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19 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Show us what you got.

Or is that it?

I just know what I've read.

Hunter Biden's a man on the make, and apparently an indulged and protected child.

Military and covert ops fantasies that he couldn't previously live up to as well.  Monied Israeli wife.



This morning, that all sounds a bit Manchurian Candidate, doesn't it?

"Hunter Biden is the warmest, kindest, bravest soul I've ever known."

Edited by David Andrews
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36 minutes ago, Kathy Beckett said:

Biden/Harris is a Democrat dream ticket, too..


Anyone care to enlighten what the October Surprise is?  For my money, it can't be any worse that ANYTHING trump has done.

The Fascists are counting on a report from John Durham damning Hunter Biden.


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20 minutes ago, Kathy Beckett said:

But Hunter's not running. 

It gives Trump’s band of Merry Fascists something to howl about.



Edited by Cliff Varnell
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13 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Even though you are batting about 0.017 with your predictions, and your Alien story turned out to be a reputation sink, you are probably right.

We can call the next lame Deep State attempt, Russia-Gate 3, or Ukraine-Gate 2. 

Like the original Russia-Gate and Ukraine-Gate school play, there does not have to be any evidence or substance to the "charges", just something to allow the paper of record and the Cable News channels to tweet out some hyperbolic headlines for a few days.

The NY AG better be quick though, the loss of the grip on the MSM might come fast and sudden.

Sumner Redstone died today. He was 97. Probably Coronavirus. 

I posted this relevant information in the Watergate topic on Sunday. The topic has approximately 6000 views.

     This topic was initiated here on July 28, 2019, and is just over a year old. It has never been mentioned in any media report during that period despite its citing Nixon's prediction in 1972 that the year 2020 would be cataclysmic not only for America but for the whole planet. Nixon knew this because he had been made privy to the Alien Presence's timeline for revealing itself and offering us a New World if we will take it.

     I am not complaining that efforts here have done unnoticed by the media because this topic's role is only that of being the messenger, not a player, and does not possess any special insider's information as to the disclosure plan of the Alien Presence.

     That said, I shall recite an interesting incident that occurred around last December. I live four blocks from the Chinese Consulate in Houston that the U.S. Government ordered closed in a month ago because it was a center for spying. Four blocks away from the consulate in another direction is a McDonalds on Westheimer Road. I arrived at 6 a.m. as usual to join a group of friends for breakfast. A Chinese man and woman entered the McDonalds at the same time I did. They ordered their meal and sat not far away. Then the man and woman came to our table and asked if they could take a group photo, telling us the woman was a tourist and wanted the picture. We agreed as a matter of courtesy. The woman then came over to where I was seated at the table and put her hand on my shoulder while the man took the photo with his cell phone. A member of our group then asked the man how he planned to use the  photo. He replied that it had already been sent to Beijing. So what I read into the incident is that Chinese Intelligence follows this topic and wanted a photo of me as its author. Howard Hunt, a CIA agent, prior to Watergate once told me that the role of intelligence agencies is to gather information. So that is what the Chinese couple were doing, ordinary work for spies.

                                      WATERGATE, TRUMP’S SPACE FORCE AND 2020


Who in 1972 when Watergate broke could have foreseen that the scandal eventually would lead back to President Trump’s uncle John G.Trump, an eminent scientist at MIT in the 1940’s who was delegated by the government among other classified tasks with reading Tesla’s secret files after his death and investigating the UFO phenomenon and then into the next century to Donald Trump inside the White House in a titanic struggle for control of the universe? Only one person foresaw this: President Richard Nixon who 47 years ago predicted that next year, 2020, would be cataclysmic not only for America but for the whole planet and who 32 years ago predicted that Trump one day would be president.

Edited by Douglas Caddy
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When asked by Fox Business’s Maria Bartiromo about extra funding for the Post Office during a Thursday morning interview, Trump explicitly tied his refusal to give the USPS what it needed with his desire to block mail-in voting.

“Now they need that money in order to make the Post Office work so it can take all of these millions and millions of ballots,” Trump said. “But if they don’t get those two items that means you can’t have universal mail-in voting.”

Post Offices are enshrined in the Constitution. He swore an oath to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States".

It's time for another impeachment.

Steve Thomas

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1 hour ago, Steve Thomas said:

When asked by Fox Business’s Maria Bartiromo about extra funding for the Post Office during a Thursday morning interview, Trump explicitly tied his refusal to give the USPS what it needed with his desire to block mail-in voting.

“Now they need that money in order to make the Post Office work so it can take all of these millions and millions of ballots,” Trump said. “But if they don’t get those two items that means you can’t have universal mail-in voting.”

Post Offices are enshrined in the Constitution. He swore an oath to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States".

It's time for another impeachment.

Steve Thomas

Post Office equipment being removed, allowing mail to pile up:


I guess this is what you'd call "draining the swamp."

Edited by David Andrews
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11 minutes ago, Kathy Beckett said:

Jared didn't keep trump from getting elected.

The Trumpers just want something to howl about.  Anything will do.  The playbook is to gin up bad optics and then scream and yell incessantly.  If they can get Durham to cast aspersions on Hunter Biden they can crank up the Fox News outrage machine and try to dominate the news cycle, get people talking about it.

Hillary e-mails, the classic example.

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1 hour ago, David Andrews said:

Post Office equipment being removed, allowing mail to pile up:


I guess this is what you'd call "draining the swamp."

Sorry but I have to ask. Is "News Break" a legitimate website or just another fake news mill? (IOW have you been taken in? I have more than once by these "news" websites.) The article is well-written, but removing mail sorting equipment in the name of efficiency just sounds too absurd even for this absurd administration.



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31 minutes ago, Ron Ecker said:

Sorry but I have to ask. Is "News Break" a legitimate website or just another fake news mill? (IOW have you been taken in? I have more than once by these "news" websites.) The article is well-written, but removing mail sorting equipment in the name of efficiency just sounds too absurd even for this absurd administration.


Here.  It's on Salon.com and elsewhere.


I agree: it seems like some Czarist tactic, from the decline of Nicholas II.

Also in the news:


Edited by David Andrews
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4 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

When asked by Fox Business’s Maria Bartiromo about extra funding for the Post Office during a Thursday morning interview, Trump explicitly tied his refusal to give the USPS what it needed with his desire to block mail-in voting.

“Now they need that money in order to make the Post Office work so it can take all of these millions and millions of ballots,” Trump said. “But if they don’t get those two items that means you can’t have universal mail-in voting.”

Post Offices are enshrined in the Constitution. He swore an oath to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States".

It's time for another impeachment.

Steve Thomas

Steve, I've mentioned before what I see is a failure on the part of our main stream media regards informing our entire nation about the Trump abuses of power ( almost always for his own personal political gain ) in anyway honestly reflective of the true gravity of their illegality and effects.

For the upteenth time, Trump is seriously abusing the constitution, and our main stream media is letting him get away with doing so, by their lack ( I believe purposeful ) of appropriate coverage and editorial comment.

Here Trump is ADMITTING he is holding up financial aid to Covid-19 job loss victims for political reasons. To stop anything he perceives to be of benefit to the Democrats more than he and his own party.

If our largest viewership media venues don't make this blatantly admitted Trump political gain agenda Covid-19 victim hostage situation story OUTRAGED/FRONT PAGE internet and newspaper and even even radio and TV news as the dangerous misuse of power that it is...then 80% of our society is kept in a mind numbing ignorance of this presidential power abuse story and it's true importance.

And which has been the case with dozens of other Trump power abuse actions during his anger, tension and anxiety inciting and filled reign.

If Americans are not boldly told by our media the full honest gravity of Trump's actions, like this Covid-19 victim hostage one for pure political gain reasons, in a continuous FRONT PAGE OUTRAGE and importance way, most of them are left with nothing to bolster this reality in their own minds and conscience.

If it isn't on the FRONT PAGE...it ain't that important.

Most of our main stream media has kept Trump's continual and unprecedented abuse of power reality downplayed IMO.

This latest abusive Trump political gain agenda move to keep Covid-19 aid from getting to millions of Americans who need this like two weeks ago, and are going to go through the entire month of August before they see any help ( setting them even farther behind in every basic need area ) , should be front page outrage news.

I believe the bulk of our corporate owned news media organizations have been protecting Trump, as he represents their owner's interests above any others.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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45 minutes ago, David Andrews said:

Okay, thanks. Just another day in Trump's America.



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