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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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11 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I am not supporting the breach of the Capitol. 

I am skeptical of M$M narratives of 1/6, and what triggered the event.

Some people are skeptical of the Secret Service on 11/22. I respect that valid skepticism, although I tend to think the actual JFK conspiracy was small and tight-knit. 

I am also skeptical of the performance of the Capitol Police on 1/6, and the M$M narrative thereafter. Something fishy there. 

People who want to suppress evidence about 11/22 and 1/6 are surely in the  wrong. 

Why does the Donk-Biden Administration aggressively suppress evidence about 11/22, and implement plans to suppress such evidence in perpetuity?  

Is that defensible? Why be angry at me, and not the Biden Administration? 

Benjamin, As I shared recently, I've been astonished by the tone of this particular thread which I assumed was related to the inevitability of what has transpired in the past 56 years because the assassination of Kennedy was never resolved.  In the words of a PA attorney and good friend  of Vince Salandria who actually disagreed with Vince's position that Kennedy was murdered as a result of a sophisticated conspiracy (my words not his), but argued nonetheless,  It's Not Over Until It Is Fully Over.  It is not fully over, and we here (presumably) know it.  Getting to the bottom of cooptation by the alt-right of the term Deep State is a start in my opinion. Kennedy was assassinated at the behest elements within the Military Industrial Complex on an international scale and we should have stuck to that clear and indefensible designation ... not distort the fact with a blanc mange phrase like "deep state".  Everything Carlson, Hannity, Ingraham, et al, as well as Newsma , OANN, Human Events, The Federalists, Daily Wire and Caller, etc., represent moves us that much closer to the disturbing possibility of final and complete success of the slow rolling coup in Dallas.

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14 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Can you cite instances of my anger and ridicule? I wonder if projection is a factor in play?

I can provide you with incidents of same coming from your camp.  

As I said yesterday, provocation escalates, so I'm making a concerted effort to approach this debate with respect for all engaged. You've no idea how acerbic an Irish las can be when relentlessly provoked.  

Hi Leslie.  Just to clarify for others I thinks this post was directed at Ben who I was quoting.  I've agreed with pretty much everything you've posted since my days on JFKFACTS as Ronnie Wayne when we conversed a little there.

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2 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Hi Leslie.  Just to clarify for others I thinks this post was directed at Ben who I was quoting.  I've agreed with pretty much everything you've posted since my days on JFKFACTS as Ronnie Wayne when we conversed a little there.


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7 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Ben - it’s not acceptable. But you persist in conflating 11/22 and 1/6. I’ve been having discussions on my home front with someone whose views vary widely from mine on several issues. It’s come to my attention that these divisions are stoked primarily by MSM. The countrymen and women in America can be divided on issues and still function as friends who respect each other. Not so FOX and MSNBC. Strongly recommend the newish movie Vengeance, for its unique take on how nonsensical this divide is. The portrayal of a NYC podcaster and a West Texas family is sensitively done. I have enormous respect for the zeitgeist of Texans, as well as the New Yorker, being one myself. I have much family in Texas. I can gather with them and have a good time, as can they with me, here or there. It’s the media, representing the political class, that fans the flames of division in their contest for market share. And let’s not forget who owns practically all the Media. The enemy here are the sociopathic rulers who write tax law and own nearly everything. I would redefine the word ‘WOKE’ and ask that we all wake up to this. We are being played. 
I will repeat my request - racists please self identify, or deny. Up to you. 

I share your sentiments regarding intentionally created political divisions.

There are 165 million Americans who work for a living---they should vote as a bloc, and sideline other cultural issues. 

Is it wrong to compare 1 /6 to 11/22?

The same patterns exist--an event, a subsequent official narrative at the ready, an "investigation" that confirms the narrative, the role of the M$M, the suppression of evidence.

Stay skeptical, and I respect your views. 


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3 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Yes, I am skeptical presently of the editing and narratives from all sides on the 1/6, but probably most skeptical of official government narratives (as usual).  

I remain skeptical about what triggered the 1/6 event, and the role of federal provocateurs, and the performance of the Capitol Police. 

Even the videos you have posted, and those of the New Yorker, present the inside of the Capitol as rather tame, despite editing. 

It appears there were a few hooligans, or possibly Proud Boys or Oath Keepers, or possibly provocateurs inside the Capitol on 1/6. All three answers are possible.

It is clear that Mr Buffalo Horns was not violent inside the Capitol, and was treated rather chummily by Capitol Police officers. If things were so violent inside the Capitol...the behavior fo the Capitol Police officers is inexplicable. 

You, and I, do not know know who those very few active individuals inside the Capitol were or are on 1/6. 

I submit we know less about 1/6 than we knew when the Warren Report was published. 

I respect your views. 

With all due respect, Benjamin, do you expect to be taken seriously when you argue, 

Even the videos you have posted, and those of the New Yorker, present the inside of the Capitol as rather tame, despite editing. 

It appears there were a few hooligans, or possibly Proud Boys or Oath Keepers, or possibly provocateurs inside the Capitol on 1/6. All three answers are possible.

If that crowd landed on your doorstep, I suspect you would have guns drawn. (Apologies if you choose not to be armed in your own home.) The audio alone sends alarms.  

And please, would you kindly address the fact this was taking place instead of our elected leaders exercising their duty to ensure the peaceful transfer?  How can you ignore that fact and maintain credibility here?

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2 hours ago, Paul Rigby said:

Outraged at the Shaman's heinous crime of, well, wandering round under police escort, silent on Bidenescu's minor offence of blowing up Nord Streams 1 & 2 and causing an ecological catastrophe. 

Modern Democrats in a nutshell.


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Just now, Leslie Sharp said:

With all due respect, Benjamin, do you expect to be taken seriously when you argue, 

Even the videos you have posted, and those of the New Yorker, present the inside of the Capitol as rather tame, despite editing. 

It appears there were a few hooligans, or possibly Proud Boys or Oath Keepers, or possibly provocateurs inside the Capitol on 1/6. All three answers are possible.

If that crowd landed on your doorstep, I suspect you would have guns drawn. (Apologies if you choose not to be armed in your own home.) The audio alone sends alarms.  

And please, would you kindly address the fact this was taking place instead of our elected leaders exercising their duty to ensure the peaceful transfer?  How can you ignore that fact and maintain credibility here?


Well, we are worlds apart in our views. That is fine. 

I think I have addressed this many times: "And please, would you kindly address the fact this was taking place instead of our elected leaders exercising their duty to ensure the peaceful transfer?"

As I have said, there is a possibility that what we witnessed on 1/6 at the Capitol was a manufactured event. 

Just as what we witnessed on 11/22 was not the act of a lone gunman...despite the WC "investigation." 

So, we have different outlooks. That is fine. I respect your views. 


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2 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I share your sentiments regarding intentionally created political divisions.

There are 165 million Americans who work for a living---they should vote as a bloc, and sideline other cultural issues. 

Is it wrong to compare 1 /6 to 11/22?

The same patterns exist--an event, a subsequent official narrative at the ready, an "investigation" that confirms the narrative, the role of the M$M, the suppression of evidence.

Stay skeptical, and I respect your views. 


My position is that Trump is a Doppelgänger, a Trojan Horse, and under the guidance of dirty trickster Roger Stone (who infiltrated the assassination research community), Stephen Miller, Steve Bannon, Peter Thiel, et al was positioned as the white knight who would save America in a similar fashion as Kennedy attempted. Do you think it's a coincidence that Stone captured K researchers fancy ... he knew how to manipulate the concept of "conspiracy", and manipulate and distort he did. You seem to confuse Dallas with the Jan 6 ... playing into Stone's hands.

I suspect you'll agree that Kennedy would have scorned Donald Trump and his ilk ... he knew "nut country" when he encountered it.  

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11 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Benjamin, As I shared recently, I've been astonished by the tone of this particular thread which I assumed was related to the inevitability of what has transpired in the past 56 years because the assassination of Kennedy was never resolved.  In the words of a PA attorney and good friend  of Vince Salandria who actually disagreed with Vince's position that Kennedy was murdered as a result of a sophisticated conspiracy (my words not his), but argued nonetheless,  It's Not Over Until It Is Fully Over.  It is not fully over, and we here (presumably) know it.  Getting to the bottom of cooptation by the alt-right of the term Deep State is a start in my opinion. Kennedy was assassinated at the behest elements within the Military Industrial Complex on an international scale and we should have stuck to that clear and indefensible designation ... not distort the fact with a blanc mange phrase like "deep state".  Everything Carlson, Hannity, Ingraham, et al, as well as Newsma , OANN, Human Events, The Federalists, Daily Wire and Caller, etc., represent moves us that much closer to the disturbing possibility of final and complete success of the slow rolling coup in Dallas.


I agree with much of what you say, although I rather suspect the Deep State also has its hooks deep into the modern-day Donk Party. 

Explain the Biden Administration implementing plans to deep-six the JFK Records in perpetuity. 

Why be angry at me, and not those who want to suppress evidence? 

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1 minute ago, Leslie Sharp said:

My position is that Trump is a Doppelgänger, a Trojan Horse, and under the guidance of dirty trickster Roger Stone (who infiltrated the assassination research community), Stephen Miller, Steve Bannon, Peter Thiel, et al was positioned as the white knight who would save America in a similar fashion as Kennedy attempted. Do you think it's a coincidence that Stone captured K researchers fancy ... he knew how to manipulate the concept of "conspiracy", and manipulate and distort he did. You seem to confuse Dallas with the Jan 6 ... playing into Stone's hands.

I suspect you'll agree that Kennedy would have scorned Donald Trump and his ilk ... he knew "nut country" when he encountered it.  

Can you name one researcher on the forum that Rodger Stone has captured their fancy, I bet you can't😉

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13 minutes ago, John Cotter said:


Your irrelevant hit-and-run remarks add to the steaming pile of nonsense that Leslie and others have deposited so as to disrupt the debate, presumably because they feel they’re losing it.

However, I can understand why you would want to help Leslie out in this silly manner. Thanks for confirming her illogicality being repeatedly exposed.

As I’ve explained, I’ve put Leslie and William on ignore because they’ve persistently responded to my attempt to debate them with utter nonsense (William of course also habitually larded his gibberish with insulting condescension).

It is indeed relatively blissful not to have to debate people who persistently behave in that disruptive manner, for they are “vexatious to the spirit”.

In the words of Ray Gun (Star Wars) There you go again, reducing another's arguments to gibberish.  I don't ignore anyone's comments, but I skim through a lot of the gibberish.  Especially long diatribes. 

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2 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Well, we are worlds apart in our views. That is fine. 

I think I have addressed this many times: "And please, would you kindly address the fact this was taking place instead of our elected leaders exercising their duty to ensure the peaceful transfer?"

As I have said, there is a possibility that what we witnessed on 1/6 at the Capitol was a manufactured event. 

Just as what we witnessed on 11/22 was not the act of a lone gunman...despite the WC "investigation." 

So, we have different outlooks. That is fine. I respect your views. 


Oh, it was indeed a manufactured event, from HQ at the Willard Hotel. 

You are choosing to ignore the evidence that Eastman, and those surrounding Trump as the election was called, immediately set in motion an operation that would culminate at the Capitol on Jan 6. That, in my view, was an attempt to nail the coffin in our democracy ... the finale of the coup in Dallas. 

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1 minute ago, Leslie Sharp said:

My position is that Trump is a Doppelgänger, a Trojan Horse, and under the guidance of dirty trickster Roger Stone (who infiltrated the assassination research community), Stephen Miller, Steve Bannon, Peter Thiel, et al was positioned as the white knight who would save America in a similar fashion as Kennedy attempted. Do you think it's a coincidence that Stone captured K researchers fancy ... he knew how to manipulate the concept of "conspiracy", and manipulate and distort he did. You seem to confuse Dallas with the Jan 6 ... playing into Stone's hands.

I suspect you'll agree that Kennedy would have scorned Donald Trump and his ilk ... he knew "nut country" when he encountered it.  

I have high regard for JFK, and I suspect he would have loathed Trump...but not sure how JFK would have felt about Trump Administration policies on interventionism, trade, and immigration. 

JFK may have come to believe, as I do, that the globalist positions result on expensive and counter-productive military entanglements, the destruction of the American economy, and lower wages and living standards. 

I happen to support Biden on Ukraine. 

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2 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Can you name one researcher on the forum that Rodger Stone has captured their fancy, I bet you can't😉

Are you Ed Forum-centric, Matthew?  There's a world of assassination research out there, unfolding as we speak. 

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