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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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I can appreciate me some good Godsmack.The drum off with Sully & the drummer is pretty epic.

If you are into Mixed Martial Arts...be sure to checkout Godsmack's Cryin Like A Bitch video.

My avatar is me with Randy Couture.


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Edited by Michael Crane
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2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Sure, you can say there are substantive differences between the two major US political parties, and I not not denigrate you for saying so. You may regard your views as "fact." 

Other observers, such as President Obama, say the DC game is being played between the 40-yard lines. 

Add on, there are several tendencies in the modern parties I find disagreeable. 

IMHO, the Donks have become aligned with the intel state, and the militarist globalists, and totally unmoored from the middle and employee classes. I also dislike Donk woke-ism and ID politics.



     You misquoted me again.  It's a bad habit of yours.  Should I try using caps?  🙄

     I very specifically referred to the substantive differences between Democrats and Republicans on TAX POLICY, HEALTHCARE POLICY, and ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION during the past 40 years.

    Democrats are "unmoored from the middle and employee classes?"

    What are you smoking, fella-- Thai stick?

    Which party has been quietly trying to de-fund and privatize Social Security?

I. Tax Policy

   Republicans have repeatedly passed tax cuts for billionaires since 1980, while trying to sabotage healthcare for the working poor, and environmental protection.  Their "trickle down" tax cuts for the rich have largely created our gargantuan U.S. national debt.

II. Healthcare

    How many times did the Republican Koch/Tea Party Congress vote to sabotage Obamacare after 2010?

    And Paul Ryan passed two GOP House budget bills after 2010 that would have essentially ended Medicare for retirees born after 1959.

    Then McConnell and Ryan tacked a rider sabotaging Obamacare on to to their December 2017 GOP Tax Cuts for Billionaires Act.  It was part of the Trump/GOP No Care plan to promote junk insurance in place of Obamacare guidelines.


    Do you remember Reagan's disastrous anti-environmental policies with James Watt and Ann Gorsuch? 

    How about Bush & Cheney's toxic anti-environmental fracking legacy? 

    How about Trump's toxic anti-environmental legacy with Scott Pruitt & Co.?

   Trump rolled back over 100 environmental regulations for his corporate donors.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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9 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


     You misquoted me again.  It's a bad habit of yours.  Should I try using caps?  🙄

     I very specifically referred to the substantive differences between Democrats and Republicans on TAX POLICY, HEALTHCARE POLICY, and ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION during the past 40 years.

    Democrats are "unmoored from the middle and employee classes?"

    What are you smoking, fella-- Thai stick?

    Which party has been quietly trying to de-fund and privatize Social Security?

I. Tax Policy

   Republicans have repeatedly passed tax cuts for billionaires since 1980, while trying to sabotage healthcare for the working poor, and environmental protection.  Their "trickle down" tax cuts for the rich have largely created our gargantuan U.S. national debt.

II. Healthcare

    How many times did the Republican Koch/Tea Party Congress vote to sabotage Obamacare after 2010?

    And Paul Ryan passed two GOP House budget bills after 2010 that would have essentially ended Medicare for retirees born after 1959.

    Then McConnell and Ryan tacked a rider sabotaging Obamacare on to to their December 2017 GOP Tax Cuts for Billionaires Act.  It was part of the Trump/GOP No Care plan to promote junk insurance in place of Obamacare guidelines.


    Do you remember Reagan's disastrous anti-environmental policies with James Watt and Ann Gorsuch? 

    How about Bush & Cheney's toxic anti-environmental fracking legacy? 

    How about Trump's toxic anti-environmental legacy with Scott Pruitt & Co.?

   Trump rolled back over 100 environmental regulations for his corporate donors.

I am not a supporter of the 'Phants.  

I find the populist wing of the 'Phants interesting, but unfortunately flawed by strange characters (Trump and MTG, for example) and a not clear enough separation from racism. I like the populist stance on trade and illegal immigration, and foreign policy non-interventionism (with a rare exception on Ukraine).

I support the Donks on Medicare, Social Security and most environmental issues. 

I disagree with the Donks on woke-sim, ID politics, rapidly proliferating censorship, their interventionist intel-approved globalist foreign-military policy, crime, and a few other issues. The whole C19 boondoggle. 

So what? 

We disagree on some events, such as Russiagate, the Hunter Biden laptop, Wuhan lab leak, 1/6. 

I look forward to civil discourse on these issues and events. 



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Donald Trump posted the following comments on his national social media website "Truth Social."

Trump viciously bashes Alvin Bragg and 'Horseface' Stormy Danials ( Daniels.)


"Congratulations to Kellyanne Conway on her DIVORCE from her wacko husband, Mr. Kellyanne Conway," Trump wrote. "Free at last, she has finally gotten rid of the disgusting albatross around her neck."

"She is a great person, and will now be free to lead the kind of life that she deserves...and it will be a great life without the extremely unattractive loser by her side!" he added.

I am always disturbingly amazed that our MSM has for years seen and heard these types of public pronouncements from Donald Trump ( hundreds ) and not reported them in their true reality context that they are exactly the kind of spoutings one would expect from a very aggressive and sadistically minded Jr. High School bully.

I remember kids like that from that pre-teen time period.

They would literally get their kicks by just blurting out insults towards other kids and in front of other kids. Taunting, demeaning, usually crude. Totally humiliating.

Hey, you're ugly. You're fat. You're a joke. You're a girl. You're a sissy. 

What are you going to do about it dog face?

These bully's were like little monsters. Everyone hated them.

Yet, by high school age most of these Jr. high school bullies pulled back because there were bigger tougher kids who would now challenge them if they tried that stuff in front of them.

However, Donald Trump has been acting and speaking like a typical junior high school bully his whole life!

I mean just as graphically mean and insulting. Regards one's physical looks, sexual inadequacies, etc. The most humiliating stuff. It truly is sadism.

This stunted adolescent sadistic bully mind set is so lifetime permeated into Donald Trump's personality he can't help himself and it's truly a pathological condition.

No mature and normal adult speaks about others in social settings like Trump does. 

Can you imagine a high society gathering where one of the main guests starts shouting out the things Trump says about others to all the other guests?

This divorce between Kellyanne Conway and her husband George for example? The most shameless, gross and even crude things he says about George Conway?

The host of such an affair would feel compelled to confront such a shouting out crude insulting person and probably have them escorted away.

Maybe someone really drunk might act out like that and say these most inappropriate things Trump says to a national audience. However, Trump says them soberly!

He doesn't have the excuse of saying..." oh, uh, well ... I was drunk."

Trump is truly a man with the mind of a 13 year old bully trapped into his body for the last 76 years!

He is emotionally stunted to a pathological degree.

A true "man/child" in this way.

Imagine what others could say about Trump and his marriage to his wife Melania? And when and if they get divorced?

Yet, most emotionally mature, intelligent and stable adults still would never post or say the most crude and insulting things Trump regularly says about others in any public forum.

Only Donald Trump does such outrageously inappropriate things.

Trump is the most pathologically inappropriate president in our history.

His never ending junior high school bully insult public pronouncements are a shameful embarrassment for us all. 

Can't understand how there aren't regular MSM editorial condemnations of Trump's never ending, crude and outrageous public behavior and comments by our most respected political commentators and journalists with national stage access status.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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Mark Dice breaks down Nina Jankowicz (Biden's "Disinformation" Czar) lawsuit against Fox News

.. stick around to find out that she had to register as a foreign agent for Ukraine, and Mark Dice covers Ukrainian Corruption/Color revolution and even recommends Oliver Stone's Ukraine of Fire. 


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2 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Mark Dice breaks down Nina Jankowicz (Biden's "Disinformation" Czar) lawsuit against Fox News

.. stick around to find out that she had to register as a foreign agent for Ukraine, and Mark Dice covers Ukrainian Corruption/Color revolution and even recommends Oliver Stone's Ukraine of Fire. 


Terrific satire - very entertaining.

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3 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Mark Dice breaks down Nina Jankowicz (Biden's "Disinformation" Czar) lawsuit against Fox News

.. stick around to find out that she had to register as a foreign agent for Ukraine, and Mark Dice covers Ukrainian Corruption/Color revolution and even recommends Oliver Stone's Ukraine of Fire. 


You can’t make this stuff up. 😌

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At the time I didn't agree with Ole' 'Cocaine' Mitch McConnell and the Republicans blocking Merrick Garland's Supreme Court Confirmation, in retrospect is was incredibly wise and the right thing to do... 


AG Merrick Garland makes unannounced trip to Ukraine, reaffirms US vow to pursue war criminals

Attorney General Merrick Garland made an unannounced visit to Ukraine, where he reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to assist Ukrainian officials in pursuing war criminals.

  • Garland traveled to Lviv, Ukraine, Friday at the invitation of the Ukrainian prosecutor general, Justice Department officials said, adding that the trip was not previously disclosed because of "security" reasons.
  • Holding Russia accountable: "The Attorney General held several meetings and reaffirmed our determination to hold Russia accountable for crimes committed in its unjust and unprovoked invasion against its sovereign neighbor," Justice officials said.

“Just over twelve months ago, invading Russian forces began committing atrocities at the largest scale in any armed conflict since the Second World War," Garland told international counterparts at the United for Justice Conference. "We are here today in Ukraine to speak clearly, and with one voice: the perpetrators of those crimes will not get away with them."

Edited by Matthew Koch
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6 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

At the time I didn't agree with Ole' 'Cocaine' Mitch McConnell and the Republicans blocking Merrick Garland's Supreme Court Confirmation, in retrospect is was incredibly wise and the right thing to do... 


AG Merrick Garland makes unannounced trip to Ukraine, reaffirms US vow to pursue war criminals

Attorney General Merrick Garland made an unannounced visit to Ukraine, where he reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to assist Ukrainian officials in pursuing war criminals.

  • Garland traveled to Lviv, Ukraine, Friday at the invitation of the Ukrainian prosecutor general, Justice Department officials said, adding that the trip was not previously disclosed because of "security" reasons.
  • Holding Russia accountable: "The Attorney General held several meetings and reaffirmed our determination to hold Russia accountable for crimes committed in its unjust and unprovoked invasion against its sovereign neighbor," Justice officials said.

“Just over twelve months ago, invading Russian forces began committing atrocities at the largest scale in any armed conflict since the Second World War," Garland told international counterparts at the United for Justice Conference. "We are here today in Ukraine to speak clearly, and with one voice: the perpetrators of those crimes will not get away with them."

These foreign wars usually become tar-babies, and this one is also, and on both sides. 

My amateur assessment, that an armistice is possible along present battle-lines, is apparently not being pursued by either side. 

Look for a long war, maybe a million dead, and possibly a ceasefire near present battle-lines in a few years. 

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Even the dogmatic The Atlantic gives up the ghost. 


"This is (The Atlantic's) Work in Progress, a newsletter by Derek Thompson about work, technology, and how to solve some of America’s biggest problems. 

In the past few weeks, the conventional wisdom about COVID seems to have been upended.

Early in the pandemic, several mainstream news outlets dismissed theories that COVID came from a Chinese lab. But recently The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times reported that the Department of Energy reversed its prior judgment by announcing that the coronavirus probably did emerge from a laboratory. The FBI shares that assessment.

What’s more, for the past three years, many scientists and writers—including me!—have reported that masks are effective at reducing the transmission of COVID. But last month, the lead author of a comprehensive analysis of masks boldly and unequivocally asserted that “there’s no evidence that many of these things make any difference.”


Of course, it is even worse than Thompson presents. Wuhan lab-leak theories were not merely "dismissed,"  they were aggressively censored on social media, and ridiculed in the M$M as "debunked." 

And masks were recently rejected as effective against C19 by an article published in the Cochrane Library, which I gather is considered authoritative in medical circles. 

I gather data is building that natural immunity works about as well as endless rounds of C19 shots. 

So...who follows the science? 

The big question: Why did the M$M, and government-allied social media platforms, shut down even conversations about the Wuhan lab leak? 

This is a serious question. 





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