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2 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Apparently no cognitive dissonance going on there. Well, there never is.

Chris- I know some here are antagonistic towards you, and vice versa too. I watched all minutes of Glenn Beck and Tucker Carlson, and I have a few questions and comments.  
First and foremost - what LIE are they constantly referring to without actually defining it? 
Second - who is selectively choosing what pics to show?
Tucker Carlson was given lots of footage, and he has picked a very strange one depicting the Horned Norseman being gently shown around, without saying when the footage was taken. It is out of context. We know nothing, except what Tucker shows us and tells us. And when he shows it his preface is all about the danger of pictures in the hands of propagandists (how true) while asking ‘what are they hiding?’ So when he curates the video it’s as a counterbalance to ‘They’, the House committee, who showed us hours of other footage that was very different. What is he intimating? What’s the LIE? That there was no violence on Jan 6th? 
Carlson makes a point that is different from yours when you say that this LIE was targeted at the right wing, with the intent of labeling any right wing protest as ‘terrorist’. (Did we forget ‘Jews will not replace us’, or vehicles ramming into civil rights protestors in Charlottesville, you know, good people on both sides?) IHe specifically mentions Bernie Sanders and his supporters, who would find themselves similarly labeled for any demonstration they engaged in. What is completely lacking from your analysis, and it pains me to say it, is that for my entire lifetime it’s been the LEFT that has been demonized, infiltrated with federal provocateurs. They have always been deemed ‘terrorist’. Think Civil Rights marches met with water cannons. I didn’t see any of that on Jan 6th. Black DC demonstrations against Trump were shut down by the authorities, unlike Jan 6, an almost completely white persons action. When the Proud Boys are met with the same deadly force as the Black Panthers were I’ll take notice. The progressive perspective has always been left out of mainstream narratives. Their experts have consistently been denied media coverage. It’s ‘leftist’ journalists that have been forced onto substack and other marginal media outlets, it’s that movement that has never had the backing of billionaires. And please, don’t throw George Soros into the mix - that’s just a right wing anti-Semitic trope.
There is a deep difference between the corporate media, and the Left. Yes, I’ll give you this - and Carlson is for that brief moment correct - labeling protest as terrorist is something we should all be up in arms about. And - please ignore Antifa. It’s clear what that is, at least to me. I investigated them years ago. Ain’t nothing to do with anarchism, and everything to do with exactly the point you were trying to make. Anything to divide and conquer is ok by ruling elites, and they ain’t Democrats or Republicans, they are both and neither. 


There’s been a lot of diversionary verbiage spewed on this thread apparently designed to obfuscate the significance of the newly released J6 footage.

As I see it, one “lie” Carlson refers to is the withholding of exculpatory evidence regarding Jacob Chansley, the Horned Viking as you refer to him. This evidence was withheld from Chansley, his lawyer and the public by the J6 Committee.

That’s not only a perversion of the course of justice. It’s also clearly designed to misrepresent the nature of the J6 event as being more violent than it really was.

It’s also of a piece with other evidence pointing to J6 as a set up, whereby essentially there was “security stripping” (where have we seen that before?) to facilitate violent behaviour by a minority of protestors or provocateurs.

The security stripping alone is clearcut evidence of such a set up. The whole thing is a lie.

Edited by John Cotter
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Tucker Carlson was given 44,000 hours of footage to cherry-pick from to create his fake narrative.

You know how much footage he was able to scrape together to use for his lie?

4 minutes.

4 minutes.

Don't let the America-haters try to deceive you about 1/6 insurrection and coup attempt.


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John Cotter writes, As I see it, one “lie” Carlson refers to is the withholding of exculpatory evidence regarding Jacob Chansley, the Horned Viking as you refer to him. This evidence was withheld from Chansley, his lawyer and the public by the J6 Committee.

Focus on Chansley is the equivalent of 60 years of misguided focus on Lee Harvey Oswald, the patsy in the plot to assassinate Kennedy in Dallas 11.22.63.

While Carlson employs the shaman as a distraction for his audience ... not unlike Dallas authorities did when they launched the spin of the commie lone nut Oswald narrative ... the truth of events leading to January 6 and those who orchestrated the riot from ivory towers slips away with every passing day.

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46 minutes ago, Chris Davidson said:


Personally, I would never label a "peaceful" protest as a terrorist act.

But, what occurred on Jan 6th was not a peaceful protest.

Terrorism Definitions 

International terrorism: Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups who are inspired by, or associated with, designated foreign terrorist organizations or nations (state-sponsored).

Domestic terrorism: Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature.

And, if anyone believes it was peaceful, just watch/listen to 19 seconds of video.


If a person smashed the windows in my house trying to break in, I wouldn't necessarily think they were a terrorist, unless the intent was proven to be of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature.

But, I do have the right to defend my property/safety.

The hypocrisy flowing from the Fox mouthpieces is deafening.

Chris remember when you shared that Josh Hawley GIF, that has been debunked and you were just sharing Propaganda like you are now.. We were told it was a INSURRECTION.. remember, not that it was peaceful.. The insurrection has been debunked and is now looking like it was a FEDsurrection lead by provocateurs that the FBI has now been caught deleting evidence about. 


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6 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

John Cotter writes, As I see it, one “lie” Carlson refers to is the withholding of exculpatory evidence regarding Jacob Chansley, the Horned Viking as you refer to him. This evidence was withheld from Chansley, his lawyer and the public by the J6 Committee.

Focus on Chansley is the equivalent of 60 years of misguided focus on Lee Harvey Oswald, the patsy in the plot to assassinate Kennedy in Dallas 11.22.63.

While Carlson employs the shaman as a distraction for his audience ... not unlike Dallas authorities did when they launched the spin of the commie lone nut Oswald narrative ... the truth of events leading to January 6 and those who orchestrated the riot from ivory towers slips away with every passing day.

You've got it arseways.

Carlson didn't scapegoat Chansley. It was the J6 Committee who scapegoated him - just like the DPD, the WC et al scapegoated Oswald.

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24 minutes ago, John Cotter said:


There’s been a lot of diversionary verbiage spewed on this thread apparently designed to obfuscate the significance of the newly released J6 footage.

As I see it, one “lie” Carlson refers to is the withholding of exculpatory evidence regarding Jacob Chansley, the Horned Viking as you refer to him. This evidence was withheld from Chansley, his lawyer and the public by the J6 Committee.

That’s not only a perversion of the course of justice. It’s also clearly designed to misrepresent the nature of the J6 event as being more violent than it really was.

It’s also of a piece with other evidence pointing to J6 as a set up, whereby essentially there was “security stripping” (where have we seen that before?) to facilitate violent behaviour by a minority of protestors or provocateurs.

The security stripping alone is clearcut evidence of such a set up. The whole thing is a lie.

John, the main point is that the Fedsurrection prevented the challenging of the election.. That is why it was done and that is what the people, who don't understand what an insurrection is and isn't can't seem to understand. 

As we see in this clip the capital police knew they were set up 


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3 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

You've got it arseways.

Carlson didn't scapegoat Chansley. It was the J6 Committee who scapegoated him - just like the DPD, the WC et al scapegoated Oswald.

Nonsense, John.  Did you even watch the J6 Committee hearings last year?

What scapegoating of Chansley by the Committee are you referring to?  I must have missed that.

Most of the Congressional hearings focused on Trump staffers testifying about the actions of Don Mar-a-Lago and his associates before and during the violent attack on Congress.

Once again, you are obfuscating arseways with meaningless verbiage.


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4 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

John, the main point is that the Fedsurrection prevented the challenging of the election.. That is why it was done and that is what the people, who don't understand what an insurrection is and isn't can't seem to understand. 

As we see in this clip the capital police knew they were set up 


That's it exactly, Matthew.

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37 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Well said, both Paul and Chris, but there's an elephant in the room . . .  the insurrectionists unlawfully stormed our - my, your, their — nation's capitol during proceedings to ensure the peaceful transfer of leadership as proscribed in OUR Constitution. 

The elephant in the room is the White Supremists you hang your hat on are Federal Provacautuers meant to make the MAGA people look bad and your confirmation bias swallowed the bait hook line and sinker.. 


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2 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

you know, good people on both sides?)

J6 is alot like your propaganda quote Paul... It has to be deceptively edited to make it mean what people on the left want it to be, when shown in the full context it isn't what people like you say it was. Here the full Trump statement that actually condemns the White Supremest violence and we see that Trump was calling the protesters on both sides good people..SO you are just flat WRONG 

Guess who put on Charlottesville??? Richard Spencer pictured above, what a coincidence!! 


Edited by Matthew Koch
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12 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

The elephant in the room is the White Supremists you hang your hat on are Federal Provacautuers meant to make the MAGA people look bad and your confirmation bias swallowed the bait hook line and sinker.. 


Maybe you should take time out from Ed Forum and focus on setting your version of the record straight over at Wikipedia?

Oath Keepers is an American far-right[1] anti-government militia[1][3] whose leaders have been convicted of violently opposing the government of the United States, including the transfer of Presidential power as prescribed by the US Constitution. It was incorporated in 2009 by founder Elmer Stewart Rhodes, a lawyer and former paratrooper. As of January 2023, nine members have been convicted of seditious conspiracy for their roles in the January 6 United States Capitol attack. These include three who pled guilty in early 2022, Rhodes and another leader who were convicted of multiple felonies that November, and four more who were convicted of multiple felony charges in January 2023.[4] [5]


The Three Percenters, also styled 3 Percenters, 3%ers and III%ers,[1] are an American and Canadian far-right anti-government militia.[2][3][4][5]

The group advocates gun ownership rights and resistance to the U.S. federal government.[6][7] The group's name derives from the erroneous[8][9] claim that "...the active forces in the field against the King's tyranny never amounted to more than 3% of the colonists..." during the American Revolution.[10]


Vanguard America
Vanguard America Flag.svg

Vanguard America is an American white supremacistneo-National Socialistneo-fascist organization. The organization is also a member of the Nationalist Front.[1][2] The group gained significant attention after it was revealed that James Alex Fields had marched with them at the Unite the Right rally before being arrested on murder charges.[3][4] The group has its roots in the alt-right movement.[5]

Patriot Front is an American white nationalist and neo-fascist hate group.[7] Part of the broader alt-rightmovement, the group split off from the neo-National Socialist organization Vanguard America in the aftermath of the Unite the Right rally in 2017.[1][8][9][10] Patriot Front's aesthetic combines traditional Americana with fascist symbolism. 

Unite the Right rally was a white supremacist[5][6][7][8] rally that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, from August 11 to 12, 2017.[9][10][11] Marchers included members of the alt-right,[12] neo-Confederates,[13] neo-fascists,[14] white nationalists,[15] neo-National Socialists,[16] Klansmen,[17] and far-rightmilitias.[18] 

Proud Boys is an exclusively male North American far-right neo-fascist organization that promotes and engages in political violence in the United States.[1][9][10] It has been called a street gang[11][12] and was designated as a terrorist group in Canada[13][14] and New Zealand.[8] The Proud Boys are known for their opposition to left-wing and progressive groups and their support for former U.S. President Donald Trump.[1][10]

Matthew, perhaps the exclusively male policy of Proud Boys is particularly attractive?

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1 minute ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Maybe you should take time out from Ed Forum and focus on setting your version of the record straight over at Wikipedia?

Oath Keepers is an American far-right[1] anti-government militia[1][3] whose leaders have been convicted of violently opposing the government of the United States, including the transfer of Presidential power as prescribed by the US Constitution. It was incorporated in 2009 by founder Elmer Stewart Rhodes, a lawyer and former paratrooper. As of January 2023, nine members have been convicted of seditious conspiracy for their roles in the January 6 United States Capitol attack. These include three who pled guilty in early 2022, Rhodes and another leader who were convicted of multiple felonies that November, and four more who were convicted of multiple felony charges in January 2023.[4] [5]


The Three Percenters, also styled 3 Percenters, 3%ers and III%ers,[1] are an American and Canadian far-right anti-government militia.[2][3][4][5]

The group advocates gun ownership rights and resistance to the U.S. federal government.[6][7] The group's name derives from the erroneous[8][9] claim that "...the active forces in the field against the King's tyranny never amounted to more than 3% of the colonists..." during the American Revolution.[10]


Vanguard America
Vanguard America Flag.svg

Vanguard America is an American white supremacistneo-National Socialistneo-fascist organization. The organization is also a member of the Nationalist Front.[1][2] The group gained significant attention after it was revealed that James Alex Fields had marched with them at the Unite the Right rally before being arrested on murder charges.[3][4] The group has its roots in the alt-right movement.[5]

Patriot Front is an American white nationalist and neo-fascist hate group.[7] Part of the broader alt-rightmovement, the group split off from the neo-National Socialist organization Vanguard America in the aftermath of the Unite the Right rally in 2017.[1][8][9][10] Patriot Front's aesthetic combines traditional Americana with fascist symbolism. 

Unite the Right rally was a white supremacist[5][6][7][8] rally that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, from August 11 to 12, 2017.[9][10][11] Marchers included members of the alt-right,[12] neo-Confederates,[13] neo-fascists,[14] white nationalists,[15] neo-National Socialists,[16] Klansmen,[17] and far-rightmilitias.[18] 

Proud Boys is an exclusively male North American far-right neo-fascist organization that promotes and engages in political violence in the United States.[1][9][10] It has been called a street gang[11][12] and was designated as a terrorist group in Canada[13][14] and New Zealand.[8] The Proud Boys are known for their opposition to left-wing and progressive groups and their support for former U.S. President Donald Trump.[1][10]

Matthew, perhaps the exclusively male policy of Proud Boys is particularly attractive?

You seem to have left out the part about the FBI informants in the group (Including the leader of the Proud Boys), but that makes sense since all you seem to be able to do is copy and paste other people works.. 

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24 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

You've got it arseways.

Carlson didn't scapegoat Chansley. It was the J6 Committee who scapegoated him - just like the DPD, the WC et al scapegoated Oswald.

The comparison eludes you?  I admit it requires a bit of thought, or perhaps you're not all that familiar with the plot to assassination the president in Dallas that included the perfect patsy. Chansley is the diversion from what was taking place over at the Willard Hotel, from John Eastman, Roger Stone, & Co.

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2 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

You seem to have left out the part about the FBI informants in the group (Including the leader of the Proud Boys), but that makes sense since all you seem to be able to do is copy and paste other people works.. 

Are you referring to Tarrio?

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