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11 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


You have a wealth of (innocent, as a lawyer) personal experience with skullduggery. 

But wouldn't a cell phone transmission, from whatever physical location be interceptable?

Wouldn't US intel services (Secret Service protection, after all, is always on duty) be aware of Trump's location 24/7 and have ready measures to intercept transmissions? 

Who knows other than Trump and Putin?  Can NSA listen in on the President's secure cell phone? Did his Russian handler give him a cell phone that is 100% secure? Maybe the DNI has a complete handle on this. I hope so.

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3 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

A couple of other points:

China has artificially devalued its currency to keep itself competitive in undercutting other labour sources including American. 

The throw away culture introduced by this ethos (importing Chinese) has been catastrophic for the environment. ie we were better off with quality that lasted. 

All of this is down to American oligarchs in the pre-JFK era seeing opportunity in the emerging Chinese market and cheap labour that could be capitalised on, and selling out their own culture and people. These people have no loyalty, they only care about money and power. 

Your story is not unique, its sad tale throughout the west. 


There are few Americans less loyal to their fellow Americans than the top 5% oligarchy who created and implemented this average American hurting scam of shipping millions of their good American benefited jobs oversees to slave wage countries, and getting their products made there as well for peanuts and then reselling them back to their job loss Americans for obscene 500% profit higher prices. 

And don't say Americans don't have to buy these super profit Chinese products.

What is the alternative? Thrift stores? Dollar stores? Goodwill and Salvation army stores?

There are no retail competitors to Wal-Mart, Target, Home Depot, Marshalls, Costco ( which isn't so affordable anymore ) etc.

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Hat tip this morning to the JFK Library, Twitter trolling Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott.

"To embarrass Northern liberals and humiliate Black people, southern White Citizens Councils started their so-called "Reverse Freedom Rides," giving Black people one-way tickets to northern cities with false promises of jobs, housing, and better lives."



Edited by Andrew Prutsok
I had the wrong first name for Texas' nitwit governor.
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1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:


There are few Americans less loyal to their fellow Americans than the top 5% oligarchy who created and implemented this average American hurting scam of shipping millions of their good American benefited jobs oversees to slave wage countries, and getting their products made there as well for peanuts and then reselling them back to their job loss Americans for obscene 500% profit higher prices. 

And don't say Americans don't have to buy these super profit Chinese products.

What is the alternative? Thrift stores? Dollar stores? Goodwill and Salvation army stores?

There are no retail competitors to Wal-Mart, Target, Home Depot, Marshalls, Costco ( which isn't so affordable anymore ) etc.

In your first post, Joe. I'm not sure where we disagreed. I think you've pointed to a number of good examples of what I'm talking about.

Here I think you've asked the critical questions.  What is the alternative? Since I try to be a solution oriented person which granted doesn't work very well sometimes in a conspiracy forum. My answer to that, is that you have to reignite the American industrial base and produce American goods for Americans and protect those industries, because the prices will be higher because we're going to pay our workers a wage they can live on.

Some economists who aren't necessarily globalists may say that the specifics you noted about apparel and the garment industry might not  be such an industry because the margins are so low. But I once bought a Chinese made hydraulic jack in Costco, that I didn't need for a year only to find that when I first used it, it was a lemon and I couldn't take it back! Those are items that could easily be produced at a much higher quality here.

Joe:What is the alternative? Thrift stores? Dollar stores? Goodwill and Salvation army stores?

Actually I do go to thrift stores, mostly for clothes, because I don't need any of the latest styles, and there's maybe 3 occasions a year to dress up at all, and I pretty much got those covered already. But it's true, I'm not a typical consumer. And because I don't see any point in paying  more money for everyday items,  occasionally I go to dollar stores too, Though there are certainly problems with that for local retailers, and you are still buying dirt cheap foreign goods, but you aren't contributing as much to the problem because they are such small ticket items.

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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58 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

There are no retail competitors to Wal-Mart, Target, Home Depot, Marshalls, Costco ( which isn't so affordable anymore ) etc.

This was the model in the UK also, big supermarkets eliminating the rest of the high street (the greengrocer, butcher, confectioner, news agents, etc etc) and once they did so with their superstores, they opened up smaller convenience outlets. The end result of having eliminated competition through undercutting them is that they can now charge what they like. We live in a world of cartels and monopolies. Blackrock and Vanguard sat at the top of the pyramid. 

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29 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

In your first post, Joe. I'm not sure where we disagreed. I think you've pointed to a number of good examples of what I'm talking about.

Here I think you've asked the critical questions.  What is the alternative? Since I try to be a solution oriented person which granted doesn't work very well sometimes in a conspiracy forum. My answer to that, is that you have to reignite the American industrial base and produce American goods for Americans and protect those industries, because the prices will be higher because we're going to pay our workers a wage they can live on.

Some economists who aren't necessarily globalists may say that the specifics you noted about apparel and the garment industry might not  be such an industry because the margins are so low. But I once bought a hydraulic jack in Costco, that I didn't need for a year only to find that when I first used it, it was a lemon and I couldn't take it back! Those are items that could easily be produced at a much higher quality here.

Joe:What is the alternative? Thrift stores? Dollar stores? Goodwill and Salvation army stores?

Actually I do go to thrift stores, mostly for clothes, because I don't need any of the latest styles, and there's maybe 3 occasions a year to dress up at all, and I pretty much got those covered already. I occasionally go to dollar stores too, Though there are certainly problems with that for local retailers, and you are still buying dirt cheap foreign goods, but you aren't contributing as much to the problem because they are such small ticket items.

Exactly again.

I do the same things you do regards retail shopping Kirk.

I can't afford Macy's anymore.

Clothes especially.

Wal-Mart and Target clothes are okay to a point.

I can still find my white briefs at Target for a decent price.

Same with Costco.

Once a year I'll pick up a shirt or two there as well as a pair of pants.

I get my shoes at Big Five. I can find a pair for $35 to $40 even though I know they are made from old tires shipped to foreign slave wage countries.

I'll tell you something else.

Clothes at Goodwill and other thrift stores have shot up 300% in the last few years as well!

Shirts that were $3 years ago are now $10 or higher. Pants same thing.


Tariff the heck out of incoming foreign goods from slave wage countries to the point American companies can compete. And subsidize the growth of American based manufacturing companies who pay their employees livable wages.

And write letters to the sharks on Shark Tank telling them to quit promoting on national TV their constant advice to contestants to have their products made in 3rd world slave wage countries.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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28 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

This was the model in the UK also, big supermarkets eliminating the rest of the high street (the greengrocer, butcher, confectioner, news agents, etc etc) and once they did so with their superstores, they opened up smaller convenience outlets. The end result of having eliminated competition through undercutting them is that they can now charge what they like. We live in a world of cartels and monopolies. Blackrock and Vanguard sat at the top of the pyramid. 


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On Thursday, he former president (Trump) said an indictment wouldn’t stop him from running for the White House again and repeatedly said Americans “would not stand” for his prosecution.

The DOJ needs to arrest, incarcerate and prosecute without fear or favor.

If they do not, this country is becoming a banana republic thanks to all "Trump's Banana Republicans" who can't wait to harass, intimidate and persecute in the name of their demigod.

Talk about nittering nabobs of negativism, their fearless leader can't even read if it is more than 280 characters long and even then, cannot comprehend what was written unless it is glowing words of fealty.

Sorry, off the soapbox, just one of those days, had to get it off my conscious.  I feel better now.

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2 hours ago, Richard Price said:

repeatedly said Americans “would not stand” for his prosecution.


I would expect this kind of nonsense from a guy that sniffs his own farts and claims they smell like roses.

He's going to be indicted and we'll happily send his rioters to prison.

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5 hours ago, Richard Price said:

On Thursday, he former president (Trump) repeatedly said Americans “would not stand” for his prosecution.

Trump speaks like a Mafia Godfather. Not too veiled threats without actually saying I'm gonna hurt you.

His public proclamation above is a gas lighting green light message to Trump's most violent base.

Trump is actually "encouraging" his base to violence with that comment.

I believe it is a call to arms like his January 6th, 2021 speech.

"You've got to fight like hell...or you won't have a country."

The man is promoting sedition...again.

Mafia Godfathers threaten their enemies with coded threats like Trump's one to his base.

"You know...my friends ain't gonna like it if youse mess with me."



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10 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Who knows other than Trump and Putin?  Can NSA listen in on the President's secure cell phone? Did his Russian handler give him a cell phone that is 100% secure? Maybe the DNI has a complete handle on this. I hope so.

My understanding is the Israelis had suitcase-sized interceptors around DC that could intercept all transmissions within a certain range. 

I doubt Trump could talk directly to Putin without being intercepted.  

I wonder why Putin invaded Ukraine on Biden's watch, and not Trump's? 


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