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7 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


     It's another weird night in the MAGA-verse, even featuring a Ron DeSantis Top Gun commercial posted by Mathew Koch... 🤪

Take meds schizo, I posted no such thing.. 

Edited by Matthew Koch
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8 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

I'm not sure how many abortions Herschel Walker has been party too, All the while campaigning that abortion is a crime against any exceptions of rape and the mother's health.

But this is truly funny but sad. Tom Coton and Rick  Scott go to Georgia to help Herschel Walker's faltering campaign. Obviously Walker being totally tone deaf to his recent hypocrisy launches into a story about a stud bull looking for greener pastures to impregnate. As he starts the story , watch the reactions of the 2 Senators and their fear of where there that story will go.

What's sad about this is the lengths the GOP will go to win in the election. They'll literally say any lie and endorse anybody!

Whew! But top it off with a little American Exceptionalism, Everything be cool!


He should take a DNA test, it's gotta be more than Elizebeth Warren's results 


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2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

It sure looks like elements within the US foreign-military policy establishment  maneuvered events to create a stalemate in Ukraine.  Biden is a long, long, long-time Deep State apparatchik, but he may not be running policy regarding Ukraine (his family did manage to extract $1 million from Ukrainian contacts, but maybe that is a side story). 

All that said, Putin has engaged in a horrible, volitional war. Putin may have been baited in, but he is responsible for the choices he made. 

IMO, This is errant thinking.  The "U.S. foreign military policy establishment" of 60 years ago is almost an anachronism  and has morphed into the U.S. corporate state, which is loosely part of a world corporate state.
Things have been going well for the corporate state over the last 40 years  and the corporate state has no desperacy at all to bait Putin into a War in Ukraine. You keep harping on this Ben. In fact they didn't want  him to do it. Their goal is to continue to perpetuate their status quo and continuity. Similarly, they had no real desperacy to replace Putin. To them economically, he's just a small dictator  on a soap box who badmouths them, but is of little consequence except for his oil reserves, in which they share mutual business interests, which were going fine.
Now with the Ukraine resistance, and the Russian military failures, they are faced with the  potential windfall of Putin being replaced, which for them is a giddy prospect, but is approached cautiously because just as there was no guarantee  where this war would lead (and still isn't) and still there's no real guarantee where that will lead.
The corporate state is not a conspiracy per se. They just think alike.
Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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47 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
IMO, This is errant thinking.  The "U.S. foreign military policy establishment" of 60 years ago is almost an anachronism  and has morphed into the U.S. corporate state, which is loosely part of a world corporate state.
Things have been going well for the corporate state over the last 40 years  and the corporate state has no desperacy at all to bait Putin into a War in Ukraine. You keep harping on this Ben. In fact they didn't want  him to do it. Their goal is to continue to perpetuate their status quo and continuity. Similarly, they had no real desperacy to replace Putin. He's just a small dictator  on a soap box who badmouths them, but is of little consequence except for his oil reserves, in which they share mutual business interests, which were going fine.
Now with the Ukraine resistance, and the Russian military failures, they are faced with the  potential windfall of Putin being replaced, which for them is a giddy prospect, but is approached cautiously because just as there was no guarantee  where this war would lead (and still isn't) and still there's no real guarantee where that will lead.
The corporate state is not a conspiracy per se. They just think alike.


To be sure, these are huge topics, and many books have and will be written about the topic of Ukraine, and the actors involved. 

As this is a comments section, I often speak in shorthand. I hope you grant me some leeway in that regard. 

Of course, there are nuances. There are occasional schisms between the official national security state, and the globalist-multinationals. 

For example: Mainland China. The globalists want to make nicey-nice with the CCP, but the national security state is apprehensive, and besides a new enemy means more funding. 

The globalists want the national security state as a global guard service, and 90% of the time, they get it. There are exceptions. 

I disagree with you in some regards. Even back in Smedley Butler's time, the military could be co-opted into bully boys for multinationals. 

Today the multinationals are huge---Apple, GM, Tesla, BlackRock, WalMart, Disney, NBC-Universal, the NBA and more---and extremely involved in setting the public's agenda and news space. They control the agenda and framing of news in DC much more than before. Normally they get the US military as their international security service. Smedley Butler all over again. 

We may agree---that initially the globalists were fine with letting Putin take Ukraine. Not enough business there to warrant much of an effort, and they could business with the kleptocrat capitalist Putin. 

The Deep State-national security state may have had a different agenda in Ukraine, and that was to lure Putin into Russia, to ensnare him into a quagmire.  Also, more funding on the way for the Deep State. 

The US signals sent to Putin---that of withdrawal of US personnel and the famous ride offer to Zelensky---obviously helped entice Putin into Ukraine.

Was Biden on board? Clueless? Mindlessly fist-bumping MbS? (I only mention the fist-bump as it might have been a senior moment, ie, mild temporary dementia. But Biden seems foggy much of the time).

Interesting topic.  

I repeat: This is a volitional war by Putin, even if baited. 



Edited by Benjamin Cole
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46 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

The "U.S. foreign military policy establishment" of 60 years ago is almost an anachronism  and has morphed into the U.S. corporate state, which is loosely part of a world corporate state.


In fact as I was re-reading the transcript from the PBS Frontline Oswald special, and seeing Helms act like an indignant ass, I thought about how there's no freaking way he could have gotten away with that now. The IC is held to a way higher bar than the corporate world is these days. Like, way higher.

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2 hours ago, Matt Allison said:


In fact as I was re-reading the transcript from the PBS Frontline Oswald special, and seeing Helms act like an indignant ass, I thought about how there's no freaking way he could have gotten away with that now. The IC is held to a way higher bar than the corporate world is these days. Like, way higher.


IMHO...no, the Deep State is stronger than ever. The budgets are far, far bigger, and the technology much greater. 

Tracking anyone, retroactively, through their smartphone? Amazing. 

Ponder the M$M. The media today, including what used to be "liberal" news sources, is entirely populated with former or present-day intel state talking heads. CNN and MSNBC seems to be the worst.

As reported by Dick Russell, such outfits as Rolling Stone, Daily Beast, Insider are CIA fronts. 

The WaPo's story today, on the flaccidness of Biden, Obama Administrations and Western governments in the face of Russian hostilities, reads entirely like a Deep State plant, carefully calculated to appeal the WaPo audience. 

As in days of yore, anyone who even wants to look behind the curtain today on Ukraine is accused of being a Moscow stooge. 

Biden himself has been a Deep State apparatchik for eons. Somehow it was Biden, and not Sanders, who won the Donk nomination. I am sure that was entirely clean. And four years before, HRC. That was clean too, no? 

Add on:

BTW, your commenter-in-arms, WN, contends that 9/11 was a Deep State inside job. That event led to an explosion in Deep State funding and powers. If what WN contends is true, the Deep State has power squared. 

Whether or not WN's version is correct, the the already huge Deep State was powerfully expanded after 9/11, and has been growing ever since. 



Edited by Benjamin Cole
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Ben- we'll have to disagree there.

One of the wonderful things about the internet and the open society we have in the U.S. is that we no longer need to cast aspersions on amorphous, faceless entities; we have the ability, and the responsibility, to make pointed accusations against people by name, and thus be forced to prove our claims or be ridiculed.

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10 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Tulsi Gabbard:

"I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue & stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms, are hostile to people of faith & spirituality, demonize the police & protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.

I believe in a government that is of, by, and for the people.

Unfortunately, today’s Democratic Party does not.

Instead, it stands for a government of, by, and for the powerful elite.

I’m calling on my fellow common sense independent-minded Democrats to join me in leaving the Democratic Party."

It’s funny isn’t it, when a member of the public suggests this; eyes are rolled, they are called a heretic or conspiracy theorist for calling out the obvious. Its good to hear a quitting member of the democratic party speak their mind. The idea amongst the deluded fantasists that she is a Russian asset is about as ridiculous as any piece of propaganda I have ever heard. However, I am certain the corporate MSM will supply a deluge of fantastic lies attacking Gabbard. Reputation destruction is now the constant treatment by the media when it comes to dissenters of a system that is badly failing the people. 

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Trump And E. Jean Carroll.

All Trump has to do to make Carroll's rape/defamation case go away is to submit a DNA sample to a third party chosen lab.

If it doesn't match what Carroll claims is on her black dress ... she and her reputation will be ruined.

It's a win-win situation for Trump if he is telling the truth that the sexual battery incident never happened.

And the damage to Carroll's reputation if the DNA didn't match would be the kind of heavy pay-back revenge Trump loves.

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Have you read E. Jean Carrol's Bio? Wow!

Dorothy Kilgallen reincarnated!

Amazing achievements. 

A whirlwind of creative energy and forceful will.

I was stunned by the multiple skill set breath of her accomplishments.

I kept thinking of Dorothy Kilgallen while reading about Carroll.

In many ways Carroll had a wider scope of achievement than even Kilgallen!

Carroll was even Miss Cheerleader USA! 

E. Jean Carroll - Wikipedia

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The president's job is to protect the country. Ukraine was not trying to actively harm Americans; Saudi Arabia is trying to harm Americans, interfere in our elections, etc. Do you guys see the difference?

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