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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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3 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

I have been wondering about this. Putin, who always looked vigorous and healthy up until a few years ago, today looks unhealthy. 

I wish ill towards no man, but perhaps Putin will pass from the scene. Putin probably gets excellent medical attention.

I have noticed that in the US, people who get top-flight medical care seem to last forever, despite maladies.

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9 hours ago, Ty Carpenter said:

Perhaps the system needs to collapse. It's not working. It doesn't work for you and it doesn't work for me. 


To save the Republic, what is it that you suggest, Matt? Witch hunts, show trials, highly produced primetime hearings by a "committee" that excludes representation from half the country? Go ahead, lock 'em up, hang 'em all. It's not going to change a damn thing, except giving you a hard on. Additionally, as is often the case with the left, their plan will backfire on them and will serve to further galvanize those who they seek to persecute.


If you have any tangible ideas to save the Republic, I am all ears, but this isn't it.

Ty C.-

I agree with your assessment about a "highly produced primetime hearings by a 'committee' that excludes representation from half the country?"

The J6 committee hired a professional TV producer to put together the clever montages and other  audio-visuals for the six-part TV special.

I do not care if you are a Donk or 'Phant, the J6 committee has become a TV show, not a serious investigation.

There will be no images of police brutality on J6 committee TV show, nor the senseless, lethal shooting of an unarmed protestor perched on a windowsill. Or Trump advising the crowd the "peaceably" demonstrate, as he did. Those images are elided. 

No investigation into why Capital Police security was scant on Jan. 6, and then stood down. Why was the Capitol Police commander of the civil disturbance unit  "at home making meatloaf" at the time of 1/6 scrum, as reported in the WaPo?

And finally: Surely no one thinks a flash mob of lulus in Capitol building for a few hours would result in a successful takeover of the entire federal government? This was a threat to the Republic? 

Add on: In these pages, a legitimate inquiry is why security was so lax on 11/22/63. Why was security so lax on 1/6/2021? That is not a legitimate inquiry? 

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16 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Ty C.-

I agree with your assessment about a "highly produced primetime hearings by a 'committee' that excludes representation from half the country?"

The J6 committee hired a professional TV producer to put together the clever montages and other  audio-visuals for the six-part TV special.

I do not care if you are a Donk or 'Phant, the J6 committee has become a TV show, not a serious investigation.

There will be no images of police brutality on J6 committee TV show, nor the senseless, lethal shooting of an unarmed protestor perched on a windowsill. Or Trump advising the crowd the "peaceably" demonstrate, as he did. Those images are elided. 

No investigation into why Capital Police security was scant on Jan. 6, and then stood down. Why was the Capitol Police commander of the civil disturbance unit  "at home making meatloaf" at the time of 1/6 scrum, as reported in the WaPo?

And finally: Surely no one thinks a flash mob of lulus in Capitol building for a few hours would result in a successful takeover of the entire federal government? This was a threat to the Republic? 

Add on: In these pages, a legitimate inquiry is why security was so lax on 11/22/63. Why was security so lax on 1/6/2021? That is not a legitimate inquiry? 

Agreed. If it was truly a coordinated "attack", it would have been successful. As you said, a bunch of yahoos were able to enter the Capitol rather easily. And what was their crime once they entered, sitting at Nance's desk and wearing a buffalo head? If I were planning a takeover and capture of certain officials, it would have looked a lot different.

Another thing that makes me wonder, why am I not seeing any guns? Surely a coordinated attack with a government takeover as it's goal would include firearms. They did show what they purport to be firearms at a hotel in Virginia where they claim some sort of mercenary strike crew was staying in the case they were needed. All they showed were dudes carrying a few long things under coats and or blankets. Probably just a couple larpers.

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2 minutes ago, Ty Carpenter said:

Agreed. If it was truly a coordinated "attack", it would have been successful. As you said, a bunch of yahoos were able to enter the Capitol rather easily. And what was their crime once they entered, sitting at Nance's desk and wearing a buffalo head? If I were planning a takeover and capture of certain officials, it would have looked a lot different.

Another thing that makes me wonder, why am I not seeing any guns? Surely a coordinated attack with a government takeover as it's goal would include firearms. They did show what they purport to be firearms at a hotel in Virginia where they claim some sort of mercenary strike crew was staying in the case they were needed. All they showed were dudes carrying a few long things under coats and or blankets. Probably just a couple larpers.

We have the hardcore lot here who think its the day America almost lost its democracy. Still none can tell me in any coherent way how this disenfranchised rabble was going to take over the Pentagon, CIA, FBI, Military, NSA etc. Some of which are organisations you may argue that were staunchly against Trump. Zero logic, just media whipping up a storm. 



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1 hour ago, Ty Carpenter said:

Agreed. If it was truly a coordinated "attack", it would have been successful. As you said, a bunch of yahoos were able to enter the Capitol rather easily. And what was their crime once they entered, sitting at Nance's desk and wearing a buffalo head? If I were planning a takeover and capture of certain officials, it would have looked a lot different.

Another thing that makes me wonder, why am I not seeing any guns? Surely a coordinated attack with a government takeover as it's goal would include firearms. They did show what they purport to be firearms at a hotel in Virginia where they claim some sort of mercenary strike crew was staying in the case they were needed. All they showed were dudes carrying a few long things under coats and or blankets. Probably just a couple larpers.

There was exactly one armed protestor captured on the Capitol grounds, a Christopher Alberts, arrested at the scene on 1/6.

"A black (semi-automatic) Taurus G2C 9mm (Serial#AAL085515) was recovered from D-1’s (Albert's) right hip. Additionally, a separate magazine was located on D-1’s left hip. Both the gun and the spare magazine were in held in two separate holsters. The handgun had one round in the chamber with a twelve round capacity magazine filled with twelve rounds; the spare magazine also had a twelve round capacity and was filled with twelve rounds. MPD Officers also seized a gas-mask from the defendant’s person as well as the defendant’s backpack containing a pocketknife, one packaged military meal-ready to eat (MRE), and one first-aid medical kit."

Alberts was also wearing body armor. This guy Alberts strikes me as a bona fide dangerous fellow. 

Alberts was released on his own recognizance on 1/7/2021, the next day, and has been indicted, but has not faced trial even yet.


Mr Buffalo Horns, a homeless gadfly from Phoenix, who appears mentally challenged, and who turned himself into the Phoenix FBI, was immediately clapped into irons and has been in prison since, and will be for the next few years. 

Every aspect of the 1/6 event reeks of show trials and PR stunts, partisan posturing, and headline-seeking. 

And a mysteriously uneven judicial treatment of participants. 

None of this makes Trump a nice guy, or admirable. IMHO, I wish Trump off the political scene. 

But dudes...the establishment-M$M is in high-gear. 



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2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

You are aware "those people" share the same opinion of the Biden Administration? 


Ben- your statement is sorta like someone pointing at QAnon and then saying to you and I "You are aware "those people" share the same opinion of the JFK assassination? "

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1 hour ago, Chris Barnard said:

We have the hardcore lot here who think its the day America almost lost its democracy. Still none can tell me in any coherent way how this disenfranchised rabble was going to take over the Pentagon, CIA, FBI, Military, NSA etc. Some of which are organisations you may argue that were staunchly against Trump. Zero logic, just media whipping up a storm. 



"The hardcore lot?"  As opposed to what--the clueless, false-equivalence Trumplican ostriches who are still in denial about Trump's historic, unprecedented crimes against the United States?  


1)   Trump conspired to remain in office as POTUS by obstructing the January 6th Congressional certification of Biden's election, despite knowing full well that his Big Lie about alleged election fraudulence was a lie.  (Did you listen to Bill Barr's testimony during last night's hearing?)

2)  As part of that coordinated effort, he invited and incited an angry mob to invade the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, violently attacking and injuring the police, and he even supported calls to lynch the U.S. Vice President.  Some of Trump's January 6th Proud Boys and Oath Keepers have already pled guilty to seditious conspiracy.

3)  Trump watched the violent attack on television for three hours, and did nothing to intervene-- despite multiple requests from concerned staffers, family members, and members of Congress.

If you really believe that Trump's concerted efforts to overturn the 2020 U.S. election are "just the media whipping up a storm," you need to find some reality-based news sources.

You should also study some basic American history, to understand Trump's unprecedented crimes in historical context.  As Presidential historian Michael Beschloss put it last year, "Trump did one of the worst things a President could do."

BTW, where are you getting your "news" and opinions about January 6th?  

I'm curious about such disinformation sources.



Edited by W. Niederhut
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53 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Ben- your statement is sorta like someone pointing at QAnon and then saying to you and I "You are aware "those people" share the same opinion of the JFK assassination? "

My point is that Americans are being divided from each other on a variety of social issues, and meme stories. 

You think you are smart and understand Deep State-Right Wing propaganda.

Trumpers think they are smart, and understand Deep State-Donk propaganda. 

You hate each other due to abortion, gun rights, trans-rights, ID politics, legalized pot etc. 

You cannot see how much in common you have with almost anybody not in the top 5% or 1%. 

What is the difference between neo-liberal or neo-con policies. I dunno.


There was an old joke: You know the difference between a liberal and conservative? 

"The liberal drives a Saab, and the conservative drives a Buick."



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It was a failed coup attempt.  Not an insurrection, riot or "tourists".  It failed because the military and justice department in particular did not go along with it, along with Pence among others at the capitol.

It's taken us now near 59 years to get here.  From a successful coup in 1963.  The author of this thread has written about this in detail.  He ends with hope of a possible awakening in the msm and independent news sources in conjunction with those responsible being held accountable.

Political Truth: The Media and the Assassination of President Kennedy: Joseph McBride: 9781939795618: Books - Amazon

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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

You hate each other due to abortion, gun rights, trans-rights, ID politics, legalized pot etc. 


I can't speak for those on the right, but I don't think many of us on the left hate those on the right.

What we do hate are the lying bastards on right-wing "news" shows who, through their lies, get people to unwittingly vote against their own interests. And who turn their audience against left-wing politician with fake charges.

BTW, there is no left-right equivalence to these phenomena. At least not on the MSM.


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This is the ultimate end result of the "lst 56 years",

Study Shows Widening Gap in Death Rates Between Democratic, Republican U.S. States


Published in the British Medical Journal, the study shows that the difference in death rates between Democratic and Republican counties increased by a factor of more than six times from 2001 to 2019.

This was especially true among white Americans, and was driven by deaths caused by cancer, chronic lung disease, heart disease, suicide, drug overdoses and unintentional injuries."

"The researchers, led by Dr. Haider J. Wairrach of Harvard University, concluded: "Overall, our finding that Democratic counties have experienced steeper declines in mortality than Republican counties over the past two decades builds upon previous evidence suggesting that more liberal policies, laws, and regulations may be associated with better health outcomes.""

Steve Thomas

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O’Sullivan points out that Watergate was investigated by a bipartisan Senate committee, which held hearings on live television, and that many books and films have been produced about the presidential cover-up. Yet, we still know little about the Watergate burglary itself, why it was so bungled, and what its real objective was.

He raises the question of whether the burglary was sabotaged, and discusses the multiple motives of those who planned and executed it, and the Rashomon-like aspects of the deed that have never been resolved.

One thing O’Sullivan stresses is the difference between the personalities and governing styles of Richard Nixon and Donald Trump. He reminds us how much of what Nixon did was hidden behind his dissembling façade, whereas Trump famously spoke the “quiet parts out loud.”

Who What Why podcast 10 May 2022 link, synopsis, transcript.

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3 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


I can't speak for those on the right, but I don't think many of us on the left hate those on the right.

What we do hate are the lying bastards on right-wing "news" shows who, through their lies, get people to unwittingly vote against their own interests. And who turn their audience against left-wing politician with fake charges.

BTW, there is no left-right equivalence to these phenomena. At least not on the MSM.


"What we do hate are the lying bastards on right-wing "news" shows who, through their lies, get people to unwittingly vote against their own interests. And who turn their audience against left-wing politician with fake charges."---SL

And a Trumper says--

"What we do hate are the lying bastards on left-wing "news" shows who, through their lies, get people to unwittingly vote against their own interests. And who turn their audience against right-wing politicians, with fake charges."

Or some variation of the theme....

The red-blue kool-aid pissing contests.


BTW, do you ever look at The Hill, or Breaking Points shows? 

Also I do not regard Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi or Aaron Mate as aligned with either party or side.

No one news outlook, or set of books, or political aisle is perfect. But I advocate that one reads widely. 



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