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Shocker.  It looks like the Trump/Barr DOJ repeatedly blocked requests for search warrants in the Giuliani case.

Giuliani search warrant resolved Justice Department dispute (apnews.com)

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  • Steve Thomas


War is coming to the Republican Party.

'Trump has never actually been wrong': Supporters of ex-president attempting to purge Republican Party of non-believers

by Tom Boggioni May 02, 2021


“According to a report from the Washington Post, while the GOP leadership is split over pushing Rep. Lynne Cheney (R-WY) out of her leadership role for speaking ill of Donald Trump, grassroots activists are looking at taking over local Republican Party organizations and purging those who refuse to say the 2020 presidential election was stolen.”

“With the report stating, "Nearly six months after Trump lost to Biden, rejection of the 2020 election results — dubbed the 'Big Lie' by many Democrats — has increasingly become an unofficial litmus test for acceptance in the Republican Party," one GOP activist made the case that Trump has never led his party --and the country -- astray.

"I think I speak for many people in that Trump has never actually been wrong, and so we've learned to trust when he says something, that he's not just going to spew something out there that's wrong and not verified," Debra Ell of Michigan explained when talking about the November election that saw Trump lose to former Vice President Joe Biden.

Ell added that she working hard to get rid of Michigan Republican Party executive director Jason Roe for telling Politico he didn't believe the election was stolen.”

“According to Whitney Phillips, an assistant professor of communication and rhetorical studies at Syracuse University, mainstream Republicans should have seen this coming.

"It feels like this has been happening in the Republican Party for a really long time. If you allow an entire contingent of your caucus to be steeped in conspiratorial thinking, what … do you think is going to happen? They're going to turn on you," Phillips explained.”


Yesterday, Mitt Romney was booed and called a traitor and a communist at the Utah State Republican Party Convention.

"According to a report from Politico, pro-Trump attorney Lin Wood -- who had a hand in Georgia Republicans losing two seats in the U.S. Senate -- has jumped into Republican Party politics in South Carolina and local GOP leaders there don't know what to do about him.

Wood, who has latched onto QAnon conspiracies in his attempts to prove Donald Trump had the 2020 presidential election stolen from him, is attempting to be elected as the chair of the South Carolina Republican Party and he is using his army of rabid followers to make his move."


War is coming.

Steve Thomas

Edited by Steve Thomas
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2 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

That is a very apt echo for today.  Oliver Stone's film Talk Radio is partly based on that story.

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2 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

Need to take a ship back from pirates who have overtaken it?


Steve Thomas

Who would have thought that Thunderball would improve to this point.

Shows you what 735 billion a year can do.

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     So, along the lines of Jim Acosta calling Trump a "sad old Elvis" yesterday, here's a blog for anyone in need of a little comic relief.  (I especially liked the Tweet about Trump starring as Willy Loman in a Mar-a-Lago Dinner Theater production of Death of a Salesman.)  😂

One-Man Show Flops at Closing Night of Mar-A-Lago's Dinner Theater Series [COMMENTARY] | HillReporter.com

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3 hours ago, Chuck Schwartz said:

Yesterday, a Judge ordered the Justice Dept. to release  the unredacted Mueller report...https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/518981-judge-orders-doj-to-publish-info-redacted-as-privileged-from-mueller

Hopefully, Congress (and the public) will eventually get to see more of Barr's redactions in the Mueller Report.  As I recall, the case of the Congressional subpoena of the unredacted Mueller Report is still pending at the SCOTUS.

This particular redaction is, apparently, about Barr prohibiting any indictments of Trump for his multiple counts of obstruction of justice of Mueller's investigation.

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13 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:




Do you want to tell him, or should I?

Steve Thomas

        Face Book and Twitter are miles ahead of the U.S. judicial system when it comes to holding Trump accountable for inciting violence and sedition.

       And how ironic that Trump is now whining about private corporations limiting "Free Speech," after his aggressive campaign to have NFL owners muzzle Colin Kaepernick and the Black Lives Matter protesters!

Edited by W. Niederhut
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