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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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Donald Trump Jr posts 'Paul Pelosi Halloween costume' image mocking hammer attack on House Speaker's husband

Betting On Donald Trump Jr.'s 2024 Presidential Election Odds


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1 hour ago, Matthew Koch said:


The above is an excellent example of how polarized the American public has become, and this is the intentional result of the M$M, and CIA manipulation of certain front media, such as Daily Beast, Rolling Stone, Insider and others. 

When globalists destroy the middle class, polarization is one result...and they must keep the middle polarized, or else the middle  might figure out the larger picture....

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37 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Political expert tells media to stop 'getting played' by Republican polling averages 'flooding the zone' (msn.com)


Democrats, and other good, decent humans, are not outnumbered in the U.S. Not even close.

Because of participation rate, they are simply getting outvoted.

But as Trump himself admitted in 2020, Republicans can't win in a high turnout environment.


Edited by Matt Allison
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51 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

The above is an excellent example of how polarized the American public has become, and this is the intentional result of the M$M, and CIA manipulation of certain front media, such as Daily Beast, Rolling Stone, Insider and others. 

When globalists destroy the middle class, polarization is one result...and they must keep the middle polarized, or else the middle  might figure out the larger picture....

That was covered tonight in another excellent episode of Tucker Carlson & there is also a brief interview with the Berkley neighbors. 


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Meanwhile in Ukraine.. 
More of the grid is down, the water pumps aren't working and people don't have water.
Russia seems to be putting out feelers for negotiations. 
Gonzlo gives an inflation session. 


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2 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Meanwhile in Ukraine.. 
More of the grid is down, the water pumps aren't working and people don't have water.
Russia seems to be putting out feelers for negotiations. 
Gonzlo gives an inflation session. 


Putin is looking worse day by day. 

One way to ensure the Ukrainians never quit is to bomb them. 


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To give you some background about Musk's purchase of twitter. Musk did at the peak of the market agree to buy twitter at 54.20 a share. He claimed to do research as the share price was tumbling  and made a claim that twitter was 25% bots. I remember Ben going with Musk's figure here at the time. But twitter said it was 5-6%, and likely Musk was trying to bargain the price down in a tumbling market. Not to say Twitter's estimate would be completely accurate.

Anyway, Musk tried to get out and Twitter said no way and took him to court and made Musk pay the $54.20 per share he agreed to pay, on a stock that was valued to be around $17 a share. So Musk ended up paying triple what it's fundamentals said the share price should be.

Great deal, huh? 

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Only a Third of Republicans Think Voting Is a Fundamental Right: Poll

"New polling released Thursday by Pew Research Center showed stark divides among Democratic and Republican voters on their views regarding voting rights—appearing to align with the political battle playing out in the Capitol and across the country.

Only 32 percent of Republican and Republican leaning voters said that they viewed voting as a fundamental right for every citizen that should not be restricted. Meanwhile, 67 percent of GOP supporters said voting is a privilege with responsibilities that can be limited."

That's an interesting question. Do you think voting is a right or a privilege?

Steve Thomas

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nald Trump speaks at a rally on October 22, 2022, in Robstown, Texas.

Brandon Bell/Getty Images

CNN — 

Donald Trump asked the Supreme Court on Monday to stop the turning over of his tax returns to a House committee, the latest in a series of attempts by the former President to keep that information from going public.

Trump’s latest gambit came days after a federal appeals court declined to hold up the release of his tax returns to the Democratic-controlled House Ways and Means Committee.

“No Congress has ever wielded its legislative powers to demand a President’s tax returns,” Trump said in his emergency request to the Supreme Court.

Trump broke with recent tradition for presidents and presidential candidates by refusing to release his past tax records, insisting that he was under audit and therefore could not release the returns. He can release them even while he’s under audit. He has also repeatedly insisted that tax returns provide little financial information. (This is also not true.)

Trump’s repeated attempts to keep his tax returns private – over years – begs the simple question: Why? And there are several potential reasons that jump to mind:

1) Trump may not be as rich as he says he is. Not long after Trump launched his presidential campaign in 2015, he said he was worth upwards of $10 billion. Forbes estimated his net worth was less than half that that year. Trump appears to use outlandishly elevated claims of his wealth as proof positive he is smarter (and better) than most people. It’s uniquely possible that a release of his tax returns would take the air out of a balloon that Trump has been blowing up for much of his adult life.

2) He may not pay (or hasn’t paid) his fair share of taxes, despite his claims that he pays “a lot.” We know, thanks to reporting from The New York Times, that Trump paid zero federal taxes in 11 of the 18 years of returns that the publication was able to obtain. And even in 2017, his first year as president, Trump paid just $750 in federal taxes – a paltry sum for someone as wealthy as he is. The Times estimated that “Trump has paid about $400 million less in combined federal income taxes than a very wealthy person who paid the average for that group each year.”

3) The $73 million refund. We learned from the Times’ reporting that Trump applied for a $72.9 million tax refund in 2010. (He claimed large losses that were widely attributed at the time to the decline of his Atlantic City casinos.) The Internal Revenue Service started its audit of the refund in 2011, which was still ongoing as of 2020. It’s uniquely possible that Trump simply doesn’t want to have the refund issue brought back up, for fear he might be on the hook for the amount.

4) Trump may have loans with foreign countries or individuals. We know, via congressional testimony from former Trump confidante Michael Cohen, that the former president was deeply involved in the potential construction of Trump Tower Moscow. And that Cohen lied about that involvement (and how long it stretched) to protect Trump. Donald Trump Jr. reportedly said at a 2008 real estate conference: “In terms of high-end product influx into the US, Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. Say, in Dubai, and certainly with our project in SoHo, and anywhere in New York. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

5) He might not donate much (or anything) to charity. Trump long used his charitable organization to feather his own nest and collect political chits rather than for any philanthropic purposes. (Trump shut down the charity in 2018.) It’s not at all clear how generous (if at all) Trump has been to other charities over the past few decades. While there is no requirement for wealthy individuals to make large charitable donations, many do. And so, it would be a decidedly bad look for Trump if it looked like his repeated claims of largesse donated to charity wound up being false.

Whatever the reason – or reasons – it’s been clear for the last seven years that Trump is absolutely dead set on keeping his returns private. Which makes me wonder what he is hiding – still.

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