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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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  • Benjamin Cole


  • Douglas Caddy


  • W. Niederhut


  • Steve Thomas


5 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

Pillaging. That's the word that comes to mind.

I don't care if you do think he is the God-King. Whatever documents or pictures or statues or mementos that Donald Trump helped himself to during the four short years that he occupied the Oval Office, didn't belong to him. They belong to the people of the United States.

I would also like to know who helped Trump go through all these boxes of documents. He doesn't read, and he sure as hell doesn't understand what he does read, so who was going through all this paperwork to decide what to cart off?

I shudder to think it might have been someone like that Stephen Miller guy.

Steve Thomas

Bravo. Right On. BINGO!

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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

     Remember when Reality Winner leaked an NSA document to The Intercept proving that Trump and Putin were lying about Russian hacking of our 2016 election?


Bravo. Right On. BINGO!

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How can Evangelicals and even many Catholic Trump lovers believe that their leader is Christ's chosen one?

Is their idolatry reverence of Trump based mostly on one issue over all others...that they see him as an abortion fighting crusader?

It can't be based on any other Christian based tenet.

Trump traveling about preaching his bragging "I'm the best, the smartest, the most patriotic" gospel in private jets and limo's all while wearing $2,000 suits and silk ties?

Living in gold plated bathroom fixture luxury while millions of his adoring flock live in backwoods trailer park poverty?

Far cry from the true travels and work of Christ, walking in a humble robe and sandals to the most needy locations, blessing the poor and overturning the money changers tables in the church squares.

How can any Christian church pastor tell their flocks "this is our man" with a straight face?

I also wonder whether "any" American schools, roads and buildings will be named in honor of Trump and his magnificent nation and society improving term as President in the next few years?

And for those who think Trump should actually have his image carved into Mount Rushmore ... I would suggest his backside likeness might better represent his true contribution to our democracy.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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Breaking story from the New York Times:


Trump Lawyer Told Justice Dept. That Classified Material Had Been Returned

The lawyer signed a statement in June that all documents marked as classified and held in boxes in storage at Mar-a-Lago had been given back. The search at the former president’s home on Monday turned up more.

Edited by Douglas Caddy
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38 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Breaking story from the New York Times:


Trump Lawyer Told Justice Dept. That Classified Material Had Been Returned

The lawyer signed a statement in June that all documents marked as classified and held in boxes in storage at Mar-a-Lago had been given back. The search at the former president’s home on Monday turned up more.


The essence of Trump truth telling integrity.

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Mar-a-lago surveillance tapes show people carrying boxes in and out of the locked storage room in which they were kept, even after Trump's lawyer signed a letter to the Justice Department in June that there were no classified documents there.

I want to know who those people were.

Also, Donald Trump is guarded by Secret Service agents. If people were delivering boxes to Trump, those boxes would have to be inspected by the Secret Service to make sure there were no bombs in them. Could one of the SS Agents be the mole that tipped off the FBI?

Steve Thomas


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Disbelief as foreign press covers Trump’s classified documents scandal

by Bob Brigham


Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States together form "The Five Eyes" — which the UK Defense Journal describes as the "intelligence alliance of the Anglosphere."

"The Five Eyes was formally founded in the aftermath of the Second World War, through the multilateral agreement for co-operation in signals intelligence (SIGINT), known as the UKUSA Agreement, on 5 March 1946," UK Defense Journal explained. "Initially, compromising only the UK and the United States, it expanded to also include Canada in 1948 and Australia and New Zealand in 1956, all of these last three English-speaking countries, members of the Commonwealth of Nations and with similar political systems when compared to Britain. Thereby, the ‘Five Eyes’ term was created from the lengthy ‘AUS/CAN/NZ/UK/ Eyes Only’ classification level that included the ‘eyes’ that could have access to high profile papers and information."”

They are horrified at the way things were kept down there at Mar-a-Lago.

"Hey Russia. Did you know that the British have a spy in the Kremlin? Give me a few bucks and I'll tell you who it is."

Steve Thomas

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