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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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Coachella and Stagecoach Scrap All Covid Precautions--Rolling Stone

“There is no guarantee, express or implied, that those attending the festival will not be exposed to Covid-19,” Coachella’s guidelines read



Christopher Polk/Getty Images

"Coachella and Stagecoach attendees won’t need to show proof of vaccination or negative Covid test results and won’t be required to wear masks when they descend upon the Southern California desert for the massive music festivals this April."


Huge music festivals in Southern California. 


Did anyone sees masks at the Super Bowl? 

"Every fan who attended Sunday's Super Bowl at SoFi Stadium was given a KN95 mask as face coverings are still mandated by the county at large outdoor events, but it looks like many fans didn't quite follow the rule.

The vast majority of people appeared to have ditched their masks during the game."


Does the war on C19, like Vietnamistan, end with recriminations and whimpers? 


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Rudy Giuliani Reveals Location Of Secret 'Evidence' Stash And... Um... Wow.

By Ed Mazza 02/16/2022



"Rudy Giuliani, the former New York mayor and attorney for Donald Trump, declared on Tuesday night that he has a stash of secret evidence against former secretary of state Hillary Clinton.

And it’s in his bedroom.

In an interview on the right-wing Newsmax network, Giuliani said he possessed about 1,000 pieces of evidence that no one has seen yet.

“I happen to have it in my bedroom, or my den, actually,” he declared. “I’ve had it there for years.””


Please raise your hand if you would like to be the one to volunteer to search Rudy Giuliani's bedroom for evidence that he has had stashed there for years.


(Does this have anything to with the Lecherous paws of Beezebub? I forget.)

Steve Thomas


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Would anyone like to dive into the Ukraine situation?

my take is that the worst thing Putin could do is mount a Ukraine invasion. I’m having a kind of deja vu reaction to the news. Are we about to see a staged crisis?

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An “imminent Russian invasion” was part of the news cycle last spring as well. The current prediction first hit the headlines on October 30, so that’s about 110 consecutive days of “imminence” and counting  In other words it already is a staged crisis and has been for months - at least in the western press and most hysterically in the same Anglo NATO countries (USA, UK, Canada) who facilitated the 2014 coup in Ukraine which started all the trouble in the first place.

A longstanding axiom describes NATO’S purpose as keeping the Germans “in” and the Russians “out”. Much of the hype over the “imminent Russian invasion” is a contemporary expression of that axiom, and the actual target of all this is the German-Russian pipeline project known as Nordstream 2.

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Whew!  Jeff How are you? You've certainly been in the news cycle for the last couple of weeks up there in the Great White North!  I thought I saw you on TV at  the Windsor Bridge! Were you the dude with the Maga hat and the Confederate flag? We're on pins and needles. Tell me your thoughts about that Fascist Trudeau!.

heh heh                  a joke

Yes, So Putin isn't surrounding Ukraine with troops? That's all just western poppycock to be used as a pretext to dismantle a pipeline and provide an" in" for U.S. and Canadians suppliers? Since you know, do you think it could degenerate into a full scale U.S. Nato invasion of Ukraine?




“Justin Trudeau’s lack of leadership to end these protests is exactly why these protests are so necessary!”

A frustrated Canadian

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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3 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

I'd hate to think anyone was misinformed about the horrible people trying to overthrow our government, so if you're actually interested in the ugly truth, here you go:


From Jenny Cohn, These are the lead paragraphs: 

"Roger Stone is a corrupt political advisor who specializes in propping up dictators, lie-ers, and cheats, including former President Donald Trump. Stone is not always taken seriously. As political commentator David Frum once remarked, Roger Stone’s best trick was always his upper-class-twit wardrobe. He seemed such a farcical character, such a Klaxon-alarm-from-a-mile-away goofball — who could take him seriously?”

But Stone and his associates — often young, male “protégés” — have for years worked to make American politics a cesspool of corruption, lies, harassment, and fear.

Beginning in 2016, Stone took his “game” to dangerous new heights by joining forces with InfoWars host Alex Jones (who was already infamous for pummeling his millions of followers with unfounded conspiracy theories) and the Proud Boys, a violent extremist group that Canada has since designated a terrorist organization. This alliance combined with weaponized social media (also at the hands of Stone and his associates) to mark the beginning of the end of America as I knew it."


Man, and I thought the Super Bowl halftime show was lurid.

I had no idea! Roger Stone is out to wreck America! 

"But Stone and his associates — often young, male “protégés” — have for years worked to make American politics a cesspool of corruption, lies, harassment, and fear."---Jenny Cohn.

So...what is Jenny Cohn suggesting about Stone's associates? Quotation marks indicate...homosexual relationships? 

And before Stone, American politics was not a cesspool? 





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The same Jenny Cohn, circa 2018.

She makes compelling case US election results cannot be trusted.  The first few paragraphs----

"Dear Media, It is irresponsible to continue pretending we have a system that allows us to know whether or not our “official” election results are legitimate.

1. The terrible truth is that neither you, nor I, nor any other voter knows what happened inside the electronic voting machines, election management systems, and tabulators used to count our votes.

2. All voting machines can be hacked through the internet, even if the voting machine itself isn’t connected to it.

3. This is because “all voting machines must accept electronic input files” via a “cartridge or memory card … prepared on an Election Management (EMS) computer” that is itself likely connected to the internet from time to time."


The article goes on a great length makes a compelling case our voting system is wide-open to manipulation.  Remember----this was written in 2018, by a Northern California liberal with all sorts of credentials and good intentions.  

Now, if you write this, you would probably get banned from Google, Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, etc and dismissed as a conspiracy crank. 

The DHS might come knocking at your door. 

Funny, how the world turns like sands through the hourglass, or something like that. 



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- Tucker Carlson -

February 16, 2022


“For a well-adjusted normal person, unwanted election outcomes are part of life. Voters don’t always do what you want them to do. It is frustrating, but that’s how it works,” Carlson said Wednesday.

“In fact, when voters reject you, you get a chance to assess your own behavior. Chances are there is a reason that people didn’t want you in power and you now have time to think about what that reason might be.

“That is a healthy process. So when you lose, it is hardly proof that the system is broken. In fact, it’s usually evidence that things are working exactly as intended.”

Steve Thomas

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Roger Stone.

Political Dirty Trickster/ Dandy Extraordinaire.

Imagine being in the "Who's Who" annals with that one main epitaph.

Wrote a JFK assassination book "The Man Who Killed Kennedy" based mostly on generic takes from already published authors and an end of life confession ( I was a bench warmer/LBJ/Cord Meyer claim ) by E. Howard Hunt.

And a second book "Stone's Rules" "How To Win At Politics." A "how to" book on sabotaging political opponents through any means possible no matter how unethical, immoral and illegal.

Sports the largest Nixon facial rendition tattoo in history, covering his entire upper back which he proudly displays at every occasion if given the slightest opening to do so.

Loves wearing "Dandy" type apparel such as Bowler hats, hugely oversized round shaped glasses, loud and flamboyant color and design suits with pocket scarfs, Italian leather boot type shoes, etc.

Known also for his unusual shaped head with seems quite pointed with an extremely flattened back.

Friend/advisor/confidant of Donald Trump. Pardoned by Trump immediately after being charged with crimes.


A dandy is a man who places particular importance upon physical appearance, pursued with the appearance of nonchalance, in his cult of the Self. A dandy could be a self-made man who strove to imitate an aristocratic lifestyle despite coming from a middle-class background, especially in late 18th- and early 19th-century Britain.



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