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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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 You remember that ole Sonny And Cher song?

And The Grift Goes On ... And The Grift Goes On

Greed keeps pounding an urging to the brain

la de da de da...la de da de da 

1 day ago — EXCLUSIVE: Jared Kushner helped create a Trump campaign shell company that secretly paid the president's family members and spent $617 ...


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There's been no shortage of talk this election about Hillary Clinton's ties to Wall Street or the fact her campaign has received $21.4 million from the financial services sector.

So it was surprising when, on Wednesday, Clinton seemed like she'd been caught off guard when asked during a CNN Democratic town hall why she had accepted $675,000 in speaking fees from Goldman Sachs.

Here's the exchange between Clinton and the host, Anderson Cooper:

Cooper: "You were paid $675,000 for three speeches (to Goldman). Was that a mistake? Was that a bad error in judgment?"

Clinton: "Look, I made speeches to lots of groups. I told them what I thought. I answered questions."

Cooper: "But did you have to be paid $675,000?"

Clinton: "Well I don’t know. That’s what they offered ... Every secretary of state I know of has done that."

Cooper: "But that's usually when they're not running for office ... you must have known?"

Clinton: "To be honest I wasn't — I wasn’t committed to running. I didn’t know whether I would run or not."


There are a few problems with Clinton's explanation.

For one, the year in question is 2013. Yes, Clinton had stepped down from her government position as secretary of state. But she said at the time she was already openly considering running for the White House. And even if she hadn't been, it's hard to imagine neither she nor the banks expected her to again be in a position of power.

"Politicians often leverage their political talent and celebrity for personal financial gain, and paid speeches are common after they leave office," said Josh Stewart, deputy communications director for the Sunlight Foundation. "What is unique is a potential presidential candidate choosing to accept top dollar from one of the nation's largest investment banks."

Then there's the question of how much she was paid. In the above exchange, Clinton suggests that she didn't have a role in ensuring that she received a certain amount from Goldman. But as Gawker's Ashley Feinberg points out, Clinton's minimum speaking fee was $200,000.

In some ways, Cooper's question actually undersells the amount of money Clinton received. Including the $675,000 from Goldman, Clinton pulled in $2.3 million from speaking to a handful of firms in 2013, including Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley, Fidelity Investments, and Bank of America, according to the Intercept.

Why do those firms give so much money to potentially powerful figures?

By saying that she doesn't know why Goldman Sachs paid her $675,000, Clinton is exposing herself to one attack line while shielding herself from another.

Her enemies have long alleged that she's coy about revealing her true motivations. Saying she has no idea why she received this money plays into this critique, and contributed to the round of negative headlines that followed her remarks Wednesday night.

This influence is sometimes hard to pin down. It doesn't entail a strict quid pro quo, but rather makes it more likely that Clinton will turn to someone from Goldman for advice when formulating policy related to investment banking, and more likely that Goldman will be able to reach out to her, according to campaign finance experts.

In the long term, Biersack said, that could pay big dividends for the investment bank.






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Donald Trump;s Elite Legal Squad.


Nathaniel Persily @persily 8:40 AM · Dec 19, 2020


“In an effort to enter the Bar Association’s Self-Own Hall of Fame, Lin Wood files Georgia election fraud complaint “under plenty of perjury””


Steve Thomas


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On 12/17/2020 at 3:47 PM, Steve Thomas said:

Nuclear weapons agency breached amid massive cyber onslaught

And Donald Trump has done NOTHING. He needs to be removed today, before he destroys this country.

Steve Thomas

I stand corrected.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump 12/19/20


The Cyber Hack is far greater in the Fake News Media than in actuality. I have been fully briefed and everything is well under control. Russia, Russia, Russia is the priority chant when anything happens because Lamestream is, for mostly financial reasons, petrified of discussing the possibility that it may be China (it may!). There could also have been a hit on our ridiculous voting machines during the election, which is now obvious that I won big, making it an even more corrupted embarrassment for the USA.”


I'm surprised he didn't blame the dead guy from Venezuela.

Steve Thomas


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   At this festive time of year, I would like to share a little holiday ditty that I composed for 2020. 🤥

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Wanker
(sung to the tune of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer)
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Wanker,
had a very sweaty mug,
and if you ever saw him,
you'd know his father was a thug.
All of the other mobsters,
used to call him up for deals.
In the old Cosa Nostra,
nobody ever squeals.
Then one foggy election year,
Donald came to say,
"Rudolph, with your shameless spiels,
won't you help me Stop the Steal?"
Then how the Trump Cult loved him,
as they shouted out with glee,
"Rudolph the Red-Nosed Wanker,
you'll go down in infamy!"
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Trump's Friday Night Oval Office Meeting Devolves Into Screaming Match Chaos! 

Which is what turns on this disturbingly desperate man who is obsessed with trying to create another reality other than the true one of him being one of the all time biggest ( one term only ) LOSERS in the history of U.S. Presidents.


2 days ago — Donald Trump's presidency by the numbers. By Maegan Vazquez, Christopher Hickey, Priya Krishnakumar and Janie Boschma, CNN. Updated ...
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Chilean President Sebastian Pinera was slapped with a $3,500 fine on Friday after posing for a selfie on the beach with a bystander without wearing a mask as required during the coronavirus pandemic, health authorities said.

Chile has strict rules on mask wearing in all public places and violations are punishable with sanctions that include fines and even jail terms.

Pinera apologized then turned himself in shortly after the selfie surfaced on social media in early December.

The president explained he had been walking alone along the beach near his home in the posh Chilean seaside town of Cachagua when a woman recognized him and asked for a photo together.

The selfie shows the president and the woman standing very near to one another on a sunny day, neither wearing masks.


No comment.

Steve Thomas

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A secret hidden in plain sight: President Donald Trump's role as a Russian asset

Ray Hartmann December 20, 2020


"One need not dabble in conspiracy theories to ask a simple question today: What should be done about Donald Trump having served as a Russian asset for the past four years?"

"In the wake of the recently revealed Russian cyberattack on the U.S. -- apparently unprecedented in its danger to national security -- it's time for Congress, the media and the incoming Biden administration to move beyond the question of "if" Trump was helping his overt ally, Russian President Vladimir Putin. The relevant questions are why and how.”

“Now, return to the current news that somehow, some way, Putin's hackers managed to pull off one of the greatest espionage coups in history, at U.S. expense, on Donald Trump's watch. And Trump, it turns out, is the only one in the U.S. unfazed by it all as he focuses instead on staying in office by military coup.

If all those dots cannot be connected, someone needs a new Sharpie.”

Steve Thomas

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We'd always say the Latin Americans  are more "dramatic" than we are. Certainly in the U.S. under the current Trump administration,we would never get such a dramatic public health cry that assumes so much responsibility for actions as this in Panama the other day, as they have just employed quarantine measures in a new covid spike, that has resulted in 30 deaths that day or 1/100 of the recent totals in the U.S. per day but in a country of 1/80th the population.


The number of infections is increasing in Panama. Yesterday there were almost three thousand cases and almost 30 deaths, really worrying figures. There are no more beds available in hospitals and there is clear evidence that we are in the presence of an imminent collapse. Never before have we been so vulnerable to the pandemic and never before have we acted so irresponsibly, as we have completely forgotten that the virus coexists with us and that it is killing many, including young people. What does it take for us to act sensibly and put aside the smart games ? What would make us react so that we respect the life of our neighbor, complying with the basic biosecurity measures recommended by the health authorities? How many more deaths does it take to take the pandemic seriously? It seems incredible that others have to watch over our own existence since it is clear that the spike in infections only points in one direction: our irresponsibility. This December, which should be a month of joy, will be the worst of the year for coronavirus. There will be nothing to celebrate if we continue to behave as we do. It seems that we urgently need to understand the fatal statistics of this pandemic.








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1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:



It seems incredible that others have to watch over our own existence since it is clear that the spike in infections only points in one direction: our irresponsibility. 







You're wrong there, Kirk. The general consensus has been since at least summer 20 that there will be a serious spike in covid cases over the winter months. There are various reasons for this, some connected to why common colds and flu's spike in winter, but, it's one thing the MSM has been correct about. I guess if you throw enough darts, something hits the board eventually. 

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10 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

I didn't write that Chris. Read the whole story.

Everyone was pretty well aware in Spring, of projections of successive  second or third waves coming back in even stronger force during the flu season, similar to 1918.

Oh sorry, Kirk, I apologise if i’ve misunderstood. Is there a source link? I just wasn’t clear who the black bold text belongs to. 

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