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Maggie Haberman


"Trump has been telling a number of people he’s in contact with that he expects he will get reinstated by August (no that isn’t how it works but simply sharing the information)."


I wonder what Trump knows, that we don't know yet.

Is there trouble coming down the pike this summer?

Steve Thomas

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32 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

This is kind of funny.  LHO who?

I know what you mean by "funny", but unfortunately it has been used by the MSM to again proclaim LHO as the "killer of the President" as opposed to "accused" of killing the President.  That alone, unfortunately makes it no longer funny to me and I am sure most of those on this forum.


On 5/30/2021 at 10:41 PM, Richard Price said:

I think it is time for someone in our judicial system to have the courage to charge sedition or treason for actions such as this (link below). 

Lt. Col. Yevgeny "Eugene" Vindman, an Army officer who was fired by the Trump White House, has said Trump's former national adviser Michael Flynn could face a court-martial over his remark that a Myanmar-like military coup "should happen" in the U.S.  Lt. Col. Vindman has shown that courage, patriotism and duty run in the blood line.  The question is, will he (or anyone) be allowed to follow through.

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22 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:



Maggie Haberman


"Trump has been telling a number of people he’s in contact with that he expects he will get reinstated by August (no that isn’t how it works but simply sharing the information)."


I wonder what Trump knows, that we don't know yet.

Is there trouble coming down the pike this summer?

Steve Thomas

The only thing that will protect Donald Trump from being indicted is the power of the Presidency.

He has to believe, or at least get his base to believe, is that he will be re-instated to the office in the near future.

I wonder if indictments are coming that soon. Michael Cohen believes so.

Steve Thomas

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1 hour ago, Steve Thomas said:

I wonder if indictments are coming that soon.

I, for my part, certainly hope so.  All these things related to Trump have been kicked down the road for way too long.  He is only emboldened by every reprieve.  People in positions to do something to bring about punishment for both him and his rabid followers need to see the deeply troubling underlying threat to the republic.  Specifically the punishment needs to be directed at him, he really does not care what happens to anyone else.  He will continue to throw people under the bus and await them to come out the other side to bow and kiss his ring (A**).  Until he is actually found guilty AND punished in a manner that is not a slap on the wrist, this country's government is at EXTREME risk.  The problem is and will be, he is so sleazy, corrupt and underhanded, the ability to CONVICT him may not exist.  In a criminal court you would need 12 unbiased and "unbuyable" and incorruptible jurors and I am sure that it would/will become a circus with all kinds of charges of political bias from Republicans, right wing media, etc.  Just as in the election, he will NOT accept a loss or conviction (and unfortunately neither will his 30% totally enthralled/mesmerized followers).  This I can promise because I live amongst them.

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The 139 Republicans Who Lied, Fueled An Insurrection And Then Voted To Cover It Up

Don’t forget the names of these GOP lawmakers who chose Donald Trump over American democracy. Twice.

By Jennifer Bendery


It’s also no coincidence that of the 147 House and Senate Republicans who voted in January to overturn the election, 139 of them also just voted to stop an independent commission from investigating the insurrection. It’s all connected. They attacked democracy in January and capped it off last week with a second attack on democracy, all in plain sight and with the intention of preserving the lie.

Here are the names of all 139 Republicans in Congress who sided with Trump and his lie instead of protecting American democracy. Twice.:”

(Read article for list)

Steve Thomas

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'Trump was listening to [Gen. Michael] Flynn during that period, along with other crackpots in his circle who enabled his delusional belief that he could somehow overturn the election. Over the holiday weekend [2021], Flynn upped the ante and caused quite a stir when he attended a big QAnon event in Texas and responded to a questioner asking if there's any reason America can't have a military coup like Myanmar by saying, "No reason. I mean, it should happen here."'


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1968: The Beatles go to India for the CIA, thinks KGB:

“I went back to Indian newspapers in 1968,” says Bose, “and discovered that communist and socialist Indian politicians were saying Rishikesh was a CIA camp. The KGB even sent their top man, Yuri Bezmenov, to Rishikesh to find out what was going on.” Bose’s discovery results in one of the finest moments of the film, a clip of Bezmenov talking happily in the late 1980s about “Mia Farrow and other useful idiots from Hollywood” returning to the US to spread a message of “sit down, look at your navel and do nothing”.

“The Maharishi was not on the payroll of the KGB,” says Bezmenov, laughing, “but whether he knows it or not, he contributed greatly to the demoralisation of American society.”


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By Bryan Burrough, Chris Tomlinson and Jason Stanford. Penguin Press. 386 pages $32


From the book review by Andrew B Grayhill in the Weekend Wall Street Journal of June 5-6, 2021:

“At its roots, the Texas revolt was about money, how Texans made it and why the Mexican government objected.” That economic system was based on cotton grown by slaves.


While this assertion will raise the blood pressure of traditionalists who cling to the Heroic Anglo Narrative, the authors’ take on the battle of the Alamo and its Holy Trinity may cause arterial rupture. Bowie, they write, “was a seasoned swindler, always on the make, a man who fled to Texas rather than face the consequences of a series of land frauds he had attempted in Arkansas and Louisiana.” Lt. Col. Travis – who took command of the troops (including volunteers) when Bowie fell ill – was vain, louche and probably syphilitic. And Crockett, “a fleshy forty-nine year old” was “more suited to politics than soldering.” As for the fight itself, the authors insist that – contrary to the popular belief that the defense of the Alamo bought time for Sam Houston to assemble the army that won the day at San Jacinto six weeks later – the delay was but a minor inconvenience to Santa Anna. Thus, they argue, “the Alamo‘s trapped defendants died for pretty much nothing.”

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Forget the dead guy from Venezuela, or the Chinese Communists.

We now bring you the real conspriacy:


Frantic Mark Meadows pushed DOJ to investigate election conspiracy claims during Trump's last days: report

by Tom Boggioni June 05, 2021



“The [New York] Times came into possession of five emails dated during the last weeks of December and early January, where Meadows implored acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen to intercede on the president's behalf as he attempted to cling to power.

According to the Times' Katie Benner, Meadow's emails asked the DOJ "... to examine debunked claims of election fraud in New Mexico and an array of baseless conspiracies that held that Mr. Trump had been the actual victor. That included a fantastical theory that people in Italy had used military technology and satellites to remotely tamper with voting machines in the United States and switch votes for Mr. Trump to votes for Joseph R. Biden Jr."

The report notes that Rosen rebuffed Meadows' entreaties while noting, that Rosen, "... had refused to broker a meeting between the F.B.I. and a man who had posted videos online promoting the Italy conspiracy theory, known as Italygate."”


Steve Thomas

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2 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:


By Bryan Burrough, Chris Tomlinson and Jason Stanford. Penguin Press. 386 pages $32


From the book review by Andrew B Grayhill in the Weekend Wall Street Journal of June 5-6, 2021:

“At its roots, the Texas revolt was about money, how Texans made it and why the Mexican government objected.” That economic system was based on cotton grown by slaves.


While this assertion will raise the blood pressure of traditionalists who cling to the Heroic Anglo Narrative, the authors’ take on the battle of the Alamo and its Holy Trinity may cause arterial rupture. Bowie, they write, “was a seasoned swindler, always on the make, a man who fled to Texas rather than face the consequences of a series of land frauds he had attempted in Arkansas and Louisiana.” Lt. Col. Travis – who took command of the troops (including volunteers) when Bowie fell ill – was vain, louche and probably syphilitic. And Crockett, “a fleshy forty-nine year old” was “more suited to politics than soldering.” As for the fight itself, the authors insist that – contrary to the popular belief that the defense of the Alamo bought time for Sam Houston to assemble the army that won the day at San Jacinto six weeks later – the delay was but a minor inconvenience to Santa Anna. Thus, they argue, “the Alamo‘s trapped defendants died for pretty much nothing.”

This looks like an interesting read.

After the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, Spain ruled that any U.S. slaves crossing the Sabine River into Tejas would be free men, and many African American slaves subsequently fled to Tejas.

Then, after Tejas became a province of Mexico in the 1820s, the Mexican government formally abolished slavery in 1829.

So, slave ownership became an important issue in the conflict between Anglo-American settlers in Tejas and the Mexican government.

It's not a narrative that supports the prevailing hero mythology about Davy Crockett and the Alamo.



Edited by W. Niederhut
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