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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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"Thousands of residents in the Tacoma, Washington area lost ectricity Christmas morning as local officials reported that three power substations in the area were “attacked” by unknown suspects. The Pierce County Sheriff’s Office said in a press bulletin that responding officers found signs of forced entry at all three locations, along with vandalized equipment that had caused the outages which affected more than 14,000 people. While authorities said they haven’t taken anyone into custody and are still unclear about motives or possible coordination, the sabotage comes amid a surge in threats to power grids nationwide—with the number of recent events in Washington and Oregon—a hotbed of organized domestic extremism— now standing at eight. In January, The Daily Beast first reported a Department of Homeland Security memo warning that domestic extremists have harbored “credible, specific plans to attack electricity infrastructure since at least 2020,” and in late November the agency released another bulletin saying those threats remained heightened. Days later, unknown actors shot up two power stations in Moore County, North Carolina, knocking out power to more than 40,000 homes in what federal and local officials are calling an “intentional” and “criminal” event."

Read it at ABC News

 Steve Thomas

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Peace on Earth. Goodwill Towards Men.


National Rifle Association


"Merry Christmas from the NRA — America’s longest-standing civil rights organization.

We hope Santa brought you all the guns and ammo."


Steve Thomas

Edited by Steve Thomas
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1 hour ago, Steve Thomas said:


Peace on Earth. Goodwill Towards Men.


National Rifle Association


"Merry Christmas from the NRA — America’s longest-standing civil rights organization.

We hope Santa brought you all the guns and ammo. 🎅🏼"


Steve Thomas


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"Today, we need a nation of Minutemen citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice work and sacrifice for that freedom" -JFK 







JFK: Lifetime NRA Member, Second Amendment Defender

404 JFK: Lifetime NRA Member, Second Amendment Defender
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9 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

"Today, we need a nation of Minutemen citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice work and sacrifice for that freedom" -JFK 







JFK: Lifetime NRA Member, Second Amendment Defender

404 JFK: Lifetime NRA Member, Second Amendment Defender

Remarkable find there MK.

However, I am certain JFK would have adjusted his thoughts and feelings after living through years of horrific slaughters with 1,000s of innocent lives lost by use of easy to acquire guns and rifles, especially large clip automatic ones.

And is that a cigarette Jackie K.  is holding between the index and middle finger on her right hand?

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10 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

"Today, we need a nation of Minutemen citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice work and sacrifice for that freedom" -JFK 







JFK: Lifetime NRA Member, Second Amendment Defender

404 JFK: Lifetime NRA Member, Second Amendment Defender


Notice how the right has co opted JFK? Most post war Presidents were NRA members until ironically George HW Bush cancelled his membership.
For you conservatives, ideologically JFK has nothing for you!
Perhaps the most absurd assertion was someone here posting a comment by JFK about the undesirability of abortion in 1960. So what politician in 1960 is going to come out pro abortion, whether he's a Catholic or not? I'm sorry to bust your bubble but JFK was not a devout Catholic! Such musings about JFK would only come from  an early 20 something with no historical context. You could  fairly gauge JFK's historical evolution on that matter by the political positions taken by Kennedys in  succeeding generations.
JFK also wouldn't have seen world climate change as a Gates -Soros scam to make money! JFK would be in touch with science of his day.and if he was a President in the late 70's 80's and 90's , we and the world be a lot further along than we are today, which is really a global crisis!.
 The matter of climate change and how it's effecting border situations throughout the world, was brought up in passing by James Wilkerson only  to your scoffing just last week. I'll give you a further example, there's a massive drought in West Central America, effecting El Salvador Honduras and Nicaragua  that's causing people to flee to other parts in Central and Latin America as well as the U.S. I saw  the Nicaraguan migration influence in Costa Rica, and the native concern last year. Of course these countries didn't have any hand in this climate change. We can be blamed more than any country in our hemisphere and in the past, the world .
I can also tell you with certainty that JFK wouldn't have thought the Covid pandemic was a Faucci- Gates conspiracy with the Chinese either, whether it accidentally got out of the lab or not. JFK would have stood behind  the science of his day, and there wouldn't have been near the resistance that there is today. As people at that time, would have been much more concerned at taking precautions to not spread the disease to others than the current edition of lunkhead "experts" that exist today. Most of the guys who believe like you back then were probably from the Deep South.
 RFK Jr. is cited as a hero to the anti vaxxers and anti Covid vaccine. You can't ignore what he's done for the environment, but this Kennedy family fanboy stuff here on the forum  sometimes gets grotesque!. He's just as capable of making a mistake as anyone else, dare say JFK and Bobby as well. And you notice the other Kennedy's haven't fallen in line with his message. I think that the successive generation of Kennedy's don't have as much on the ball which is common in the next generation, and I say that, being from the same generation as we're all baby boomers.
JFK would have expanded the safety net which I think would have eventually lead to universal Health Care, which you guys, as conservatives would have opposed, and did in fact oppose. He also was pro labor, though frankly I don't Im not sure as pro labor as some here might portray, nonetheless you as conservatives would have been staunchly opposed, as the conservatives of the day were.
 One thing we might be able to agree upon since you guys are relatively new world peace advocates, is that the pre Bay of Pigs invasion JFK would have called Putin on his invasion and been a hawk on the current War in Ukraine probably without U.S. boots on the ground, and the post Bay of Pigs JFK would have done everything possible to have  avoided Putin's invasion of Ukraine and peace would currently reign.
heh heh
Outside of that, JFK provides you no quarter!
Go find your own  real historic conservative heroes from your glory period, like Ronald Reagan, or if from across the pond, PM's Margaret Thatcher, or if you prefer male heroes, John Major!
heh heh again!.
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1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:


Notice how the right has co opted JFK? Most post war Presidents were NRA members until ironically George HW Bush cancelled his membership.
For you conservatives, ideologically JFK has nothing for you!
Perhaps the most absurd assertion was someone here posting a comment by JFK about the undesirability of abortion in 1960. So what politician in 1960 is going to come out pro abortion, whether he's a Catholic or not? I'm sorry to bust your bubble but JFK was not a devout Catholic! Such musings about JFK would only come from  an early 20 something with no historical context. You could  fairly gauge JFK's historical evolution on that matter by the political positions taken by Kennedys in  succeeding generations.
JFK also wouldn't have seen world climate change as a Gates -Soros scam to make money! JFK would be in touch with science of his day.and if he was a President in the late 70's 80's and 90's , we and the world be a lot further along than we are today, which is really a global crisis!.
 The matter of climate change and how it's effecting border situations throughout the world, was brought up in passing by James Wilkerson only  to your scoffing just last week. I'll give you a further example, there's a massive drought in West Central America, effecting El Salvador Honduras and Nicaragua  that's causing people to flee to other parts in Central and Latin America as well as the U.S. I saw  the Nicaraguan migration influence in Costa Rica, and the native concern last year. Of course these countries didn't have any hand in this climate change. We can be blamed more than any country in our hemisphere and in the past, the world .
I can also tell you with certainty that JFK wouldn't have thought the Covid pandemic was a Faucci- Gates conspiracy with the Chinese either, whether it accidentally got out of the lab or not. JFK would have stood behind  the science of his day, and there wouldn't have been near the resistance that there is today. As people at that time, would have been much more concerned at taking precautions to not spread the disease to others than the current edition of lunkhead "experts" that exist today. Most of the guys who believe like you back then were probably from the Deep South.
 RFK Jr. is cited as a hero to the anti vaxxers and anti Covid vaccine. You can't ignore what he's done for the environment, but this Kennedy family fanboy stuff here on the forum  sometimes gets grotesque!. He's just as capable of making a mistake as anyone else, dare say JFK and Bobby as well. And you notice the other Kennedy's haven't fallen in line with his message. I think that the successive generation of Kennedy's don't have as much on the ball which is common in the next generation, and I say that, being from the same generation as we're all baby boomers.
JFK would have expanded the safety net which I think would have eventually lead to universal Health Care, which you guys, as conservatives would have opposed, and did in fact oppose. He also was pro labor, though frankly I don't Im not sure as pro labor as some here might portray, nonetheless you as conservatives would have been staunchly opposed, as the conservatives of the day were.
 One thing we might be able to agree upon since you guys are relatively new world peace advocates, is that the pre Bay of Pigs invasion JFK would have called Putin on his invasion and been a hawk on the current War in Ukraine probably without U.S. boots on the ground, and the post Bay of Pigs JFK would have done everything possible to have  avoided Putin's invasion of Ukraine and peace would currently reign.
heh heh
Outside of that, JFK provides you no quarter!
Go find your own  real historic conservative heroes from your glory period, like Ronald Reagan, or if from across the pond, PM's Margaret Thatcher, or if you prefer male heroes, John Major!
heh heh again!.

Kirk I don't think JFK dropped LSD with Mary Myer and suddenly because of that became enlightened and as a result.. became the first peace activist radical martyr. I do believe that JFK's religion influenced his policy when in office to seek peace instead of escalate war. I think he was killed for that.

The Overton Window has shifted where JFK has more in common with people's values on the right than peoples on the current left. Go look at those Antifa arrest photos you guys (radical left) have more in common with David Ferrie.

Edited by Matthew Koch
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18 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Kirk I don't think JFK dropped LSD with Mary Myer and suddenly because of that became enlightened and as a result.. became the first peace activist radical martyr. I do believe that JFK's religion influenced his policy when in office to seek peace instead of escalate war. I think he was killed for that.

The Overton Window has shifted where JFK has more in common with people's values on the right than peoples on the current left. Go look at those Antifa arrest photos you guys (radical left) have more in common with David Ferrie.


   On the contrary, the entire political spectrum in the U.S., including that of Roman Catholics, has shifted to the right during the past half century.

   When did Roman Catholics in the U.S. start voting for right wing Republicans?

   My maternal grandparents were Roman Catholic emigrants from Slovenia who revered FDR, and my Slovenian aunts and uncles thought JFK practically walked on water.  They were all lifelong liberal Democrats.

   Of course, many cradle Catholics left the RC years ago, and 10% of all U.S. citizens today are ex-Catholics, an astonishing statistic!  It's partly a result of general secularization, but also related to the systemic abuse of children by the RC clergy.

   I do believe that JFK's humanism, anti-colonialism, and quest for peace were a result of his inherent Catholicism, as James Douglass has described so eloquently.

   Conversely, many of JFK's adversaries and murderers-- Allen Dulles, Henry Luce, et.al.-- had fathers and grandfathers who were Calvinist clergymen.  They were part of the WASP establishment--Skull & Bones, Max Weber's Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, etc.  Even Prescott and the George Bushes were descended from a Yankee Protestant clergyman.

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On 12/26/2022 at 3:17 AM, Steve Thomas said:


"Thousands of residents in the Tacoma, Washington area lost ectricity Christmas morning as local officials reported that three power substations in the area were “attacked” by unknown suspects.

Fourth Utility Station Vandalized In Washington State


"TACOMA, Wash. (AP) — A fourth electrical substation was vandalized late on Christmas Day in Washington state, leaving homes in Kapowsin and Graham temporarily without power, according to the Pierce County Sheriff’s Office."


Authorities are still calling it vandalism instead of the terrorism that it is.

America is being attacked, in no less a fashion than when we were attacked at Pearl Harbor.

Steve Thomas

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