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2 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

One Dem called him a "so-called journalist" -- a snarky dig that has all the right wing snowflakes melting down.

Taking a rhetorical jab at someone is the same as a call for censorship?

Another Dem pointed out that Taibbi is in the employ of Elon Musk, the world's richest man.  I will say what the Dems did not -- Matt Taibbi is no longer an independent journalist.  If he were, he'd tell us what material President Trump pressured Old Twitter to remove.  Punk ass bitch.

Ben, your main challenge here is that you don't know what you're talking about.


Timeline: How The Covid Lab Leak Origin Story Went From 'Conspiracy Theory' To Government Debate

March 7, 2020

A group of scientists sign an open letter condemning the “conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin”; this letter is later scrutinized, as one of its signers, Peter Daszak, is the head of EcoHealth Alliance, a group that has does work in China at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which some saw as a conflict of interest.

April 18, 2020

Then-President Donald Trump, who frequently refers to Covid-19 as the “China virus,” says “a lot of people are looking” into the possibility of a lab leak, and says the theory “seems to make sense”; Dr. Anthony Fauci, then the government’s leading infectious disease expert, refutes Trump’s claim, citing a study that found the virus’ mutations are “consistent with a jump of a species from an animal to a human.”

January 15, 2021

In the final days of Trump’s presidency, the State Department publishes a fact sheet stating the U.S. government believes that some researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology—a biolab whose research into bat viruses had drawn scrutiny—became sick in fall 2019, shortly before the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic; in May, it is reported that three researchers were hospitalized before the first coronavirus case was reported.

February 9, 2021

A team from the World Health Organization investigating the source of Covid-19 says it is unable to discern its origins, but calls the possibility that the virus escaped from a lab in Wuhan “extremely unlikely”—though many observers questioned whether China gave the team enough access to reach a firm conclusion, and the new Biden Administration expressed “deep concerns” about the report.

February 9, 2021

A paper in the journal Nature reveals a close relative of SARS-CoV-2—the virus that causes Covid-19—was found in bats in Thailand, lending credibility to the theory that the virus evolved naturally and was not manipulated in a laboratory.

May 14, 2021

A group of scientists publish an open letter in the journal Science, saying “we must take hypotheses about both natural and laboratory spillovers seriously until we have sufficient data,” and arguing the lab leak possibility hasn’t been thoroughly investigated.

May 26, 2021

President Joe Biden orders an intelligence review of the two predominant Covid-19 origin theories.

June 3, 2021

Fauci, who up until this point has been steadfast that Covid-19 evolved through natural means, says “the most likely origin is from an animal species to a human but I keep an absolutely open mind that there may be other origins,” adding, “it could have been a lab leak.”


Emphasis added.


Add on. I didn't write this. It ran in The Mint:

Interestingly, American left-liberal politicians and almost all of US mainstream media vehicles have ridiculed, vilified and actively suppressed the lab-leak theory ever since it was first suggested in the early days of the pandemic. As is now known, under direct instructions from the US government, Facebook and Twitter tweaked their algorithms to muffle posts pushing the theory and de-platformed thousands of users. Leading medical journals like Lancet and Nature refused to publish papers written by scientists who had studied the virus and concluded that it could have been engineered in a laboratory.

The media establishment in the West discredited the hypothesis as a “fringe conspiracy theory," “irresponsible" and “racist". This had a cascading effect across the globe since media in the rest of world often takes cues from the Western press and depends on it for a good deal of information and opinion.

But in recent months, there has been a perceptible shift of attitudes. Many commentators have been tying themselves up in knots to convince their audiences that yes, there could be something to the lab-leak theory, but they had not been wrong when they junked it."



The Mint is an Indian news organization. 

One advantage of the internet is you can read non-US-based news outfits---they tend not to be so deep into the blue-red kool-aid pissing wars. 


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27 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Well, we are worlds apart in our views. 

There was actual censorship on social media of the Wuhan lab leak story, and the Donk-mass media called it a "debunked" conspiracy theory with racist roots for years.

Factually incorrect.  It was during the Trump Administration the lab-leak theory was disputed.

27 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Why? Who were the Donks working for? 

You just make this garbage up.

27 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

As for Matt Taibbi, he is not working for Musk, or anyone else.

Musk paid him to compile the Twitter Files.  He admitted it.  He reported that President Trump attempted to censor Old Twitter, but he doesn't say what material Trump tried to get removed.  That's PR, not journalism.

27 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Evidently, Glenn Greenwald and Taibbi make a lot of money through Substack subscriptions (cutting out the old middleman, the media outfit). 

Try looking at The Hill, or Breaking Points, both on Youtube, as pretty good independent outfits. 

The corporate media is deep in bed with Wall Street, Silicon Valley, the multinationals, the globalists, the "defense" industry and the Donks. 

Spoken like a true partisan.

27 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

If they lie to you about the Wuhan lab leak...what else will they lie about? 

You don't tell the truth about the Wuhan leak, either.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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3 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Add on. I didn't write this. It ran in The Mint:

Interestingly, American left-liberal politicians and almost all of US mainstream media vehicles have ridiculed, vilified and actively suppressed the lab-leak theory ever since it was first suggested in the early days of the pandemic.

Pure unadulterated bullsh-t.


Senior Biden officials finding that Covid lab leak theory as credible as natural origins explanation

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7 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Rather ironic given Matts interaction with Sherry where she threatened to sue him.. 

Ron, you used to call me Koach like a roach until I sent you a private's message and told you to stop, so I find it rather humorous that you would ignore Leslie trying to tie me and Chris to (N)azis and would act like that didn't happen.. maybe stick to drinking beer beer with your buddy Hank 

Mods. Please take out the garbage.

Enough is enough.

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56 minutes ago, Bob Ness said:

Mods. Please take out the garbage.

Enough is enough.

Bob if you would like my post removed, I will remove it since that's our new policy.. If there's another let me know💯 I don't want you to be offended. ☺️

Edited by Matthew Koch
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1 hour ago, Matthew Koch said:


@Paul Brancato I know the others are not capable or, not willing to comprehend this but, please listen to 9mins onwards or the whole thing. Particularly Carlson’s response as to what he speculatively thinks the motivation behind the deception is. I said repeatedly in real time 2 years ago, and I have said since that this is a narrative, a psychological operation. They not only made it a simplistic heroes and villains tale that an uneducated or unthinking audience can swallow but, more significantly this redefines the definition of terrorism in the public consciousness in the United States of America, and it has further reaching consequences in the wider world. Now anybody wishing to protest is being dubbed ‘a far right terrorist’, from people asking for medical safety, to people picketing government corruption. They are shutting it down. They made people afraid and amongst their neurotic emotions people again were willing to trade away their freedoms for a little perceived safety. I don’t know how many times I need to explain the process of creating crisis and keeping the public in a perpetual state of fear and anger. You’re paying in taxes to be lied to and deceived. How many ‘Warren Commission’s’ do people need to see before they become wise to it?!

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4 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:


'In the days and weeks after the 2020 elections, Fox News Channel repeatedly broadcast false claims that then-President Donald Trump had been cheated of victory.

Off the air, the network's stars, producers and executives expressed contempt for those same conspiracies, calling them "mind-blowingly nuts," "totally off the rails" and "completely bs" — often in far earthier terms. 

The network's top primetime stars — Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity — texted contemptuously of the claims in group chats, but also denounced colleagues pointing that out publicly or on television.'

LISTEN· 3:523-Minute ListenPLAYLIST


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4 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:



See new Tweets


Roger Stone relied on deception to make unpopular views appear more popular than they were. “Facebook removes fake accounts posing as Floridians linked to Roger Stone” 7/8/20 1/
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Carlson's partner in deception . . . 

Sean Hannity admits in deposition he didn’t believe Trump voter fraud claims
Fox News host Sean Hannity admitted under oath that he “did not believe” for “one second” there was mass voter fraud in the 2020 election.

I wonder if Carlson had these deposition transcripts in mind when he negotiated with McCarthy to have eclusive access to the Jan 6 tapes? Damage control? He's causing a collective whiplash for his viewers ... I deceived you about the election, but trust me on this one?

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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On the question of deception

. . . from Middle America . . . 

Fair And Balanced?

Friday, March 10, 2023 1:00 AM
Editor, Times-Union:

Calling all Fox “News” viewers! It’s not too late to save face. You all have surely heard the latest real news, right? Oh, maybe you have not since your favorite so-called news source is not reporting the most explosive real news of 2023. (Instead they are making a last ditch effort to con you with a false rewrite of the explosive real news of January 6, 2021.) It turns out there may be consequences for broadcasting lies.

It is now truly and positively evident that Fox anchors been lying to you for years. In spite of their own true beliefs — from the owner of Fox at the top, down through the entire corporation to its morally bankrupt program hosts — they have chosen to repeat and expand the lies of the former president and his minions in order to maintain your viewership and increase their profits.  (emphasis added.)

Don’t believe me? Read some national newspapers. Use your computer search engines. Watch or listen to some other, or all other, news outlets. In case you haven’t heard, Fox is being sued by Dominion (you know, the manufacturers of voting machines) for causing them irreparable harm with their lies. Documents from that suit are being released nightly, and proof of their lies has been exposed in the very words of the Fox owners, business staff, and TV anchors themselves by way of texts, emails, and depositions. In the exact words of Tucker Carlson, self-appointed purveyor of falsehoods, “We are very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights. I truly can’t wait ….. I hate him passionately.”

Fox people did not believe what they were telling you but chose to continue their deception because they were afraid you would stop watching, they would lose money, and the person they disliked and feared the most would be angry and turn his wrath against them. You deserve to know what all the Fox personnel really believed about the 2020 election. You deserve to know what they really thought about all the creators and peddlers of the Big Lie. You were always of the utmost importance to their success mainly because your loyalty ensured them of lucrative commercial backing, and they wanted to continue to give you what they believed you wanted rather than what you deserved to know — the truth. But you were blatantly played and conned just to keep them in business.

Don’t you think it is time to end their power over you? Isn’t it time to show them your power — by speaking out, speaking up, turning the channel? What they have done and continue to do is keep you in the dark, keep you angry, and keep you watching. It was not and is not fair or balanced. It is dangerous and destructive. Stand up for yourselves. Demand the truth!

Jeanne Schutz

Winona Lake, via email




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. . . the action of concealing or misrepresenting the truth. — Oxford

. . . causing someone to accept as true or valid what is false or invalid. — Merriam Webster

. . . dishonest or illegal methods used by a person or organization in order to get something or to make people believe that something is true when it is not. — Cambridge U.

Carlson has admitted to deceiving his audience in the past.  Capitol Police Chief Manger calls attention to his latest deceit.

Capitol Police Chief Debunks Fake News From Tucker Carlson On Fox
. . . While there, somebody — or a group of people — put up a gallows, and a portion of the crowd chanted in favor of hanging Mike Pence, who was then the vice president but was perceived as insufficiently loyal to the Trump cause. Officers were crushed, beaten with all sorts of implements makeshift or otherwise, and threatened with death, and members of the crowd broke windows, through which some of the rioters climbed, besides trying to get inside elsewhere, like in the tunnel in the area of the Capitol’s Lower West Terrace. It was face-to-face physical fighting, for hours — but Carlson tried to discredit the idea of the seriousness of what happened, also disputing even the documented violence, some of which he dismissively called vandalism. Tom Manger, who’s leading the U.S. Capitol Police, subsequently fact-checked Carlson.

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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     It looks like Leslie Sharp is countering the Firehose of Falsehoods from Mathew Koch and our Coalition of the Clueless with a Firehose of Facts about Trump's J6 coup attempt.

     Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for Mathew's cognitive dissonance to kick in, once he realizes that Tucker Carlson "hates Trump passionately."

     Perhaps it already has, and Mathew is responding by repeatedly posting Tucker YouTube clips. 🙄

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1 hour ago, Paul Rigby said:

We join Mr StevenVoiceOver for the latest in our innovatory tour guides, The Insurrection special



Lols, Thanks for sharing Paul.

Here is more info debunking the j6 "iNsUrReCtIoN"  narrative that is coming out of the Proud Boys trial about the FBI destroying evidence: 


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