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5 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

What utter bunk, Ben.  Thanks for slinging more MAGA merde on the wall.

But this won't stick, like most of your...uh...theses...

If Sinema hates both parties, why did she run as a Democrat and get elected by Democrats-- before betraying her constituents and serving as a corporate lobbyist?

She's, basically, an unprincipled traitor, working for the plutocrats and their pachyderms.

I actually share your concerns about an office-holder getting elected under one party, and then blithely changing one stripes. 

I posted the Newsweek story as an interesting perspective. 

I agree with the sentiment of the headline, wish viable options would emerge. 




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5 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

What utter bunk, Ben.  Thanks for slinging more MAGA merde on the wall.

But this won't stick, like most of your...uh...theses...

If Sinema hates both parties, why did she run as a Democrat and get elected by Democrats-- before betraying her constituents and serving as a corporate lobbyist?

She's, basically, an unprincipled traitor, working for the plutocrats and their pachyderms.

I actually share your concerns about an office-holder getting elected under one party, and then blithely changing one stripes. 

I posted the Newsweek story as an interesting perspective. 

I agree with the sentiment of the headline, wish viable options would emerge. 




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4 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Ok, 2 posts Ben? W''s not going to be here for 6 hours anyway.

Senema votes with the Dems 93% of the time anyway.


Re: Donetsk: John your post is from September.

Matt's post is from Wednesday!

I am being doubly emphatic. Or, I can't remember if I hit the submit reply key or not. BTW, what were we talking about? 

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6 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

John- Your simping for Putin is tiresome.

Putin is the one that invaded. Everyone knows that, including you.


By your logic, Matt, you’re simping for Uncle Sam.

Do you not understand how nonsensical it is for people thousands of miles from the battlefield making claims about what’s happening there? I acknowledge that any such claims I make are highly problematic. Do you accept that yours are similarly problematic?

Have you never heard the saying, “The first casualty of war is the truth”?

The Russophobes in this forum are constantly making claims about atrocities allegedly committed by the Russians in Ukraine on the delusional basis that they know what they’re talking about.

They don’t know what they’re talking about. From the very beginning of this conflict they’ve been relentlessly fed western propaganda and they swallow and regurgitate it like sick parrots.

First covid, now Ukraine. When are ye going to wake up?


Edited by John Cotter
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5 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Ok, 2 posts Ben? W''s not going to be here for 6 hours anyway.

Senema votes with the Dems 93% of the time anyway.


Re: Donetsk: John your post is from September.

Matt's post is from Wednesday!

I didn't see your reference to me until after I posted my reply to Matt above, Kirk.

There are more recent reports about civilians being killed by Ukrainian forces in Donetsk than the Reuters one I cited, but as I said to Matt, none of these reports from either side are reliable. The problem is that the anti-Russian people don't see or don't want to see that.

In other words, they're ignoring reality.

Edited by John Cotter
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1 hour ago, John Cotter said:

The Russophobes in this forum are constantly making claims about atrocities allegedly committed by the Russians in Ukraine on the delusional basis that they know what they’re talking about.

Who invaded who, John? Hmm?

It's not a mystery.

Once again, your silly simping for Russia is ridiculous. You're embarrassing yourself.

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2 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Who invaded who, John? Hmm?

It's not a mystery.

Once again, your silly simping for Russia is ridiculous. You're embarrassing yourself.

That’s a different matter, Matt. We know the Russians invaded Ukraine. The whys and wherefores of that have already been debated on this thread ad nauseam.

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On 12/8/2022 at 11:19 PM, Kirk Gallaway said:
As Jim Di would say when his assertions are being questioned and he's circling the wagons.
Nice one, Cliff! Emoji
heh heh heh

It's absolutely no surprise to me nobody here who thinks Hunter Biden's laptop is a huge story  was ever going to respond to this article from Cliff as they simply wouldn't have the patience to go into the detail and read this through. I would expect about the same level of response I just got from Ben about the value to us of his posting of a TV Guide like fluff review of Twitter's new up coming season in"Twitter comes of age!" 
heh heh

Confirmation bias is a bitch!  

Taibbi noted that both Biden and Trump asked Twitter in 2020 to suppress certain items.  Private citizen Biden wanted his private citizen son’s genitalia pics removed.  

Taibbi doesn’t tell us what President Trump asked to be removed.

So what did Trump suppress — and why don‘t Taibbi/Musk reveal what exactly did The Government Under Trump censor?

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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1 hour ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Confirmation bias is a bitch!  

Taibbi noted that both Biden and Trump asked Twitter in 2020 to suppress certain items.  Private citizen Biden wanted his private citizen son’s genitalia pics removed.  

Taibbi doesn’t tell us what President Trump asked to be removed.

So what did Trump suppress — and why don‘t Taibbi/Musk reveal what exactly did The Government Under Trump censor?

Cliff we know the old saying if a tree falls in the woods..

If MSNBC doesn't report on it, did it really happen? lol 


Edited by Matthew Koch
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1 hour ago, Cliff Varnell said:

So what did Trump suppress — and why don‘t Taibbi/Musk reveal what exactly did The Government Under Trump censor?

The "Emperor of openness" isn't going to tell us what Trump wanted, just as he's sworn Taibbi to secrecy that Taibbi not reveal the conditions he had to agree to, to be employed, or what he's being paid.

Re: newest files.  None of these innuendos are at all specific!

What's interesting Cliff is the newest installment is a complete "nothingburger!" Reading their internal tweets, I'm left sympathizing with the back and forth of people at twitter trying to come up with a coherent policy given the number of inputs and forces that are time pressuring them and the historic novelty and magnitude  of their situation, though I'm sure to the people who think this is a huge story, the question for example, of  kicking Trump off twitter after the 1/6 Capitol riots answer was as easy  as stopping the Covid pandemic! Every question is easy to simple minds!
I seem to remember Taibbi is a good storyteller but he's wasting a chapter here. I would assume he's researched enough ahead to have some sort of smoking gun and  he's  being thorough in giving us the proper background leading up to it, or 2)  if he doesn't have that payload, he'd be a fool and only embarrass himself about drawing this out or 3) he will have what he touts as a major disclosure but many will find it inconclusive.
Obviously leaking out Twitter corporate e mails is only legal because Musk has let it be. What employees would want that? It sounds like Taibbi wants government regulation, as he's playing the role of a government prosecutor here. But I'm surprised that Musk would.


Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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I couldn’t take more than a couple of minutes of Dore’s crying — does he tell us what the Head of the Executive Branch of The United States Government censored on Twitter in 2020?

It’s fine to kick Antifa types off Twitter and coverup right-wing government censorship...Musk paid heavy for that right to his free speech.

But please, spare us the slimy self-righteous hypocrisies.


Edited by Cliff Varnell
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