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23 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

The fact that the Trumps were grifters does not exonerate the Bidens. 


uh wut? What are you even talking about, Ben? Neither Joe or Hunter Biden or any other Biden has been charged with anything, or is even under investigation.

No one here is interested in the unAmerican, nonsensical fever dream fantasies of deranged right-wingers lpl

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Now, this story. Which builds on the Georgia story.

It looks like Garland is going to go after the false electors slates also.

Which, in my view, was a really wild scheme in the first place.  But clearly, this all was built around Pence.  Did the rioters know this and was that the reason for the gallows?



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28 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

uh wut? What are you even talking about, Ben? Neither Joe or Hunter Biden or any other Biden has been charged with anything, or is even under investigation.

No one here is interested in the unAmerican, nonsensical fever dream fantasies of deranged right-wingers lpl


     From what I can tell (e.g., Google searches) the GOP Hunter Biden smear campaign/deflection is a major propaganda enterprise in the MAGA-verse right now, and it's revving up  because of the shocking J6 Committee revelations about Trump's coup attempt-- his false Elector scam, mob attack on Congress, Secret Service scandal, etc.

    There's nothing remotely equivalent to Trump's J6 crimes in American history.  But the Trumplicons aren't even watching these historic J6 hearings.  They're watching the Hunter Biden crack cocaine sex news.

    And what's missing from the Trumplicon Hunter Biden smear campaign-- besides political context-- is any real understanding of (or empathy for) Hunter's traumatic history, which is why I (vainly) raised the issue with our local Hunter Biden detractors, Ben and Rob Wheeler, today. 

      People who are tuned into the Hunter Biden smear campaign by Trump, Jeanine Pirro, and others in the right wing media will probably never hear much about the fact that Hunter Biden was only 2 years old when his mother and sister were killed in the car accident.

     He was hospitalized with a skull fracture and traumatic brain injury in that accident. 

     The loss of a mother at age 2 can be developmentally catastrophic, depending on mitigating factors.  Hunter and his brother were raised by their paternal aunt.  Not sure how significant the TBI was, but the young man eventually managed to graduate from Yale Law School, one of the best in the country.

     Sadly, Hunter got involved with drugs as a teenager, progressing to crack cocaine addiction.  I've evaluated a lot of crack addicts over the years, and I've seen how it tends to destroy lives.    Animals will self-adminster cocaine until they seize and die.  Hunter survived, mainly as a result of a family intervention.

     So, how do Trump and the Trumpagandists educate the public about such personal, family tragedies?

     Naturally, they use them as political fodder to denigrate the guy whose wife and daughter were killed, leaving him to raise two little boys as a single parent.   It's compassionate conservatism at its finest!  😬

     Honestly, under the circumstances, the fact that Hunter Biden was able to graduate from college and Yale Law School, then found venture capital companies, while serving on various corporate boards -- including the World Food Bank-- is a minor miracle.

     The man has some serious, longstanding problems, but he has also been quite a survivor.



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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

uh wut? What are you even talking about, Ben? Neither Joe or Hunter Biden or any other Biden has been charged with anything, or is even under investigation.

No one here is interested in the unAmerican, nonsensical fever dream fantasies of deranged right-wingers lpl


Hunter Biden is in fact "under investigation." 

He is entitled to be considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and I regard Hunter Biden as innocent. 



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"Biden FIST-BUMPS Saudi crown prince MBS after taking historic flight between Tel Aviv and Jeddah: Crown prince smiles and smirks when asked if he'll apologize to murdered journalist's Jamal Khashoggi's family"

When a US President publicly fist-bumps with MBS, who US intel agencies say ordered the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, a journalist working for a US newspaper...what signal does that send? 

This despite that the US is self-reliant on oil now, unlike 20-40 years ago. 

(Khashoggi was the unfortunate newsman hacked to little pieces inside the Saudi consulate in Turkey, evidently on orders from MBS.) 

I can imagine Trump doing this...but what is Biden thinking? 

What does this reveal about Biden's character, and US policies? 



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15 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

When a US President publicly fist-bumps with MBS, who US intel agencies say ordered the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, a journalist working for a US newspaper...what signal does that send? 


That he refuses to shake his hand. Works for me.

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9 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

That he refuses to shake his hand. Works for me.

Yes, and I don't recall hearing any moral indignation from the MAGA-verse when Trump and Kushner openly supported Bin Salman after Khashoggi's murder, while suppressing the U.S. intelligence reports that Biden later de-classified.

I'm guessing that Biden's belated trek to Riyadh is mainly about the global oil market disruptions caused by Putin's invasion of Ukraine and the subsequent sanctions.

Here's one for Ben.

Jared Kushner’s Saudi Ass-Kissing and Murder-Excusing Is About to Pay Off | Vanity Fair

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11 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

That he refuses to shake his hand. Works for me.

"The fist bump between President Biden and Mohammad bin Salman was worse than a handshake — it was shameful," Washington Post publisher Fred Ryan said in a statement. "It projected a level of intimacy and comfort that delivers to MBS unwarranted redemption he has been desperately seeking."


Khashoggi worked for the WaPo as a columnist. 

Thus MBS murdered an American journalist...and gets a redemptive fist-bump from a US president. 

This is sad. It has the look of a US president, a representative of Americans, abjectly endorsing moral sewage. 

There is, however, a bracing honesty about the Biden gesture.  It sums up US foreign policy.


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12 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

"The fist bump between President Biden and Mohammad bin Salman was worse than a handshake

Not even close.

But I understand why this WaPO guy is pissed, I really do.

However as long as we're dependent on oil, then we're going to have to stay cordial with some awful people.

Hey, at least MBS didn't invade a sovereign country, massacre civilians, and try to destroy our democracy...

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If those emails can be recovered, they are potentially very important to proving intent and planning.

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Does anyone really believe the SS deletion of Jan. 5th and Jan. 6th e-mails by a malfunction of some tech procedure was just some coincidence?

Just those two days?


Like Nixon's secretary Rose Mary Woods stretching her neck and arm which supposedly caused her to step down onto the tape erasure pedal erasing 18 full minutes of crucial White House tapes?

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2 hours ago, Matt Allison said:


I'll bet this doesn't go over well on the right. A Fox News non starter.  Makes me think of JFK's American University Peace Speech for some reason..

Edited by Ron Bulman
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