could drop dead at a stump speech tomorrow, and no one would be surprised.

But age is just one part of it. Right now, Biden is just not a popular President. He wanted to do a lot, but he just didn't have an ideological majority in Congress. In the last 6 years, we've had 2 balances of power where first the Republicans had the President and both houses in Congress and they approved a massive tax cut for the rich, appointed right wing Scotus judges and came within one vote of destroying Obamacare. A decision which now a strong majority oppose.

Biden had the house, the slimmest majority, 50-50 in the Senate, and is totally derailed by Manchin. I guess he can brag of an infrastructure bill and one Scotus judge. Of course, his greatest accomplishment is getting out of an 18 year war, but no one will give him credit for that and everyone seems to have forgotten. It's not impossible for Biden to end his term positively, but it seems a number of things have to fall in his lap. Like Putin dying, and a Russian reassessment of the Ukraine War. But it's  quite possible inflation will no longer be an issue by 2024, but it is killing him now. And the midterm window is starting to close as far as showing the public that we're starting to "turn the corner" on inflation.


      I recall being somewhat astonished by the pervasive, relentlessly negative M$M coverage of Hillary Clinton in 2016-- which was subsequently quantified and well-documented in scholarly reviews by the Harvard/Berman Center and Columbia Journalism Review.  (Where was the journalistic circumspection when we really needed it?)

     I believe that there has been similarly, pervasive negative coverage of Joe Biden in our M$M during the past year-- and not only in the right wing corporate media-- Fox, Newsmax, OAN, NY Post, Daily Mail, etc.

     Yet, most of us would be hard pressed to explain where Biden has particularly erred in his approach to major foreign and domestic policy decisions.  (In retrospect, perhaps he should have agreed to Putin's demands to halt NATO expansion in Ukraine.)

     Bill Clinton experienced a similar onslaught of negative corporate M$M coverage in the late 90s, as did Obama throughout his presidential tenure-- despite the fact that both presidents generally made consistently sound policy decisions under difficult, adversarial circumstances.

     The same can, certainly, not be said for George W. Bush or Donald Trump.  Trump, repeatedly, tried to sabotage U.S. healthcare, while massively increasing the national debt with corporate and individual tax cuts that did not stimulate significant GDP or private sector job growth in the U.S.

     My own belief is that Biden and the Democrats are being persistently sabotaged by corporate media moguls in the U.S.  And, as in the case of Hillary Clinton's 2016 candidacy, I believe the corporate M$M sabotage of Biden and the Democrats is mainly about money.  The moguls want to protect their GOP tax cuts and de-regulatory policies, along with their covert GOP agenda of eventually de-funding and/or privatizing Social Security and Medicare.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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2 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

Vote for me!

Vote for me!

I know how to get laws passed.  See my pretty ad all done up in red, white and blue?


I watched a thing the other day that commented in the number of Republican candidates who are running for office while evoking the use of guns to settle political differences. The number is astounding.

Steve Thomas


MAGAs really like to dress up as terrorists, don't they?

Or maybe it's not dress-up...

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9 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Re Greenwald;

Do we really have to call it a "conspiracy" if a number of Democrat political pundits think Biden is getting too old? Particularly considering that a good amount of them are 30 years younger than Biden and never preferred him in the first place? Can't they individually just come to that conclusion on their own? I will say that I agree Biden was saved by the pandemic. If he was campaigning those 6 months, I think he would have been limping to the finish line.

Obviously it's better for a nominee to have more energy than less, but Trump is such a burnout, he could drop dead at a stump speech tomorrow, and no one would be surprised.

But age is just one part of it. Right now, Biden is just not a popular President. He wanted to do a lot, but he just didn't have an ideological majority in Congress. In the last 6 years, we've had 2 balances of power where first the Republicans had the President and both houses in Congress and they approved a massive tax cut for the rich, appointed right wing Scotus judges and came within one vote of destroying Obamacare. A decision which now a strong majority oppose.

Biden had the house, the slimmest majority, 50-50 in the Senate, and is totally derailed by Manchin. I guess he can brag of an infrastructure bill and one Scotus judge. Of course, his greatest accomplishment is getting out of an 18 year war, but no one will give him credit for that and everyone seems to have forgotten. It's not impossible for Biden to end his term positively, but it seems a number of things have to fall in his lap. Like Putin dying, and a Russian reassessment of the Ukraine War. But it's  quite possible inflation will no longer be an issue by 2024, but it is killing him now. And the midterm window is starting to close as far as showing the public that we're starting to "turn the corner" on inflation.


I agree with large parts of what you have written.

Biden got us out of Afghanistan, and the Deep State made him pay with every planted story possible.

Inflation is not really Biden's fault. 

One could say, however, Biden was a bystander to the Detroitification of America, seemed more interested in repping Delaware banks than employees, and the Biden family is and was deep into grifting---in other words, a typical DC denizen.

Plus, Biden publicly fist-bumped MBS, an iconic failure for US foreign policy and possibly indicative his delimited cognitive skills and reasoning. 



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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Plus, Biden publicly fist-bumped MBS, an iconic failure for US foreign policy and possibly indicative his delimited cognitive skills and reasoning. 


Ben- would you have preferred Biden flipped him the bird and then said "what time's dinner?"

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