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43 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

      Do Benjamin Cole and the guys from the MAGA-verse know that Donald Trump's Stop-the-Steal/J6 coup co-conspirator, Rudy Giuliani, is a cross-dresser?  Did Fox News cover that story, fellas?

      It's one thing for a cross-dressing kleptomaniac to steal people's luggage at airports.  It's another matter for a President's cross-dressing attorney to steal an election... 🤥

Looking for love in all the wrong places - Imgflip

I deduce you are referring to me, although I am not from the "MAGA-verse." 

I was unaware of Rudy Guiliani's dressing habits. How he dresses in private is his business.

If Giuliani goes around repeatedly stealing airport luggage (while on camera) then Giuliani becomes a story. If Giuliani wears a dress while stealing airport luggage...well, that becomes part of the story. 

Stealing airport luggage while on camera is a laughably tacky crime. I wonder if the luggage thief in question should be entrusted to run an important federal program. The Biden Administration, so far, appears to have no such reservations. 

I think the contents of the Hunter Biden laptop are a story, and I care little that HB appears to be a heterosexual white male, who dresses the way most white heterosexual males dress. 

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6 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

I think what we are seeing which is pretty funny when you factor Kirk and Cliff defending it... IS, that the Donks have become the 'Establishment' since W ran the country into the ground from Iraq. The people who have good intuition realized this and moved more to the center the people who don't thought things are just business as usual and weren't able to see that the Overton Window shifted hard left. Gonzolo Lira discusses it in his lates vlog. 


I have always been uncomfortable in political clubs and affiliations. You get together with a bunch of Donks or 'Phants, and you realize there are gigantic blind spots and overt biases going on. 

And that is before the parties devolved into organized grifting (the present picture). 

Yet the prospects for a new major political party in the US appear slim. 

I realize "hold your nose and vote" is part of even a good democracy. Earnest people can have different viewpoints. 

But today you need a hazmat suit if you vote for a major political party candidate. 


Edited by Benjamin Cole
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2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I have always been uncomfortable in political clubs and affiliations. You get together with a bunch of Donks or 'Phants, and you realize there are gigantic blind spots and overt biases going on. 

And that is before the parties devolved into organized grifting (the present picture). 

Yet the prospects for a new major political party in the US appear slim. 

I realize "hold your nose and vote" is part of even a good democracy. Earnest people can have different viewpoints. 

But today you need a hazmat suit if you vote for a major political party candidate. 


Here's a a take from a libertarian I like and it's really good! 




Edited by Matthew Koch
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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

This seems troublesome; at a MAGA Terrorist Movement conference over the weekend, Newsweek bigwigs were spotted.

I know Newsweek changed owners and adopted a RW slant, but this event is really over the top.


Sounds truly awful. 

But Matt, you left out the best part:

"NYYRC gave Posobiec a speaking slot and an Allen W. Dulles award, named after the former head of the CIA. NYYRC said in its December bulletin that the award is given to “an individual who embodies the virulent anti-Marxist spirit of [Dulles].”

I am amazed they held this event in NYC. And Allen Dulles? Oh, P.U. How did they dredge up that name? The premier globalist of all time? 

All that said, the Southern Poverty Law Center is a bit glib on guilt by association and defining anyone outside the ranks of the corporatist Donks as "extremist" or "far right" or a "racist" etc.

These types of denunciations have been so often and so widely made they have lost all power. 

The ID politics-obsessed PR-stances of Donks may backfire. Maybe not---they held on the Senate and won the Presidency with a weak candidate. 

The best unfolding story on earth----US politics. 


Edited by Benjamin Cole
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17 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

"NYYRC gave Posobiec a speaking slot and an Allen W. Dulles award, named after the former head of the CIA. NYYRC said in its December bulletin that the award is given to “an individual who embodies the virulent anti-Marxist spirit of [Dulles].”

I am amazed they held this event in NYC. And Allen Dulles? Oh, P.U. How did they dredge up that name? The premier globalist of all time? 


Jack Posobiec is ex ONI, he's a really good guy though and not a Neo con, so it's kinda ironic. 

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     I'm responding to your latest comments (below) in red.

Ben wrote:  

I deduce you are referring to me, although I am not from the "MAGA-verse." 

Ben, in fact, you post the same moronic, biased stories from the MAGA-verse media-- Daily Caller/Fox/Greenwald/Taibbi, et.al.-- on a daily basis, that I see posted by some hardcore, Fox News-watching Trumpsters on a less scholarly forum I visit.

I was unaware of Rudy Guiliani's dressing habits. How he dresses in private is his business.

And yet you are fully informed about the cross-dressing habits of a minor official in Biden's administration, eh? 

Meanwhile, the above photo of Rudy Giuliani in drag, with Donald Trump, was not private.  He has also performed publicly in drag shows.  Hasn't Fox informed you guys in the MAGA-verse about Rudy's cross-dressing history?  Perhaps they only focus, selectively, on cross-dressers associated with the Biden administration.  Why is that?

If Giuliani goes around repeatedly stealing airport luggage (while on camera) then Giuliani becomes a story. If Giuliani wears a dress while stealing airport luggage...well, that becomes part of the story. 

If Rudy Giuliani jerks off in a Sasha Baron Cohen film, conspires with Trump to set up slates of false electors, and helps stage a mob attack on the U.S. Congress in order to steal a U.S. Presidential election, does that become a story?  If he wears a dress while cavorting with Donald Trump...well, is that part of the story?

And why do you and your MAGA-verse associates have no interest in those major Rudy Giuliani stories, while posting about a Biden official who stole luggage?

Stealing airport luggage while on camera is a laughably tacky crime. I wonder if the luggage thief in question should be entrusted to run an important federal program. The Biden Administration, so far, appears to have no such reservations. 

So, using your luggage logic, should a man who conspires to steal a U.S. Presidential election be entrusted to run the Executive branch of the U.S. government?  Did the Trump administration have any reservations about their criminal conduct in those affairs of state?

I think the contents of the Hunter Biden laptop are a story, and I care little that HB appears to be a heterosexual white male, who dresses the way most white heterosexual males dress. 

So, then, is Jared Kushner's $2 billion dollar Saudi bribe a story-- given that Kushner was working for the U.S. government, in charge of Trump's Middle East policy, at the time, whereas Hunter Biden is not even a government official?

In other words, why is Hunter Biden's sex life a story, and Jared Kushner's $2 billion dollar bribe isn't?

Explain your MAGA "logic."

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3 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

This seems troublesome; at a MAGA Terrorist Movement conference over the weekend, Newsweek bigwigs were spotted.

I know Newsweek changed owners and adopted a RW slant, but this event is really over the top.


Yes, it is concerning.  Hopefully still no place for a street fighting man.  Like London, read the lyrics.


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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


     I'm responding to your latest comments (below) in red.

Ben wrote:  

I deduce you are referring to me, although I am not from the "MAGA-verse." 

Ben, in fact, you post the same moronic, biased stories from the MAGA-verse media-- Daily Caller/Fox/Greenwald/Taibbi, et.al.-- on a daily basis, that I see posted by some hardcore, Fox News-watching Trumpsters on a less scholarly forum I visit.

I was unaware of Rudy Guiliani's dressing habits. How he dresses in private is his business.

And yet you are fully informed about the cross-dressing habits of a minor official in Biden's administration, eh? 

Meanwhile, the above photo of Rudy Giuliani in drag, with Donald Trump, was not private.  He has also performed publicly in drag shows.  Hasn't Fox informed you guys in the MAGA-verse about Rudy's cross-dressing history?  Perhaps they only focus, selectively, on cross-dressers associated with the Biden administration.  Why is that?

If Giuliani goes around repeatedly stealing airport luggage (while on camera) then Giuliani becomes a story. If Giuliani wears a dress while stealing airport luggage...well, that becomes part of the story. 

If Rudy Giuliani jerks off in a Sasha Baron Cohen film, conspires with Trump to set up slates of false electors, and helps stage a mob attack on the U.S. Congress in order to steal a U.S. Presidential election, does that become a story?  If he wears a dress while cavorting with Donald Trump...well, is that part of the story?

And why do you and your MAGA-verse associates have no interest in those major Rudy Giuliani stories, while posting about a Biden official who stole luggage?

Stealing airport luggage while on camera is a laughably tacky crime. I wonder if the luggage thief in question should be entrusted to run an important federal program. The Biden Administration, so far, appears to have no such reservations. 

So, using your luggage logic, should a man who conspires to steal a U.S. Presidential election be entrusted to run the Executive branch of the U.S. government?  Did the Trump administration have any reservations about their criminal conduct in those affairs of state?

I think the contents of the Hunter Biden laptop are a story, and I care little that HB appears to be a heterosexual white male, who dresses the way most white heterosexual males dress. 

So, then, is Jared Kushner's $2 billion dollar Saudi bribe a story-- given that Kushner was working for the U.S. government, in charge of Trump's Middle East policy, at the time, whereas Hunter Biden is not even a government official?

In other words, why is Hunter Biden's sex life a story, and Jared Kushner's $2 billion dollar bribe isn't?

Explain your MAGA "logic."


HB's private life is not a story, at least not to me, anymore than Trump's foibles.

When private lives intersect with public grift...then, that is a story with public interest. 

The Biden Administration official caught stealing airport luggage evidently admitted to the first case and was caught on camera in the second case. That Biden-person has not been prosecuted and found guilty---perhaps that is the reason the Biden Administration appears satisfied to let matters stand.

Though the odds are long, it is possible the Biden appointee is innocent and will be cleared in trial. Perhaps there is a case of mistaken identity. Even the Biden luggage thief deserves to be considered innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt. 

Guiliani---I have not really kept up with the 1/6 case in the last few weeks...has he been charged with anything, let alone found guilty in a court of law?  

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4 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Here's a a take from a libertarian I like and it's really good! 




Yoel Roth had a long academic career, usually writing about gay dating sites. 


Y. Roth (2014), Locating the "Scruff Guy": Theorizing body and space in gay geosocial media. International Journal of Communication 8. (PDF)

This article offers a critical examination of the smartphone application Scruff, a gay geosocial networking service targeted primarily at bears that boasts a user base of more than five million individuals in more than 180 countries. Using a case study of gay geosocial networking, the article argues for a theoretical reworking of the relationships among embodiment, space, and digital media. Geosocial services such as Scruff, by virtue of their emphasis on bodies and locations that can be accessed offline, complicate notions that online interactions are displaced, disembodied, and ethereal. By layering a virtual, but still spatialized network of users atop existing physical locations, Scruff straddles the online–offline divide and indicates how bodies, places, and identities are discursively constructed through the interplay of virtual and physical experience.


 That is not bears, as in Yogi Bear (I was puzzled too), but a term for gay males of certain heft and hirsuteness. 


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“I want to tell you something. If Steve Bannon and I had organized that, we would have won. Not to mention, we would’ve been armed,” she said of the Jan. 6, 2021, attempt by supporters of then-President Donald Trump to overturn the 2020 election, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center and the New York Post.



Jaw dropping?

This latest Marjorie Taylor Greene statement is so outrageous, it's "beyond" jaw dropping!

The woman should be formally censured immediately.

The woman and her seditious violent government actions defending and promoting public proclamations are simply...crazy!

She must be totally ignorant of the meaning of her taking office oath to "Protect and defend the constitution of the United States ... against all enemies foreign and domestic ... so help me God."

This is one dangerous lady!

She's more publicly open and encouraging of violent action against our duly elected government than the most well known extremist outlaw groups like the Proud Boys etc.!

Talk about a fire breathing dragon lady.



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Good news for the liberals (or maybe just the neo-libs?). 

Liberal (or neo-lib) news-sites are dominating the web. 


Table with 5 columns and 50 rows. Currently displaying rows 1 to 25.
  Site Visits, Oct 2022 Year-on-year change (%) Month-on-month change Change in rank within top 50 vs Sep 2022
1 bbc.co.uk & bbc.com
6 4 -
2 msn.com
−6 5 -
3 nytimes.com
82 3 1
4 cnn.com & edition.cnn.com
6 0 −1
5 news.google.com
−6 1 -
6 theguardian.com
15 5 1
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4 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

“I want to tell you something. If Steve Bannon and I had organized that, we would have won. Not to mention, we would’ve been armed,” she said of the Jan. 6, 2021, attempt by supporters of then-President Donald Trump to overturn the 2020 election, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center and the New York Post.



I saw that and I wondered what exactly her concept of "winning" is.

If they had taken over the House of Representatives, would they have "won"?

If they had taken the entire Congress hostage, would they have "won"?

If they had started hanging people from the gallows that they had constructed outside and there had been public hangings, would they have"won"?

If Armed Forces had moved in to secure the building and if there had literally been a pitched battle and the halls were running with blood, would they have "won"?

Steve Thomas


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