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Glenn Greenwald's take on the CJR review of the Russiagate hoax.

Greenwald is so entertaining to watch, even if you disagree--so refreshing from the starched hairdos and pancake faces, and rehearsed lies of M$M broadcasting. 

Warning: If you trust M$M more than Greenwald, that is your right. But you are skating on thin ice, dressed in a bikini...and wearing lead boots. 

I put my money on Greenwald, nine times out of ten. 

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53 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Glenn Greenwald's take on the CJR review of the Russiagate hoax.

Greenwald is so entertaining to watch, even if you disagree--so refreshing from the starched hairdos and pancake faces, and rehearsed lies of M$M broadcasting. 

Warning: If you trust M$M more than Greenwald, that is your right. But you are skating on thin ice, dressed in a bikini...and wearing lead boots. 

I put my money on Greenwald, nine times out of ten. 

Russia hoax theory is reliant on two things; believing the media with a 23% approval rating and the intelligence people who said Iraq had WMD's. I now see Russia Collusion as the first of many attempted coups against the Trump Presidency, Ukraine Impeachment for asking to investigate Hunter Biden's corruption is another. 

Too bad Russia isn't as good on the battle field as they are in controlling American politicians, media and elections. You'd think they would have done the same thing in Ukraine instead of putin' boots on the ground. 🤷‍♂️

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On 2/1/2023 at 10:22 AM, Ron Bulman said:

I think 90% or more of homes in cities and newer ones in the rural areas (last 30-50 years) are heated by electricity.  Some rural homes still have propane tanks.  90% plus of our electric power comes from natural gas.  Why I had another new record electric bill last month of $536.  A mild Dec-Jan for us, one 3 day run of lows of 10 and two more nights in the teens.  Otherwise, lows in the mid to upper 30's and 40's.  Highs in the 50's-60's-70's, even a couple of days over 80. 

You truly have my condolences Ron. Natural gas prices are at a low, Politics in Texas is a Republican slave oilgarchy with you Govenor Abbott, your Senator Cruz, and your AG Paxton. , I'm sure I'm naming only a few.
About all I can say that's positive is that the everyday citizen in Texas is so oppressed, you can't help but  think that some sort of citizen's revolt  has to happen.
I don't know if this will be any comfort or release of tension for you but...
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On 2/3/2023 at 2:10 AM, Benjamin Cole said:

Odd tid-bit about the Nord Strean gas ipeline between Rusia and Germany.

From CJR:

?Trump insisted to me that while “I said nice things” about Putin, “I killed them with Nord Stream,” the German/Russian pipeline his administration sanctioned in 2019 until “Biden comes in and approves it.” (The Biden administration waived sanctions on the project in May 2021, and then, after Russia invaded Ukraine, reinstated the sanctions.)'

I had forgotten that the Trump Administration had sanctioned the pipeline and the Biden Administration waived the sanction. 

Russia has strange friends and enemies....

So Trump wasn't in Putin's pocket after all.

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4 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Russia hoax theory is reliant on two things; believing the media with a 23% approval rating and the intelligence people who said Iraq had WMD's. I now see Russia Collusion as the first of many attempted coups against the Trump Presidency, Ukraine Impeachment for asking to investigate Hunter Biden's corruption is another. 

Too bad Russia isn't as good on the battle field as they are in controlling American politicians, media and elections. You'd think they would have done the same thing in Ukraine instead of putin' boots on the ground. 🤷‍♂️

Oh, not even.

How about the M$M Wuhan lab leak theory being dismissed as "debunked" and social media censoring stories about the leak? 

How about 51 US intel-state ghouls going on air, slavishly accorded reception by the M$M, and saying the Hunter Biden laptop was a Russian disinformation campaign? 

How about telling the world Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick was murdered by rioters at the Capitol, who slugged him in the head with a fire extinguisher? 

Of course, we have the WC, and 9/11 reports and the 1/6 TV show. WMDs too.

(We have to agree to disagree on Putin. Although the US has waged a string of  unjustified volitional wars since WWII, now Russia is waging one. The carnage on both sides is more than depressing. I hope for peace soon, even a crude and unfair armistice would be better than this war).

Edited by Benjamin Cole
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1 hour ago, John Cotter said:

So Trump wasn't in Putin's pocket after all.

It is an oddity that Putin seized Crimea on the Obama Watch, and then invaded Ukraine while Biden watched. Not on Trump's watch. 

Obama repeatedly stated he regarded Ukraine as vital to Russia but not the the US. 

Trump was willing to engage with Putin, although he boosted sanctions on Russia, including sanctions on the pipeline. 

I would say Trump's overtures to Putin flopped, as they did to N. Korea's Kim. Xi is neither here nor there. 

It is an open question whether elements within the Deep State sabotaged Trump peace efforts. Think Cuba and Cuba Missile Crisis. I salute any world leader who talks peace, and at least tries. 


"Donald Trump last night signed into law sanctions from the U.S. Congress against companies involved in constructing a new gas pipeline between Russia and Germany."




May 19, 2564 BE  WASHINGTON, May 19 (Reuters) - The Biden administration waived sanctions on the company behind Russia's Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline to ...
"Indeed, some of the toughest sanctions in years have fallen on Russia’s elite under the Trump administration. Sanctions imposed over Russia’s invasion of Crimea in 2014 have not been lifted, Trump approved the sale of lethal weapons to Ukraine — something Barack Obama did not do — and he has ordered missiles fired at Syrian military sites, openly targeting strategic operations and allies of Russia."---CNBC
My takeaway:  I doubt anyone had much influence with Trump, including Putin. Trump was mercurial, egocentric, sporadic, impulsive, and, many say, unlikeable and unmanageable. 
The Donks have made Trump-hating into a religion, in part because the party offers so little else to the American public.  
I have similar low regard for the 'Phants. 
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Robby Soave: New Twitter Files Show How Fake Russian Bot Narrative Was Pushed by Media, Deep State

The Hill is a good, independent show.  

So add Robby Soave to lengthening and long list of independent  journalists who are dismissing the Russiagate and related Russian-bots-trolls-influencers hoaxes. 


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Imagine if the Kremlin Press was free and Khrushchev didn't try to shoot down the U-2 's CIA was flying over Mother Russia, fast forward to post modern America where the Commander and Chief (who's son is accused of taking bribes from China) doesn't shoot down a Spy Ballon. @Ron Bulman what music video would you pair with this, CCR Bad Moon on the Rise? 


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Remember when Benjamin Cole and Jeff Carter were raving about Bill Barr's wonderful Durham Report, (before Michael Sussman's acquittal) claiming that Durham's investigation had proven that Russiagate was a hoax? 🤥

That flamer ranked among Ben and Jeff's greatest Education Forum hits, along with their claims that Trump's J6 mob attack on Congress wasn't really a coup attempt.  

Durham's dud is worse than it looks — and now Trump suddenly doesn't want to talk witch hunts
Trump’s attempt to bring disrepute to the Mueller report just backfired spectacularly


 It all goes back to Trump's obsessions.

The thing that you've got to remember about Trump, bless his black heart, is that his obsessions invariably take him to places he would rather not have gone. In fact, the entire reason John Durham was ever appointed by Attorney General William Barr as a Special Counsel to look into the origins of Robert Mueller's Russia investigation in the first place had to do with Trump's obsessions. He was obsessed that the entire thing, which he famously and repeatedly called the Russia! Russia! Russia! witch hunt, was a plot by the FBI to get him. So, Trump had Barr appoint Durham to investigate the investigators. Put another way, Trump weaponized the Justice Department to pursue his perceived enemies in the FBI, beginning with his nemesis James Comey, the former head who first opened the investigation into the Trump campaign's ties to Russia way back in July of 2016.

The Durham investigation, as it became known over the last four years, has been in the news a lot recently. Durham was appointed in May 2019 to investigate the so-called Crossfire Hurricane FBI counterintelligence investigation, as well as the Mueller investigation, which ran from May 2017 to March 2019. A year into Durham's investigation, at a Department of Justice press conference, then-attorney general Barr said what he was trying to do was "get to the bottom of what happened in 2016," which is interesting in and of itself, because the only investigation taking place in 2016 was the FBI's.

Durham wasted four years — twice as long as Mueller's probe — and God-only-knows how many taxpayer dollars without convicting anyone of wrongdoing (he lost both cases he brought to court) or establishing the conspiracy Trump and Barr had long said lay behind the Russia investigation. Our first clue is the date in Barr's statement above: 2016. Trump was convinced that the FBI, and in particular James Comey, was out to get him. Trump put Comey through what amounted to a loyalty test soon after he took office, inviting him to dinner, and while Comey was there, under the influence of the splendor of the White House and the power of being in Trump's presence, asking him if he could go easy on Michael Flynn, who had resigned as Trump's national security adviser the previous day when it became known that he had lied to Vice President Mike Pence about his conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in December of 2016. Comey demurred, and Flynn went on to be indicted and convicted of lying to the FBI about the same matter. Trump apparently never forgave Comey, especially after Comey testified before the House Intelligence Committee the following month that the Trump campaign had secretly been under investigation since July 2016. Trump fired him just two months later, on May 9, and was infuriated when he found out that Comey had flown on a government jet back to Washington after his termination.

Oh, what a web is woven when you start digging. Durham went after the Mueller investigation and ended up finding out that there actually was good cause for the FBI to investigate the Trump campaign's connections with Russians. Go figure. Trump's attempt to bring disrepute to the Mueller report by getting Barr to appoint a special counsel to investigate the investigators has backfired spectacularly. Two indictments of minor characters, two not-guilty findings by juries, several resignations from the special counsel staff in protest over Durham's methods, and no holes whatsoever blown in the Mueller investigation. 

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7 hours ago, John Cotter said:

So Trump wasn't in Putin's pocket after all.


     Newsflash.  Trump has been in Putin's pocket for years.

Trump-Russia Business Ties and Financial Dealings (businessinsider.com)

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9 hours ago, John Cotter said:

So Trump wasn't in Putin's pocket after all.

John, The sanctions were decided by Congress, and both houses approved them.Trump had to go along. I remember  a big proponent was  Trump Secretary of State, Tucker Carlson's own Mike Pompeo, who Tucker he hints saw the JFK files and said "It's all here" the CIA killed JFK! I believe.

True,  we have to dummy down to grasp it, and no one whose looked at them has ever said that. And it sounds like novice BS, but it's reasoned more BS out to more people is a good thing!

Ok, Had to get that little dig in! JMO

John, I saw I believe your niece Kerry Kondon making the  rounds on a late night talk show, to promote "Banshees". She's beautiful, intelligent and very charming! I love to hear her talk! She mentioned her family of 5, 2 older sisters, and she's attending the Oscar ceremony with her younger brother!


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39 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

John, I saw I believe your niece Kerry Kondon making the  rounds on a late night talk show, to promote "Banshees". She's beautiful, intelligent and very charming! I love to hear her talk! She mentioned her family of 5, 2 older sisters, and she's attending the Oscar ceremony with her younger brother!

She is very charming/beautiful IMO too, and great in the film. Have you had chance to see the film yet? If so, what did you think? 


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