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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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12 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

That's how you end up with a batch of 138,000 ballots in one bunch, all marked "Biden", which is statistically impossible. (138,000 coin tosses in a row that all end up "heads.")

"If" that's true, then you missed the point Sandy. I have seen time based vote count charts that do appear to show this vertical Biden line accompanied by pictures of Trump increasing 0 and Biden going up 130k. It's believable that mail-in ballots might favor Biden, but it is absolutely laughable that 100% of 130,000 votes for anything would be for 1 person in any possible way.


Having said that, I do not know if that actually occurred the way Robert (and others) have claimed.

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1 hour ago, Ron Ecker said:

Bush should have added, "And believe me, I know something about stealing elections."

Ron, that quote worries me far more than reassures me of anything. The bipartisan/corporate media hatred of Trump could easily breed a Wag the Dog situation regarding any election fraud. It sure has worked convincingly regarding covid-19.

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Trump supporters moving to Canada?

No way!

Stay the F out of Canada!

We don't want you here!

We're Socialists here. Weed is legal everywhere. You can get an abortion anywhere.

We don't want your COVID! We don't want your ideals!

We don't even want you traveling through Canada on your way to Alaska!

Just stay the hell away!


Steve Thomas

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44 minutes ago, Dennis Berube said:

Ron, that quote worries me far more than reassures me of anything. The bipartisan/corporate media hatred of Trump could easily breed a Wag the Dog situation regarding any election fraud. It sure has worked convincingly regarding covid-19.

I know that covid-19 has "worked convincingly" on almost 240,000 Americans.


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44 minutes ago, Dennis Berube said:

Ron, that quote worries me far more than reassures me of anything. The bipartisan/corporate media hatred of Trump could easily breed a Wag the Dog situation regarding any election fraud. It sure has worked convincingly regarding covid-19.

Dennis, there is no election fraud.  GOP voter suppression efforts largely failed.  The mail got delivered.  All the vote counting was observed by Republicans, Democrats and Independents.  Republicans won big on the House vote.

Corporate media hatreds didn't stop them from dropping billions of dollars in free advertising on Trump's 2016 campaign, and allowed Trump and his surrogates to routinely lie about Trump's support for the 2003 Iraq War.

How people rationalize Trump's sadistic, sociopathic drive for total power is beyond me, but so many people do so I just chalk it up to one of life's mysteries and put it behind me.

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2 hours ago, Ron Ecker said:

That was a great clip SNL showed last night, though I had seen it somewhere before. It was a white Bronco on the freeway with a bunch of police cars tailing it. They said it was Trump in the Bronco.


Oh Jay

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1 minute ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Oh Jay

If there's any justice in the world, Trump will end up in the same place O.J. did (eventually). And I think the state of New York is salivating while it waits for Trump to leave office.



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6 minutes ago, Ron Ecker said:

If there's any justice in the world, Trump will end up in the same place O.J. did (eventually). And I think the state of New York is salivating while it waits for Trump to leave office.



The Donald J. Trump Show is headed for its third incarnation -- Trump the Candidate, Trump the President, and soon Trump the Defendent.

I think his fate is house arrest at one of his golf courses with an ankle bracelet.

The Southern District of New York may not be so kind to his kids.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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4 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

I wonder the business boost that Rudy gave the landscaping place, let alone the sex shop next door.


A friend just quoted a commentator to me who said, "Our whole lives are spent between sex and a crematorium."


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1 hour ago, Douglas Caddy said:

I used to feel encouraged when he waxed liberal, but I've never heard so much lickspittle in my life.

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