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7 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Rosenbergs convicted of giving nuclear secrets to the Soviets


May be an image of 2 people

Ben, I'll see your bet on Donald Trump, and I'll raise you a pair of Rosenbergs [Julius and Ethel].

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I can't resist posting this link not just for the speculation about Jared or Melania but also for the mention and picture of James Jesus Angleton.  The original mole hunter.

Insiders say Trump is panicking as Kushner and Melania pointed to as possible moles in FBI raid (msn.com)

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4 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

But what i don't understand if anybody can fill me in. No matter what material Trump could steal upon leaving the Presidency to sell or pay off as blackmail to say a foreign country. Wouldn't he just share the materials  and have given them back many months ago?


If the U.S. Government were wiretapping foreign leaders, and Trump got a hold of those wiretaps and was blackmailing those leaders  (or anyone else for that matter), by dribbling that information out a little bit at a time, he could keep the money flowing for a long time.

Steve Thomas

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1 hour ago, Steve Thomas said:


If the U.S. Government were wiretapping foreign leaders, and Trump got a hold of those wiretaps and was blackmailing those leaders  (or anyone else for that matter), by dribbling that information out a little bit at a time, he could keep the money flowing for a long time.

Steve Thomas

Interesting Steve,

But why did this take so long? It seems to me the second they knew he stole materials. They should have asked why and demanded them back. But there are "negotiations".

So they first thought it was benign, despite it being Trump? So they don't have a solid record of what is missing? And they got tipped off that some of the materials are top secret, and got a warrant? 

There's  a lot that's still unclear. The full text of the search warrant is in the article below.


The unsealed filing included a receipt for the property that was removed from Mar-a-Lago, which showed that the FBI took 11 sets of classified documents, including some labeled top secret. Federal agents also removed a handwritten note, information about the president of France, an executive grant of clemency for Trump ally Roger Stone, and binders of photos.


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17 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

But why did this take so long?

Kirk- Trump absconding with documents that belonged to NARA had been an ongoing conflict for quite a while.

The disclosure by an informer that there were nuclear secrets involved was very new, possibly as recent as last week, and that is why the search had to be expedited.

Two different issues, rolled into one.

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That's what I've suspected Matt. But when he initially took the documents, if my memory serves me right, They knew about it relatively soon. But apparently there are grey areas. I would have thought they would have demanded them back pronto, but they use the term "negotiations " to represent the activities that were going on between Trump and the FBI. I would have liked to have thought the matter was not so "kid gloves" accommodating. I don't care if he's an ex President.

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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5 hours ago, Mark Knight said:

Ben, I'll see your bet on Donald Trump, and I'll raise you a pair of Rosenbergs [Julius and Ethel].

What bet?

You know, the time to be for freedom of speech is not when somebody is broadcasting ideas you agree with. It is when they say something at odds with you.

The time to presume innocence until proven guilty in a court of law is not when your political pals are being prosecuted, but when your political opponents are in the docket. 

The time to be alert to possible intel-state machinations is not only in regards to the JFKA, or (in the case of W.) in regards to the 9/11 event, but also in regards to the Watergate, Russiagate or 1/6 events. 

We recently had Brett Stephens of The New York Times refer to the Russiagate Mueller report as "an elaborate hoax." 

You know the Hunter Biden laptop story, and 50 intel-state biggies calling it Russian disinformation---and that message slavishly repeated in M$M and left-ing alternative media. 

So...I am skeptical of establishment actions towards Trump, and the M$M (Fox or the CNN-WaPo-blob) or new left-wing media. Right-wing media seems loony too. 

"Skeptical" not not the same as being a Trump supporter. In fact, I wish Trump would disappear from the political scene, as a diversionary and divisive figure. 

I will say it again: Let Trump have his day in court. Federal commissions and Congressional committees can easily devolve into prosecutorial fantasies. See the Warren Commission. 

People on this forum appear to be engaging in vulgar fantasies about executing Trump---due to M$M tutelage? 

Let Trump go to trial, let the charges be made, let a vigorous defense contest the evidence, bring new evidence and summon their own witnesses. If Trump is exonerated, fine, if he skates, fine, if he goes to jail, fine. 

Evidently, the idea of that all are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law has become an exotic sentiment. 



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3 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

What bet?

You know, the time to be for freedom of speech is not when somebody is broadcasting ideas you agree with. It is when they say something at odds with you.

The time to presume innocence until proven guilty in a court of law is not when your political pals are being prosecuted, but when your political opponents are in the docket. 

The time to be alert to possible intel-state machinations is not only in regards to the JFKA, or (in the case of W.) in regards to the 9/11 event, but also in regards to the Watergate, Russiagate or 1/6 events. 

We recently had Brett Stephens of The New York Times refer to the Russiagate Mueller report as "an elaborate hoax." 

You know the Hunter Biden laptop story, and 50 intel-state biggies calling it Russian disinformation---and that message slavishly repeated in M$M and left-ing alternative media. 

So...I am skeptical of establishment actions towards Trump, and the M$M (Fox or the CNN-WaPo-blob) or new left-wing media. Right-wing media seems loony too. 

"Skeptical" not not the same as being a Trump supporter. In fact, I wish Trump would disappear from the political scene, as a diversionary and divisive figure. 

I will say it again: Let Trump have his day in court. Federal commissions and Congressional committees can easily devolve into prosecutorial fantasies. See the Warren Commission. 

People on this forum appear to be engaging in vulgar fantasies about executing Trump---due to M$M tutelage? 

Let Trump go to trial, let the charges be made, let a vigorous defense contest the evidence, bring new evidence and summon their own witnesses. If Trump is exonerated, fine, if he skates, fine, if he goes to jail, fine. 

Evidently, the idea of that all are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law has become an exotic sentiment. 




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5 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Evidently, the idea of that all are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law has become an exotic sentiment. 

I used to think you were sincere when you said that. Then you started criticizing court decisions decisions that didn't go your way. Actually I would afford you that liberty more than you apparently do. You're reacting emotionally to some of the anti Trump sentiments and trying to enforce a suffocating stick in the mud mentality on us where no one can express his sentiments until Trump's s actually found guilty in a court of law?.

Such dependence on our legal system hardly denotes much independence of thought anyway.


5 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

People on this forum appear to be engaging in vulgar fantasies about executing Trump---due to M$M tutelage? 

They're called jokes Ben. Unfortunately you've never exhibited much of a sense of humor. But you should get it straight that when you accuse others of being under tutelage of the MSM, you're outright insulting us! Many of us have a longer history not accepting government decrees than you've ever proven to us.     But then..


5 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

We recently had Brett Stephens of The New York Times refer to the Russiagate Mueller report as "an elaborate hoax." 

What are you under his Brett Stephen's tutulege Ben? Why was that even worth mentioning? We don't care Private school elite conservative Brett Stephens says..

Ben,  you're sermons to us serve only to celebrate victimhood. You're a perpetual victim to your deep state which is all encompassing in your everyday thoughts, and you feel compelled to bring us down to your level with endless posting.(Biden fist bumps yet again?) Then when your facts are held to question, like you're recent statement cocksure statement that Garland wasn't behind the search and who is  really running our government??? Then your called on your inaccuracy and it just becomes another opportunity for you to go into victimhood again. I'm sorry, but you will be called on your inaccuracies again in the future.

On a lighter note, after now seeing more consecutive posts from you, Ben. May I congratulate you on your  meteoric rise in posts as you are about to pass W's number of posts  on this thread in about a third of the time. In all my time here, I've never seen a greater pace. Congrats again!


Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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