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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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The Wall Street Journal first reported Tuesday that the SEC was investigating Kodak stock purchases by company board members and stock options granted to them before the deal was announced July 28. Company shares jumped more than 2,000% in the days after the deal was reported, according to Bloomberg.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) called for an SEC investigation into potential insider trading concerning options the day before the deal was announced. In her letter to SEC Chair Jay Clayton, she also asked the commission to examine purchases in June of “substantial amounts of company stock” by Kodak CEO James Continenza and another board member “at a time when Kodak and the Trump administration were negotiating the deal in secret.

"The development bank loan was the first of its kind under the Defense Production Act in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Defense. When President Donald Trump announced the massive loan, he called the arrangement “one of the most important deals in the history of U.S. pharmaceutical industries.” But after news broke of an SEC review of Kodak stock trading, Trump said of the deal at a news conference: “I wasn’t involved in it.”"

Eastman Kodak: Donal Trump's ITT.

Steve Thomas

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1 hour ago, David Andrews said:

I don't care how you vote, Trump is going to "win" this election one way or another.


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I'll tell you what's important.


WGRZ reports that the dress code for Springfield’s (Illinois) learn-from-home plan includes a ban on pajamas.

"News radio station WMAY described the pajama policy as an extension of the district's preexisting rules which prevented students from wearing PJ pants to in-person classes. The radio station said students also won't be allowed to do remote learning from the comforts of their beds."

Let's get our priorities straight here.

Steve Thomas

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6 hours ago, David Andrews said:

The MSM sucks.  This AP article while encouraging in addressing the issue at all, written 11 hours ago, mentions nothing at all about the Friday Night Massacre or it being a five alarm fire happening Right Now.


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From the article: From the article: In stark contrast to the interests of the US/France/Saudi axis, Plan A for Lebanon would be to progressively drop out of the US-France stranglehold and head straight into Belt and Road as well as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Go East, the Eurasian way. The port and even a great deal of the devastated city, in the medium term, can be quickly and professionally rebuilt by Chinese investment. The Chinese are specialists in port constr...uction and management.

This avowedly optimistic scenario would imply a purge of the hyper-wealthy, corrupt weapons/drugs/real estate scoundrels of Lebanon’s plutocracy – which in any case scurry away to their tony Paris apartments at the first sign of trouble.

Couple that with Hezbollah’s very successful social welfare system – which I saw for myself at work last year – having a shot at winning the confidence of the impoverished middle classes and thus becoming the core of the reconstruction.

It will be a Sisyphean struggle. But compare this situation with the Empire of Chaos – which needs chaos everywhere, especially across Eurasia, to cover for the coming, Mad Max chaos inside the US.

General Wesley Clark’s notorious 7 countries in 5 years once again come to mind – and Lebanon remains one of those 7 countries. The Lebanese lira may have collapsed; most Lebanese may be completely broke; and now Beirut is semi-devastated. That may be the straw breaking the camel’s back – releasing the camel to the freedom of finally retracing its steps back to Asia along the New Silk Roads.

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The narrative that the Beirut explosion was an exclusive consequence of negligence and corruption by the current Lebanese government is now set in stone, at least in the Atlanticist sphere.
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21 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

What I don't like about the Opperman Report is that, without a guest to query, Opperman seems to think his colds and flu, his money troubles, his daughter's college fund, his parents' family saga, etc., are all interesting to his audience.  Then there's ten minutes of news, scandal and opinion.  That's why his bids for wider distribution of the show fail.

Edited by David Andrews
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3 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Trump's Postmaster General has slowed down delivery of the mail so much that I have decided to mail out my Christmas cards now in the hope that they arrive by December 25.

Christmas cards may well be history.  If the postal workers left don't prioritize votes being processed.  Those that may should be considered hero's.

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- Donald Trump -

 “The Great Pandemic was a terrible thing where they lost anywhere from 50 to 100 million people. Probably ended The 2nd World War, all the soldiers were sick. That was a terrible situation.”

I wonder if he thinks Hitler is still alive and living in a bunker somewhere.

Steve Thomas

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Constraints gone, GOP ramps up effort to monitor voting




The Pennsylvania lawsuit seeks to overturn state law that says poll watchers may serve only in the counties where they live. Republicans are asking a judge to allow monitors to be present any place votes are cast, including any locations where absentee or mail ballots are returned.

Even before the coronavirus reconfigured the election, both parties were bracing for a titanic battle over voting in courts and at the polls.

Intensifying the conflict was a judge’s 2018 decision to lift a consent decree, in place for nearly 40 years, that required the RNC to have court approval for organized poll monitoring activities, such as interrogating prospective voters about their qualifications before they cast ballots or deputizing civilians as law enforcement officials.


Steve Thomas

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